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September 06, 2024, 04:18:03 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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I played a trick on Farrah as this house heats up too fast and the screen door only open to the balcony sends her back under the bed. First, I quietly shut the bedroom door, then opened the glass balcony door, and just left the screen door.

I then peeled Farrah out from under the blanket covering the couch, unhinging all of her claws carefully and carried to the screen door where Robins, sparrows and wrens were singing up a storm. I carefully patted the screen showing her that there was still a barrier to any outside monsters and rubbed her back while she noticed and watched for the birds.

After setting her down, she sat right next to the screen door and listened and watched. All was fine until I left the room. Whether the kitchen or the bathroom, she decided she would go as well and stay to keep my company!

She's fine as long as I stay in the room.


It is SO much fun watching that cat get comfortable in her new home, Patricia.  And so nice of her to want to share it with you!


MaryPage, first may I say that I love your new avatar! I don't want to be trite and say it's lovely to see you, but it really is!

Second, I admit to becoming a tad tired of the under the bed routine, especially as it's only a bolt hole now. She sleeps on the couch or lying among my dirty clothes in the basket. And after this morning with so few hours of sleep, well, I refuse to feel guilty!

What won her over, I believe, besides simply time, was the massages. I learned several years ago how to massage a cat or dog, very similar to a human massage, firm steady, long strokes, except you really have to pay attention to the flash points such as around the head or belly sometimes. Most cats love their neck rubbed and also just behind their whiskers and Farrah is no exception.
Besides that, I'm bigger, slower and creakier so she probably believes I'll be a bigger and better target for the monsters.  :thumbup:


Where is everyone?  I am all alone in here.   WAAAAAAAA


I'm here Joan! I'll save you!  :thumbup:

Actually, I just came on the computer and heard that the site has been down again.


Nothing new about that.  ;)  Thanks for joining me.  Coffee is cold now but I can warm it up.


Thanks, Joan!

MaryPage, coffee? And that is so cool about a guy from Haiti!


Hi everyone.  All is well here and just awoke from a nice nap. We had about two inches of rain since last night but it seems to be clearing off. It was a nice steady rain. I attended church this morning but Pat elected to stay in out of the rain and she obviously wasn't the only one as many empty seats.  Until tomorrow.,

Mary Ann

Joan, the site was down early this morning.  Since you're three hours behind me, I don't know if you tried during that time frame or not.

Dot and I did church and OTB this morning.  For the summer 0 degresswe will have only one service in church so we saw many people we don't ordinarily see.

It's hot here, about 80 degrees now and I have the a/c running.

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

MaryPage, what a nice article and video about the young man from Haiti.  He speaks English remarkably well; the article mentioned an accent but I thought it was very slight.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann, not really.  When I first get up I pour my juice and then check in on the computer.  Was up early this a.m. but by the time I tried to get in, it was evidently back up. 

Johann Mc

Not sure when I last posted here, but by the time I get to the computer after supper at night, sometimes I'm just too tired to socialize. But wanted to let you know that the tropical storm has really not affected us here very much and is apparently mostly south of us.  I saw today where part of US 17 down toward Beaufort is closed because of flooding and part of I-95 around Yemasee is flooded.  We haven't really had any rain today and it has been sunny and partly cloudy - a beautiful day.

Windell still has some good and not so good days.  Had to get him to ER one morning about 6 weeks ago with severe vertigo and they ran all sorts of tests but didn't find anything wrong.  He still feels a little unstable sometimes in the mornings but takes Meclizine (the drug for sea sickness) four times a day and that seems to settle it down.  Ophthalmologist did a scan of his retinas recently and his glaucoma and macular degeneration are worse so I'm basically still doing all the housework, supervising his medications, and driving him to appointments and the office.  His short term memory is not as good since his concussion in the accident last year so I remind him every morning what appts. or events are scheduled for the day and he still goes to cardiac rehab three mornings a week at the YMCA.

We went to church last weekend for the service honoring the local high school graduates and attended the luncheon for them after church.  It seems almost incredible that our grandson is graduating this year!  He is our local son's youngest child and now looks like his sisters' older brother instead of their younger brother.  He will be going to Wofford College in Spartanburg next year and his oldest sister will be a senior there also.  The middle girl attended Suffolk College in Boston this past year and plans to return there.

This is Bikefest weekend in this area, sponsored by a primarily black beach north of us, so we primarily hibernate until it's over.  Most of the bikers are very polite and law abiding but there are some who are very reckless and dart in and out of traffic between the cars and it seems like there are three to four deaths every memorial day weekend during the festival.  The last three years have also witnessed several shootings between them at some of the motels and the speculation is that they result from conflicts between rival gang members.  The city attempted to shut it down several years ago and they were sued by the NAACP so we have to put up with it for Memorial Day weekend. Anyway they will all leave tomorrow.

The comments on cats brought back a lot of memories!  I don't have one these days because of my allergies but I REALLY miss a furry feline to crawl up in my lap when I'm sitting and beg to be petted!

Patricia, sounds like Farrah is slowly adjusting to your situation.

Mary Ann, glad that you and Norm's family still find time to be together some.  I'm sure Kendrick is a lot of company for you!

Joan, so happy your son was able to make the trip on his motorcycle!

Larry, I miss the study groups at church but their times just don't fit into our schedule these days.  Hope your Pat is doing well.

DeAngel (Gloria), sounds like this tropical system may move up the coast your way during the week.  Hope things are going well for you.

Not sure who else has posted here recently, but greetings to all of you!  Can't believe that Tuesday is June 1st!

Mary Ann

Johann, not to be correcting, but Tuesday is not June 1 - it is Wednesday.  I have a haircut appointment  that day, moved ahead from Tuesday, May 31.  My stylist and her husband do a lot of camping so I have an idea she took an extra day.

I've been thinking of you with the weather reports from the Atlantic coast and I'm happy to hear you haven't been affected so far.  I'm sorry to hear about Windell's troubles but they sound rather familiar. 

We've been having hot weather of late - mid 80s - and by Thursday we should get down to the mid 70s.  I told Dot today after church I was going to take off my necklace and earrings and put on shorts - which I did.  And my a/c is running.

Keep us posted as to how things are with you, Windell and the weather!

Mary Ann


I couldn't get on the site this morning, so waited a couple of hours and tried again.

Nice new avatar MaryPage! I saw the emotional video on Facebook of the young man from Haiti at West Point  and just read your link. What an amazing and heartwarming story!

Johann - You mentioned your granddaughter attends Suffolk College. My step-granddaughter graduated from there last week-end. She's a very good artist and last I knew was interested in graphic arts. My sister-in-law and her husband are on their way to Vermont. Sure hope they don't run into bad weather. They live in Punta Gorda so probably drove up I-75. If they stay away from the coast they should be okay. I'm sorry to hear that Windell (and you) are going through such difficult times. 

We went to Bob Evans for dinner tonight. I always enjoy my meals there.....We seldom eat out anymore but once in awhile it's nice not to cook.  When we got home I worked in the yard for awhile. The evenings have been beautiful!


Hi everyone on this Memorial Day.  It is going to be a nice one here with zero chance of rain throughout the day and getting into the mid-80's.  We have specific plans for today.  I will attend my normal Monday noon meeting.  I am going to have to come up with a couple of new projects here in my office as like to stay busy in the mornings as will complete my review of the photo albums I have created on Google Photos this morning as only have a few more to review.  It has been fun and sometimes sad going back over the pictures but wanted to weed out those pictures that were of very poor quality or were not of interest. 

Hope all have a nice day as we pause to remember those who have sacrificed so much to assure our freedom in the past and today and in the future as there appears to be no end in sight of wars and conflicts around the world.

Johann, it sounds like your plate is very full.  Glad you were not adversely impacted from the tropical storm.  The TV had flood warnings all afternoon for certain areas of South Carolina.  I can't imagine having three children in college at the same time.  It sounds like it would be a good weekend to stay at home and away from the activities of the Bikefest.  Pat is doing reasonably well with lots of aches and pains.

Beverly, we always visited Bob Evan Restaurants while we were in Florida.  I sure wish there was one close by here as their food was always good and they have a very pleasant restaurant setting. 

Mary Ann

Tom and I went to Denny's for breakfast this morning and that probably will be our only meal together today.  At 1 pm I am going to Dot's for lunch and Tom is going to Robin's where she will probably have a picnic; Tom said there would be only four of them today. 

I just lost my story about Kendrick's actions so I'll see if I can recreate it.  He was lying in front of the slider door and beside the hot/cool air register.  The a/c came on and he could not figure where the breeze was coming from.  His head moved in all directions to see and he could not.  After he got on his feet, he looked at the slider door and there was a cat on the other side of the glass.  Whatever Kendrick did, the other cat did.  Kendrick even got up on his hind legs and the other cat did too. 

Kendrick's "mother" (Annie) came over last night;  Meijer had a sale and she was able to get cat food and litter half off and/or 2 for 1, so bought some and brought it here.  I really appreciate it, but I don't know where I'll put it until I'm ready to use it.  We'll manage!

Enjoy your day.

Mary Ann


Good afternoon, the sky has really brighten up.  The weatherman had said all day yesterday we would have heavy rain.  It rained durning the night, but not since I got up.  Most Memorial Day parades were cancelled. I feel bad as most all the little towns around us had planed big and small parades.

Johann, so good to see you posting.  glad to see you did not get the storm.

MaryAnn, that is a cute story about Kendrick. I see Patricia kitty is slowly getting her trained.  Someone gave me a cute sign thats say's: This house is maintained soley for the convenience and confort of the CAT

Larry I hope you have as good luck to you tomatoes, as I did last year, I was still getting cherry tomtoes off my one plant till OCt.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


 A lot of people in the water at Grand Surf today.  Must be warmer weather. To hot for me here in C/U today. Waiting for later to go out.


it is cute how the baby eagles are cleaning up their nest today. Each carry a piece of branch over to the side of the nest keeping the middle clean. Wonder if that is a way of keeping them selves from falling out of the nest. Making a wall.


Good Morning!

yesterday was not a good day here for me or for Farrah, I lost my online connection with the heavy winds we had yesterday and my arthritis was in full bloom. Farrah spent almost the entire day back under the bed, flinching and running at any and all sounds. I hope today is better!

Johanne, it is nice to see you posting again and I am  sorry about Windell's continuing issues.

Larry, you always seem to have something on tap for the day. Often I just wing it!  :coolsmiley:

MaryAnn, sounds like Kendrick might have made a new friend. Farrah would probably be back under the bed. Sometimes I wish she would just be okay but I don't know what happened to her or happened at her!

When she plays, she will sometimes sit up on her haunches and flick the mouse or ball out so she can chase it. I noticed something yesterday, while she has all of her claws, she has never used them aggressively. In fact awhile back, she played with my fingers and play bit without even wetting my fingers and grabbed my hands with her paws with her claws sheathed. If you attempt to pick her up, she lays on her side submissively and never has meowed.

She is the first cat I've ever had that didn't start with a diva personality or in Sarah's case, soon developed one!


While searching for something else, I came upon the Easter Seals of 1952's little Eskimo cookbook, totally recipes collected by small children from the village of Shishmaref Day School from Shishmaref, Alaska. My mother, a member of Easter Seals at the time, helped to put this booklet together. Let me list one or two home recipes from the children.

Seal or Oogruk Flippers, Ooshak by Raymond Seetomona

Cut the flippers off from the oogruk. Put the flippers on the seal in fresh blubber. Let them stay there for about two weeks. Take the loose fur off the flipper. And then cut them in small pieces and eat the meat.

Remember, these are young children speaking of what they've seen their families do so it isn't entirely accurate then or now. But it was more realistic back then.

Na-zek' meek-tak by Elsie Tocktoo. (English translation, Bumblebee flower).

This plant is reddish with pink and green flowers. We pick it from the ground. Clean and wash the plant. Put them in a seal poke and pour water on them. We keep it for winter when it is all frozen.We cut it into pieces from the poke. We put it in a big bowl and add seal oil and sugar when it is ready to serve.

Seal Poke

The inside of the seal together with the head and all is cut and taken out through the head part of the sealskin. the skin is then turned, cleaned and blown up for drying. This is then used to put the meats, berries, leaves or other foods for storing in the winter.

Seal Meat Fresh this and the seal poke recipe by Bert and Pauline Tocktoo.

Cut the meat into pieces. Put water in the cooking pot, and add seal meat. Add salt to taste. Let boil.

I thought you might enjoy this "taste" of the past and Eskimo culture.


Hi everyone on this last day of May.  Yesterday was a quiet day but I did manage to stay as busy as I wanted.  Today likes like it will be the same.  It is already 75 degrees at 9 am so is going to be a warm day.  I plan on a quick trip to COSTCO as need more frozen fruit.  I have been enjoying a cup of my frozen mixed fruit each morning for breakfast and it is now all gone so need to make up some more but have used all my frozen fruit. 

I will tend to my flowers and other plants as I do each day.  I find I am really enjoying watching the tomatoes grow day by day.  So far there are eight tomatoes with more blossoms and I can begin to see the start of a couple of yellow peppers.  Everything is very green here this time of year and really is enjoyable. 

Mary Ann, I assume from you story that Kendrick was seeing his reflection in your glass door.  That is a cute story.  Pets can be so entertaining.

deAngel, since your weather cleared up it is too bad the parades were cancelled.  As I wrote above it does look like we will have plenty of tomatoes in a little while.  I have things situated where I can easily reach the plants and it is easy to water them.  This is the first time in many years I have tried any gardening.

Patricia, I do hope you are not suffering so with your arthritis today and your Internet connection stays steady.  Farrah apparently didn't like the wind.  I also just wing most days but do like to have at least one thing I can do that makes me feel I have accomplished something even though it may not be very significant.  Those Eskimo recipes are something else.  I think I will let the Eskimo's have my share.  :)


I just viewed this video and it is one I felt I should share with you all on the time of Memorial remembrances.  https://www.youtube.com/embed/eEs4ke7cdNQ?feature=player_detailpage%25


Good Tuesday Morning, 
Everyone!   It is sunny and warm here
on the rocky coast of Maine,  today.   

They will be installing our window AC's
this week.   I want to be here to see
that they put it in the correct window. 
So I will be hanging around here until they
show up. 

My experience with cats is that sometimes
they have good days,  and sometimes
they don't.   (And only they decide just
when the good days and the bad days
will be!)  :argue:   

Just like me!    That doesn't make me
want to stop trying to influence their
behavior,  though....  (It is always hard
for me to give up what little control I
think that I have!!

Hearing all about the trials and
tribulations of cat rearing,  makes
me wish I could have another one.
They are so much company, in
spite of their foibles!     
(Always a good challenge!)

Have a good day,  Everyone!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Larry, I do miss Norm’s tomatoes.  He used to have such huge crops and when they left for Florida, I got to keep what was left â€" and there were always some left.

Patricia, Kendrick doesn’t seem to want to play with the other cat, but he is very curious about it.  He was on the deck yesterday and could not see through the screen, so moved to the window where he could see it.

Dot and I went to the cemetery this morning.  I had mentioned I wanted to make sure there was a flag on Dad’s grave.  Evidently Norm did not mention that Dad had been in WW I so she was a bit surprised to hear that.  The flag is there.  The head stones are very dirty and sometime soon Dot and I will go back to clean them off.  The ground is hard for me to walk on, it is so uneven.  Dot looked for the grave of a friend but could not find it.  Maybe next time I can help her look.  Her friend graduated from high school with me.

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

Kendrick has not been declawed and now, at nearly three years, will not be.  He had caught me a couple of times, but not on purpose.  I give him treats off my knees at night and his claws are always retracted.  I do have to put the storm slider closed to the deck because he wants to hang on to the screen.  Not only is the screen not metal, it is behind the storm slider and that would have to be taken off to replace it - $$$.

Mary Ann



Hi guys & gals!  I have gone crazy.  I bought a new computer with windows 10.  I am exhausted.  If anyone has any helpful hints they want to share with me, I will be eternally grateful.  Right now I am trying to figure out how to get a Quicken thingy onto my new computer.  I have all the info downloaded onto a stick.  Sigh!



Good afternoon all, nice day today.   I had Dan turn on my A/C for me today.  Forecast say it will be 92 tomorrow so guess Summer is starting.  Off to get my hair cut in the morning.  Mornings here are still a bit cool so I will be home by the time the heat gets to its fullest.

Hugs all around,