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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles



Started by so_P_bubble, July 28, 2018, 12:53:00 PM

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The last two kittens, one seeing only light and shadow and the one with one blind and one good eye were adopted together about an hour ago from one of the shelter's kitten rooms. So all have found homes!


 :hb2:   :nanadance:   :hb2:

:pineapple:    :wave2:



Thanks, Rick, that's how I feel! The rescue community is looking at how many cats and dogs and other animals are finding help, medical and a home by way of these type of Youtube videos, and hopefully, we'll see more of them!  I firmly believe in better animal abuse laws, chips in all pets, and in spay, neuter, and release for feral colonies, as well as spay/neuter requirements for pets in homes.

You can't help but draw comparisons between throw away human children and adults.


Some photos of Farrah showing off her Abyssinian side in her appropriated camp chair'



Farrah is a beautiful cat and very happy of her permanent home.



I've seen lots of pet ferrets around here in the past, but adult cats will kill ferrets, so I hope the girl in the video understands this. If they are brought up together, cats and ferrets can coexist, but it's wise to stay vigilant. Both cats and ferrets are predators, killing mice, rats, fish, rabbits, and birds in the wild.

Hedgehogs seem to be the "in" pet of the moment in this city.

Mary Ann

I knew ferrets could be pets but I've never seen one.  Poor kitty - three ferrets against one young kitty - that's not fair!  The title should have been "Kitty meets ferrets".  Ferrits can be dangerous pets, I've heard.

Mary Ann


Some people love to have exotic or potentially dangerous pets.  I've never understood why someone would want to have a snake for a pet?  I think it gives the owners a sense of power or something to show off in public with a snake wrapped around their shoulders, etc.  The rest of the time, the poor snake just sits in a small terrarium, and waits for their owner to throw them a mouse!  What a sad life. :( 

I don't know anything about ferrets, but I think they are illegal in California, as are gerbils?  However, that doesn't stop people from getting them, and probably eventually turning them loose in the wild.   


The girl in the video seemed in my opinion to like various animals but not too educated about their care and well being. She mentioned in the first part of the video about having other animals too as well as the ones shown.

We have several close military bases and on the city shopping page, there are so many reptiles for sale as it didn't work out or the owners were leaving to a new duty station. There are the usual dogs, cats, birds, and horses too. However, I believe Marilyne is right in that so many young military folks want reptiles for pets. A sign of toughness or "mano mano" perhaps?



Now that was brilliant!


Camera info:

Mama Seraphina & her 4 kittens (3 boys, 1 girl) were transferred up from a shelter in Lewis County, WA to the Seattle Humane and then to Purrfect Pals. Seraphina is 1.5 years old and 9#. Estimated kittens' birthday is September 7th, 2018.

Tabby boy: Niffler
Meezer boy: Billywig
Meezer girl: Occamy
Fwooper: Tabby polydactyl. Two extra claws on front paws, one extra on the back, just like Seraphina. Unfortunately, he developed severe breathing issues sometime an hour after arrival which was caused by a diaphragmatic hernia - the only option we had was to help him cross peacefully. For full information, please see the post linked here: https://goo.gl/bnwY9h

PC Users: You will have a new icon available located in the bottom right corner if you move your mouse over the video - it looks like a folder with a double arrow on it. Clicking that icon will bring up the cams to let you toggle between them. NOTE: If you leave the main cam and come back, it'll resume playing where you left off - you'll have to manually go "live". The secondary cams don't behave like this.

Modify message


If you want to see just short Youtube videos of the current cat litters, there is BrookIvy's channel.



Patricia - I'm on my way to the doctor (dermatologist) right now, but will look at both sites when I return in a couple of hours.  It will be fun to watch the kittens grow and change as the weeks move along.  I'm glad that this little family is healthier than the last one, that had all the eye problems.


Marilyne, when they first arrived, mama was going after everyone who didn't get down on her level. All the kittens did was nurse, sleep and finally, open their eyes. Now they're at the cute stage where they're fumbling along and trying to wrestle with each other. Once they're steady on their feet, they should discover toys. Other than the one who died at three weeks, these all seem to be healthy.


I got here in time to watch all three of them get weighed, in the little plastic bowl.  Mama was jumping in and out, and is now out again.  I've been trying to figure out if the "human" is a man or a woman?  All I saw were hands and arms.   How many people are there to take care of the kitties? 


Marilyne, it is a six foot something guy which is why Momma cat kept attacking if he wasn't sitting down. Now she is used to him and only seems to get upset if the kittens do. FDJ, (Foster Dad John); has been at this for eleven years and this is his 62nd litter.

He is one of several fosters associated with Purrfect Pals, a Washington based feline rescue group. Sometimes you will see his son Chris helping out. He, FDJ, is a computer programmer who works four days at home and one day on the job so he can foster. He also has in his home five geriatric cats that he permanently fosters. Sometimes you will hear them meowing, but they aren't in with the kittens.

He uses the dish to keep them contained while he weighs them. At eight weeks and two pounds, after socialization, Mama and kittens will be available for neutering and adoption.


Great site to lose sight of the time!  I can spend hours watching :)


If you watched this morning, you would have seen mama cat bring a new toy and to introduce it to the kittens. In the wild, this would be prey that she would present to the kittens. So far it has been some foam balls and now a small flat ribboned mouse toy. They, at four weeks, six days, are just into wanting to wrestle with each other. So far they are not interested in any of the toys much to mama's chagrin.

In this video, you can see her find a crinkle ball and bring it in to introduce to her kittens. Everything is a learning moment. You also will notice the extra toes in her paws and how large they are.



Patricia - I looked in at the kittens early this morning when I first got up - 6:30 PDT, which is the same time zone as Seattle, and all the babies and Mama were sound asleep.  Just looked in now at 1:45, and they are once again all sleeping!  I looked at your link from this morning, showing the room, and how it's set up.  Mama was scratching and playing, and then found the shiny toy to take back to the babies.  As you said, they were not remotely interested, so she left by jumping over the top of the enclosure!  How did she do that?  Let's repost the main link every day, in case someone comes in and doesn't know where to look to see the live kitten cam.


Marilyne, the kennel is in two parts, upper and lower and there is an opening through which the mama cat can jump in and out while keeping the babies safe in the kennel. In a week or so, FDJ will fence off part of the room and place backing and a blanket down. Then he opens the kennel doors. This will come with increased mobility and when they start climbing the walls.

Mary Ann

Patricia, I noticed the kittens are in the lower part of the kennel and mama cat jumps to the upper part, then down where the kittens are.  When she has had enough, she jumps up to the top, then out.  Cats are good jumpers, aren't they???  Ha!

Mary Ann


" Since their teeth are coming in and are quite sharp, they have to learn how to not bite with all their strength. The way it's done is one kitten will bite another kitten as hard as they can and that kitten will yelp with a loud and sharp cry of annoyance/distress. This is a different type of meow than your typical kitten play yelps.

Moms go running to check things out and it registers in the other's brain that something is wrong and stops doing what they're doing. Solo kittens don't typically learn this lesson so they can be bitey as adults. You can see that Seraphina learned this well when she's playing with the kittens. Her play bites consist of holding her mouth open and just kinda pressing her mouth against the kittens - she doesn't put any pressure at all on them."

Cats are really good jumpers MaryAnn and what mother doesn't need a break now and again? Here's a Youtube video showing FDJ and the outside of the kennel.




Mama is as frisky as a kitten herself, playing with that "mouse"!  I don't remember seeing a grown cat playing so intently with anything, for such a long time!  Usually they get bored very quickly.

The two white kittens are cuddled up to Mama right now - either nursing or sleeping.  The tabby seems to be off by himself a lot of the time?  He is sleeping alone in the corner, away from Mama and the others.


Mama is just over a year herself so still a kitten at heart.

I saw this and thought it is so true of a mama cat! "Earlier this week, someone brought us a litter of five sick, scrawny, orphan kittens. For several days they did nothing but cry, and cry, and cry. They didn't want to eat, they didn't want to be bottle-fed, they didn't want their medicine - they just wanted a mommy!

Yesterday a beautiful female cat was brought in for our community spay/neuter program. She is a friendly barn kitty and she just finished weaning a litter of kittens. Her owners brought her in to be spayed and planned on taking her back home after she recovered from surgery later in the day. She, on the other hand, had a different plan.

When she heard those kittens crying, she ripped a hole through her mesh cat carrier, made her way to their kennel, and tried frantically to get to them. We opened their kennel door and she immediately set to work grooming them and getting them to nurse! We called her family and they are graciously letting us "borrow" their cat for a couple of weeks so these babies have the mommy they so desperately want!"

From the Second Chance Sheridan Cat Rescue.


Patricia, that's such a heartwarming story!  If only all the orphaned or abandoned kittens could have a new Mommy like that, to love them and feed them.

I've spent the day today on various cams and videos, and now at nine thirty, my dry eye problem, is driving me nuts.  So time for some medicated drops, and then I'll try to keep them closed for the next eight hours!

Mary Ann

Patricia, that is such a cute story.  Thanks be to the family for sharing their mommy with the orphans.

Mary Ann


I thought you might like to see a photo of that determined mama and her adopted brood from Sheridan, WY.
