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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles



Started by so_P_bubble, July 28, 2018, 12:53:00 PM

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Bubble, that is a wonderful idea for a charity. We have a large craft show coming up soon at one of the convention centers that is similar in that it supports a variety of local homeless shelters and besides crafts, they feature different ethnic foods and clothing. They donate backpacks filled with various school supplies and warm winter coats, gloves, and boots from the proceeds of the craft fair. I'm not sure if they do more at other times or not.

Mary Ann

Bubble, that is a good idea to give your work to charity.  We have a stitchers group at church who make small quilts for children and once a year the quilts are displayed in church, then given to certain groups.  I do not belong.

Patricia, every fall we have a Used Clothing Sale and it has been a "winner" for the church.  Left over clothing is donated to various charitible organizations.'

Mary  Ann


That sounds good MaryAnn, this is an amalgamation of local craft groups which also do things on their own. But the only other one I'm sure of is the knitting and crocheting that is donated to local hospitals premie wards. We need more local involvement. I believe the many homeless local families are in shelters due to mainly alcohol and spousal abuse. We need more programs on that and also ones geared toward Natives with an emphasis on Native culture and pride.

Most of the local churches work on food pantries and evangelism instead of root causes. Many folks that actually need food and help avoid the churches due to the overt evangelism which is a shame. And when I was delivering food as a volunteer for shut-ins, I noticed that there really wasn't that many donations. Twice that I know of, Salvation Army volunteers went to grocery stores and purchased food to have more than 2 or3 cans and a bag of beans for those signed up for food boxes. There are more regs and paperwork than actual food.


What a cute knitted top, Bubble.

Shan is making friends. My contractor was by several days ago and said he could take him home he was so cute and friendly. He let Craig scratch him under his chin, which is something he doesn't let me do for more than a few seconds. My sister was here today and he came right up to her sniffed, let her pet him and gave out a little meow.

Sue even got to see Lucy, who was fast asleep on the couch when Sue came in. She has slowed down considerably, this last year, at taking off at the first hint of someone coming that isn't me. I don't know if she is just sleeping much more soundly or is starting to have a hearing problem. She often doesn't even twitch when I call her for supper now.

Mary Ann

Patricia, for more than 20 years I worked in a food pantry, making computer entries of people who came to the pantry.  They could come only once month, but I know if they talked to the director,  and she believed them,  they could get more food.  Churches and schools mostly donated the food, but many people brought food in.  Stores, especially bakeries, brought in food at the end of the day (this was before 24-hour store openings).  Produce was donated.  I don't remember how many clients we had.  I have not been there for 15 years, but the pantry is still alive and flourishing.  They used to have a clothing bank but they turned that over to the Catholic church a mile down the road, which also gives out food.  Everything is free to the clients.  I contribute financially to this food pantry and the one in the south end.  Reason - the one in the north end is "neighborhood" and the one in the south end is "denominational".  Our church supports both of the pantries. 

More than anyone wants to know.

Mary Ann


That is how the food pantry here is supposed to work. However, the churches that run it seem to feel the need to harangue the people who come for the food that local stores and others donate. I have heard of folks saying they have their own church or they're Jewish or just not interested, but they are still made to sit through the 45 minute sermon to get to the food. Complaints have been made, but the council feels since it is church-run they need to stay out of it.

The local coalition of homeless shelters for youth and adults allows outside folks and families to eat there three times a day if they are sober and not disruptive or try to stick the food in bags or purses which can get them banned. It is the same with free sanitary items, diapers or primary health care products.

My church along with a couple of other less rigid churches operates the Stone Cafe which is free or what you can pay for weekly breakfasts and lunches. In the summer, the Cafe's backyard has raised garden beds for veggies.

They also operate a family clothing store and next to it is one for interviewing and job required clothing, (When I retired, I donated my work clothes here). Both clothing stores operate by the health and social services sending clients to them with vouchers. The majority of the workers are people in need that want to give back.
While I cannot financially support several worthy efforts, I do support the Cafe because of the way they operate and as with the shut-ins, I try to use labor instead of money I don't have.


The cats in Western Washington just returned from the vet.

"Happy happy! Happy happy! In an eye exam of a different kind, the boys all passed! I am amazed at the progress these boys have made, and their remarkable results from what looked like irreparable damage. I've never even heard of anyone, human or animal, coming back from a visible hole in their eye with their lens protruding. And yet, here we are... all ten eyes present and accounted for, and Pickles is cleared for snips. HOW I do love shelters, who are able to pull in the specialists and work with the best treatments available, for optimal results."

Now four out of five will still have low vision, but the vet says it may improve with cellular regeneration over time. So Pickles will be neutered this coming Saturday and the next following Saturday they will be up for adoption. So with five weeks of twice daily medicated eyewashes, medicated eye drops, and two weeks of twice a day, (every 12 hours); eye drops of a blood slurry from a donor, (possibly a dog); they have come a long way. Now to bring their development up to their physical age!


Patricia - I'm so happy for the five boys!  It is truly amazing, how they all have pulled through, thanks to the dedication of the workers at the shelter, as well as the vet specialists. Now, the next step is to find really good homes for all of them.  Is that likely? Do you think that one or more of them will not be chosen?  If that happens, where will they go?


Marilyne as I understand it, the shelter, Purrfect Pals out of Washington state only adopts to people in the state and has a lot of paperwork and interviews the adoptees. If a pair is bonded, they must be adopted together. There is a price range which I don't remember which is understandable and they also have permanent fosters as well as a state network of fosters like John Bartlett who has these kittens. He has had 61 cats or kitten fosters in eleven years. He also has in the rest of his home, geriatric cats who stay with him as a final shelter.

They will go to either a participating PetSmart or one of the shelter premises depending on the type of cat or kitten being offered. If they have special needs as these do, it will probably be one of their premises. Any cat who is not adopted goes to one of the shelter's places that house cats until they are adopted or as a place to remain permanently. The places I've seen on their website are well equipped with other cats, toys, cat furniture, litter boxes, and food and water.  They have volunteers who go into the room several times a day to cuddle and socialize all of the cats.

They also have unique large rooms or permanent fosters for cats with FIP or other diseases. I have seen many of the cats and kittens that aren't adopted initially, soon find homes from these shelter rooms. I have also seen some folks adopt more than once as a woman who adopted two kittens two years ago, came back last year and adopted a mother and female kitten. I understand that they have a loyal fan base and the variously connected cams also generate interest and work to get the cats adopted.



I have been looking in and note the posts are, for the most part, about cats.  I understand with physical restraints that they are a great choice.   As a widower, turning 88 this month, I am fortunate to still be able to drive and take short walks.  I have had 4 Golden Retrievers dating back to  1985.  Mimi is my latest and here are two photos taken this evening.  She walks on leash but stays put when I remove it.



Mary Ann

Mimi is a happy girl,  Jack, and she's lucky you rescued her.  What is she now - 8 years old?

We always enjoy seeing pictures of her.

Mary Ann


Jack, Mimi is such a sweet dog and as MaryAnn stated, we loved to see her! And as I told Jane, we'd love to see dogs and other animals besides cats. It's just that the cat people seem to be the ones posting.

don't be a stranger!

As I posted in Norm's B&T, Farrah has been entertained by the large flocks circling outside her window on the world. The collection of year around small sparrows, wrens, redpolls, juncos, pine siskins, chickadees and others who spinoff into their own summer flocks are in the process of combining into substantial multi-species flocks that they do each fall for mutual protection. She crouches to the side of the window, body tense and ready to spring, altho she has never gnashed or chittered her teeth as most cats do. Since we rarely see summer birds this is an unexpected treat for her. Altho one pigeon smashed hard into the window a few weeks ago and sat dazed on the balcony railing before flying off. Farrah was on edge, not sure to stay or retreat.

The Ravens and owls will soon be around following the birds. The Golden eagles have left to join their bald cousins in the Southeast, and the Hawks have moved south with the majority of others from the sanctuary at Creamers Field. The newspaper reported that many of the small mammals have already denned for the winter. So life moves on.


Jack - Welcome to you and Mimi! :) I love your photos!  There are lots of dog owners in S&F, but I think that JaneS, is the only one so far who has posted in this folder? She has two Scottie dogs, Annie and Mickie.  There are others who have dogs, and I hope that they soon discover this folder and will join us.


The final note on the kittens, "The saved eyes are blind. The "good" eyes range from OK to shadows."


Jack, Mimi is a lovely looking dog. But then, I am partial; she looks like Shan's dog counterpart.

I suppose I should try to remember to take a picture of Shan now that he is "grown up". This month he will be 1.


Mimi is such a pretty dog, Jack...

And those pictures in front of the gardens are

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Patricia, I hope those kittens with blind eyes have a good eye to balance with.  They'll get along ok learning where things are. 

Mary Ann


Thanks for your comments.  Mary Ann  Mimi will be 10 January 2019.   We are well matched, she sleeps quite a bit, but always ready for a leisurely walk, and ready to sit with me at every other bench in the park.


MarsGal, we would love to see Shan! And Jack, always glad to see one of sweet Mimi!

MaryAnn, the one tuxedo kitten sees light and shadows. He was the one whose both eyes were in danger from a hole in one eye and the lens showing through. The gray calico has two good eyes, he was less affected by the severe URI, and the other three have two with one blind eye and one with low vision.

The illness caused them not only the eye issues but stunted their development. All of this could have been avoided, a necessary vet visit at the first sign of this respiratory infection and a simple antibiotic would have allowed these kittens their eyes and no other issues.
We are a throwaway society.


Mimi with birthday frame for my daughter, who has 3 cats.



Jack, that's such a cute card.  Your daughter is going to love it!

Son and wife are looking to get a new Labrador Retriever puppy. They miss Kokomo, their chocolate Lab, so much.  He went to the Rainbow Bridge about two months ago, at age 13.  Before Koko, they had Bucky, a yellow Lab, for 13 years.  So they've decided they want a black Lab this time.  I've suggested that they look into getting a rescue dog, but they are set on getting a puppy, so probably won't find any rescue puppies.  I'll let you know what they decide.

Patricia, I'm sorry that four of The Five Guys, will always have serious issues with their eyes.  Fortunately, animals, (like people), are adaptable, and will learn to live with their handicaps.  Now I'm hoping that they all get adopted into good homes, or next best thing, which is to live out their lives in permanent foster homes.


Marilyne I understand the need for rescue but great to know what your are getting and a yellow lab is a wonderful choice.  Like Goldens they are a wonderful pet and love people.

Mary Ann

Jack, has Mimi run into any cats recently?  She is such a lucky dog.

I understood before Annie bought Kendrick at five months, that  he lived with both dogs and cats.  However, he's only seen one cat since then, maybe two, not more than that.  My neighbor has a cat and occasionally we're both on our decks at the same time with our cats.  Kendrick is very curious and I usually bring him inside because I'm afraid he might try to jump up to her deck and he'd never make it. 

Mary Ann


Mary Ann when I went to check on Mimi, she was with several other Goldens and two cats.  As we talked one would tap me on the shoulder for attention, and then when I went back to the conversation it would do the same.  Mimi would probably get along fine.  She had 3 liters, a total of 17 pups.  Now she gets excited when other dogs are around.  Not sure if protecting me or feeling threatened.   She loves people and will just sit and be petted.


We had several Wirehaired Terriers, Schnauzers, Weimaraners, and Black Labs growing up, and dad had his sideline of retraining problem bird dogs for folks. Mom, for some years, raised Pomeranians and my younger sister retired last year from raising and breeding Dalmations.

My older sister always was horse crazy, and she bred and raised a mix of Tennessee Walker and Arabian horses that seemed to be very popular with folks. She has always had some small dogs for pets, (Shih Tzu? The ones who look like dust mops.); and for a while had some Irish Setters. I am the only cat person in the family.

Mary Ann

In the 2000s, Tom and his family had a Golden.  They lived up north, near Petoskey, but I went north three or four times a year and stayed a few days.  The dog and I got along fine and when she wanted to walk, she came to me to take her.  She was the nicest dog and we still miss her but she's been gone for over 10 years.  I can't have a dog here and I would not have a cat but Annie wanted one so I let her get Kendrick.  He did live in a house and later an apartment with Annie, but where she is now, Annie cannot have a cat, so she retains ownership but he is "my buddy". 

Mary Ann


"Where is everyone," asked Farrah. "It's very lonely here. Won't you come and play with me?"


Mary Ann

Poor Farrah.  Kendrick is asleep right now but I'm sure he'll be around soon.

Mary Ann


Farrah's hoping all kinds of pets come in and tell us about their days.


The five kittens from Perfect Pal's Kritter Room went up for adoption this afternoon and Jalapeno, with no eye damage, was pre-adopted. As was Pickles and Tomato who had minor eye damage and were adopted together. Peanut and Relish whose eyes were saved due to diligent care and blood serum donated by a canine donor were not chosen as yet.

They were the ones who they, (Vets and shelter staff); thought would lose an eye each and one actually had the corner of the lens protruding through a hole in the eye. Their eyes healed due to medication and while both bad eyes are blind, one with a seeing eye distinguishes between light and shadows while the other has one right eye and one blind eye.

They will stay with other kittens in a shelter room until adopted which I hope will be soon. They came in 11 weeks ago with three kittens not expected to survive and two weeks developmentally delayed so this is really a good outcome for the foster dad's 61st litter in ten years. Now, the kitten room will be washed down and all items, toys, and blankets bleached and cleaned while everyone waits for the kitten dealer to announce another needy cat, kittens, pregnancy or another feline emergency.