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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b



Started by so_P_bubble, July 28, 2018, 12:53:00 PM

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Mary Ann

Patricia, I'm glad to hear the last two of the cat litter have been adopted.  Now I'll wait until the next group is introduced.  I can enjoy them from a distance because I do not want another cat.  Kendrick would love company, I am sure, but he's not going to get a playmate.

I had read about the frozen cat online, what a miracle and what a pretty cat.

After I read the links posted, I kept on watching a couple of dog links and now I'm ready to watch some golf - when it returns.

Mary Ann


Sweetie Pie due for a meet and greet wih FDR's family today!

The Critter Room
4 hrs ·
At 2 pm Pacific today (Saturday, Feb 9), Mr. Dorian will be visiting Sweetie Pie. The door will be open for Beatrice, Nakia, & Trillian to join if they want. There will be multiple camera angles and if you're on a PC, you can use my Quad Cam viewer to view them or any other Foster Kitten Cam. http://www.thecritterroom.com/quadcam/ If you have trouble with chat, log onto YouTube and then refresh the Quad Cam page.


Sorry Marilyne, I guess I wasn't clear. Lucy eats just fine; it is just the canned food she'll miss out on if I don't take it to her. First it is a matter of not wanting tackled at lunch, and second, much of the time, when I get the food ready, she is sleeping. She gobbles it up when I take it to her and wake her up. Now she is starting to expect the extra fine catering she gets.

Patricia, thanks for the info on the biopsy. I missed what it was for earlier on. I watched John spending some time with her yesterday.


Okay, to recap from today's Quad Cam. They brought all four of FDJ's other cats in to see how Sweetie Pie did and also in the hopes of being able to use either Nikita or Bea as a nonreactive cat to test for further litters.

Everything went well until Trillion realized how close she was to Sweetie Pie and hissed. Sweetie Pie hissed back and jumped toward Trillion, so they removed Trillion. Then Bea hissed, likely because the other cats did. Nakia wasn't bothered, and Sweetie Pie settled back to purring, so that was good.

The biopsy came back normal, and the incision has already healed. They're awaiting a spay date as the past snow caused a backlog on earlier spay dates. Then Sweetie Pie will be up for adoption.


MarsGal:  Regarding Lucy . . . it doesn't take long for a cat or dog to get used to The Good Life! Let the pampering continue! ha ha

Patricia:  I hope there are people waiting for the opportunity to adopt Sweetie Pie.  If more than one person wants to adopt a kitten or mama cat,  how do they make the decision as to who will be the lucky winner?  That's probably a question for only those in charge to know the answer to, and for us to wonder about.  (Or could be something as simple as drawing straws or flipping a coin.)


I just found this thread.  I will be back to post about my animals. 1 Dog Freckles a Therapy dog and 5 cats.


Marilyne, the adoption fees for a single cat or kitten run about $125.00 or a bit more. You have to submit a questionnaire and include a cover letter describing what you are looking for, any other pets or people in the house and your expectations.

You also need to list if you will take any substitutions if you are unable to have your first choice. Then you have to agree that the animal stays in Washington state. There is also an interview, and a follow up visit awhile after the adoption.

Marilyn, welcome and please come back soon!



and what a mess to clean after the big fun! lol


Chris certainly comes up with some very creative ways to keep the cats (and their audience) entertained.

Yesterday I started putting some paperwork away and getting ready to do the taxes when the rest of my statements come in. As I put away some bills for Lucy I noticed that her forms list her as nine years old now. I was a year off. So that makes Oscar eight. I was thinking they were eight and seven, respectively.


That is so easy to do especially when there are multiples! I've seen it with children and furbabies! I find that for me I remember her birthday, 09/12 and then I go from there. When I had those six, I kept a list of their birthdays in a file along with their medicals. I lost the last of that group in January 2011 and found that while they were expensive, it was one of the happiest times in my life.

It's interesting that both Catman Chris and FDJ who both foster, (CC does in working with hoarding situations or traveling to help in feral cats and FDJ in his home with both senior unadoptable cats and a room set aside for mamas and kittens or orphans); have four or five cats of their own.

I am hoping that Lucy is doing better these days.

Mary Ann

I don't know Kendrick's actual birth date, but I do know in December 2013 when he came to live with us, he was five months old, so I know his birth month was July.  He'll be six years old this year. 

Mary Ann


A tale of 14 plastic tubs holding 16 kitties left outside a cat scantuary in the predawn hours;



Well that beats the 11 cardboard boxes I saw last week. What was interesting about that one was that they were all, except for one, orange cats. Somebody obviously cared about the cats since they were in containers with holes punch for breathing and they had blankets with them. The ones in the cardboard boxes were not provided breathing holes or blankets.


I saw the one about the orange cats and the followup on their care. That was to me, a case of animal cruelty.

This one with the good health and obvious care showed seemed to be a case of either a hoarder overwhelmed and looking for a way out or more likely someone taking over for an overwhelmed hoarder.


How to deal with a pushy cat;

"Dominant cats may attempt to establish their dominance in a multiple cat household by hissing, hitting, and growling. They may also urinate in areas that the other cats frequent, push other cats out of the food bowl until they are done eating, and make the other cats feel threatened. Dominant cats may also target sick cats in the house. Cats can sense and smell changes in other cats, often before the owner even knows about it. Therefore, they may be pushier and act out for no apparent reason towards a cat that isn't feeling well."



"The Critter Room
Yesterday at 9:23 AM ·
Update on Apple & Peach:

Peach and Apple are getting used to their new home. They spent the first day sleeping in a hidden spot but woke up the next day ready to explore. They are eating, drinking and using the litter box. They are very curious and come close to me, and they like their toy with the colorful ribbons. Peach seems more curious and adventurous than Apple.

I have a safe and comfortable home, and lots of love to give to my new kitties. I hope they will have a long, happy life with me and my other cat Jaak."


Good news about Peach and Apple!  Looks like they were fortunate to be adopted into a family that will give them lots of love and understanding.  I hope we get some feedback on the rest of the litter, as well as Mama?


Mama is still waiting for her spay appointment after the heavy snow caused a backlog in vet appointments.The only other one we've heard about post-adoption is Rhubarb. He joins a large gray cat named smoky and they changed Rhubarb's name to Bandit.

Huckleberry was adopted by a woman who previously adopted Hazel, the mom of an earlier FDJ Critter Room litter.



Rather go back and read all the posts  will start here.  I have 5 cats, 2 we adopted from local rescues, one I brought home from the Vet clinic where I was working (he has leukemia) they were going to put him down. 2 solid black cats moved here from next door as kittens in the dead of winter, wet, cold and hungry. The neighbor wouldn't let them in her house and didn't bother to look for them. He kids later told me  "Oh those were our cats". Two other of her cats had come here and we cared for them a few short weeks until they died. People like that shouldn't own any kind of animals. She let her 4 chickens freeze to death.

My Dog Freckles has her own Facebook page under "Freckles the Therapy dog".  She is a certified Therapy dog with our local Furry friends Organization. We go to the hospital and all the Care facilities (nursing home)in Bandon, Coquille, Myrtle Point, Coos Bay and North Bend Oregon. We also go to the schools and teach K-2 about the responsibility of pet ownership and safety, after a short  flip chart presentation we show the kids the 7 basic commands each dog has to know to get certified, the dogs do a few of the tricks they know , then the kids get to pet the dogs and ask questions about the dogs and/or the breed.

Freckles is a 10 yr old, 34 lb, Australian Cattle dog (Blue Healer) and Australian Shepard mix. She was rescued by a friend from a farm  up north when she was 10 months old. She had been tied up and being used as a breeder and already had a litter.My friend brought her in to the vet where I was working at the time for spaying, she was the most obnoxious dog I ever met. Not a bit of manners. She was then taken to my friends' parents horse ranch where they took two years to train and work her with the horses. When my Happy passed away Freckles was then 5 yrs old  my friend gave her to me as a gift. Freckles rescue story was.is in the flagship edition of the Lucky Puppy magazine written by me,.


Hello Marilyn - A big welcome to you and Freckles, here in the Pet folder.  What an interesting background she has had!  I'm so glad she was rescued by you, and given such a good home, and a good purpose. (Therapy Dog).

Looks like most of the members who post in here on a regular basis, are cat owners.  We've had a few dog owners check in, like Jane, from Soda Shoppe, and Jack, from Photos, Old and New.  There are not many people posting in Seniors & Friends anymore, which I have heard is true of most message boards on the net. I hope you return and tell us more about your pets.  That was very kind of you to adopt the neighbors cats.


Hi Marilyn, its so nice to see and hear from you again, and how Freckles is doing! Are you still doing any personal PSP?

As you may remember, I'm a permanent foster, and all of mine have been rescues from Pet Pride. You may recall, (or not); the time I had six cats and especially Beau or Peter.

I post mainly about a feline rescue in Western Washington or from YouTube about animals and rescues. As Marilyne, has posted, we've had dog owners looking in, but none have stuck. We'd love to have you join us!

Mary Ann

Marilyn, it's interesting how you have acquired your animals and I know they're better off for it. 

I have a part-Belgian, part something else, cat who is about 5 1/2 years old.  He's been with me probably about three of those years.  He really is my great-niece's cat but where she lives, her SO is very allergic to cats - so he lives with me.  his name is Kendrick, named after Kendrick Lamar.  The cat and I get along fine.

Mary Ann


My cats are as follows. Fritzy was  adopted from Friends of Coos county Animal Shelter (Foccas) in September of 2008 he was 5 months old at the time, He is a Grey and white Tabby? Grubby sas black and white without a tail long hair, adopted us a couple of years later and has since passed away 5 yrs ago. He had FIV.

Harry was adopted next, (Leukemia cat), he is somewhere between 16-18 yrs old now according to the Vet. He is black and white long hair. After Grubby passed away we adopted Buddy  a true tuxedo from another cat rescue. He was 3 at the time (6 now) and weigh 17 lbs. Two years ago is when the kittens moved in with us. They are Shadow a smooth coat no white hairs on him solid black. and his sister Sunny long hair solid black. They are constantly into things running up and down the hall acting like the kittens they are.

I use two litter boxes and Sunny  will only pee on the  pee pads I have the boxes sitting on. Otherwise  she poops in  the box or outside. Fritz and buddy have tended to spray  sometimes. Fritz more frequently is he gets mad at me for not giving him all the treats he wants. I have found pee in the oddest places but on the counter is the worst.


Marilyn, I have always heard that you need a litter box for each cat plus an extra. It may be that Sunny doesn't like to use a litter box that another cat has been in.

 My friend has a cat like that, and the vet advised another litter box away from the others, and Mikey began using that one as long as it was kept clean. He is a large longhaired ragdoll and very particular.


Cat Food Ingredients You Should look For,


What Dog Food Ingredients You Should Look For,




I have three litter boxes at the moment. Not for each cat, but for each floor. Shan does not use the one in the basement because he is afraid to go down there. When I first got him, I prevented him from trying. He was so small, I was afraid that he might accidentally misstep and hurt himself. The one upstairs isn't used as much, but it is there for them if they feel the urge and don't want to go downstairs. The one on the porch is popular, but I must open the door for them if they want out in the winter or when the air conditioning is on.

I try to buy cat food without grains in them, especially wheat, so the dry cat food I get uses rice. The wet food is grain free except for the occasional recipe with rice in it. I stay away from shellfish in ingredients, but they do eat beef and tuna, which I read cats can be allergic to. They like chicken, but not canned turkey. They get bits of fresh roasted turkey on the few occasions I buy it. Each cat gets an L-lysine/Brewers Yeast combo in the morning with their wet food. It definitely helps Oscar, Lucy not so much. Shan does not have their sinus problems - yet. size]


I do have a 3rd litter box that  used for the neighbors two cats that came here for the couple of weeks before they died.It doesn't have high enough sides and is not used.  I really need to get another with the high sides. One that I have in the dining room,  has a hood that I took off because the cats didn't like it. I keep pee pads under all the boxes  to catch the litter that the cats throw all over the place. This morning I got up to some cat  throw up on the dining room table.

Today is one of Freckles visits to a Care home (they don't call them nursing homes any more). We will visit with one other team, the other dog is a 5 lb Chihuahua named Louie.

We are planning to go to Kauai in June so another of the Furry Friends is going to care for Freckles and we have a lunch date with Oyster and her Mom on Monday. Oyster doesn't do visits anymore she is a 13yr old Mini Aussie and kind of grouchy with some of the other dogs.

Here is Freckles Facebook page.  It is a public page so you can look at it.