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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b



Started by so_P_bubble, July 28, 2018, 12:53:00 PM

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MarilynE, yes, we're still at it, and yes. We've had enough. Most of what we do is TTNR. The extra T is for test, and over 16 years we seem to have been part of a decrease in those awful diseases. Just anecdotal responses from the vets that they're seeing fewer sick cats.

124 cats later, along came Midi. The woman who brought her, along with a raft of "why I can't keep her" stories, called her Midnight. Guess what color. Midi is a stray who behaves like a feral. We've finally given up on trying to housebreak her, and let her live on the porch. She's curly-furred, and happy down to about 20°. Below that, we set up an apartment for her in one of the bathrooms. No adopting out this one.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein


Sasha this is all very interesting as in the Arctic, ferals  don't make it long. If it isn't a predator or a human monster than it is the winter weather. Out of my personal cats,(13 in all); seven have been black. One of the ones I hold closest to my heart is a medium all black male my daughter named Magic because she said he leaped like the basketball player.

My daughter had a brain tumor, and we flew out to Anchorage for surgery, and she died on the operating table. When I returned home, Magic came rushing up from the basement, wove all through our legs, sniffed everything and then ran upstairs to her room. By then I was in tears, and everyone was just standing there when suddenly Magic literally screamed, a sound I have not heard before or since. He died three years later, but from then on he was never close to anyone.

Since 2013 I have been a permanent foster with Pet Pride and the cats I take in are the ones so abused they simply want to be left alone. It takes time, and Farrah for example spent from May to November under the bed and another couple of months before accepting me. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a happy, purring lapcat.


Patricia, such a sad and traumatic story of your daughter's passing.  I hope you had lots of support from friends, family, and Marie's father, during that time? 


Oh, Patricia, I knew your daughter had died, but not the circumstances. So sorry. And imagine what Magic read on you all to provoke that cry of despair. Cats and dogs get underrated a lot.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein


It has been 28 years and she would have been 46 years old this year. Sometimes I wonder what she would have been like if she had lived, but you go on.

Marilyne I had no support from her father, I doubt if he ever knew. Vietnam messed him up so badly that the last I heard in the late seventies he was wandering in Kentucky and Tennessee. I know my family was there, but all I remember was all those doctors who had previously found nothing and one who told me that "Sometimes young girls do this if they're emotional." I remember they all sent letters saying they had lawyers.

Sasha, an animal senses by scent, and chemicals and by behavorial clues and by so much we don't have the physical capacity to understand.

Mary Ann

Patricia, that was a horrible burden to bear all of those years.  The horror of it never leaves you.  I've mourned the loss of my mother forever, but my mother did have a life, your daughter did not have time. 

Mary Ann


Animals can seem very intuitive. Patricia, thanks for sharing your loss and memories.


Mary Ann

What an interesting cat, but he'd tire me out with his energy.

Mary Ann


Savannahs are the missing link. The original cats were bred from African wild cats and then bred with the more docile litter mates in ancient Egypt and Asia. The Savannah is crossed with the African Serval which is why they can cost up to twenty thousand and they are banned in some areas.


Shan looks a lot like Ruby now, except he doesn't have a white chest.


My carer from Sri Lanka told me that the cats in his island are all like the Savannah cat. He said that they are very common there and confirmed they are great runners and most active


MarsGal, an interesting fact about orange cats like your Shan is that they are 90% male by way of genetics similar to Calicos and reverse calicos being 90% female. My long haired orange cat Peter had more pronounced Tabby markings as he aged.

Bubble, I wondered if your carer was talking about actual wild cat species or domestic cat breeds? I Googled and there are some wild breeds native to Sri Lanka.  "Sri Lanka has four species of wild cats: the Leopard (Panthera pardus), the Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), the Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) and the Rusty-spotted Cat (Prionailurus rubiginous). ... None of the wild cats found in Sri Lanka are endemic. This article focus on the " 3 Small Cats of Sri Lanka".  Small Feline Predators of Sri Lanka -https://tinyurl.com/y2b22sd7

 Aso,  "The rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) is one of the cat family's smallest members, of which historical records are known only from India and Sri Lanka.[3] In 2012, it was also recorded in the western Terai of Nepal.[4] Since 2016, the global wild population is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List as it is fragmented and affected by loss and destruction of prime habitat, deciduous forests."

and "The rusty-spotted cat is the smallest wild cat in Asia and rivals the black-footed cat as the world's smallest wild cat. It is 35 to 48 cm (14 to 19 in) in length, with a 15 to 30 cm (5.9 to 11.8 in) tail, and weighs only 0.9 to 1.6 kg (2.0 to 3.5 lb). The short fur is grey over most of the body, with rusty spots over the back and flanks, while the underbelly is white with large dark spots. The darker colored tail is thick and about half the length of the body, and the spots are less distinct. There are six dark streaks on each side of the head, extending over the cheeks and forehead."

Thank your carer for me and thank you, this was intriguing!



I watched a clip of John and Sweetie Pie last night. Forgot to mention that Sweetie Pie will be turned over to Danny's (Denny's?) on Saturday. John plans on packing her "suitcase" tomorrow. I thing John might miss her, or is he always that loving to his temporary charges? Also, John and Chris are doing to be doing some renovating and a room switch (Chris will have the current foster room, and the new fosters will have Chris's room) so he doesn't expect to take in and new fosters for a while, but not much longer than usual I think since he mentioned three weeks.


Patricia,you are so right on about dogs and cats Olfactory senses. My Freckles is also my  Service dog. Her sense of smell can  detect any  body chemistry changes in me when I am about to have a PTSD meltdown. More recently she was quite aware that I was in AFIB before I knew it.She will not leave me alone at all. Even my Harry cat was all over me prior to  my going off in the ambulance.


One of my friends has a chocolate lab that recognizes when he's about to have an epileptic seizure and alerts and cares for him during it.

A disabled partially bind war vet here has a white pit bull for comfort/security and companionship. The pitbull is sometimes seen pulling his wheelchair in harness both inside the building and in the enclosed dog park. He is the only animal here that it is exempt from the 20-pound rule.

 Another friend's granddaughter is deaf and has a mix breed deaf cat who understands sign language. Animals connect with us in so many ways, but chemically and electrically is amazing.

MarsGal, I saw that post today and am sorry that Sweetie Pie didn't have any applications. Hopefully, she won't be there long before being adopted. John is very affectionate with cats and kittens, seems to have always been that way.

"Sweetie Pie will be transferring to Denny's Pet World Saturday morning, departing around 10:00-10:30 am. Her graduation photo & bags will be done at 7 pm (all times Pacific) tomorrow, Friday evening.

This will expose her to a new set of eyes to improve her chances of adoption. I had hoped to adopt her out directly to minimize the number of changes she has to go through because she can get scared of things outside the norm, but it's not really fair to her to keep her here any longer.

Highlight reels will start once we depart. It may be 2 or so weeks before I can bring in new fosters due to having the flooring redone including the foster room which will be getting wooden floors."


Angel, my carer said that these spotted cats in Sri Lanka are house cats.  Apparently   wild cats are not commonly seen where he lives.


That's interesting Bubble because even their housecats would be exotic to me being so physically close to some of the orignal species they were bred from!


From the Critter Room about an hour ago; "Visited Sweetie Pie when Denny's Pet World opened. She's still pretty skittish but seemed to do well with neck & cheek scritches and wasn't nervously licking her lips as often as she did when I came in.

She lapped up some wet food and then lapped up some water that I mixed with the food when she stopped eating. Held the bowl up to her and she leaned over it to eat. She seemed to look better after that and gained enough confidence to get a look that she was just about done being comforted. I took that point to bid her goodbye for today."

 Purrfect Pals uses the donated room by Denny's Pet World, and all maintenance food and care are done by Purrfect Pals volunteers including John, his son and his girlfriend Sarah who also has a rescue vlog.


Remember a couple of FDR litters ago when there were five motherless male kittens with Herpes and UPIs to the effect that two were expected to lose one or both eyes?

Luckily a donation of specially treated canine blood from a living donor saved their eyes. One, the gray kitten still only distinguishes between light and shadow while the tuxedo has one fairly right eye and one blind one. However, removal turned out not to be necessary.

The new owners have a facebook page and also have two older female cats. They report that Zero, the gray one, with only seeing the light and shadows, is very confident and the tuxedo, (renamed Felix); depends on him to guide and protect him altho he, (the tuxedo); has the better vision.

"I have been debating on sharing this for a very VERY long time. I see a lot of comments about how healthy the boys are, and want to be clear that it takes a lot to keep them that way. Upfront, this is not bashing the original owner. In any way. This is addressing the assumption that kittens don't need to see a vet early.

The herpes virus is very common in rescues, and these two are no exception. The virus has a strong hold on them. When they came home the stress of new home, new humans, new kitties, and me being gone on and off for two weeks caused a flare up. Their vet is amazing and loves them to pieces. They got through that flare up and then randomly had another one. The vet said that their bodies need constant antiviral to keep the virus at bay and lysine daily. Then during flare up also antibiotics for their lungs and eye drops as well.

They are not suffering, they are happy cats that don't know any different. This is just life for them. They don't like the meds, but it is what it is.

As their humans, we want to open the conversation about early vet care. They got vet care that saved them, and we are so grateful! They get continued vet care, and their vet loves them. However early vet care can prevent this for many other kitties. Even and especially when you don't think they need it yet. The vets are trained to see early signs we miss.

Note about the photo:
This was their first visit in to the vet. We learned that Felix is the one that gets car sick. He puked allll over himself and Zero. The vet assistants were so sweet and brought everything in so I could get them all cleaned up. They were so teeny! They had just about doubled in size by the next time I brought them in."

Felix and Zero.jpg


Patricia, thanks for that. The vet thinks Oscar has a herpes virus which is the cause of his ongoing sinus drainage. His left eye cleared up after treatment, but the sinus has not. the L-lysine helps him a lot. Lucy has came with sinus drainage, but didn't have any real problems with it until last year. She now gets the same special shot Oscar does. Unfortunately, the L-Lysine does not seem to do much for her. Shan has not picked any of this up yet, but I expect it eventually. I think the "special" shot is called Fellicell, but am, at the moment, to lazy to dig out the records.

Yesterday, I saw the some of the cat clan out and about. Three of them, the two blacks and the ginger, were chasing a squirrel. Later, I saw one playing with what was probably a mouse. This morning there are tracks around my house. I believe one of the cats is using my yard as a thoroughfare to get to the steep bank that slopes down to the Conodoguinet Creek. I hope I don't eventually have to go scrape a cat off the road.


Sadly, I'm hearing more and more about genetic and viral diseases epidemic in feral and feral colonies. Female cats can start having litters at five months and males sexually active beginning around four months. I don't understand why they're not able to at least TNR in your area.

In Western Canada, its kidney disease, in some Eastern areas its leukemia and the West its herpes and all over its URIs This inbred disease capacity transfers over into rescues and an all over weakening of immunities over time.

Tomorrow I'm taking Farrah in for a one and half hour teeth cleaning session where she will be put under. I've been asked why I'm willing to pay so much for a cat and constantly hear stories of this or that cat or dog that lived X amount of years with no problem and never saw a vet. The inference is that all of this expensive care nowadays isn't often needed and especially for an animal! Shades of "back in my day...."

Mary Ann

Patricia, I shouldn't admit this in public, but I don't take Kendrick to a vet regularly, only if I think he needs attention.  To the best of my ability, he is an indoor cat.  That said, I do not criticize you for your actions with Farrah.  She had an entirely different background than Kendrick, but even so, it is your right to do what you think is right.  I hope Farrah's teeth cleaning is successful. 

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, Farrah has periodontal disease which is common in both older dogs and cats and I suspect humans. The vet showed me, (After I mentioned her increasing bad breath); lesions around some of her teeth from the disease and where the gums were shrinking away from the tooth base. They would put her under as its hard to clean a cat's teeth safely and even more with an ex-feral unless you started at a very early age, so the cat was used to it.

Farrah gets a yearly rabies shot due to proof shown that the two or three-year injections can cause issues. Even an indoor only cat is subject to what comes in on people or other animals skin, hair, shoes or clothing. You may unknowingly step in something and transfer it indoors such as an ear mite.

For me, and I can only speak for myself, I take Farrah in once a year for an exam and shots, once for dental and probably if I notice something concerning. As a permanent foster, Pet Pride will pay for any out of the ordinary expenses, but the rest are mine.


"Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary and Adoption Centers is at Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary and Adoption Centers.
3 hrs ·
That didn't take long! Our darling little mama cat, Sweetie Pie, was adopted yesterday at Denny's Pet World! Her new family has another Purrfect Pals kitty, Balthazar, at home as well as vintage orange tabby and a two year old retriever/lab. They are giving her all the time and space she needs to settle into her new home and couldn't be happier. Congratulations, Sweetie Pie!"

Mary Ann

Hooray for Sweetie Pie!

Mary Ann


Oh, that is such good news. I almost wish I could have adopted her.

I was trying to find an update on PA laws regarding TNR. As far as I know it is still illegal to do so, although the law is not often enforced. We do have TNR groups throughout PA, including on here in Camp Hill. An article I read quoted the national director of Alley Cat Allies as saying that it is not illegal to do this, but it is illegal to abandon cats. OOkkay! Arched eyebrows here. Not sure of her point there. PA did pass a law a few years ago regarding leaving pets, including cats, out in cold weather, though. Recently one of the towns in the region passed an ordinance that cats let outside by owners must have an ID collar and current rabies shots. Good for them! But they go farther, saying any cats without ID collars will be captured and euthanized. I didn't see micro-chipping listed, but maybe that is taken into account for ID, but I think the point is that if the cat has a collar, it has an owner. This town apparently has a large feral cat population. I've also found arguments that TNR is not working to keep the cat population down. I assume that is because there aren't enough being caught and neutered to overcome the influx of new unneutered cats. I noticed that with the cats around the mouse and chipmonk population around my house is checked (something I am not too unhappy about). My neighbor is worried about the small birds. There are now six cats down in the thicket now. I expect to see more soon.


Its interesting that the parents have two older kids, boy and girl, probably middle school age or just before. And a younger boy. So a family of five as well as two older cats and a two-year-old dog. Sweetie is one that prefers to be slowly eased into things so this should be interesting.

It originally took four days for her to even move out in the room when she and her feral kittens were first brought into the critter room. At first, they were feral and totally unsocialized. Apple and Peach, the last of the kittens adopted, were still a bit wary of noise and humans. I believe John is a wonderful adoption example with his cam attracting so many views and that helps the other rescues as well.

MarsGal, it sounds as if your town may be like mine where dogs are more valued and puppy and kitten litters are usually euthanized as they say there is no space or special personnel. A chipped dog or cat has a week, unchipped 48 hours but no kill practices never make it through borough bonds and voting. But then schools don't seem to do well in that regard either.

There is a rabid tax organization here that is against just about everything that comes up. Last year they had a fit about the city workers' overtime after they demonstrated for less personnel. Then the Mayor announced they couldn't have it both ways so off everyone went again!


Young Maine Coon Cat is 7 month old baby's protector
