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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Money Matters

Started by jane, March 30, 2016, 11:37:08 AM

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Update on my post about losing my doctor. I had been told everything was alright with my different medical insurance - it would be honored.  I went in for a blood test prior to my actual check-up.  A very determined young woman (new) told me that it would not be honored.  So, I asked Don what should I do - and he told me to go back to the desk and ask to speak to my primary care doctor as she did promise to keep me on.  I did.  4 days later, the phone rang with the news I could still see my favorite doctor.  Cannot tell you how relieved I was with that news.  Sometimes, the right thing happens. 

I wish everyone would do their research and have their problems solved. 


Glad that worked out for you, Carol. 

We've never had to fight that insurance battle with a whole range of doctors and facilities, thank heavens. 


My son has problems with the group (local) he is a member of.  No one seems to know which doctors are members.  Some are members when you start but down the road they say he is not a member of the group.  Other times he's told a doc is a member but when you file they say he's not a member doc.  Often things get corrected but it'd a big hassle to get results.  He's run into a situation where only selected doctors of a group practice are covered.  I think the object is to get you to give up.

The group I belong to, which is selected by my old employer, sends out glossy flyers and booklets. Also "offers" an "in home" interview with a licensed practitioner to help me determine if I'm getting correct services from my medical provider.  If I didn't trust my doctor I wouldn't be going to him.  I think the money spent on these "extra services" would be better spent on medical services.

:tickedoff:  :idiot2: --- kick my soapbox.



These type of programs are illegal in Alaska. You do not have to pick a particular doctor or have a primary doctor or specialist for every little problem. Also, there is no hard and fast 15-minute rule for office visits. Insurance companies try to get around this by offering special offers if you use one of their preferred doctors but that is up to you. It is not obligatory.

On the minus side, Alaskan doctors and dentists are the highest paid in the country. And if you are on Medicare or heaven forbid, some type of low income, (Drs. capp the number of Medicare patients they take as they only receive 71 cents on the dollar); you are out of luck. And will spend thousands at the emergency rooms that legally cannot turn you away. I believe low income has vouchers? Also, Alaskan Natives, Indians, Eskimo, and Aleuts get free medical care through a government program.

I have Medicare, Denali Care, and AARP and while I do not have the waiting time that seems to go with primary doctors and other insurance BS, I still have high prices.


If you are having repeated insurances issues, you might want to see a lawyer if you have either Etna or Allstate. These two companies have been routinely and repeatedly fined and censured by the federal government. They are especially bad for older seniors.



Tomorrow is my annual physical with my doctor. She will only continue the annual physical so I must find another doctor in my insurance plan.  The office she works with has opted to change to a plan that does not insure anyone stepping over the state line.  She is keeping a handful of patients only - so happy that I have known and chatted with her over the years. 

Health care is very expensive - there are more than a few hospitals in this country which have been subsidized for decades.  One hospital on the Texas border has never broken even - because poorest of the poor women walk over the border to have good care and they have never even seen medical care in Mexico.  That is only one example - someone has to keep the hospital going.  I certainly do not blame the poorest of the poor. 


Update:  I did have a free and final yearly exam with my favorite doctor.  She wants to meet for coffee -

After reading ratings of doctors on the new insurance plan, I found a nearby younger doctor who is tied into the University system (that is great news) and was told that there was one opening for one patient - me.  Such a load lifted.  She asked the right questions and I am impressed once again. Further, being in this system gives me a greater list of specialists. 


One DIL is a teacher and she buys school supplies for many of her children every year.  Our son and her just expect to do this yearly.  Several organizations and large churches buy new backpacks and fill them with the expected supplies. 


Teachers have done this for years....I did it for 30+ yrs, worked days without pay, and had “vacationsl..i.e.  summer, Christmas. Thanksgiving, Easter, national holidays....all without pay.  People who don’t have teachers in their families don’t know and don’t believe it, but it’s true.  I’ve not not added the hours spent at home making lesson plans, and grading tests and homework, etc.

Jane, . Now getting off her soapbox.


Quote from: jane on August 14, 2018, 05:46:09 PM
Teachers have done this for years....I did it for 30+ yrs, worked days without pay, and had “vacationsl..i.e.  summer, Christmas. Thanksgiving, Easter, national holidays....all without pay.  People who don’t have teachers in their families don’t know and don’t believe it, but it’s true.  Investors not added the hours spent at home making lesson plans, and grading tests and homework, etc.

Jane, . Now getting off her soapbox.
I think much of what you mention bears on where you are talking about. 
I had a teacher get up and walk out of a parent/teacher meeting because of the time. I took time off from work for the meeting (requested by the teacher).
I commend those that truly are there to teach.  But around bigger cities things are a bit different.

Off my soap box too  ???



You are very fortunate if you have a few great teachers in your school experience.  I was reprimanded three times in a row for daydreaming and boy, did I ever shape up - Business Law 9th. grade.  My teacher knew I could do better than space out and he pushed me to answer the questions. 

Do you notice that COSTCO will deliver items free in two days - if tally is over $35.  You must be a member.  You need to sign for the delivery and order before noon for deliver in two days.  I have not signed on yet.  We do go to COSTCO about every two months and it is jammed with carts and people.  It could help people who must live somewhat close to a store. 


Quote from: Carol on August 20, 2018, 03:38:57 PM
Do you notice that COSTCO will deliver items free in two days - if tally is over $35.  You must be a member.  You need to sign for the delivery and order before noon for deliver in two days.  I have not signed on yet.  We do go to COSTCO about every two months and it is jammed with carts and people.  It could help people who must live somewhat close to a store.

I had a Costco membership but the local store is more of a zoo than I can appreciate.  I let it expire.  I have a Sam's membership but haven't used it lately. Other stores are now competing with Amazon with free shipping, and two day shipping.  Walmart has gotten on the bandwagon. Kohls, Target, Macy's - all getting in on it.  No membership required.
Surprisingly, Amazon is making shopping there a nightmare with their multiple "special" services. (Prime, Fresh, Pantry). The items you might want may now be in separate "programs", so you no longer place one order but must order from different "programs" - with separate memberships and shipping.



Amazon always been my favorite shopping place......BUT...there was an fraud attempt on my account....so kinda scary now..even though changed password..of course...but Amazon did catch and prevent it...how does one create a strong password?


Quote from: Cottoncandy on August 21, 2018, 08:04:32 PM
Amazon always been my favorite shopping place......BUT...there was an fraud attempt on my account....so kinda scary now..even though changed password..of course...but Amazon did catch and prevent it...how does one create a strong password?
Take a look at  -  https://passwordsgenerator.net/
There are other similar sites, and some software (like Norton AntiVirus & others) offer password creation.  They may be hard to remember but that's what makes them tough to crack. Write it down and keep in a safe place.



Thank you for that information...going to try and have a more secure password and change it more often....CC


I was just given an AMAZON gift card and have been trying to find something to buy online.  It is not going well with the search - women's items and they show men's shoes, all kinds of odd things. 

I do like Costco for their easy return policy.  It can be a madhouse - the parking lot is totally full too.  Still, I usually like their products and being miserly cheap - buy some products in bulk.  Of course, you must have the storage. 

Cotton Candy:  So frustrating to have to change the password. Someone said there should be numbers - at least they told me at my new medical insurance that numbers were required.   I have a sheet of different passwords and so irked by getting to that idea that "we" have to make the change. 

I do hope everyone is breathing fresh air.  Here, in Colorado, we have been experiencing one of the worst air pollution times.  It does look better this week.  My brother in  Washington is a volunteer fireman and they had to leave a hose and drive out fast.  These are dangerous times for fires.  Imagine the cost of fighting fires and all the extra costs that go with it.  Stay safe everyone.  /b]


The Market today --

       :(    :'(    :(



More / still        :'(



Yep...guess that big tax cut isn't working out so good for the 98% of us who aren't billionaires.  😡


I think we'll have to wait till April 15 to find out the results of that.

Keep an eye on the Fed and it's rate increases.  I think to crash the market.  Be alert - Be observant.



Being on track for the worst Dec. since 1931 (and the depression) sounds dire enough to me.


I've reached the point that I don't even check my portfolio now.  It just depresses me and I can't do anything about it anyway.   In fact, I'm beginning to feel that way about all of the news.  I don't understand the Fed. Reserve raising int. rate again when it seems everything is so precarious.  It seems like they are poking another hole in a boat that is already sinking.


I don't look either...for the same reasons you give.


It's been a while since the last post(s). Is everyone still down?



Investments seem to be doing ok.  Since my husband's death, I've decided to consolidate some scattered investments .... Edward Jones...who switched me to an "advisor" in Missouri when I wanted one here locally...but I guess my account wasn't big enough...and Muriel Jones...who suddenly assigned me an "adviser" with a name I can't pronounce...and who suddenly took an interest when they got the papers to make me the sole owner and to transfer the assets out.  So, I'm going with these investments with a local woman who is a CPA and a rep. for Voya. 

Some of you might recall my "battle" with MFS Fund to get my money...and who wanted all sorts of $$ to "help" me get through their 22 pages of paperwork, to get a "Medallion signature," to get my original "stock certificate," etc.  The total they wanted was in the $200+ range.  My agent here got through all of that and I finally got my check.  Farewell, MFS Fund!
 :coolsmiley:  :idiot2:

My last fight has been with Social Security.  Woman who called me wanted our marriage certificate and Ray's DD214.  I explained he had no benefits from his Navy reserve service and I had a discharge paper and attached papers...nope...needed DD214. That was in Sept.  That was the earliest telephone interview time they had.  DD214 has been requested...it can take 90 days...but I stopped in the SS office 45 miles away last Friday...and gee...funniest thing...I showed another woman the marriage certificate, she made a copy, I said still don't have the DD214...and she said. "Oh, you don't need that..."she" can get that...and I showed her the discharge certificate I had...she made a copy...and said all was ok. AND, on Wed. the money I was due appeared in my checking account...the death benefit and money difference between his SS and mine for the last 3 months.   I was angry.  I didn't need the money to eat or pay my bills...but there are women who may need that...and some "bimbo" is throwing up unnecessary roadblocks.  AACCKKK.



Jane - I read with interest ----

For some reason the DD214 is Bible to the powers that be. To everyone - Be sure to have the DD214 - everyone will want to see it.  Also reminded my son about MFS. He's much into controlling his own investments. We both have some dealings with Fidelity and are satisfied with their performance. They have helped on a couple of occasions with jockeying 401/IRA type accounts.
As far as the Social Security organization goes I think a lot depends on the local Office you deal with and the attitude of those employees. Some good. some not so much.

I'm sure many of us realize what a pain it is to try to straighten out finances after a family event. Not usually a pleasant chore.



No, and I took care of all the financial stuff all our married life...46 years. I simply can't imagine what the non-financial partner does when the one who does all that stuff goes first.  My dear husband would have been lost.  He became worried about money in the last weeks of his illness, when we were making weekly chemo visits, oxygen tanks were being delivered weekly, I bought a chair lift and walkers and a transport chair with our funds, and he worried we'd run out of money because of his illness.  We didn't...thanks to Medicare and our supplement.  Without those two, things would have been ...well...very, very tight.

The sad part is, that even with all the legal stuff in place...joint with survivorship, etc. some companies make it VERY difficult...MFS Fund...and others make it very easy...Vanguard.  I don't know how people get what's theirs without knowing the "ropes" and standing their ground.




Hello, Rammel!
I see that about a year ago, two people remarked that they were reluctant to check their portfolios. A cranky but clever and fun author I like, Nassim Taleb, says that barring some crisis when you have to sell something, adding up your money is something you should do only once a year -- more often than not it will be a gain over the past year, making you happy, and if it isn't, at least you've spared yourself the grief of multiple monthly downturns. Of course, if at any time the market crashes, you'll know without checking that your stocks have suffered, and if there's a spike in inflation or some sharp change in Fed policy, your bonds will have suffered. In any event, there isn't a lot you can do about anything and unless you are unusually clever or lucky, what you are frightened into doing is likely to make things worse.


MSG --- Welcome to S&F, and to this particular discussion. We used to have many posters here but as time passes, and we do too, the number of posts have shrunk. Don't hesitate to jump in here and liven things up.
Investing wise I have mixed feelings as to how I have done this year. I guess tax time will tell the tale. I do keep at least a monthly eye on my status. Within a month I see a tax loss sale to cover a holding I want to dump.



Welcome, MSG!

As Rick (Rammel) says, please come share your opinions/wisdom, etc. with us often. 

I do agree with your advice about checking too often.  Most...99%, I guess, is out of our individual control, once you're happy with your own "mix" and your risk tolerance. 

I'm still in the process of consolidating some scattered investments into one and getting an IRA rolled over to be used to balance the taxable portion of the account.  It's been interesting to see how the various investments are suddenly so interested in my "welfare" when they're contacted to switch the money out and into another holding.  Suddenly, they all have "advisers" ...many with names I can't pronounce...who suddenly want to advise me about what I should do...basically...leave the money where it is.   :coolsmiley:

I have decided to look at that as a positive...that they want to make sure the "old lady" isn't being manipulated by whomever.  I guess that's a very good thing, given some tales I've heard of people who are falling for all the phone scams...the "imprisoned grandchild"...send money.  One local woman has fallen for that TWICE! 
