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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


General Computer Q & A

Started by RAMMEL, March 29, 2016, 01:39:14 PM

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Now on my desktop. I just can't get the Scroll to work. I get to the end and it just keep going back to begging again. seems to do it more on S and f.
Also I was doing some changing on the DT and now when I go to another site and bring it up. Size of the screen is about 4 inch length and 10 inch across. So I have to go clik on the Top Right corner to size it again each time. I just can't figure out so many things on this W10.. Seems that lot of the terminology changed from W7.


Quote from: JeanneP on April 24, 2020, 04:45:06 PMRammel.
Now on my desktop. I just can't get the Scroll to work. I get to the end and it just keep going back to begging again. seems to do it more on S and f.
Also I was doing some changing on the DT and now when I go to another site and bring it up. Size of the screen is about 4 inch length and 10 inch across. So I have to go clik on the Top Right corner to size it again each time. I just can't figure out so many things on this W10.. Seems that lot of the terminology changed from W7.
What is "the DT"? (Damn thing ?}
The open window in Win-10 is much the same as the open window in other versions of Windows.
If your window opens at 4" x 10" you can "grab" any corner and drag it bigger. When your mouse is over the very corner you get a diagonal double headed arrow - at that point left click & hold and drag the corner. In some programs in order to save the window size you can hold down the shift (or maybe ctrl) key while you click the X at the upper right

Messing with settings can often get you in more trouble than you want. Do it with caution.



DT..That is Desk top.\

Now yes it works when I do what you said above. But it just does now stay. It has been doing this strange thing for a week now. Get tired of going through all that. Wish I could figure out what I did wrong.
That is my problem in the Desk top with W10 I keep messing around with things I don't know what it does and then messing it up. Tempted to hook my W7 back up again . I loved it. That or sit and learn more about the W10. I just jump in the iPad and do more on it now. But desk top easier to type and screen so large.


On my W10 I can change the things the way you say but next time I boot up to use S an F .all back messed up again
Scrolling will still not hold . get to the bottom and goes up to top again. Also for ages everything shows up  with date 23/3/2020. Some are posting from people who have been gone from 2019 Such a Kelly.so far back but the posting date of his will still show as 23/3/2020. Spooky.


I can go back a few month to see that the posting date of them all will say 3/23/2020
My time of posting this now is showing as Today at 06 :20 pm and actually the time here is 1:20pm


Sounds like your computer needs some "hands on" fixing. Hope there is someone available who can help.
A site like  https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/fixwin_for_windows_10.html  might be of help.



Jeanne...check what time zone you're using here.

Extreme left upper corner...and click down arrow by your name/profile/forum profile/ and see if you have CENTRAL time zone there. 


Going to check that. Now I still can't get it to stay on the For Ever. Keeps going back to one hours.


Now where ever I go in S and F. the only date that shows is 23/3/2020. On every ones postings regarding if 2 months ago or today. Tried but can't find out how to change it.


Does your clock and date show correctly at the lower right (System Tray) show CORRECTLY?




yes the time a date down in the rt. hand corner are both correct. Just that on all the posting from 3/31/2020 are using the same date. Clear up to today 5/12/2020. also can't just tap the "Jump To" that was under the Spell check.Preview. Post. and it would take you to a drop down showing the next forum you needed


If it's only on S&F that your time/date is wrong your problem is likely a setting in S&F



Now I think that on my s and f the error in showing always just a date 23/3/2020 all the time on profile under my pictyre it shows this date as date reg. And location.
Just do not see any way to fix it . No idea how it got changed. How do I find were I can change settings. I don't find any . And yes it is just s an f


under your profile I see it as:
Date registered:March 31, 2016, 03:13:40 am


At the top of this page [ scroll to the top ] just above the words "Seniors & Friends" click on "JeanneP" (should be in a grey bar at the left top).
In the box that opens click on "Look and Layout".
At the top of the list that shows be sure TIME FORMAT shows "Forum Default" is selected. If not, select it.
Just below that be sure your correct time zone is selected. If not, select it.
IMPORTANT - Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "CHANGE PROFILE" at the lower right.

Check results and report back.



I have not looked at thumb drives since Windows 7. Have lots of good tongs on them . Never have gotten into w10 and don't think ever will. I was so good with wWXP. May dig it out again.
Spent time today with my thumb drives on W10 can't figure it out at all.


Now I know why I have lost some long postings. I think this is the problem.  I just can't change it from "Sign on for ever' or what it use to be. Now it is stuck in "Sign on for 1 hour." so I go past that hour when in S and f sometimes and it catches me posting a message in one of the forums right at the end of time so it will not post and vanishes.
Maybe it is another thing I am going crazy with in the House Bound most of the time along with so many more Robo Calls.
Fact had 2 today and its Sunday.


Good morning, Jeanne and Every Buddy looking in.  I hope Every Buddy is feeling well and has a nice day planned. Yesterday Tim came over and took me to Montgomery to a bank I have used in the past.  We had a long chat with a young woman who helped me find what I needed.  She was very helpful and that was a blessing!

So far not much else going on here this morning.  Tim hasn't been here and I've had breakfast, dressed and am ready for the day, but will probably spend most of it inside as it will probably be hot outside! 

Have a nice day Every Buddy!


My print so small .no idea why have turned it up but think forgotten how. On I pad because no internet fo past 3 weeks . All technology breaking on me it seems but can't get a human at Comcast.


Now I am all excited.  :excited:  I just discovered DOSbox. It is an x86 emulator so you can play a whole bunch of old DOS games you can't play on Windows anymore. There are a ton (and I do mean a ton) of games, free and for $, so it looks like the community is alive and well. Not going to have a chance to try it today, but I have the main website and a free game site bookmarked for later. Apparently there are versions for Windows and MacOS X as well as a few other OS systems.

https://www.dosbox.com/information.php?page=0 This is info for the emulator only, but they do list a couple of websites for games, etc. This is another one, not listed on DOSbox website. https://www.dosgames.com/


I'd love to try again "King Quest" I wonder if they have it? "Rama" also was fascinating and I never reached the end of it :(
The one I miss the most is the words game Letter Link. I used to spend hours...


They have both, Bubble. In fact, they list a number of versions of King's Quest. Of the three game sites I checked so far, COG.com is the only one that has King's Quest, but they are charging for it. It and the other two games sites I checked so far don't have Rama. My first goal will be to read the DOSbox manual before I even download it to my Linux. I'd like to get the original Lemmings, PacMan, and something I think was called Brickout or some such where you knock out bricks from a wall with a bouncing ball. The jigsaw game I want to find I had on my old Amiga. It was an ambitious program that had, within, the picture itself, moving action all the while you are trying to piece together the puzzle. Never saw the like of it on Windows (or anywhere, for that matter) since.


I tried a word game similar to Boggle that you can play online but... it was so difficult to make the letters move that I abandoned after four tries.

Have you played Rama?  It is based on the trilogy by Arthur Clarke. It was really engrossing - to me.


No, I haven't Bubble. My DOS game playing usually consisted of word games. Early DOS games I played included PacMan, and the first Lemmings. I am not sure if my Sim City was DOS or not, but I never could get into the empire building stuff. Other games were Tetris and something I think was called Brick Out. Bookworm was an online favorite until the program got retired. I also like Text Twist. Now I work on Epic Jigsaws, Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom (thankfully Windows still allows me to reinstall when needed) and Jumbline.


I looked into Bookworm online again, after giving up on finding a free game to play years ago. Now I see a bunch of sites, some of them are trial only, one does not open the program at all, the other I tried says I need to unblock Adobe Flash which I will do later. Epic Jigsaws allows me to add my photos to make jigsaws too, but I never tried it.


Rammel or anyone who might can help me.....when I lg in to Facebook..my login picture is blank...my IPad is 7 years old...so probably not getting updates...may be time for new IPad....any suggestion appreciated..CC



My iPad is now 6 years old and finding I can't download  most apps . Has to have a op/syst over 10.4  now. I may look at a new one in December. Not using computers much these days. My desktop needs checking out .it is only 2 years but think Windows 10 downloaded something on it that has changed things and I lost my computer man.


Not many commenting on this site...But hope someone will give me some input......since my computer...desktop crashed several months ago....I'm going to buy either a laptop or a new IPad......any comments? Not sure which one to spend money on...this in advance CC
