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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
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MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


General Computer Q & A

Started by RAMMEL, March 29, 2016, 01:39:14 PM

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I'm going to send you a Message, but give me a little time to get it together.






The temp here seems to be about 4º less than the temp indicated below. It is now below freezing here. 30º



Wonder if someone can coach me on printing something.  Story is:  Looking up map of the Appalachain Trail, there is one, fairly large, but it is PDF.  Im kind of dumb when it comes to something like that.  When I hit Print, it just shows a small portion of the map which is vertical and should be 4 or 5 pages.  It will print only the square that is highlighted. (I didn't highlight it).  Help?  LOL


I hope this helps?

From the National Park Service;

Printing Oversized PDF Maps

National Park Service maps come in various sizes. Maps smaller than your printer's paper size will print at full scale on one page in Acrobat Reader. Maps larger than your printer's paper size will center and crop the map, printing only the section of the map that fits on the page.

While page tiling is not possible from the free version of Acrobat Reader, you may still reduce the map to fit on a page. If a map is slightly larger than your printer’s paper size and you want to reduce it to fit on one page, select "Shrink oversized pages to paper size" in the Acrobat Reader Print dialog box.

You must have the full retail version of Adobe Acrobat and a Postscript-compatible printer driver to print maps significantly larger than your printer’s paper size using "page tiling." Acrobat divides the oversize map into tiles (or sections), with each section printing on a separate page. You can then manually cut and tape these sections together.

Make sure you un-check "Shrink oversized pages to paper size" and then select the "Advanced” button on the Acrobat Print dialog box. Select "Automatic" to tile the map across multiple sheets of paper. You may specify an "Overlap" amount, "Scale" the print output, and include "Tile Marks" to help you cut and tape the tiled pages together.


Rick, the temperatures around town where I live vary widely often from street to street due to the many rivers, ponds, streams and sloughs. The temperatures shown in the widgets are the official  one sent in by that area. What I mean is our official temperature reading comes from the airport which is surrounded by float plane ponds. So it runs cooler than other areas. My outside temperature on the balcony at 7:55pm reads plus 47, yet the widget below reads plus 45.


Hi Rammel
I got the message,thank you.



Just checking in.  Always asking for help on this forum. CC


While I'm asking, I have a Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard.  In the center is a key titled Zoom.  It used to let me zoom in on print items or pics and enlarge them.  Now it doesn't work at all.  Any ideas?


Hi Rammel
Thank you for the instruction to insert the Manx Flag.



Quote from: Tomereader1 on April 05, 2016, 04:49:11 PM
While I'm asking, I have a Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard.  In the center is a key titled Zoom.  It used to let me zoom in on print items or pics and enlarge them.  Now it doesn't work at all.  Any ideas?
You could try going to "Control Panel" < Keyboard   ----- You may see options there for your Keyboard. Check all the tabs there.



Good work Rick and Kelly, now you have your flag.


Thanks, Rammel.  It worked...under Zooming speed.


Hi Kevin,  interesting flag!  What's the story about the 3 legs?




Thank you, Kelly.  Pretty interesting--and I'd like to know more.  Was the Isle of Man one of the places the Vikings explored and perhaps settled for a while?



Hi Sue
The Vikings came to the Island about 810-815AD and they ruled here until 1266, losing power to Scotland.

And I live near to one of the battles the saw the Vikings seize power in the 800's AD.

And to this day some of the place names on the Island have connections to the Vikings.  And places that end in 'by' like Sulby, Regaby, and many others are Norse related names.

And are only mountain Snaefell is a Norse related name meaning snow mountain.

If you want to know anymore about the Island, I will always reply.



Did you answer about the meaning of the flag?  I must have missed it.


Hi Bubble
I left a link on the reply to Sue about the Manx flag.



I'm updating a post I made earlier about the Flash problems.

I hope you're all aware of the vulnerability of Adobe Flash to ransomware.  This has been all over the news, so I hope you've seen it and have checked for the latest patch.  I chose to uninstall mine and to follow the advice of those with how to disable it on Chrome, which can apparently use it even if it's uninstalled.  [I don't understand that, but there's a lot I don't understand about software.]. The following is from Computerworld.


Do a google search or read Kim Komando, if you're in her Club or look at other links for step by step.





Jane the good news is I trust you :)  The bad news is I do not know who to trust when it comes to computers and iMac.   :tickedoff:

Not sure about the iMac, but I am on Windows 10 and hope this note found on Kim Komando means I need do nothing (my favorite routine)

Updated 4/7/16: Adobe has released the update for every browser and operating system, with the exception of Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. However, that should update automatically when the update is released.


Everyone just needs to be aware, and there are so many sources on this that I hope everyone already knew and did whatever was best for his/her situation. 

I finally got to the apps open by quickly double clicking on the home button.  I was taking too long to do the double click.  Now I know what to do.  THANKS!



I mentioned about these types of attacks awhile back and everyone told me it wasn't a concern for them. Now they are becoming more common and wide spread. Perhaps now people will begin to take precautions to save their information and the money used for a new computer or costly repairs.


I have, is that the latest?


Well I am glad for that!  Thanks Jack.


Bubble but as Pat pointed out, they keep coming, I can only hope Microsoft keeps updating, but know I can still get hit.


Pat...I think most of the ransomware hackers are after big fish....the hospital systems they've targeted and "held hostage" for big $$.  I continue to think that sort of target...large banks/financial companies/retailers/hospital systems are in far more danger than those of us with home computers, but I certainly agree with you that we need to be informed and aware.    I chose to go offline and uninstalled Flash player, even though Malwarebytes that I pay for has sent out notices that they're covering the ransomware zero day attack.  If I find I need Flash, I'll install it again, probably. 

It's my understanding that it's no longer as important as it once was.  You're up on all this sort of thing.  Is that true and do you have it on your computer? 

Thanks for your help,



Do not know why, just had some time, and clicked on Windows Defender, and then all detected items.  Was surprised to see they had quarantined two "Exploits"  Sorry I did not pick up the name (would forget it anyway and do not like looking up for fear of the source that discussed)  Both were two days ago, and I removed immed.  I try to watch my moving about the web, and have been fortunate that Windows Defender on 10 appears to be doing a good job with their updating every day.


Two of the problems they've discussed, especially with bank records or hospitals being targeted is the release of patients' records to spammers. There is also the worry about computerized implants, such as heart monitors and there is an estimated 1.5 million medical devices worldwide. This type of ransome ware has quickly become a billion dollar industry.

I have almost daily emails from Malawarebytes, System Mechanic and PC Pitstop about security. I use WOT or web of trust that tells me before alighting on the site if it has malware. I use System Mechanic that continuously monitors my system and my email and I use Hitman Pro that also monitors my system, it is sold as a second opinion antivirus that is recommended and not the same as your regular antivirus. I automatically run spyware scans each evening and System Mechanic automatically cleans my system daily.

I never use the red X when deleting unknown items, always use C l-alt-delete and I never ever open email I'm not familiar with because sometimes even with spam checkers, it can get through.

Now I'm not saying use the programs I use or follow as I do, but follow through on your own, keep up on info and keep an eye out on your own system. Buy a good external drive and when not using it to download, turn off and separate it from your system! I don't know how many that never separate their back up from their computer!

Anytime I download anything, after checking customer reviews,  I run my anitvirus over it before opening and I always, always, always never use automatic download. Using custom allows you to delete items you do not want. Adobe has always had issues with spyware as do comics, gambling or game and card playing sites and porn. Kids sites are loaded with malware, even the ones for very small children.

Malware even ones that look simple are attached to almost everything from innocuous to dangerous. Either by paying a fee or by attaching themselves to unwary software providers.

I took off Adobe Flash awhile back as it is always associated with security issues.