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The Old Covered Bridge

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MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
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2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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avatar_Jeanne Lee


Started by Jeanne Lee, April 30, 2016, 10:20:37 PM

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I was eating breakfast at 7:55 this morning and the tornado siren down at the fire station went off.  I immediately grabbed a sofa cushion and the telephone and went to the hallway to my bedrooms and sat down for about an hour.  Before I sat I turned my TV to the weather channel and could hear the projections of other tornados.  We are all clear now.  We may get more rough weather before the day is over.

Sue (SCF)


Good to hear that you are ok SCFSue.    I hope that nasty weather passes you by this time around.
Mary C


This morning is sunshiny and warm enough for just a sweat shirt to keep my arms warm.  After my morning walk down the hill and back I finally cut back my last lantana.  It was already frost damaged, but the roots are still alive, so I'm hoping for some nice flowers and berries in March or April. 

I need to work on my azaleas, both in the large back yard and the front.  Some need to be moved as they are crowding others next to them.  I don't know if they will bloom much this year.

Thanks for the OK, Mary C.  I did go to a women's basketball game on Sunday.  When I arrived the arena was under another tornado warning and the game was put off for another 45 minutes--and when it started our girls played really well, but we lost to Kentucky by about 5 points.  It was a good close game.

Sue (SCF)  Is our other Sue OK, haven't seen a post from her in a long time.


SCFSue,   Your threatening weather just doesn't want to stop does it?    I've been thinking about the tornadoes and wondering if this is the usual time when those happen.   It seemed to me that I've heard of them more in the spring time than in winter.

We had such a good day today.    It was kind of cloudy but the temps were in the 40's and no wind to speak of.   The forecast is for wintery weather this weekend.

This afternoon I took out my little garden cart and picked up a lot of fallen twigs and small branches from the yard.    It was so good to be out there moving around the garden.     A couple days ago I did get out and check my Witch Hazel tree.    I see that there are a few buds that will open next month.    I've been excited to see that little tree flourish in our garden.   I've hoped to get one for quite a while and found this baby tree at our local Garden Fest a couple years ago.    I also have another young Serviceberry tree that looks to be coming along quite well.    We have a mature tree in the front yard and I found this young one at our hardware store among the few perennial  plants year before last.   They are so pretty in the early spring, have berries for the birds and lovely red leaves in fall.
Mary C


SCFSue,  I love your little spring poem over in another forum. :)    Our daffodils are just beginning to show fat buds.   The crocuses are blooming as are the snow drops.    I love this time of year when all the shrubs and trees have buds ready to burst.   

I am in the midst of trying to clean up the debris from our recent windstorm.    It was followed by a heavy snowfall so all of the fallen branches and twigs were buried for a few days and then the yard was so wet it was impossible to walk out.     I've been doing a bit at a time when we had a warm day.   
Mary C


We're having a spring-like day today.  I am watching my undergrad Alma Mater (U. of South Carolina) play basket ball against Florida and we're behind at the half--but I'll stay inside until the game is over.  I'm hoping for a severe talk from our coach and much improvement from our guys.  We have shorter, faster guys and hopefully they'll pick up the pace and make those baskets.

For those who missed the poem I learned as a child, here it is:

Spring has sprung,
The grass has ris,
I wonder where
The flowers is.

Pardon the grammar--and I don't know the origin.  It's something my Dad's cousin used to tell us when we were getting ready for Easter.



Summer is finally upon us here in Alabama.  I've spent several days out front digging up and cutting back mimosa seedlings that have reached LARGE proportions!  I'm still not finished.  My next door neighbors have a yard man and their mimosa is lovely, but it drops lots of those blooms with seeds upon them and they drift over into my yard.  Hopefully I'll get most of them cut out before fall, but they WILL return--just like Gen. McArthur!

My fall garden is coming along OK.  I think I'll get some bush beans by late September and hopefully a tomato or two.  I didn't get outside to plant my little enclosed veggie bed until recently, so no tomatoes or beans for summer meals.

Not much else to report from my garden, although my butterfly bush and lantana bushes are blooming--the butterfly bush more than the lantana.

Happy gardening,


I thought sure we had lost our Blue Daze this winter, but it is prettier than ever.

Mary Ann

Beautiful flowers, Jean.  Of course, I'm partial to pretty blues.

Mary Ann


FlaJean, the Blue Daze flowers are beautiful.  Are they related to petunias?  I don't recognize the foliage.



Also love that patch of blue.


Sue, Blue Daze is a low growing evergreen plant (member of the morning glory family). We have it growing in several beds and it makes a nice ground cover.  The cold killed many of the leaves this winter but it survived nicely.


Flajean, these flower are so cheerful.  Do they grow from seeds?   I have never seen them before.  I just fell in love and wonder if they would support the proximity of the sea.


Bubble, we bought them as small plants at our local Lowe's nursery section.  We are surrounded by several bayous, the bay and then a few miles to the Gulf so I'm sure they don't mind the sea.

We always had very good luck in Ocala with begonias but here we are getting too much direct sunlight and they look anemic.  I think we will have to replace them with possibly vincas.


Apparently they also grow in hanging pots.  I'll have to see if they are available locally. I'd love that.  At present I have two nasturtiums in hanging pots and they are gorgeous.


Love those Jean. Now are the the ones that spread fast. Close to the ground.? I many try potting some as I am not big on gardening. Most flowers affect my allergies so have to be careful.


I've never grown nasturtiums.  Looked them up on google and they look like a nice carefree plant to have.  I've got an empty pot that needs filling and I'm going to look for some at the nursery.


FlaJean, Nasturtiums are one of those plants I found very easy to grow from seeds and my last packet that I just spread gave up several colours and do not need a great deal of attention.  Usually I do not use seeds.


Mine also grew from seeds I had collected from a friend's plant.  They are all shades of orange and brighten my window. They look even more stunning from the outside because they cascade on the front of the building.  I should take a picture, but it is so hot outside that I am reluctant to put my nose out.



My "garden"



I received a lovely begonia



Good idea Junee about the seeds.  I couldn't find the plants.  I ended up getting some Vinca plants which do well in our Florida weather.

Nice "garden" Bubbles.  Thanks for the photo.


We've had lots of rain from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Houston.  I forget which night I was wakened by a torrential downpour about 1:30 a.m.  It continued for a long time.  I was afraid my house, garden, shrubs, etc. would all be washed down the hill and out into the street.  Fortunately not much damage to trees and shrubs, but my little veggie garden has not produced much all summer.  I've had one serving of green beans and NO tomatoes or peppers!  Just too much water in that raised bed which is surrounded by concrete blocks.

I'm wondering what fall will bring.


Hi...I'm wanting to get a Esperanza plant..may not be spelled correct...can any one tell me when is best time to plant one in ground. thanks. CC


Think I will google it..CC


I've spent a few mornings cleaning up yard debris and have weeded my little garden bed which is enclosed in cinder blocks.  I'll look for tomato plants and bean seeds for that area soon.  The tomatoes will need some warmer weather before I plant, but the beans can probably go into the ground soon.

I have a lot of oak trees in my yard and also in my neighbor's yards so there are many oak leaves down.  I need to spend a couple of days raking and taking them down to my leaf pile to compost. 

I hope other gardeners drop in soon and tell us what they are growing or planning to grow!



I don't do "gardening" any more, but do have the same clean up problems as Sue.  Oak leaves just don't go away.  This past year has brought a bumper crop of pine cones from the two or three trees on the edge of our lot. Seems we are still getting those winter storms here so I'll wait another week or two before cleanup.  My gardening now is down to trying to keep the grass green (and cut).



Lost my yard man after 30 Years. He just sold all his equipment and truck. Have to now find someone to do yard, Bushes etc. He has 2 Grandsons that use to help him 20 and 16. Don't know if they will be doing anything. Now into it at that age. He had a good business as did work for may people on Campus and some business. He got a heart problem last year and it did worry me when I saw him cutting grass in 80 deg.  He is now 85 . its a good paying business if someone wants to work. Now lost my Handyman who could do everything. Now has Alzheimer. He is not 91. That is what happens as we get older. Loose our Doctors also Dentist. I got all of mine over 30 years back. Times goes fast.


It rained here last night and my deck was full of wet leaves this morning--and still drizzling a bit.  I went out side and swept up the wet leaves and took 3 trugs full down to the curb.  If the wind blows, I'll have even more on my deck tomorrow.  My yard pickup is on Monday, so I'll probably clean more out of the back yard tomorrow.  Hopefully we will have some sunny weather after church!



I have quit cleaning of my big porch . I don,t know where the leaves keep coming from as all were baged and carted away in the fall. The sewer company dug at the side of my yard last fall to put in new pipes. They said would be right back to resold it but never did. That looks awful