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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles



Started by jane, March 30, 2016, 11:40:02 AM

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RAMMEl/Rick -  Yes, the non-stop talk about vaccine, and watching the endless parade of bare arms getting a shot, on TV news,  does result in a feeling of doom and helplessness. Translate that into depression!

The majority of people have no problems or reactions to the various Covid vaccines, but there are a few of us, who have had bad, long lasting reactions.  I got my first vaccine in mid-February, (Moderna) and had a reaction that lasted for three weeks.  I won't bore you with details, but will say that it was bad, and I finally saw an allergist.  It was determined to be an ingredient in the vaccine that caused my bad reaction.  He told me not to get the second shot, but to wait a few months, and then get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which does not contain that particular ingredient.

In the meantime there were a few problems with J&J, and it was pulled off the market for a while.  Eventually it was reinstated as safe, so I finally had my shot of that vaccine, on Aug 20, one week ago today.  I feel okay, and only had a few minor, common reactions.   So I feel like I am finally protected, even though I had to wait a full six months between shots!

If this J&J requires a booster - not sure if I will get it or not? 


In January of 2020 we all (here) had something that lasted 5 weeks. Heavy and persistent coughing and feeling low. Emergency Room sent me home twice and said nothing wrong - take some Claritin (Sp). They were only testing for Flu then. Since then a couple of doctors said we probably had Covid in the early stages.
No way do I want to go thru that again so am getting all shots offered.
Son needs the puter now so I'm gone for a while.



My best friend my age (here) had a terrible cough for weeks, did everything but nothing helped. Finally she passed out in her bathroom, hit her face on a drawer handle as she went down & guess almost instantly awake enough to know she was bleeding so called her son. Off to the hospital where they ran the COVID test & she tested positive. That was the ONLY symptom she had & recovered fast. The son she called (and his wife) had tested positive a short time before, after they returned from a vacation somewhere.... so they had no problem sharing any other germs! Friend got the one shot but declined to get the 2nd one, thought between having it & one shot she was safe! 2 of my kids got the J & J, daughter had a reaction for a few hours but not son.

Good friend, retired doctor, was given a "terminal illness diagnosis" when Covid was just starting & now his doctors think he had COVID & not the terminal whatever. He & his wife do or did a lot of traveling.

To be honest, I am so tired of the constant news, repeats of what we should do, it is too depressing to listen to the news. The world news is depressing without COVID and all of it out of MY control. Getting old is depressing enough, not as strong as I used to be & nearly everyone I grew up with is dead. First time I've stopped by in here so will go back & see what y'all have been talking about before.

Remember that giving yourself a bribe/treat whatever you want to call it, does keep the spirits up. Last week I bought myself a box of ice cream "Drumstix", ate the whole box already & loved every munch! I don't remember EVER indulging so much but it helps!


No one has been here for three years, so I'm surprised anyone found my post.
"Drumstix" -- I remember them and liked them quite a bit. But now I look for the "no sugar added" stuff. Klondike Bars have some. Edy's makes a "Tripple Chocolate" that is NSA (No sugar added) that is GOOD.
Beside the Covid problem I am now trying to deal with my wife's problem. She's still in a Nursing Home.  When I return from a visit I need more and more time to regain some normalcy. Very depressing to even see people I don't know there.
The heat and humidity this summer is not helping.  Seems with age comes lack of tolerance.



Rick -  It does sound like you and your family likely had Covid, in January of 2020.  They think now, that lots of people had it at that time, but nobody knew what it was.  So sorry to learn that your wife is in a nursing home.  I know how hard it is to visit a loved one, in one of those hositals.  You do leave feeling very depressed and hopeless.  I hope she is getting better and that she will soon be back home with you.

Shirley -  My junk food addiction in recent months is Cool-Whip. I started putting it on fresh berries, and then "graduated" to putting it on Jello.  Then I discovered how much better a bowl of ice cream tastes with Cool Whip on top!   Also a piece of cake with a huge spoonful on top, is better than frosting!  I know from reading the label, that Cool-Whip is nothing but Vegetable oils, chemicals, sugar and the dreaded HFCS. (high fructose corn syrup.).  I don't care - at my age I'm entitled to indulge in something totally,  without any redeeming qualities!  HA HA  :yes: 


And, Marilyne, that's how I'm keeping a smile on, just eat anything that is good we wouldn't have eaten years ago (because we wanted to live to this ripe old age). I have a cake recipe that calls for Cool Whip in the icing... wonderful & if I can find it I will share. My recipe box has become a total mess with favorites pulled out & not put back in proper tabs. I am BAD. I remember the cake has mandarin oranges & icing has pineapple & Cool Whip. SO good.

Rick, I've only visited two family members in a nursing home and was shocked at my reaction & nightmares after. Some of the caregivers were actually hateful to their patients. There was no way we could take care of our father, that's why my sister gave up & put him in there. He had refused to do much of anything for himself after Mom died but it took him 5 years to join her. Slowly his muscles shrivled up (atrophy) so he couldn't do anything for himself & needed full bed care. We have a niece that is a doctor of geratic pharmacy so paid her flight home to check what meds they had him on, we all realized he would "zone out" after a few minutes of conversation. Her conclusion was, "he is getting the same meds she/they recommend for all their patients in the 3 homes she supervised, so they don't hate waking up so bad every morning." His mind stayed alert to the end and finally strokes took him at 95, his last 7 months in that home. Some things can't be helped but I do know how it drains the ones that love them. Dad did recognize me to the end, so I visited as often as I could (250 mile one way).

When my sister-in-law had to be locked up because of Alzheimers it was more than my brother could stand. Their kids insisted because he was in the hospital 3 times the year before she went in. During her bad times she tried to run away to go home, day & night, but all of a sudden she would be her old self, totally lucid to talk to.

So, my friend, whatever happened that made your wife need that special care, be kind to yourself and do what helps to make the days more bearable, for your family's and your sake. I sincerely do sympathize not tolerating sugar, I know lots of substitutes but harder to find, right? I'm not as much a chocolate lover but would really struggle to do without my potatoes & bread (and know that all turns to sugar in the body).

Guess the bottom line is we don't get thru this life without ups & downs, it helps to know others have the same heart aches. Misery loves company?  I don't think so, more like, "I do know what you are dealing with and know you are doing the best you can".....


For some odd reason...when I go to Bosum Buddies...medical....the page is blank...all post blank ???


Bosom Buddies heading is not even showing up on the list in Forum.


I had no problem getting Bosom Buddies just now .


Still unable to sign in or read bosom Buddies...blank page..CC


Darlene...I can't figure out why you can't see any of the posts.  I'll post it to Michael and hope he can help you.



Is there a place to "Ignore" certain Topics --- that may have been set in error?



Rick there is under your profile settings a listing for ignore boards.


Quote from: patricia19 on September 05, 2021, 02:03:16 PMRick there is under your profile settings a listing for ignore boards.
Could this be Darlene's problem ?



I don't know, Rick.  I sent her the directions to get to Ignore Boards and asked her to check. 

Thanks for the suggestion.




CC,   Do the other discussions work OK?

By the way, Your post in BB does show up.  An interesting problem
Tell us again which Browser you are using and if you can, what Version of that Browser - (at the top  Click HELP then ABOUT  )



CC...did you try the other links I sent you to see if one of those would work?

Also, did you try to close everything, shut down your computer or device and wait a few minutes and start it back up again?