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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe February 1, 2025

Started by so_P_bubble, February 01, 2025, 12:14:46 AM

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Good late morning, 18 degrees, cloudy with snow changing to freezing rain this afternoon and evening, so I guess this is a Continent or at least North America, pattern.

Meet and greets went well, everyone is on a steady diet of hot lemon water and nasal drops, other than me. Farrah's fed and gone off to nap on my laundry sorted piles, and I need to start my coffee. We had an internet outage due to high winds overnight, and I was first on the phone with them and meet and greets so, coffee unfortunately, went by the wayside.

I recently learned that a local health center will be coming this week to give those who want or need them, all their immunizations. I wish I'd known that earlier, as I had gone downtown to receive all four of mine. I just checked and that was back in September except for the Norovirus which I need to find the schedule. It seems there's always something that I'm behind on.

I received my Amazon order and my haircut yesterday, and today is laundry and waiting on a food delivery for a friend. I have another Amazon delivery due on Saturday. The one who kept leaving apples by my door, one time 48, has begun using another for her deliveries. I think out of the three parties, I'll be the happiest.

I just called the building office to double-check, and they will be arriving next month for the immunizations, the day as yet to be confirmed.


Well, another day is gone!  A lot got done today but if you were to ask me what the only things I could come up with are a crock pot of soup (yummy) and 2 walks with Cooper.  Well, If you include the one around the yard (inside and outside of the fence) you could say there were 3 walks.  It was so icy in the morning that I didn't want to take a chance on the street until the road truck went around!

Now I'm ready to hit the sack.  I don't have to be up to meet Cooper tomorrow because Frankie is off work but she did say that she might be over in the afternoon to give him a bath and then leave him while she runs to the store.  I have to be thinking if there's anything I NEED from the store and she'll pick it up for me while she's there.

Time to say Good Night Everyfriend!  Sleep peacefully and wake refreshed!  Have a good day tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Road work nearby cut the cable and we had no wifi most of the day... which for me means no internet, no TV, no phones - and such is modern life -

Still high humidity accompanied with high heat - cold blast next week.

Kathamarie arrived just after nine and thought she would take a nap this afternoon but she is still sleeping almost 5 hours later - I think I will just let her sleep - she had to be at the airport this morning by 4: and then once here it is just shy of an hour to drive from the airport - Paul picked her up but had to keep going and then we were on her cell phone with the inane system they have for fielding problems and only after the tech was finally arranged for and he arrived did we learn the cable was cut and everyone was without wifi in the area - all rather exhausting - sleep may be the best thing...


Good morning..

Another chilly day with a tamp of +12° ,windy and there is snow to dance wih.

Not much else will happen here other than meals and the last two borders on a quilt.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning!  It's cold here too but thank goodness, it's not as cold as Northern Ontario!  I'm wishing fervently for SPRING!

Today is laundry day!  I changed the bed so I have a load of bedding to do and there is already a load in there with my long undies in it!  No Cooper today unless she comes by to give him a bath this afternoon.  If that happens, she will be leaving him here and making a trip to WM.  I have to think what I need her to pick up for me.  I have one idea.  I ran the dishwasher yesterday and I used my last block of soap for the DW. 

Now I have to go fill out some applications and make sure they get where they have to be on time.  I'm not good at paper work any more!  I do try but......  Now I'm off to see where I put the paper work and see what else needs doing!  I wish you all a great day!  Make it your own in every way!  And don't forget to share how you did that with us!  We might want to try your way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good late morning, 13 degrees and cloudy at 10:05.

Meet and greets are done, Farrah's fed and here I am, ready to see what the Internet's been up to.

Barb, I would have been very upset with that company, as it seems they weren't very concerned about keeping their customers or their tech up-to-date. My phone is not connected to my laptop and the company sends a message if there are computer issues.

The plain we live on is surrounded by four mountain ranges, the highest outside of Everest, so we do occasionally have outages due to that, but it is more often computer error than company error. Plus, we have more than one Internet company, so that might help.

Amy, our weather, Saturday through Tuesday will be in the minus at night but so far no sign of that icy rain nor frozen sleet over the weekend. And, no real difference for the remainder of the month.

Normally, January and February are the Interior's coldest, but that hasn't been the case this year. Also, March, due to more humidity and warmer temperatures, is our snowiest month, but that probably won't be the case this year.

Is that the quilt you sent photos of, or another? Let me know which border idea you decided on.

Jane, I'd probably do laundry more often if I didn't have to make myself presentable and cart stuff down one hallway and up another. I miss having an in-house washer and dryer. I did do three loads yesterday and have my couch cover and one very small load of items I'm planning on donating. That's today's plan.

Henry, one of our meet and greets, said women wouldn't have to complain if they didn't have so many clothes. That certainly started a firestorm, but he does have a point.

I'll have to check in with my sister to see how Flynn is doing. He gained some weight at the rescue, but was still 20 pounds underweight when she got him at seven months old on January 4th. For a growing dog at his age, she should be feeding him two cups daily. Instead, it's four cups of food plus 2 eggs and a banana daily.

She had visited him several times at the shelter, so he knew her scent. He's a black labradoodle.


[/b]Well, I'm off to the haystack pretty soon.  Cooper will be coming a bit before 6 a.m. tomorrow and I have to be up and attem and ready for him.

PATRICIA, you are one busy lady!  I don't see how yo do everything you do every day!  I had a busy day today and I'm beat right down to my toenails.  You never even sound tired!  How do you manage!

We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow afternoon and it's supposed to followed by sleet.  The roads are going to be terrible.  I'm sure glad it's not going to start until after Frankie is done working and has time to make it home after picking up Cooper!

I'm getting ready to hit the haystack.  I wore myself out today.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a great day tomorrow!  Come back and share your doings with us!  We like the company!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, I don't think I'm that busy. Compared to you and Amy, I'd come in a distant third, if not later.


Good morning...

We are starting off at 5° this morning, looks as though we got a bit of snow during the night. Don't think it is enough for a dance though. :thumbup:

Laundry day and catching up on things that got left in the dust yesterday........hmm yes.......need to dust. Have folks stopping in for a visit.

Jane, please don't send the snow here.  We are thankful that we didn't get the freezing rain in this area.

Patricia, the quilt top is done,even the binding made!! I will try and get photo of it on the clothesline if the snow isn't too deep. Maybe I can fold it and you will see part of the quilt.

Rick, did you find your "Oil Dry"? You may want to invest in a pair of these.


Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Did it again! Forgot to mark the changeover when I read the first day's posts. Didn't have anything to contribute that day. So I had to catch up on the posts this morning.

The day has brightened but it is solid cloudy and is now 28o here at 8AM. This evening and most the night will be snow, I think. Weatherman had predicted a mix, but not if the temps stay in the mid-twenties overnight. In fact, it looks like it not get above freezing all day.

UPS brought me my new vacuum late yesterday afternoon, so you know what I will be doing today. The stick vacuum I bought when I moved into the apartment gave out early in the week. The battery wouldn't stay charged and then the suction stopped too. I expected it to last a little longer than just shy of a year. My new one is a newer model of the one I had at the house, which broke just before the move. It worked well for years before the plastic bit which held the hose in place broke. The only issue I had with the old vacuum is that I had trouble guiding the swivel bit where I wanted it; it had a mind of its own as to swiveling when I didn't want it to. Otherwise it was a great vacuum. The new one is a corded vacuum, so I don't have to worry about batteries, and the container for the sweepings is full sized; I really got to despising the tiny bin on the stick vacuum.



Good morning, minus 12 at 8:04. Nothing new to report here other than my Amazon package is due today.

Meet and greets, over and done, Farrah fed, and I'm sitting with my first cup of coffee, hoping something turns up on the Internet.


Well we had our adventure yesterday evening - my vehicle had to be registered and therefore needed an inspection completed in order to register it - Paul took it over and they could not test it because he had rigged it up with an electric connection to assure the battery would not die and the car had not run on its own long enough for them to complete the testing - so they gave Paul paperwork showing the car had to be driven before they could continue the inspection.

And yep, you guessed it - we were on our way to Whole Foods and police lights flashing behind us - trying to find an area to pull over with his lights flashing the whole time was a trick and then not being used to being pulled over nerves took hold of Kathamarie and not only shaky but nervous laughter - and then after checking we were not some robbers or whatever they look up to verify - back because I finally found the papers including insurance papers - he had to make a notification but no ticket however, he did say another stop and we would get a ticket and then my daughter askes if that was possible before we got to Whole Foods and he says, also laughing, 'no telling' - relaying all this to Paul and he says, well if it happens again just cry.... oh oh oh life used to be so much easier before they decided to make us all safe...

Today will be the last of our really warm days - sometime tomorrow another norther comes barreling in and next week will be cold and colder each day through Thursday - not as cold as the week with the vortex. This fits - typical there is a serious norther mid February.

So nice to have someone chatting away - and together we are solving life's problems including the nation's problems :coolsmiley:

Tonight Kathamarie is fixing us Salmon with Asparigus - what a treat...


This is going to be a quickie because I've already fallen asleep twice trying to watch some TV.  Frankie didn't come by after work to pick up Cooper today so he's here overnight.  It's snowing here and we are supposed to have 6 to 8 inches overnight!  Already you can't see any ground or road if you look out the windows!

I sure hope the road crews are on the job when it stops and that the roads get cleared early tomorrow.  But I live on a dead end and the guy across the street who always plows my driveway, has a broken ankle.  Daughter Cathy says her brother has said that he'll be over to do my driveway.  Sunday is his only day off because he runs a small business in town that sells and services household appliances.  I hate it when I have to take up his day off.  But on good thing about it is that my granddaughter who is a senior in high school, likes to be with him and she usually helps him do stuff like this.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  Make the day your own in every way....even if you have to shovel snow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning.

 Starting off at 11°F and there is something in the air. Jesse came in and his back was wet....not sure if light snow or rain drizzle.

A day of rest here and hope no snow!

Did get into the sewin room yesterday  but just maybe today will be the day.

MarGal, we were talking about appliances yesterday with a fellow. He said their washer was only 7 yrs old and they had to replace it! Mine dies at 27 years old and the dryer is still going at 30 years old. We did get a new washer but oh for my old one back!! Hope your new vacuum works out well for you.

Jane, on the up side you get to see two of your favourite people today..

Better get at the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Well, thank goodness we didn't get as much snow as they predicted.  I'd say we might have 3 inches out there.  Cooper and I took a short walk this morning and the snow plow truck passed us 4 times on the road.  The roads are now clear but my driveway needs work.  If I were to go out and shovel I could probably doe a 5 or 6 foot square before I had to quit!

I loved it when my neighbor came over with the plow and did it but he's not even doing his own now with his broken ankle!

My casserole last night was very good.  I might have eaten more if I hadn't had a begger at my feet.  He stays down when I order him to but he's not quiet!  And I'm not a fast eater any more since I had the surgery on my jaw.  Oh well, that's life.  He won't be here and I'll watch Perry Mason while I fill my tummy!

I wish you all a great day!  Make it your own in every way!  And stop by and tell us how you did that.  We're very interested (or should I say "we're very NOSY?"  You think what you like.  I don't mind!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


We got about 4 1/2 - 5 inches of that white stuff. Cleared the ramp off my porch, but will wait for my "hired help" to do the rest. Can't do that stuff any more. Expensive, but I'm still alive.



Went out this morning about 10am and shoveled off the sidewalk and porch. The ice had melted enough to just slide it aside. The car is another matter. The icy-snow was still hanging tight, enough that my brush wasn't going to budge it. I might go out and clear any that has still not melted, but then again, we won't see anything else until Tuesday and tomorrow is going up to 40o. It is 38o now and the sun is in and out of the clouds. Things are melting quite nicely.

My vacuum is unpacked. I noticed that the bit that broke on my old vacuum is a separate piece. I don't remember it being a separate piece on the old one.

I guess it will be a while yet before I see any of the summer visitors to the field behind the apartment, but that isn't stopping me from being on the watch now. Saw some signs of small hole digging activity on the way to the trash bins yesterday, so someone is awake and doing some early grub hunting. Saw some squirrels earlier last week, but none since.


Minus sixteen and clear this morning at 9:06 and our high will plus 8. The rest of February will ping back and forth between minuses and positives until March.

Meet and greets finished, Farrah fed and coffee in hand, I'm back to see what S&F and the Internet's been up to.

Amy, we have five floors with a washer and dryer on each floor, covered in our rent. The machines are always in need of repair, with most being the dryers not heating properly, and your heavier clothes or towels come out damp. We're positive that these are never new, they just re-circulate.

Jane, I live on the edge of the original business district, and the snow plows operate at night and the whistles, beeps, and other sounds often keep me awake until they've moved on to the newer business districts. I don't know when they do the various neighborhoods, but its always at night.

A perk of living here is that maintenance does all the inside and outside public areas, it's a locked, key fob only building and if you have a television, you can watch the camera sweeps, only of the public areas, although I think that would be boring but some watch always. Another is that the public health centers will send someone to do your shots if you sign up for one of their rounds. I wish I had known about that before I went downtown for mine!

Another perk besides the indoor, walled trash drops, dog run and the smokers' area, at the far end of the parking lot, are the summer garden plots if you sign up for one early. If your balcony faces opposite, you can have 24/7 summer daylight and a bounty of flowers and vegetables. If you're on my side, facing north, not so much.

Rick, any snow we get which is usually no real accumulation, soon turns to ice with this year's new addition of freezing rain. Most arctic areas are dry, with little humidity for snow.  We're always hoping for clouds in the winter to hold in the heat while the Southeast, on the other side of the mountains, always has snow and always seems to have avalanches because they're on a narrow strip between mountains and the sea.

MG, I noticed that those stick vacuums only last three years at best. So, when I purchased my rug shampooer, I bit the bullet and purchased a full sized hoover vacuum too. Then last year, I got tired of lugging that big vacuum around, so I bought another stick for the quick jobs. The Hoover does a better job, it's just so heavy to lug around for a small pickup.

We won't see any of our wildlife until April.


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Cold front coming in this evening - already the temp has dropped 25 degrees and will drop another 20 to maybe 25 degrees over the next two days but then Friday is will start to  reverse itself ---

Kathamarie still visiting and the talking goes on and on so that we attempted to watch a movie on TV and only gave it half our attention and no TV tonight - tonight eating late since we ate a late lunch - we've settled on soup and salad.

Patricia you're talking about the sound of a snow plow where finally we have tracked down what sounded like someone mowing their lawn at 5:30 in the morning - looks like the Generator tests itself and turns on for about 10 minutes making all that racket and so now my son knows to reset the timing - problem we loose electricity most often for a minute or less in the middle of the night and immediately after the generator does it's test again - not sure the fix but anything so I don't wake up and then can't get back to sleep so I'm attempting to function on 4 or 5 hours sleep - at least now that we know what is happening I'm not complaining to myself that a neighbor is being un-thoughtful.

Sleep tight and stay warm... 


Good morning..
 Gosh it is cold temp is 2° at the moment but on the bright side it is not snowing!  We are off to the city to pick up more quilts then meet up with Bri to do an exchange of goodies. :thumbup:  Neighbours are looking after Jesse for us.

We are to get a lot of snow this week , and it wouldn't hurt my feeling if it didn't come this way. Must admit we have been lucky, other areas to the south of us and to the west have got the brunt of the snow. On day closer to Spring..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I am debating about exercising the car today and gassing it up. Temp is only going to around 36o. It is 30o at the moment. The icy mess from the weekend is melted off the road and car, but more is to come Tuesday and Wednesday.

The vacuum is together, but I haven't tested it out yet. I noticed a few minor design differences, and it seems less heavy than the one I had before (maybe my imagination, though). Hopefully,the swivel feature will not have a mind of its own like the old one did. Fortunately, I don't have near as much to vacuum now.

The cats, especially Shan, have apparently gone into their pre-spring active mode. Shan has decided that he doesn't want to scratch on any of his many scratch pads and posts. Instead, he has been going after my furniture. He has also jumped Oscar a couple of times. Mind you he is close to 20 pounds while Oscar is hovering around 11 pounds. I've been trying out some weight gain liquid on Oscar, and stirring in a little extra water to his gravy style cat food. It seems to be working a little bit. He doesn't feel quite so bony now and has been eating most or all of his food for the past week. Hopefully this all, at the least, keeps him from losing any more weight.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I didn't check out on here last night.  Sorry about that!  I fell asleep on the sofa in front of the TV and when I woke up, I just turned everything off and hit the haystack.  No Cooper today so I didn't even have to set the alarm last night. 

The sun is up but it's sort of hanging out behind the clouds.  So far, it's 28 degrees heading for a high of 34.  I already took a walk so I could get my footsteps on the chart on my phone and I'm a little over half way there.  I guess I'll try another walk later today.  So far, that's the only thing I have planned so far! 

Dinner was even better last night without a beggar at my knee!  And today will be another day without a beggar!

AMY, I wish you a safe trip today and no bad weather!

I wish Everyfriend a great day!  Make it your own in every way!  And don't forget to tell us how you did that!  We all need help!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good mid-morning, nothing scheduled for today, no packages, deliveries, groceries or laundry to deal with, a rare occasion, that I don't need to do something, somewhere or somehow.

Meet and greets, finished, morning routine done, Farrah fed, and here I sit, coffee in hand to see what S&F and the internet are up to.

Amy, I emailed Sandy, but haven't heard back so far. I don't believe I've ever seen that much snow; except perhaps in October 2021, when they called in the more experienced southeast crews. Now we have snow graders, that look like metal outrigger canoes, and dump trucks.

We have a sunny minus 13 and will only get to plus 8 for a high, but temps are due to began rising with clouds on Friday.

Jane, I used to walk any and everywhere before falling on black ice in 2011 put a stop to that. Now I use a trekking pole to get along outdoors in the winter.

MG, Farrah used to be 15 pounds for sometime, even with the vet putting her on a diet to get her back to a better weight of ten to twelve pounds for her size. After a year of fussing, diet foods, and no treats, the scale never moved, and we all gave in.

Then a year ago, I noticed she seemed lighter, weighed her, and she was ten pounds at twelve years. She's also become finicky about her food and no longer jumps more than on the couch or bed. I've thought about donating her cat trees but haven't made a decision yet.


Hello Everyfriend!  I forgot one thing that was scheduled for today.  I had an appt. with the dr. at 1:30.  Cathy got here to pick me up in plenty of time for me to get ready to go so I made it.  And then we sat and waited in the waiting room for about 45 minutes!  I was beginning to think they for got us when they finally came out and called my name!  All's well!  Nothing serious to take care of!

When I got home it was time to start watching TV and I did that without falling asleep.  Amazing!  But I'm heading for the haystack pretty soon because Cooper arrives a bit before 6 a.m. tomorrow.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a great day tomorrow.  Make it your own in every way!  Do whatever you darn well please!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Patricia, in addition to the gravy style food meals in a pouch (Wellness brand at the moment), Ive been adding a little of Miracle Vet's Weight Gain liquid which is fish oil with a bunch of vitamins, etc. in it. For a cat his size, it says 1 teaspoon a day. I give him anywhere from on half to on teaspoon. I don't see that he is gaining much, but he doesn't feel so bony now and also seems a little more alert when he isn't snoozing.

I really must start using a humidifier. I bought a little one for the bedroom, but haven't used it yet. I will probably have to buy a bigger one for the living area if I can figure out where to put it where it will be useful and not in the way. My dry eye problem is the worst it has ever been, probably because the apartment is a central air system. The house was steam heat, and I had a big humidifier that handled the downstairs areas just fine.

Still debating on getting a new, twin-sized, bed and a new car this year. It is more like when, not if.

It is currently 26o with some light rain/snow mix for a few hours this evening. Tomorrow most of the day will be more of the same.


Good morning..

No dancing today. :thumbup:
Our day went well yesterday, roads were good and we whistled about and got everything done. Met with Bri for lunch  and then came home. Domestic duties today and I need a pot of soup made.

Jane, thank you, we did have a great day.

MG, have you tried sardines in oil for him?

Patricia, I wish they sold bottles of energy as going to the city tires me out!

Better get my day started.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Daylight is arriving here and it's time to take Cooper for his morning walk!  So this is a shorty!  I'll try to be back in a bit later with some news that will either interest your or it won't.  I wish you all a great day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Amy, yes, and he liked them up until within the last month when he decided he isn't interested any more. I actually don't blame him because I bought several cans of those cheap Chicken of the Sea in water. I am not a fan of Chicken of the Sea sardines either. A while back, when there were sales of some of the other brands, I bought about four different brands. I can tell you he did not care for the Brunswick which, are actually baby herring. They were a little larger than the usual size sardines, but I they are part of the same general fish order, Clupeiformes. Apparently,they're now canning all kinds of baby fish from that order and calling them sardines. I remember when sardines tended to be fished only in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, My grocery stopped selling my favorite, Crown Prince, long ago but I just looked and found them offered by Walmart, Amazon, Target and Vitacost, among others sell them. Going to have to see about that soon. Thanks for the question, Amy.