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March 12, 2025, 12:08:50 PM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Rick didn't Pat Scott live in Canada - was there a Bash in Canada? If so when and where - Canada is huge - or was it all a fun online fantasy Bash - an AI before it's time - sounds like the yellow bus was a cartoon comedy that provided a bit of fun...

Yes, Denver unfortunately Californians have been blamed for all the woes in Austin - not so much here, just north of Houston - Here folks are moving in from all over - where as most moving to Austin chose the area because it is a huge tech town and those from California are usually techies where no other part of the nation has a similar percentage of techies, Maybe Oregon and Washington but rather than moving out those living in those two states appear to be staying put. All to say Californians are looked upon as Pyrrhus - but then, fair is fair most from states with strong personalities are usually taken at face value and have a harder task not only being accepted but dropping their ways and adapting to the locals. It'll all work out - it is just now taking a bit more time.

Well did it again - fell asleep watching TV and here it is the middle of the night and wide awake - sleep ease tea is doing nothing... shoot - probably just go in and toss around till finally my body gives up...


Quote from: BarbStAubrey on February 17, 2025, 04:54:09 AMRick didn't Pat Scott live in Canada - was there a Bash in Canada?

Yes, she lived in Canada - originally. But she remarried a man from the States. My forgetful brain doesn't recall where. She did have a Bash, unless I'm mis-recalling that. Have a pic of her sitting on a rock with a chipmunk on her.



Pat lived in Guelph, ON.
I met her with Don in London ON in 2016> It seems so long ago...


Thanks for the clarification BARB, that Rick supplied the bus picture.  I am in the one with all the people hanging out of it.  Oh what fun we used to have as we imagined the bus; driven by Pat rolling all around picking us all up. 

The PA bash was hosted by Ardie Matreski and was held in Williamsport PA. It was in 2001 shortly after 9/11. It was a fabulous time that many of us will never forget‼️ So many of our Senior Netters attended this bash.
My hubby, Bob and I took advantage of seeing all of the NE as we could while we were there.  After the bash we drove up to Guelph and met Pat and Little Judy for dinner as they  both lived there. Pat had a dog that was her pride and joy.....we got to meet him and he was indeed as smart as she had told us he was❗️

One of the most rememberable happenings was when many of us got stuck in the elevator and had to crawl out.  Little Gladys, many of you might remember, was scared to death of being in an elevator and this occurrence just solidified her fears‼️

Pat married a man named Paul, but I do not recall where he was from and they continued to live in both of there homes off and on.  The two of them came to Colorado at one time and spent the night with us.  Such wonderful memories of so many special friends.
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Oh, I had forgotten Gladys!  How could ANYONE forget Gladys?


The photo of Pat with the chipmunk was from the Lake Louise trip at a bash.

Pat remarried Paul Halbach.

Wasn't the cartoon Bus done by a wonderful man with a great sense of humor? I believe his name was Glen?

The only ones I personally met, were Karren as she lived here before she moved to New Jersey, MaryAnn, Norm's sister when she came here and Johann and Windell who I met for lunch when they visited.

Adrienne and I corresponded for a while, and had a phone call when I was off the computer for a time. And somewhere I have a copy of two bashes that she sent me. She was offering them to anyone for only production costs.


Jenny/Denver - Nice to see you posting here in Bait & Tackle . . . it's been a long time.  Hope all is well with your grandkids?  I've wondered about your oldest grandson - where he decided to go to college?  The last I remember, he was considering Utah?  Also, is Kate still dancing?  She must be about 14 or 15 now?

Good to see that everyone is enjoying the "Bash pictures", that Barb and Rick  posted.  Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of attending a Bash.  There were only a few  other members living in California back then, but  all are gone now.  The only names that come to mind are JoanW (Western Joan) before she moved to Washington, and Marcie, who was one of the administrators.  There were some in Southern  California, but can't remember their names? 
I was a Senior Net member, starting in the late '90's, so I remember all, or most of the names mentioned.  I corresponded with many members  back then, but never actually met anyone. 


This is NOT political, I promise.  One day last week I saw a television commentator tell of a protest (I forget what it was for, or when) & show a short film of it.  It was way back decades ago.  Anyway, I was so excited & I called out to Debi to come & see how the women were dressed!  It really poked through my bad memory & made me feel such deep nostalgia.

All, & I mean ALL, of those women wore coats & hats.  Go to church ones!  And I remembered stuff I wonder if any of you remember.

My great grandmother used to tell me I should never leave the house without making certain I was properly dressed.  "After all," she would say to me, "you might meet the queen."  And yes, I fell for that!  Never mind we lived here in the States, & never in England.  Actually, I did not give a hoot about meeting the queen, but she might have Princess Elizabeth & Princess Margaret Rose with her.  Them, I wanted to see!


Quote from: BarbStAubrey on February 17, 2025, 04:54:09 AMYes, Denver unfortunately Californians have been blamed for all the woes in Austin - not so much here, just north of Houston - Here folks are moving in from all over - where as most moving to Austin chose the area because it is a huge tech town and those from California are usually techies where no other part of the nation has a similar percentage of techies, Maybe Oregon and Washington but rather than moving out those living in those two states appear to be staying put. All to say Californians are looked upon as Pyrrhus -

I like to look at various real estate offerings all over the country as a hobby. And I have noticed negative remarks about Californians coming to other states. One Tennessee realtor advised Californians to get their plates changed ASAP and before house hunting.

One Las Vegas realtor said something very similar about California and Texans. It seemed not so much tech as trying to bring or force a different culture?


For once, I will say something nice about Californians. Long before the USDA set up standards for Organic foods, California had one. I remember looking for the CA Organic label on products. CA organic labels are, as far as I know now, still come with stricter requirements than the USDA Organic labels.

I remember a friend in Colorado telling me years ago that same thing about the license plates and how Californians were generally unwelcome. I think they also has issues with CA taking water from CO sources for their farms and growing population. Water rights, uses and diversions are a big issue especially in the dry states.

We seldom see these arguments here in PA, but there is one up and coming that is not getting much public/media attention right now. The state wants to take land along to the Susquehanna to create a continuous band of green space to encourage fishing and recreational use all along the river, especially above Harrisburg. I haven't seen anything about it in a while, but then the plans are still in the early stages. One of the goals, I am sure, is to push farmland and housing back away from the river to help reduce pollutants from reaching the river. I believe another Eastern state (forget which) has done or is in the process of doing something similar. The Susquehanna River and its tributaries are a large part of the Chesapeake Bay water system and as such Pennsylvania is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement (most recent iteration is dated 2014). When I worked at Rodale Institute, I was aware of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its efforts to get farmers to reduce manure runoffs into the river and creeks. I believe cleanup efforts by the affected states have been going on at least since the 1980's to varying degrees of success.

You all are an inspiration. I keep finding things someone brings up that piques my curiosity, brings back memories, and inspires me to research. I hope you like my occasional post with my mini-results and comments.


FYI --- Michael is looking into the slow access here.  Be patient.

Cold as ---- here this morning, and getting colder. Weather man says is because of a Canadian High, so Amy, I leave it in your hands  :2funny:



All the names and pictures you all are posting piqued my curiosity and so I clicked the link seniorlearn.org and found this: 

Seniorlearn.org offers book discussions in all genres. Our international participants come from all walks of life. Everyone is welcome. We have a dedicated volunteer crew of 20 well-read Discussion Leaders, who love to talk books and encourage the exchange of experiences and insights.

Our Book Club Online is the oldest continuing book club on the Internet. It began in 1996 on SeniorNet.org with a discussion of David Guterson's Snow Falling on Cedars and has offered a monthly in-depth book discussion online since then. It has been featured in many publications including the New York Times and Bookmarks Magazine.

We are fortunate that many authors have participated in our book discussions over the years. In recent months we've welcomed award-winning authors, Geraldine Brooks, People of the Book; Kirstin Downey, The Woman Behind the New Deal; Carol Goodman, The Night Villa and Matthew Pearl, The Last Dickens.

Some of our participants and volunteers have enjoyed meeting in person in several "Bookfests" starting in 1998; the most recent in New York City, in 2008.

Barb, you were correct in thinking the first book discussed was Snow Falling on Cedars.
I remember when Carol Goodman the author of Night Villa joined our discussion and also Annie Barrows joined us when we were reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society Book by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.  I emailed back and forth with Annie for a bit, and she shared with me how her aunt Mary Ann Shaffer died not completing the book, so she finished it since they had many conversations about the book as it was being written.

Looking back into the archives it brought back so many wonderful memories of the names you all are mentioning and how these men and women were truly avid readers. There is even a mention of "Bookfests" which I am assuming is the Book Bash you all are referring to.  I don't think we will ever have the pleasure of another online book discussion club as this, but I am so happy to have been informed of Norm's Bait and Tackle to share with all of you our daily happenings and stirring memories of the wonderful members then and now.
Ciao for now~


Good morning.

Thank you PATRICIA, I enjoyed the video you shared. I enjoy checking out housing prices in many locations and I fear Californias have been blamed in many locations for the sky rocketing prices of homes as they can afford to bid higher and do. 

MARYPAGE, oh yes, the good old days when we would dress properly for the occasion.  Church clothes, work clothing if you were in the public eye....and of course traveling.  Now days I see all of these mentioned have pretty much turned into people looking like they have just crawled out of bed‼️‼️ Now days IF you see someone dressed appropriately it really catches your eye.  I did chuckle at your G GRANDMOTHER reply of, "you might meet the Queen"‼️
When we lived in England, back in 1968 on the 4th of July, we were driving to Liverpool from Newbury, just west of London.  Lo and behold, one little town we were driving through had people lined up on the street.  We got out of our car and stood on the corner and here came the Queen in her limo and turned the corner right in front of us‼️ So see.....it could happen😘

MARILYN, I am sad that I have not kept up with my posting; leaving you to wonder about many things. Our grandson did end up at the University of Utah, and he loves it there.  Kate is 15.5 and is working on getting her drivers license.  She is not dancing at the dance studio she has been at for so many years, as she tried out and made the freshman Pom team, and was immediately moved up to the Junior Varsity Pom team.  She was elected to student council as a freshman and between the two there was no time left to continue at the academy she was with.  Mind you, the Pom team is not the Pom team of our day.  They practice 6 days a week and travel to competitions
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Mars,  The subject that has my attention in recent weeks, is your PA Senator,  John Fetterman.   He is one fascinating individual . . . a man who "marches to his own drummer" so to speak!  He is willing to look at both sides of a Political issue, (left and right) and then publicly state his views on the subject.  No fear whatsoever.  It's hard to find a politician now-a-days who  actually WANTS to consider both sides of an issue, or to vote for a  controversial person who is running for an office.  Lots of information online about him, and his past, and how he has voted on every issue. 

Patricia,  one of the main reasons that people are leaving CA, and moving to other States, is that a person can't afford to live here, unless they're a professionals,  like a lawyer,  or working in Tech,  or are associated somehow in real estate.   Our son and dil are in Tech, as are the grandkids who live here in the Silicon Valley area, so they are doing okay.  Our two daughters are struggling.    If you're following real estate rentals  for the San Jose area, you will see that the average rent  for a one bedroom apartment now, is $2,500 per month.  People simply can't afford it, and are leaving for other states.  Not to worry . . . young people are arriving from China and India  to work in Tech, so no shortage in population.   Then of course millions of immigrants walked across the border in the past four years, and are being supported by the State of California.  Most people can't afford to live here,  but can't afford to leave either.


I see that Ciaobella and Jenny posted while I was writing my last message!  I want to respond to both of you, but will have to do so later.  Right now I have to get started on the day!  Only 9:15 here, and much to do today.   


Good Morning from a rainy/sleety/snowy/SLICK Oklahoma!!!!  Supposed to last all week. Yesterday's temperature was "warm" enough that I bundled up and went out to fill the birdfeeders and "grease" the metal pole.  Nice to know the birds will be fed for a while and squirrels won't be able to get up to seeds.

Wanted to go back and contribute to the conversations about Senior Net and Bashes. I looked in my "history" notebook and found this:

In 1999, I became the leader of the Oklahoma group on Senior Net.  Friend who got me started a couple of years earlier said it was a website from some college in San Francisco.  About 2006/2007, the college dropped the program and Pat H. founded Seniors and Friends.

Bashes were part of Senior Net.  Helona Maddux and I had become local friends and planned to go to the PA Bash.  However, there was a severe storm with possible tornadoes right over the OKC airport when we were to leave and storm was moving in the direction of our flights.  So - we stayed home.  Sounds like we missed a good time.

We did go to ones in Tucson, Calgary and Montreal - and had a really good time.

Ginny B. became part of our local group and the three of us met SeniorNet friends traveling through OKC on I-40, I-35 and I-44.  One time, Junee from Australia and Whimsy visited Ginny B and we joined them for dinner at Ginny B's.  They had brought Marmite and we "politely" tried it. :buck2:

I went on a tour of New England and part of Canada with some local friends.  Pat H and Judy joined us for dinner in Guelph. My friends were surprised that I knew someone there!
  In Hershey, PA, Toni gathered a group of SeniorNet friends and took me to lunch.  They told me they were taking me to a new restaurant that they all liked and were so proud of.  It was a Texas Road House!!!!  I didn't tell them there was one 5 miles from my house and I was familiar with the menu!
Friends wondered how I knew these people and were skeptical that we had never met in person.

Jenny and I discovered that we had played in a couples' Bridge Club with her aunt and uncle when we lived in Colorado.

And that's my story for today.


Denver, thank you so much for your anecdote about my might see the queen story.  It seems ages since you & I have posted re a matter.  And yes, how horrified we all first were when "young ladies" started wearing clothes "up the street" that we would not have been seen out of the house in.

About Pom, I never heard of that term until my great granddaughter Kiersten came along.  I had, of course, heard of Pom Pom girls.  I swear to you, our Kiersten was all of two years old when she declared she wanted to be a Pom.  And so she was!  And her team just won the Championship!  I am so proud.  She is a lovely girl & a good person.


Goodness full house today - everyone has shared and such interesting posts - lots of memories to our full life as seniors - but then we are seniors almost equally as long as we were in our prime working and raising a family - interesting how we section our life


Ciaobella,  Thank you for posting the official history of Senior Learn, and how it evolved when Seniorn Net, was so abruptly closed down.  I didn't know that it is now  considered to be "the oldest continuing book club on the Internet".  I enjoyed the "Books and Literature"  folder on Senior Net, but when the site was closed, and Pat started Seniors and Friends, I chose to come here.  Reason being that I wanted other discussions, besides Books and Lit.  As you can see, we used to have a full selection  here on every possible subject for discussion, but the years have taken a toll on our membership. Most of the folders are inactive now, but we still have enough to keep us busy, and enough members to continue on!
We are always happy to have a new member, so good to have you with us now!  :thumbup:   That goes for Barb too, although I know she was a member early on.  I remember her from way back in Senior Net.

MaryPage and Jenny . . . I love both of your "Queen stories".  Reminds me that I surely do miss Queen Elizabeth.  I remember her Coronation, way back in the late 50's, when I was about 19. Through all of my adult years, she was a constant beautiful and reliable presence. Somehow I though she would always be there, as long as I was alive, but it wasn't to be.

Jenny - so nice too hear all the good news about your grandson and granddaughter. How about the younger grandson?  I hope he's doing well too?

I guess I'm still living in the past.  I thought the term was still "Pom-Pom Girls", and didn't. know that it had changed to the single word,  "Pom"!  Wonderful that there are still some wholesome activities for teen girls, besides sports  My oldest daughter was a majorette when she was in high school.  I remember how much she loved it.

Callie, good to see you here, posting about attending quite a few of the Bashes. I recall Helona  because I thought the name was so pretty and unusual.  I didn't remember that there were two Bashes in Canada - one in Calgary and one in Montreal.  I would have loved to attend both of those. 

Well, I see it's almost 10:00, so time to get ready for bed.   Hope to see you all posting tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then soon!   :yes:


I think it was Eloise Depelteau who hosted the Montreal bash.  She was a lively lady.


Oh, Eloise!  How in this world have I forgotten HER!!!!!  Yes, she WAS a lively lady!


Thinking on all those whom we enjoyed knowing can't help but notice the Soc Sec records show a huge drop between those in their 80 some 15 million versus those in their 90s drop to just above 6 million - as to the more advanced ages all I can say is good grief our federal record keepers sure don't know how to use their heads and cull numbers - but the believable numbers for those in the 80s versus 90s is by half as those in the 80s drop by more than half from those in their 70s - I wonder what makes the difference for those who continue to age - I have an Aunt and my grandmother who both lived to be 100 while my mother was only 74 - oh I know illness but why some and not others I wonder.


BUBBLE - I'm so sorry to see the bad news from Israel this morning.   I just want you to know that I'm thinking about you, and the overwhelming sadness in your Country today.


Narcissistic greed and power, cloaked in false humility and religion. It's a familiar refrain.


Patricia, I agree.  I wonder if things will ever change for the better?


How many years has this earth existed?


Bubble, I came in here just to say to you what Marilyne has said.  So I send you my love and say to you, "What Marilyne said!"


And now more horrible the women is not the mother of these two babies!! - Can this get any worse - Oh Bubble cannot imagine what y'all are feeling and how y'all are coping - this is beyond...