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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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If you would like to see my photos from yesterday of the Alaska Range and of the wildlife sanctuary, you may click on the following link.


To see the photos in more detail in a larger size, click on the first one and follow the right prompts. Since I was so far from the mountains, geese, swans, etc. full size is better and will not overwhelm your viewing.


Hard to imagine such wide open expanses!    I would feel lost over there.
what bird was that on the car?


Boy, that is wide open space.  Some great photos, like the mountain view with snow still on the peaks.  Would be a wonderful place to wander, but a bit too far for me.


Wonderful photos, Angel, especially the goose sitting on top the car.  ;)


I tried to show some of the foothills surrounding the town and the mountains are beautiful, but you would not be able to wander unless you were a professional as some of them reach 20,237 feet or more.

If you meant the sanctuary, I love it there and even if you are only allowed the ten acres out of thousands. The breeding and young animal areas are rightly out of bounds. I have gone there with raging migraines and an hour or two spent wandering leaves you quiet and peaceful with no pain remaining.

"Denali has a summit elevation of 20,310 feet (6,190 m) above sea level, making it the highest peak in North America and the northernmost mountain above 6,000 meters elevation in the world. Measured from base to peak at some 18,000 ft (5,500 m), it is also the largest of any mountain entirely above sea level."

It doesn't seem wide open to me if you look at some of the plains states and weather such as Kansas and those states. I prefer our four rings of foothills and three surrounding mountain ranges as they make me feel safe and protected.

Although a friend of mine says the mountains made her feel claustrophobic when she first arrived here. Anchorage and the S.E. portions of the state are just over those mountains on an 8-hour drive going through the foothills.


I hate that feeling of mountains around.  That is why I don't like to visit in Jerusalem. It did not bother me when I was younger and lived a few years in Switzerland, but now I couldn't bear it.


They do a great job of laying them out.  Must get boring for then setting each bulb in yearly. Looks like they would see if they could get them to come up a few more years. Just fill in the spaces where they didn't make it.
Thats would be me.  The Worst gardener in the world.  My Hosta's come up good every year but could do with a good separating. Getting just to big. Need thinning out.


Bubble you are like my friend in that is what you are used to. Now she has sent me storm photos and I have seen tornadoes and such on the news but it would scare me and make me feel so helpless.

With the mountains, they stop a lot of the weather before it reaches us. Of course it may be bad as well in that we only had about 1.9 % snow this winter in January and February.


JeanneP they dig up the bulbs now, and sell them, they then plant new bulbs in the fall.   They clear the beds and plant other flowers each spring.   Here is a photo of the tulips and then a second photo of the same spot as it will probably appear in a month or so.  I do not know the various flowers, just enjoy looking.   

June Drabek

I too like to be surrounded by Mts. as when I lived in Hemet. They feel like a protection.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Patricia, love your photos.  As you well know, I would love to visit Alaska MY way.... in an RV with spring to fall time to wander around.  I wouldn't even mind making the trip alone but don't think the cats could stand being confined for such a long time, they are not holding up well for a week long trip. I'm thinking of creating some climbing "things" for them, they do go all over when I'm stopped, I gave up & put a cat bed on the shelf over the driver's seat, that's where Tiger likes to sleep at night & sometimes day.  I close them in the bedroom any time I need to get out, they would slip out a door too fast and would be terrified & hide.  Last 2 trips they were really good about marching back to the bedroom when I stopped.   

We are getting into tornado season and I dread having any damages to take care of.  Besides the expense, it is a nightmare getting everything fixed again.  The deductible went out of sight since the last storm, insurance company didn't ASK what I wanted to pay, just raised big time.  We have a good basement to hide out in, I have trouble staying underground so go up & down with a camera. :idiot2:

Every part of the country/world has some kind of danger, be it earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or even human terrorists, guess we get used to where we live & don't stress what is "normal".  Like a good Scout, I try to be prepared for whatever but refuse to let fear rule.  If I could, I would visit every corner of the world, just stop & hope each of you would have time to join me for a cup of coffee or tea!

Great comparison shots, Jack!  Still boggles my mind at all the work that goes into keeping that place so beautiful.  I don't know names of many flowers but think that white border is what my mother called "Dusty Miller".  Such a striking plant... that whole bed of flowers!   


Jack.  That 2nd photo. Beautiful. Your area must have lots of money.  Our parks are closing down one right after the other.  No work being done in the gardens.  2 of the big State parks will not open for camping, boating anything this summer.  Eastern University will not be able to open in the fall.

Was just in the paper yesterday how the state sent out millions of dollars to schools etc that were overpaid from the Real Estate Taxes. Want that money refunded to them but the Schools say they done have any money left. Spent it all.  Whole State in a mess. No one can figure out what went.  Our Governor at this time is almost a Billionaire. Doesn't look like things are costing him anything. Sure can't handle the States money.

Now all next week from yesterday. Nothing will be taken care of in the State Capital as it is closed down for a week for Passover.  Not but 2 Jewish people i know off in all the people connected to the Political parties.


Oh! Shirley. You sound a lot like me. You with your cats. Me with my Parrot.  So many things we seem to not do because of having them. I know I would be traveling far more if I could just close the house up and go.  My girls get on me all the time about it.  The even said they will just drive the 1200 miles to get me and then take me back home. Just put the bird in the car. I haven't seen 2 of the grandchildren in Texas which does sort of upset them.  I use to fly or drive down twice a year.  She has been here in  last year 4 time and he husband with her twice.  I should find a way to do it soon. I really love to drive the trip and hate to fly now. Will see.


Jeanne, my oldest son is a Dean at SIUE (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville).  The new governor has frozen the money that should go to the state Universities and all the schools are in trouble with no money.  I think salaries are being partially paid, but no repairs and other things that are needed. I know that it is happening because of previous governors misspending state funds, but it is a scary thing for employees, teachers, professors, students, etc.  Bill is expecting to have to start laying off employees.  A friend here has a daughter that teaches at the University (in Chicago, I think) and the daughter is afraid of a layoff, too.

It's a shame it has to be this way.


Sue.  My grandson is a Dean at University of Missouri.  He is the youngest they have had. However he is 43 now and been there 10 years.  Loves his job and all the young people seem to like him  He does get to travel a lot  to other Universities and conferences.  Not interested in being married . He got his Doctorate 3 years ago and I think aims to get one day with one of the Big Universities.  Perfect job for him.


Sue.  I thought I could get a short article on GS but looks like it goes on and on.

O! good. I managed to take the long article out of the posting


Nice day but was home watching Hockey.   Left late for a walk.  Not much color in the trees but still beautiful.  Looking at the long shadows I was not moody but it brought to mind an old favorite   "Evening shadows make me blue"


June Drabek

Jack, the name of that tune is "My Happiness", and I agree that the long shadows to bring out the mood. Beautiful shades of greenery though. Thank you.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Lovely photos as always Jack! You show the sublime and I showed the roots!  :thumbup:


Here is a self-portrait. Notice the delightful surroundings..... :2funny:

A friend told me that this was my first "selfie." Who knew I was so in? LOL


Angelface, you could be my sister!  We have the same hairdo and you look a bit like me and my second sister.  I am the oldest of 3.



I am the middle of three sisters.  :thumbup: The oldest is two years older and the youngest is ten years younger and a definite family surprise! I'm Irish, Scottish and Welsh with family from Missouri and Kansas.


Beautiful colors, Jack.... and that song will go through my head all night!  I love shadows in photos.... several of us ladies were walking around looking at art displays at a show one time & one man's work had unusual & pretty colors... but it took us a few minutes to realize that he had NO shadows in any of his paintings.  He was such a nice person but we did not mention his lack of shadows for fear of hurting his feelings. 

Patricia, you look so young, beautiful skin & makes me wish I could dye my hair to have color again!  I had to dye it every 10 days & would have more than a quarter inch of white next to my scalp... Losing battle.  I took my photo off... bothered me to look at it.  I keep wanting to ask you what the little blue flowers are in your avatar. 


Thank you Shirley, but that hair is dyed. It used to be a reddish brown, but as time goes by, there is more white than other!

The avatar is from one of my PSP graphics. Not quite a photo but I'll show it to you. Its from the PSP forum here.



Lovely selfie Angel.  That is the warm coloring I would choose if I was coloring, but I am too lazy for that. You do look great.

How do you manage such long nails?  Mine keep breaking and I have to keep them short.  Maybe it is the wheelchair :(


Nice picture,  Patricia.  You look too young to be a "senior".   Always nice to be able to put a face with a name.



June thanks I was more taken with the lyrics of My Happiness and not the title.

Patricia, good photo, now that is my idea of a selfie, have not tried with an iPhone and will not get a stick to hold it.   I often stop to take photos for folks at the park.  Laugh when I see a group and one holding out the phone to take a photo.


Thank you everyone, for your kind comments. Joy, it was Den, a poster who was here when I first came on Seniornet back in 2000 who dubbed me a junior senior!  ;D


I remember Den, Patricia.... and his dog's name was Abby?.... such a beautiful dog.. plus other family members.  Amazing graphic!  I have forgotten everything I learned in the classes.  If my hair didn't grow so fast I'd dye in a heartbeat... it is finer now but still grows as fast.  I was dying it before 30 & quit about 50. 

The wind is blowing, even stong for Kansas!  May get hail tonight but Tuesday is warning for the nasty weather.... like tornadoes.  Hate to have the first "dings" of hail on the RV but there is no hiding from it. 

Bubble, my nails are also driving me nuts, used to always have long ones (good tools) but they are brittle & chip now, I'm never without a nail file these days & I hated the feel or sound when younger.  I used to trim my nails with a single edge razor blade... can't get the good steel ones these days, same brand but soft metal.  I used them for everything around the house, cutting my hair, fingernails & toenails... alas, only for hair & takes 3 or 4 to do the job & much finer hair. Ain't nuthin like it used to be~   ::)

Enjoy the day, where ever you are!


Mary Ann, This is our new, small abode which we are enjoying very much.  A small front yard and back yard is great after having such a large lot in Ocala.  Yes, we sure need to do some power washing on the walks------eventually we'll get to that.  ;)