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September 06, 2024, 03:05:48 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Started by diglady, March 29, 2016, 03:27:58 PM

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Ah, all you Libs, you can rest easy now.......He's Back/size]

Vacation’s Over: Obama Returns to Public Life Next Week



Thank you June!  What the "experts" all talk about is the CO2 expelled into the atmosphere--the foot print. Hmm I hope these expert realize that humans exhale CO2 and volcanoes expel CO2--

Maybe they are right in limiting CO2 being expelled into the atmosphere. We have to do away with humans!  :crazy2:

June Drabek

Diglady, I recall years back when they were blaming cattle for releasing an abundance of Co2. Several huge dairies in our area sold out at that time.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


And years back a young PhD candidate did his science /dissertation on cattle flatulence. His findings changed the cattle feed industry!

June Drabek

What does a "government shutdown" comprise of ? And how dare they do this act without the permission of those who pay their salaries. If I pay no Income Tax, they have no job. But I would still be sent to jail. I think if these guys don't go to work and earn their salary, I should not pay their wages. What say you ???
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June Drabek

Diglady, thank you very much. I found the article very enlightening and the results of a shutdown not as great a disaster as I thought. I am new to politics..up till the last few years, I cared little for what happened in Government. Now I am learning, and caring. Thank you again.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Ray Franz

I don't hide who I am like so many of the rest of the posters.  The civil war was fought to prevent cessession and retain our secular republic .  Now we are leaning toward a Christian theocracy.  Who was Jesus?  A Jewish cult leader calling himself a son of a god. causing a revolt by Jews and punishment by hanging on a cross.  Violence and killing of all male babies.

Periwinkle hang in there but remember there is no freedom of speech and in times of treason lies become truths.  Who hides behind "Halkel"  and his conservative "god speak?"  I had to go through the Looney Bin to get opoids to help with my terrible back pain with opoids.  I am 95 and am ready to die,
I wish I could help the country I LOVE, one with freedom, equality and in this country some are more equal than others.  All for now, off to lunch.  , Now in Lynchburg, VA


Ray I am so sorry you are having back pain. Having just come thru an accident of broken back I know the pain but don't do opioids.  They can get you in a bad way. Neighbor just had a bout with them. Impaction then twisted colon then surgery.

I don't understand why you think USA is becoming a theocracy. Church attendance is way down and various studies show "no" to interest in religious activities.


Hello everyone!
Thanks to Diglady, I'm here.  Recently, I bought a computer and when I had my stuff migrate from the old computer to the new one Seniors and Friends was nowhere to be found.  I'm sure it's hidden away someplace.

I'm all right, even though I can't walk without equipment as a result of the "small" stroke, I had last year. At my age, it's good that it was small, but I'm still dependent. God has let me keep my mind and I am most grateful.

I hope all of you are well and cheerful.  We had our much-needed rain, and, now, it's all green, lush with flowers and fragrance in my yard and birds have come around.

The drought discouraged our usual residents, the Scrub Jays, and we have not seen them except on a rare occasion, but we have become home to a whole new neighborhood of birds.  One species - not a humming bird, is tinier, and flits
around on the crepe myrtle branches closest to one of the sunroom windows.  So perky and lively!  Have no idea what they are - really tiny little guys!

Politically, I'm delighted with President Trump.  Not so much with Congress, but maybe, in time things will improve.  As for the Leftists appearing, I'm not surprised, but I am surprised with their choice to destroy property and maim people.  The Democrats need to wake up and smell the coffee.  They are Americans first and then Democrats, in my opinion, and should accept the results of the election,  and stop obstructing, but work with the Republicans, Independents and others to be helpful in running the government. Some students in the universities yelling and acting out are the result in part of being offspring of helicopter parents who hampered the individual thoughts and ideas of their children instead of helping them mature as they grew.  The general level of knowledge in the population is dismal as a result of our thwarted educational system.  We need to bring back American Civics to being introduced and taught in the 7th Grade,  and teaching the Constitution in the eighth grade again.  As for the many other difficulties in society, I see, I do a lot of praying for enlightenment among the populace.  I read about shocking things that happen in society that hurt my heart. And, yet, I also see a lot of good being presented in the news as well.  We must just carry on the best we can. 
My best wishes to all here, and all of you have my affection.  Some of us go back quite a few years to the Senior Net days.  I'm 94 years old now.!


Welcome back Merijo.  Good post and so very, very true.  Education system, our colleges are nothing more than breeding grounds for Socialist. 


MeriJo, So glad you made it back here! Welcome.

You mentioned helicopter parents. I was talking with a University detective the other day and those parents are now being called SNOWPLOUGH parents. They push everything away. Their offspring do NO wrong! Detective said it is an awful situation.


The ramblings of an idiot. 


Another example of Liberals in action.


It's very unusual to not see Hal's frequent posts.  Does anyone know if he is OK or on vacation?

Thanks for any info.


No, I am here, just watching the media trying to convict Trump of what Hillary is guilty of.

Impeachment proceedings will be introduced shortly for "supposed" crimes.   


From my email: (I hope no one is offended, but I just couldn't resist)

        Antique Tool Still in Use - Highly Educational

        Do you know what it is?

        Tobacco Smoke Enema Kit (1750-1810)

        The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient's rectum for various medical purposes, but primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims.

        A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.

        Doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase "blowing smoke up your ass."

        As you are most likely aware, this odd tool is still heavily used by all levels of government. (and I will add news media)


Trump has got to learn to shut his mouth and also to stop tweeting. He is bringing these problems onto himself. No one else is doing it to him! IMHO!

June Drabek

Hal and Dig, I too feel that Trump is starting to be his own worst enemy. He is the President, not the head of a company. He must confer with his cabinet, not tweeting. He must depend on his people that were elected with him. Some of these men have been in government for many, many years and have the background and intelligence that is needed for a President to lead.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June, Dig,  remember what they said during his campaign?  Exactly what you are saying.  Trump will be trump, what laws has he broken, none that anyone can point to.  Thank God for him, I will continue to support him and damm the establishment politicians, both Democrats and Republicans.

Let's not forget who he replaced and who he defeated.

June Drabek

Hal, my dear friend, believe me, I am VERY thankful President Trump was able to defeat this lying, cheating, greedy, evil woman who wanted her foot in the door. However, I do feel he needs to depend on the intelligence and experience of some of the cabinet members who have been in Government for years and have a useful background that would assist him in his Presidency. He deserves more than what Tweeting can give him.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Reported here--White House lawyers are looking into rules etc. for handling impeachment process.

Trump needs to shut up!


Dig, I don't think anything can get Trump to keep his mouth closed!


June Drabek

Dig and Sue, I agree with you, but don't sink the ship too soon. He has been a successful business man so we need that background, he just has to be advised to depend more on his Republican friends in Congress. Not to lead them, but to learn with them. At least that is how I feel.  I am still so thankful we got rid of greedy, grasping, Hilary.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Another Muslim who was welcomed into a free, democratic country has repaid them with his bomb.  19 dead 50 wounded.

Dig, June, Sue have you noticed how our President has been greeted and how Presidential Trump has been when all the anonymous sources our press finds isn't talking.  Check out the Harvard report on media's reporting on Trump. 



Hal the killer in Manchester was born there, but your point is well taken nonetheless; his family was welcomed to England from Lybia.  What I'm finding indefensible is that no one has referred to the killer as a muslim.


Yes Don, I did "sorta" misspeak, he was a native born Englishman that hated his country. 


Shame, shame, shame on the NY times for showing pictures Re; Manchester bombing. They even revealed the bomber's name and made the investigation a  mess. Scotland Yard livid is the term I heard. Scotland Yard said they will withhold security info from us in the future.


I hope all of you listen to President Trump today when he gave his speech on pulling out of the Paris accords.  He was forceful and factual and it is really scary to find out what Obama signed and obligated this country to.



what does "cofveve" mean, anyone?
Kats are krazy, kalm or kollected, but mostly kôôl