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March 28, 2025, 12:12:48 PM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Good news Marilyn...Jane glad ur hubby is doing well...does anyone know why Sue hasn't posted...hope she's ok..and just computer problems.,,Hi to all looking in And Happy Valentines Day...Darlene


Darlene, how wonderful to meet your new great granddaughter!  I only get boys, but they are cute too. I'm just more in tune with girls. Glad you've got warm weather. Ours is in the 60's and sunny. I've been out several times with just a sweatshirt on.

Jane, waiting in the hospital is such a downer, but as long as the tests come out well, that's all that counts.  I always take a book too.  The fish place sounds good to me!  John does't care much for it.

Mary, I'm counting the days till I get a mani and pedi. I want to wait till the week I leave for FL.  Bunny got all beautified today and has purple bows in her ears with silver stuff too!!  Her Christmas bows were still in when I took her back. We'll see if these last as well.  She was not a happy camper.

I got a list of church events + a special notice of the consignment sale coming up all typed and sent, but haven't heard from the gal with the info on the celebration. I wanted to get that written today and sent in. Tonight is the deadline for next week.

Other than that I haven't been doing a lot.

Bubbles, can you tell Sue how to access this board. I think that is what her problem is.

Marilyn, such good news about Keith. Hope it continues.

Hi to all. Have a wonderful day.  Sharon


I have tried changing the Font on this w10 like Don told me. Just does not seem to work.
I am not liking W10 right now. But said the same about all the other that came prior. Just have to be patient. I have not gotten it to change. I even tried the B and No. 5  this must be only about a 2.




Marilyn, I did have the valve replaced 6 years ago, was a must do thing but honestly, I can't tell a lot of difference as far as energy, etc. Got a feeling getting old plays a part, plus being lazy. Cas died just 5 months after heart surgery & he was in such bad shape I didn't have time to do re-hab at all. At 84 I'm still plugging along & hopefully will out live these cats so I don't have to have them put to sleep. They see my kids often but hide, would not be adoptable and we taught them to depend on us. I don't want them to suffer if I can't take care of them & that is what keeps me here, can't move ferals.

I feel like I'm intruding in here but most of y'all don't visit in the Soda Shoppe or Photos where I do hang out..... things change, huh?  I do remember meeting Mary online after their trip to Alaska... they did it they way I always dreamed of doing.

Guess I'd better get ready for bed, supposed to still be nice tomorrow & then the bottom falls out again. I was out again today to water my young trees, shrubs & flowers because we have not had any moisture this winter. Wind was so cold, I had 3 layers on but was chilled to the bone again. Good to see all of you.  Shirley


Jeanne...you did not put in the coding here to change the font size.  It has nothing to do with W10.  You must use the coding.  See below what I've put with spaces so you can see the coding.  The larger size doesn't show until you post.

For size 3, you type:

[ size=3] Type your post and comments here and when you've finished, type [/size ]

when you click post, the following is what you and we will see:

Type your post and comments here and when you've finished, type


Darlene and Buddies....I've emailed Tim and he'll check with Sue when he goes over Saturday.  I also sent him a link here so I think he'll do what he can to get our Sue back here with us.  She was having computer/internet trouble when she last posted earlier this month.

Shirley...you are welcome here.  We're a pretty chatty group. 

Sharon....so aggravating when someone else doesn't get you the stuff you need.  That's why I always hated "group" work in school...whether primary or college...there was always someone in an assigned group who didn't do his/her share, and someone else ended up having to do it. When I assigned group work...and that was rare...I left the kids choose who they wanted to work with and required each person hand in his/her contribution to the group. 

 Beautiful day here.  Looking forward to getting out to something other than medical stuff.

Also got good news from my tax lady.  She will file today for a 6 month extension on our federal taxes and the state will piggyback on that.  She said we will deal with the taxes when we get home.  What a relief!  She can do it electronically since we made all our estimates, etc. and don't need to pay anything more in now.  Now we can stay here as long as we need for Ray to get his chemo-immunology treatments without interruptions and trying to get around in bad weather. 



Jane, that is really good news that you get to stay there till chemo is finished and not have to worry about taxes.  The gal that was supposed to email or call me was in charge of the event Sunday, so she has all the info--unless our pastor does. If I don't hear from her today, I'll call our pastor.  I'm glad you emailed Tim about Sue. One never knows if you don't hear from someone at our ages.

Shirley, I'm sorry you feel more or less trapped by the cats. I think you would feel so much better if you were in a retirement center and had activities to do.  Isn't there anyone you can get to take the cats, like a farmer or something?  I remember talking to you way back when in the cafe before my BC and I started in here. I lived in IN then but am in SC now.

Jeanne, it is hard to understand directions when you have a new machine. I think Jane's are very clear though.

I just got home from the grocery and a haircut and am really beat. For some reason, my right knee is killing me. It's supposed to be my good one!

The man was here to fix the leak/rotted wood at the bottom of the sunroom windows outside. All done now and done right!

John and I are going out to eat tonight for Valentine's Day.  Not really festive, but better than having to cook.

Hi to everyone. Happy Valentines Day!  Sharon


Sharon...having the income tax situation fixed has been a huge relief to me. She emailed me that she'd filed it today and it was accepted and sent me attachments, etc.  Yes, we can stay now until we're comfortable leaving and switching to docs at home.  I also don't have to worry about winter storms coming upon us as we drive home, etc. 



Speaking of income tax we have not received our 1099's from Social security yet. I got mine from the SSA website but when I went to get Keith's I forgot the password and got locked out.

Shirley I too have 5 cats, 2 we adopted from local rescues, 1 I brought home from the Vet clinic where I was working (he has leukemia) they were going to put him down. 2 solid black cats moved here from next door as kittens in the dead of winter, wet, cold and hungry. The neighbor wouldn't let them in her house and didn't bother to look for them. He kids later told me  "Oh those were our cats". Two other of her cats had come here and we cared for them a few short weeks until they died. People like that shouldn't won any kind of animals. She let her 4 chickens freeze to death.

We may not be doing anything special for Valentines day. I am trying to talk K into going out for dinner but we kinda blew the dough ($) on my birthday dinner.


Marilyn...you'll probably have to call SS or go to a local office and take K with you.  They are really picky about letting anybody into an account...even your own.  When they made us change our passwords every three months, I, too, was locked out of my own.  I called and that was the reason...the password had expired!  I said, why don't you say that on your site, but she gave me a story about "security," so that may be the reason you're shut of K's.

Beautiful morning here...and I need to go to WalMart and get some drugs refilled, and order some for Ray from home. 



Good morning from here...yes Jane a beautiful day...Jane where in HEB did you find the cauliflower pizza crust? I looked yesterday didn't find them...I think it was you talking about them...Marilyn..glad your hubby is healing well...Hi to Sharon..Mary Sue Jeanne...any I missed..have a great weekend Darlene


Hi Gals, I haven't received my tax questionnaire yet, so am going to have to call them. I have received all but one of my tax forms and it always comes in late.  Jane, I fully understand your relief.

Marilyn, PW's are such a hassle. We all ought to be able to use a fingerprint!  Good luck on getting K's forms. I agree that your neighbors ought to be reported for animal abuse.

Yesterday, my knee started bothering me and today, it's a mess. I have a heating pad on it now.  I am going to the Ortho Urgent Care at 5:30 tonight to see if they can do something. I put a knee brace on and then the heating pad, but not much help. I sure hope it improves before my trip! I have 2 weeks to heal it!

I had to take Bunny over to the pet sitter this AM. I took some treats for her to give her, so she was quite content to be there and they bonded, so I feel better about leaving her there now.

We did go out to dinner last night (in spite of our diets). It was a new place in a nearby town. Very good food & service. Ambiance was not plush but okay. I had salmon, asparagus and a little risotto.  When we were at the reservation desk, a man came up and gave me a small camellia cutting and wished me happy valentines. So sweet and I'd never seen him before. Don't think he gave any others out, but he may have.  Nice thing to do.

Nothing else going on here.  Sharon  (Hi to everyone)








looks good Jeanne...Darlene


I am so dumb dont know how I did this.


I think you have it now, Jeanne!

Darlene...at a large HEB in B'ville, I found the Caulipower pizzas in the frozen food section that has the gluten free frozen items, because, I guess, it is gluten free.  I tried another brand...O So Good or some such name, but it was bad--- crust tasted like bad cardboard! ;D

We did some running around this morning...stopped at another shop we hadn't gotten to and I got some copies made of insurance forms, etc. and then did a WalMart run for some prescriptions...they were very busy and still haven't texted me that they're ready.  I'm not going out again today, anyway, so all is good.  It's gotten very warm here...near 90 and too hot for me. 

Our neighbors called from AZ as they'd just heard about Ray from Gary and Kathy.  It was good to talk to them and make sure they had the straight story. ;D



Jeanne....you did it the right way....you put in the following coding...and I've put spaces IN the coding so you can see it.  Here's your post as it would appear in your box as you typed it:

[size=4 ][color=red ]I am so dumb dont know how I did this. [ /color][ /size]

when you click Post, it comes out, as it did above:

I am so dumb dont know how I did this. 


The results of my toe x ray came in the mail today . My toe isn't fractured !  Its still a bit sore , so will need to be careful .  We are having cold rainy weather , I have been wearing fuzzy socks & sandals so need to not get my feet wet .  Our town got 3 inches of rain in one day !  There is a ditch along side our gravel road from run off .  No land slides so far .


alpiner, glad your toe wasn't broken - but the pain will still be a problem.  Ouch! 

We had an inch of rain overnight, and are supposed to be getting 7-8 additional inches next week.  Local flooding in our forecast.  TVA is lowering the lake levels along the Tennessee River all the way to the Ohio and the Mississippi.

I wrote posts twice yesterday and managed to lose them both, so just gave up temporarily.  I obviously accidentally hit some key that does that.  So frustrating!

Darlene, good luck on finding your pizza.

jane, glad y'all are settled in for the duration and have taxes, etc., under control.  And you have the added benefit of missing more bad weather in Iowa.

My new partner and I did fairly well at duplicate yesterday.  No points, but we did get one top board.  And we got home before the rain started.  Thursday, I joined some of my swim buddies at the annual Valentine's Day tea/lunch given by the financial adviser the four of us use.  Nice light lunch and good company.  This past week was a busy one, but next week makes up for it with nothing except bridge scheduled.   ;D

Happy weekend, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Buddies.  At last I'm in here with no problems!  Yesterday I went to a luncheon at our organist's home.  She invited all of us who are widows (and most of us are in our 80's or older!)  She had a lovely meal of salads prepared with homemade muffins and a delicious fruit dessert.  I've written her a thank you note and put it out for the mailman, but he won't pick it up until about 1:00 and won't get back to the P.O. until too late for it to be delivered today, I'm pretty sure about that.

Tim had something else on his plate yesterday, so postponed our lunch and Kroger shopping date until today.  I don't know what time he'll be picking me up, but I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so got up, had breakfast, showered and dressed, and am waiting now for whenever he gets here.  I have valentine treats in bags for him and Kris ready to go.  I hope he'll have time to take me to the library, but if he doesn't I have enough to tide me over until next week.

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Welcome back to BB Sue. We missed you.

Today Freckles and I will visit one of the Care Homes that is close by. They don't call them Nursing Homes anymore.
Last evening we went out for the usual Friday night dinner at the Mexican place in the mall. I tried a new dish call Molcajete (sp). It is Chicken, Mushrooms, Onions in a red sauce, served with rice, beans and tortillas. I brought  some home that I will eat for lunch today.

It sure has been cold here and wet. Our electric bill is going to be sky high but we are keeping warm that's all that counts.

Did I tell all y'all that Keith got his pic line removed on Thursday?  No more daily infusions,  In a couple if weeks his wound should be completely closed, Tomorrow I have to change the dressing, it gets changed every 3 days, The nurse will be here on Thursday to check and change it again so it will get changed two days in a row.

Jane is so so good that you and ray can stay put for a while.


Sue, so glad you finally found you way back.  Have a good day with Tim.

Marilyn, good news about Keith.  You're right about the name changes.  Around here, it's called "skilled care" - the next step of care up from "assisted living".
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning...everything looks different ....so just checking in see if I need to adjust anything...nice warm day...already walked...a do nothing afternoon...Darlene


Welcome back, Sue!  We've missed you and hoped it was only internet problems and not health.

Jeanne, glad you got it figured out now.

Jane, so nice of your friends to call and check on you.  I agree that 90 is too hot!

Mary, we're supposed to get rain all next week too. We got some last night, but I don't know how much. Glad you had a good bridge game.  John's partner for Monday cancelled. Don't know whether he will find another or not.  Luncheon sounded nice.

I visited the dog sitter yesterday and she & Bunny bonded. I was happy.

My knee just killed me all day yesterday--even had to use a cane, but I found out that my ortho office has Urgent Care beginning at 5:30 on a first come first serve basis. Since I couldn't get an appt with the regular office until the day I fly to FL, we went to the Urgent Care last night. He gave me a steroid shot which I didn't really think would work, but it is much better today. I am icing it now. I hope it heals by the 28th.

Nothing scheduled today.  Hope you all have a great weekend.  Sharon


lSharon, glad the shot seems to be working.  It should hold things for a few months - at least I hope so.

Darlene, glad you're having some good weather.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hurrah...so glad to see Sue here.

We did our errands to WalMart...and I gulped on the cost of Evista.  Without RX insurance, it'd be $563.00 for 3 months.  And, they didn't have 5 mg prednisone, so I have to go back.  We also got a short grocery trip in.

Then Ray wanted to drive around a little, so we did...checking out some places on the Laguna Madre Bay and then back here.  A bit later he was up for a walk to the beach. 

Still foggy, so we'll not get to 90...fine with me. 



 Would be nice if it stayed for ever once done .hate to have to code it every time.also of a way it would be able  to stay in other postings other than just s and f[/b][/size]

mS should  work on that. Not the things that now on W10.

What a mess now with BP meds. Only one I take. Went for my refill yesterday as out. Was told did not hav any tried 3 drug stores and the said back ordered.  Dr. Said would would send another kind . Then sw that these had a recall . Over 18 different ones have Been recalled.  He has me coming in Tuesday's. Could tell I was uneasy with what happening and not hearing about it. 
Another mess happening in the health in USA.?

Have you now got all these EM coming in from SandF showing all messages coming into forums ? I don't think I care for it. Had 8 EM in today