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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

Library Bookshelf

Started by Marilyne, March 29, 2016, 03:20:53 PM

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This office was the VA clinic and I noticed that they do have a bookcase there and it is a good idea.   I'll have to remember to hang onto a good book to take in for that shelf.   I know that my brother has mentioned getting a book from the VA clinic in Pittsburgh when he goes down there but I hadn't noticed this one before.  In my daughter's little town there is a very popular diner.   They have a bookcase just as you come in the door and it is an honor system library....no cards, no strings.     A friend of ours who dines there quite a bit told me that she often takes her overflow books there. 
Mary C


We have a couple of sort of large Mail boxes around my area.  You can put books in and also take out.  We also have big red ones where can leave shoes along with another side to put books,  Post office has a box to drop in books for the Prison System.  I am all for doing things like that.


Jeanne - We used to have a large book drop-box in one of our local shopping centers, but it's now gone.  I asked in one of the stores where it was, and they told me it was removed because people were throwing trash and bags of garbage and worse, into the box. :(  It's so depressing to hear about how thoughtless and selfish people can be. Don't they have a conscience?

This morning I had a long wait in another doctors office, but no "help yourself" bookshelf there.  I did notice that there was one other person (besides myself) reading a book, but everyone else was playing with their smart phones. ::)


 :-[i get so sickened when I get out of my car, and in the parking lot are several used, disposable baby diapers.  I get the feeling these people don't have any idea about  the proper way to dispose of their trash.  You can imagine what their "abode" must look like. :-[


Now is my town there were lots of drop boxes belonging to Goodwill in order for you to drop clothing. All had to be taken away because people where dropping anything in them along with mattresses . Old broken furniture . lot of trash. Would all get wet. Terrible.  Some people. Trashy.




Since we don't have a words related discussion, and since readers love words, I posted this new definition here!


bubble - Thank you for providing some interesting reading this morning, for those of us who like learning new words. :)
My youngest daughter suffers from a serious case of nomophobia!  She believes that being without her iPhone would be the end of her social life - or ability to communicate with her friends.  It's mostly the texting, I think??  According to her, no one actually TALKS on the phone anymore . . . you only text back and forth. ::)

Another good site for word discussion,   http://www.dictionary.com/   They feature, "The word of the day", which is usually interesting.  They also talk about the correct pronunciation of common words.  For instance today, they talk about the mispronunciation of the word pronunciation! "Why is this common word mispronounced
so often?" :-\


Marilyn, thanks a lot for that link - I did a Xword straight away!


Hi Marilyne
Your youngest daughter I think is right, very few people phone family or friends now.

Emails used to be the main communication, but that has been overtaken by texting.  And irbid not only the young people who text, but more and more people our age are texting.

And the latest way of texting is by using WhatsApp where you can text, record an audio message and it on WhatsApp.  And record a video and send that to family and friends.

I read in 2012 that 8 trillion text messages were sent!



I hope WhatsApp is reliable: I am trying to guess what your "irbid" meant :)


I must be one of the very few people now who refused to use Texting. They can either use E-M to me or call on my home line. Use the answer machine if they leave a message I will get back to them.  Very few people are given my Mobile phone number

I have notice now that I have not heard from a few friends by E-M.  I know that all the Grands and eldest daughter now just  texting other people. Not me.  The youngest daughter hardly every uses her computer now.  All on her Iphone.  Think I am the only person in family without one. One wanted to buy me one for Mothers day. I would not use it.  Happy with computer. Ipad and Tablet.  Did accept a new answer machine as mine now broke the other day.


Jeanne - count me as another who doesn't have a smart phone and who doesn't text. I'd like to get an iPhone, because there are so many interesting and useful app's you can get for free.  However, it's too pricey for me to buy something that I don't really need at all.  As for the texting - there is no one for me to text. LOL  I doubt that my adult kids or grand kids would be too thrilled to get a text from me, unless I was asking a question that needed a quick answer, or it was an emergency of some kind.  None of my friends, my brother, or other older relatives have smart phones, so that leaves no one. :'(


Marilyn.  Now you can get just as many good Apps if you have a IPad.  Use for other things also.  I really like mine.  Just get the Mini IPad. I think if I get another one later I will just get the mini. 


My dil, who works for AT&T, helped me get a GoPhone.    I haven't added any apps   If I get to the point of frequently sitting in waiting rooms, I suspect that will change.

Neither have I yet texted with anyone but family and I usually have to instigate things because they know I don't have it on any more often than I did my plain old cell phone.

However, when severe storms and possible tornadoes were moving into the metro area Tuesday night and there was real concern about power loss,  I received texts from every family member:   "Is your phone on and charged?"  (It was)
Then - when another round was approaching earlier this evening,  I figured out how to send a text to all of them at the same time with the message "Phone on and charged!"   (Fortunately, the storm missed the areas where we all live - but did do/is doing some damage as it's moving across the state)

Once, when my son was looking for items he needed for a project at my house, he sent pictures and I was able to make choices.  That was nice.
And once, when my son was looking for ceramic pots he was putting in my flower beds, he did send pictures and I was able to make choices.  That was nice.


My husband and I text with our kids a lot.  I don't feel bad about texting because I know they will answer when they have a minute, but don't like to interrupt their work day with a telephone call.  Mostly I text from my iPad---the screen is larger for my old eyes. ;)


Quote from: Marilyne on April 02, 2016, 11:26:16 AM
One season of Outlander, was enough for me. There are so many other excellent dramas and series on the premium channels or Netflix streaming, that I would rather watch.  I did enjoy it at first, and loved the gorgeous scenery, the history, the clothing, and some of the characters . . . but the graphic love scenes were too long, and the extreme violence was horrific.  The scene between Jamie and Jack Randal went on and on for at least a half hour!  No need for showing the viewers such detail.  I wonder if people really like watching scenes like that, or if it's only us old folks who are turned off?  :-\

I watched the whole first season of Outlander and loved the scenery and the relationship between Claire and Jamie.  I've found out that in any given program, once the main characters marry, the show is over.  I've watched the first two episodes of the second season, but am not impressed.  Scotland was so much more beautiful than France.


P.S.  Sorry to be replying to such an old post.  I "just" found S&F again and am getting caught up!


Hi, Nancy.  I agree that the scenery in Scotland is so much better than in France.  The thing that is impressing me about this season's episodes is the costuming.  Wonderful outfits that everyone (men and women) are wearing are beautiful but especially, the beautiful costumes that Claire is wearing.


Nancy (Dahlia) - Welcome back to S&F!  I'm glad that you found us again, and hope to see you here often. :)

I have also heard the old adage that a marriage between the main characters in a TV show, spells the beginning of the end of the show.  If the couple is already married when the show starts - ("Mad About You") - it's okay, but as soon as they have a baby, the show is finished. :(

In the case of "Outlander", I think they were following the book, when they had Jamie and Claire marry?  I'm not watching the series this season, and I haven't read the books, but I think having Claire married to two men at the same time has a purpose. It adds to the tension of the story, and will be an important factor, when she returns to the 1940's, to her present day husband.
I may watch this new season, after it goes On Demand.


When I returned Cometh The Hour to the library,  I took a quick look at the new books.   The one I checked out is called  The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend.    Funny sounding title.  This is a first novel by Katarina Bivald who lives in Stockholm, Sweden.     This book has had a slow start for me but to be fair,  I was trying to read when I was quite tired so I'm giving it a fair chance to pick up.   I have gotten acquainted with a few of the characters and can see where there is promise for a good story.  I'll let you know. :)
Mary C


maryc:  I agree, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend, is an unusual title! ha ha!  I had to read it over a couple of times to make sure I was seeing it right - and now it's beginning to sound intriguing!  Keep us posted on how you like it, and I may add it to my book list. 

My book list . . . hmmmm?  I have a few that I'm waiting on from the library, and a couple of others that are still here, but so far untouched.  Somehow I just can't get started on anything in recent days.  The weekend is coming up again, and that's usually when I do the most reading. 

Tome:  I don't recall if I told you how much I enjoyed A Walk In The Woods?  Besides being a good true story, I learned so much about the Appalachian Trail, and all of the small towns, cities and states, along the way.  It was fascinating to me to compare the differences in the AP, and the Pacific Crest Trail.  I recently read the book and saw the movie, Wild, so it's fascinating to compare the differences in the two trails.  I remember that you didn't care much for the "Walk in Woods" movie??  I thought for sure it would be playing On Demand or on Netflix streaming, but it's not available on either at this time.  I would like to see it, just for comparison purposes.  I can't see Robert Redford as Bryson, but I CAN see Nick Nolte as Katz! 


It wasn't that I didn't like Walk in the Woods movie version, it's just that it seemed so slow in getting started.  After having read the book, I got the movie from Netflix, and watched it again.  It was a teeny bit better in the second viewing, especially since I read the book, and was so blown away by all the information it contained about the AT. 
I have seen "Wild"...have not read the book, but might give it a go, and then I will research the Pacific Crest Trail and make comparisons.  Marilyne, I'm so glad you enjoyed A Walk in the Woods.  Perhaps having read the book first, you might not enjoy the movie as much, but it's a double-edged sword.  The awesome cinematography of parts of the actual AT, helps make the movie  more enjoyable. Nolte as Katz is superb as the overweight, foul-mouthed buddy.  It wouldn't have been ANY fun without him!


I don't remember if I am the only Mystery reader here or not but just in case......I read on the Barnes & Noble site today that Louise Penny will have a new Inspector Armand Gamache book out on 8-30-2016. A Great Reckoning It is the 12th in the series.  I'm looking forward to it since she is one of my favorite authors and I like this series very much.


No, Phyllis, I read mysteries also.  Am a member of a f2f Mystery Book Club, as well as a regular book club.  Love the Louise Penney series.  Do you get her emails?  Her husband Michael has Alzheimers now.


I had A Walk in the Woods on hold at the library but found the movie on Hoopla and watched it the day before I got the call for the book.   I'm going to be on the negative side here.    The movie was ok but not what I expected and so I didn't pick up the book.   I may have missed the better part by not reading the book.

I do like mystery stories but not thrillers.
Mary C



I don't get the Louise Penny emails, Tome, but I did check out her website and it is a really good one.  Glad to know that you are a mystery lover, too.

Sometimes you don't know that you are into a "thriller", MaryC, until it suddenly pops up.  I do my "head in the sand" thing and just skip through those parts.

I didn't read A Walk in the Woods but watched the movie.  I liked Nolte, too, but just couldn't keep from thinking how OLD Redford looked.  The movie was OK....scenery was beautiful....but wasn't crazy about it.  I tried to read Bryson's The Road to Little Dribbling but lost interest in it.  He just seemed so negative to me...kept talking about all the tourists, trash and clutter, his intense dislike of the National Trust, etc.  It might have gotten better later in the book but I never got that far.  And, IMO, if it wasn't for the National Trust in Britain a lot of those wonderful historic places would be long gone.


I'm also a mystery lover but not crazy about "thrillers" either.  I haven't read A Louise Penny in ages and I do enjoy her.


I like it that Robert Redford has let himself get "old", and not done all the plastic surgery stuff that others (men and women) have done.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."