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September 20, 2024, 08:48:02 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

Library Bookshelf

Started by Marilyne, March 29, 2016, 03:20:53 PM

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This morning I'm wishing you could all see the movie I watched yesterday,  Wings of Desire.  "Wim Wenders' elegiac hymn to a broken cold-war Berlin.  Shot when the city seemed forever divided by  The Wall, this intensely romantic story of an angel who longs for human love is unlike any other."
Unfortunately, it's only on one channel here, Max, which is only available free to those who have HBO. However  think anyone can go to Max, and pay to see any movie??
I was so moved by the story and the way it was presented, that I plan to watch it again soon, and I think some of you will like it as much as I did.  I found an online review yesterday that pretty much says it all, so I'll post the link, and hope that some of you will take a look.
Another quote: "The two angels  roam freely, through the still semi-shattered city of Berlin and their musings are interspersed with archive footage of the destroyed capital in 1945."
(NOTE: these are not angels flying round in white robes, like in "It's a Wonderful Life".  Just two men in suits and overvcoats.


Please ignore the image thing under my message. I was trying to post a picture of the angel, but it didn't work.  Then I was unable to delete it.   ::) 


I am glad you got to see it Marilyne.


I only post in Norm & Seniors & Friends Leisure Activities these days, & these infrequently.  I have no idea why this is so, except for old, old age.  I keep up Norm in salute to the Past & to him.  And Dot.  Remember Dot?  Well, I had tons of fun with all of the forums once upon the day.  & the get togethers & the Bashes & the tours.  Wow, thank you Senior Net!  Now I am ninety-five & counting, & I have something important to warn you of:  DEMENTIA!  It took a long while for me to awaken to the fact that I am afflicted with it.  I call it "my forgettery" and tell people I have "lost my mind."  My memory is what I have lost, & I want to warn you.  This will not necessarily be YOU, but it might.
Back in April of this year, early April, I relinquished my independent living situation & moved in with a daughter, who gives me full care.  She also takes care of her husband, who has Parkinson's.  She labored for several months & got my condo cleared out & cleaned out & turned back to the owners.  Bless her boots!
I had disposed of a great deal of personal items, but not all by a long shot.  I was beginning to realize I was lacking any detailed memories of my entire life.  I did not forget who my most loved persons were, but most of me was gone.  Disappeared into the foggy past.
Debi brought tons of paper files & small sets of personal stuff to her house for me to go through & dispose of.  I had had a habit of keeping, not dairies, as such, but one of those spiral-bound annual engagement calendars put out by art places.
You know, about an inch for engagements each day for a week on one page, & a lovely painting on the other.  Most of these I had thrown out back in the beginning of my clear out. Turns out she had discovered and brought back here about 7 years of these books I had missed.  Wow!  I read and rediscovered those years completely forgotten!  What a blessed boon!  I had been worrying myself into a great anxiety over whether or not I had attended friend's funerals, & remembering whether I had looked after my dearest family members before they passed, and when HAD they passed, and how.  Reading those diaries relieved me of a HUGE amount of that!  I did!  I did!  I did really well by them, & showed them the love I felt for them.
My purpose in telling you this is to wave the flag of This Might Be YOU! & urge you to keep diaries against the day.
Enough said!  Love to all.


Mary Page -  So good to see your message here this morning.  I was beginning to worry about you, because it had been a long time since you had posted here or in Norm's Bait and Tackle.  In spite of some memory loss, it looks like you're still doing a great job of remembering all of your loved ones, and the important events in your life.  Keep on keeping on!  We look forward to hearing from you in Library Bookshelf or Norm'sB&T, whenever you feel like writing!


Here I am, and no one else has been for quite some time!
I read the new (old, actually) book by Harper Lee, & this is my observation:  obviously, she was an outstanding student of human nature back in her youth, but not nearly as skilled as she was with To Kill A Mockingbird.  Good thing she scuttled her 1st book and took up writing that one!  Otherwise, I very much doubt she would have become the world's number one author.  Not on that first book alone.  I have now, being in dementia, completely forgotten the name of it; but it can be found out in a New York minute.  Well, now that she's dead & gone, there will be no more.  And I have passed the new (old) book on to my beloved granddaughter Paige, who was named for me, except that my daughter Anne stuck an I in it!  IMAGINE, sticking a letter in an old family name! 
Life drones on here.  The most exciting things in my life are truly that:  exciting.  They are little stories, all absolutely true, about my great grandson, Miles.  He is only one of the 28 amazing, brilliant, beautiful & talented great grandchildren in my portfolio.  But the stories about him about tickle me to death.  Miles was the unplanned 3rd child who popped into this world early after much difficulty keeping him in the womb. I'll give you an example of a Miles story.  By the way, Miles never hangs around & waits for you to entertain him.  Not for a nanosecond!  So one day my daughter Anne, whom he calls Nana, was babysitting him whilst his family were all elsewhere.  Miles appears in front of Anne:  "Nana!  Do you have a piece of cloth I could use?"  "I'm sure I do, MIles.  What do you need it for?"  Well, today is the day I am going to learn to fly (Miles is five or six at this time), and I am going to jump out of that window up there (pointing to a front window on the 2nd floor), and I thought it might be a good idea if I made a parachute first just in case I need it."  "Oh no, you are NOT!  Absolutely no learning to fly today!"

And that is the way it goes.  Miles has a name longer than he is old:  Miles James Gregory and-his-surname.  Remember it;  I'm betting you'll hear about him in the news one day.  I'll be long dead & gone, dang it!



Go Set A Watchman.

The name of the new (old) Harper Lee book.  I expect her kin wanted to make some money from her estate.
Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.


Ha! Your Miles story reminds me of the main character in Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga Sci-Fi book series. The only other Miles I ever knew, a nephew of a neighbor, died in the Vietnam War; he was only there a month. I doubt I will be around either, but I doubt I will forget his name. He sure sounds like a handful.

Speaking of SciFi, I just started reading the latest in the Laiden series, Ribbon Dance written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Downloaded, but haven't started a Bill Bryson audio book, but forget the title just now.

I am spending more time with the TV the last few days than with my reading. I started watching Farscape from the beginning, and intend on watching The Mountain Detective on Amazon's Prime. It is a BBC production set in France. PBS lists it, so it must have been aired here (two seasons). It looks like I can watch it there too.   


Miles had been given a motor bike.  His mother, Melissa, came across that recently, spread all over the place in little bits.  Miles had taken it totally apart.  "What are you DOING???"  "I'm making a go cart!"
And so he did.  With complete success, and using every single component of the motor bike.  I swear.  Melissa swears.  Anne swears.  Those who know Miles are not in the least surprised;  only full of the special Joy derived from that child.  I hug myself as that Joy pours over & into me.