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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
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2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
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2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
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2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

Television Today

Started by Marilyne, March 29, 2016, 06:38:19 PM

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Callie - thanks for the heads-up on, "Holiday Inn", playing on PBS tonight.  Like you, I love a musical, and would enjoy seeing one during this dreary Covid time.  I remember that the original movie, features all the different holidays throughout the year - ending up with Christmas.  It always plays on TCM, a couple of times this time of year.  Watching a live version will be a treat!

Tome & Callie - "Sporty"?  "Horsey"? ;D  You are both so kind!  ha ha!  Well, you  gave me a laugh today, which felt really good for a change.  When I first saw the actress playing Camilla, I thought there was a definite resemblance, but I'm thinking maybe it was just the hairdo?  Whenever I see video or pictures of Charles and Camilla together now, he looks so happy . . . at long last!


Marilyne, "Holiday Inn' is the Broadway production that the movie "White Christmas" was based on.  They're not the same but I think you'll enjoy this production.

It was "Camilla's" hairdo that first turned me off.  I don't remember ever seeing the real Camilla with a "bouffant" do like the actress has.
I agree that Charles looks so much happier now.  Wonder what's going on with Harry and Meghan these days.


I am seriously trying NOT to binge but must admit I watched Ep. 8 of CROWN last night and if the new Ep. of the "British Baking Show" hadn't been on I probably would have watched Ep. 9!  No will power at all.

You all are too kind.  I am not, I'm afraid.  I always thought that Camilla must have hidden attributes.....very well hidden.  She supposedly is "great fun" but not very attractive.  This actress is a little too cute.  But, the real Camilla has apparently made Prince Charles a much happier man and that is what is important.

I was never a fan of Diana.  I always felt that there was an air of sly calculation about her.

As for hairdos.....it is the exaggerated hairdo that they have put on Margaret Thatcher that has me turned off.  I just have to keep telling myself....it is fiction, loosely based on known events and produced by people who apparently aren't terribly fond of British royalty.  Unfortunately, a lot of people will think it is all true.


If you'd be wantin' to see the Monarchy totally "trashed", go to Netflix and watch "The House of Windsor".  It is a documentary, several episodes long. It begins with how the Windsor name came about. It has real film footage of King George, etc. Tells the tale of how they wanted to be rid of the Germanic name, Saxe-Coburg-Gota.  The producers spend entirely too much time on the abdication of Edward, showing clips of he and Wallis throughout the entire series until you just want to scream. Later episodes, they keep comparing Prince Charles to Edward (David). When Diana appears, they portray her as scheming, conniving, self-promoting.  The interviews with her private secretary are enlightening.  Various historians, authors, Palace insiders, etc all put in their spin on the whole family.  It is a very interesting series.  If only they had left out about 15-20 clips and references to E&W. Everybody gets a proverbial "slap in the face", less so the Queen herself. They don't really trash Camilla but predominately Charles and his relationship to Camilla. Oh, the things we learn.  Disheartening.


Afraid that's what Thatcher's hairdo really looked like, Phyllis, LOL.


I was hoping to see "Holiday Inn", on PBS, last night, but we found out by waiting until 8:00 - that it didn't start until 9:00 and lasted till 11:00.   We recorded it to watch another time, and also  decided to wait on "Crown",  until tonight.

Phyllis - I agree with you on M. Thatcher's hairdo.   Yes, that was her style, but I don't remember it being so extreme!   Also, I was a little taken back by the way the family treated Thatcher, and her husband, when they came for the weekend at Balmoral.  Surely the Royals would have been friendlier, and the Thatcher's would have been better prepared, as to some kind of intinerary?   

Another small detail that bothers me, and only me.  ::)   Queen Elizabeth, has always been noted for her blue eyes.  The actress, Olivia Colman, has lovely big brown eyes, that are very attractive, but I wish they had had her wear blue contact lenses.  IMO, she looks nothing at all like the Queen.  The earlier actress Claire Foy, had the blue eyes, and looked quite a bit like the young Queen I thought.    I guess I'm way too hung-up on authenticity. 

Tome - I'll look at Netflix and Prime, later, and see if "The House of Windsor", is the documentary that I watched about six months ago?  It showed lots of footage of Elizabeth and Margaret as young woman?  Also, many events of interest over the years were shown, and I thought it was quite good.  I think it ended before Diana, because I don't recall anything about her?   Now I want to find it and watch it all over again!  :D

One more thing that I've noticed throughout the entire series:  The terms  "She's great fun", or  "He's a bit of fun",  are used to denote a relationship that has no long term possibilities.  I remember Princesses Anne, Margaret, and also Philip and Charles, all using it.   It must be part of the British vernacular, as I don't remember ever hearing it used here?   


Marilyne,  I don't care for the second actress playing the Queen.  I know Queen Elizabeth wasn't always smiling but I don't think she ever had that down-turned scowl that this actress does when she's being "serious".

Sorry you missed "Holiday Inn".  Act 1 lasts about an hour before there's a break I changed to the news since it was just after 10:00 and switched back after the weather - about 15 minutes later; so I don't know what my PBS station had in between.

Big football game between my Okla. Univ. Sooners and All My Children's Okla. State Cowboys at 6:30 on ABC.  That will take up my evening.  ;) 


Callie  -  We watched  Holiday Inn, last night and I was very impressed.   Loved it, and would recommend it to any and all of our housebound friends and relatives!  I just hope it plays again, so daughter Sandy, can see it, as I know she would like it too.

This PBS show, followed the old 1942 B/W movie almost exactly, with all those wonderful Irving Berlin musical numbers.  The screen names of the actors were the same - Jim, who was Bing Crosby in the old movie, and Ted, who was played by Fred Astaire.  The actress who played Linda, was Marjorie Reynold in the movie, but didn't recognize the blond who played Lila. There is a "Black Face" number in the original movie, which of course was not in this updated version. It's still in the old original movie however - or was when I saw it last year? 

My favorite dance number was, The Fourth of July Firecracker Dance.  It was colorful and well done, but  could not top the original movie dance by Fred Astaire!    That has to be my favorite Astaire dance ever seen on screen, and there were many!  I also liked the early ensemble dance number to "Blue Skies".  Love those 1942 dresses!    I'll post a message when the old movie plays this year, although I'm probably the only one here who has TCM?


Marilyne, I have TCM.

 Neither this dancer nor Danny Kaye (in "White Christmas") could equal Fred Astaire!  Can't remember the movies but my favorite dances were one he did with a hat rack and one when he "danced up the walls and across the ceiling".  Would love to know how that one was filmed.

It's a cold gray gloomy day in central Oklahoma.  I think I'll "binge watch" episodes of "Crown" this afternoon.


I was hoping to string out the episodes of "The Crown", to once a week, but I couldn't stick with it!  Instead of the 10 weeks, I was hoping for,  it's going to be three.  ::)   I have only the final episode to watch, which will probably be tonight, then I'll  be back to comment on this season.  From what I have read online, it will be late 2021 or early 2022, before the next season starts?

Covid is the reason, which is understandable.  The same long wait applies to all other series shows on Netflix, HBO, and Showtime, as well as Network sitcoms and weekly dramas.  This Devil virus, has effected so many businesses in the country.   All except Big Tech.  They are all thriving . . . especially Amazon.   Jeff Bezos, was already the richest person in the world before Covid, but his net worth has escalated to $800 Billion, in the past eight months.  :yikes:   Right behind him is Mark Zuckerburg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jack Dorsey.


Thank you Lily Ebert, ( Holocaust survivor, ) our TV news, for telling your story to the world about your own personal experience of the horrors of the camps...I personally wish you, a soon to be Blessed 100th Birthday...God Bless you..


Jackie, --- Hopefully your post here will bring this discussion back to life.

As far as TV goes, I have been watching re-runs of old TV shows.



Jackie and Rick - We tried to keep this discussion alive for a long time, but finally gave up on it a couple of years ago.  I know that all of our members watch TV, but nobody likes to talk about what they watch or recommend?  I'm thinking that the reason,  is that TV viewing has changed so much in the past three or four years?   There's an overwhelming number of Channels now, and hundreds of programs on, 24/7!   It's unlikely now, that any two people here, are ever watching the same shows.

This was a very popular discussion, back in the days of Senior Net, and in the early years of S&F.  Used to be someone would post first thing in the morning . . . "What did you think of ER last night?" (Or "Seinfeld" or "The Office". etc.)  Then there would be a bunch of comments from members.  Those days are gone forever.  :(  

We can still post about something we like,  whether anyone else has seen it or not.  I would love to see  what people are watching - day or night, news shows or documentaries, series shows, like on HBO, or anything else?

Jackie - Thank you for posting about the interview with Holocaust survivor, Lili Ebert. It sounds very good.  Occasionally we watch BBC News, in the early evening, so there is a chance I might see it as a special or a repeat. 


There are very few t.v. shows that I regularly watch these days.  Our PBS station no longer has regular broadcasts of any  British drama series and I've wondered if they've all gone to some "live stream" channel or have discontinued the series.  I know "Doc Martin" has but our station never showed the final season and has now stopped the reruns. 

I've noticed that most conversational forums no longer have "What do/did you think..." questions - which, IMO, are the ones that generate replies and discussion.  Maybe we've all "aged out" of that sort of thing?  :(


There are several of the British shows (Mostly comedy) that I wish they would re-run. My guess is that there is some kind of copyright problem. Right now I mostly watch shows like "This Old House" and some "Cop" shows. My son is hooked on "Oak Island" and Hockey ---  and I join in.



I make a small donation to our PBS station and they make the PBS Passport station available to me as a reward. It is their streaming channel and has dozens of the old shows that were on in the past. You might go to the PBS web site and see if that is available in your area.


PBS has their Fund Raising shows. At one point they were using shows that I liked for the fund raising effort. We donated. After the "drive" was over they didn't run the shows that prompted me to donate. So --- I ignore those efforts now. "Fool me once, ........".

Tonight I'm watching "On Patrol Live" on REELZ



I read about a new HBO series, that sounds pretty good!   It's called  The Last of Us,  and is a post apocalyptic drama, that takes place after a global pandemic destroys civilization.  :o   From what little I read about it on Google, there are still plenty of people left - which I'm sure includes "the good guys and the bad guys".  I plan to take a look at Episode #1 tonight. Apparently it just started a week or so ago, so I will be limited to going week to week.   We don't subscribe to HBO Streaming, which allows you to binge watch, the episodes if you like to do that.  We have the old original HBO, so will only be able to watch one new episode a week, for the duration of Season #1. 


Bumping an old topic. Not necessarily related to "today" exactly but still TV-related. Comedian and TV personality Tom Smothers died today at the age of 86. His brother Dick is still alive and is 85. Here's a clip from the short-lived 1988 revival of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.


Someone in Norm's today said they were going to post a book review, and we got directed here, but I see no book reviews.  Possibly I missed something in the directions?





Thank you, Rammel.

I loved Helena Bonham Carter's performance in the first of three episodes of NOLLY on PBS.  Try it, and see if you like it, too!


MaryPage,  Helena Bonham Carter, is one of the greatest working actors in both movies and TV - in my opinion.    It's a  pleasure to watch any production that she's a part of.  I haven't seen Nolly, but will definitely take a look, and see what it's all about.  Thanks for the tip!

As I mentioned in the Library~Bookshelf discussion, I've mostly been watching either news shows or old movies on TV, in the late afternoon.  So far I haven't seen any of the movies that were nominated for, or that won the Academy Awards this year.  All are available on TV now.    My husband has been watching the Hockey playoffs, or the March Madness basketball games on the "good" TV, so I haven't seen much TV in the evenings. 


I used to watch HGTV all the time, but then mostly gave it up when they took Property Brothers off.  They were my favorites.

I am streaming most of the time now, and most of that is from PBS.
Currently, I am catching all of ENDEAVOR, and have to confess to having something of a crush on the actor who plays him.


MaryPage,  I was also a big fan of   The Property Brothers,  and many of the other Home Improvement duo's on HGTV.  Other favorites were Chip and Joanna from Texas, and Ben and Erin from Napier, Mississippi.  I remember when they updated and remodeled their entire hometown, of Napier.  I think viewers lost interest in all those shows during the Covid lockdown, when no new shows were being produced.  I know we got tired of HGTV reruns, and moved on to watching news shows and other things on TV.  I'm happy to read that both of the Property Brothers are now married!



Bubble, that sends chills and goosebumps. I love the sound of the pan pipes!! Passing it on to those I know will also enjoy this. Thank you!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers