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February 23, 2025, 09:15:47 AM

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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Joy, I've always used the "Reply" then "Post" buttons to post replies - never had a problem.  And I didn't know there was another way to do it.  Keep plugging away at it.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


To get "Quick Reply" back:

Ask Jeanne Lee ( or do it yourself)
to make  a change to your  profile under:
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  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


MaryZ, I looked it up and Mothers Day comes on May 8th this year.  As you surmised, I am spoken for on that day.  Granddaughter Maria is hosting a party to honor her two grandmothers (of which I am one), her mother (My Debi), and her sister who is due to become the mother of a baby girl I can't wait to meet and, at the same time, make Debi a grandmother and Maria an aunt, at any moment.  Kathryn, being a rather flamboyant diva, has already had the entire family, her doctors, and the Maternity Pavilion at Anne Arundel Medical Center on highest alert about forty-seven times in the past ten days or so, is due April 15th.  We are all quite worn out, and when Little Miss finally makes her entrance, we will be intensely gratified to know that the rehearsals are OVER!
Anyway, I would be hugely delighted to take you and your daughter Margaret to lunch on the 7th or the 9th at Sam's Waterfront Cafe here in Chesapeake Harbour.  I live about 5 minutes from your granddaughter.
I do so hope someone will take you on a tour of Annapolis:  downtown, City Dock, the harbour, the stately historic homes, St. John's College, the Naval Academy, Main Street and so forth and so on.  I used to put on a nifty tour, but no longer possess the zest for it.  My heart is in it, but the body doth protest!


MaryPage, I don't know what dates Margaret (daughter) has planned for us to be in Annapolis, but I will certainly see that your lovely offer gets some consideration.  I'll let you know something when I know it.  We know how these daughters operate, don't we??!!

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Thanks, Sandy, for helping Joy.  As Sandy said, Joy, just ignore those.  They've always been there, but they may be more noticeable now.  We only see Quote by yours, and you only see it by any of ours.  I see Modify and Remove only on my own, too

We've been to the doc in Dbq and he says Ray's leg is healing ok now...swelling down and they won't have to "go in."  Monday we go back to Acute Care to see if the stitches can come out.  We'd planned to have breakfast at a Perkins after the doc appt....but they've closed prior to relocating, so we came back to town and stopped at a local place for brunch.  With eating out tonight, it's a "Kitchen Closed" day! :2funny:

We had SNOW this morning as we got near the clinic.  It's only in the 30s, but there's no more snow.



Now that place is a lot different than I saw close to my families home in UK. There it is meant to become more of a forest.  Sort of  a memorial area.


Jeanne, this is currently an open space in an industrial area - just getting started.  The plan is for lots of trees and plantings ... it will just take time for things to grow.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary, it looks like it will be a very interesting area once it has filled in and developed.  It's a unique idea to transform an area and to become a memory spot for many. Lucky you to have the opportunity (hopefully) to meet Mary Page and to tour Annapolis. I've never been there. However, it is one of the schools Braeden has on his look/see list.

Jane, so glad Ray's leg is healing.  Lucky you on the "Kitchen Closed" day.  ;D . Wow, you guys are really, really cold!  We're in the 50's today with freezing expected overnight, and we think that's bad!

I'm having trouble getting the page to open to where I left off. Is there any secret?  I, too, have thought that the avatar photos are small and somewhat blurry now.

My back is still bothering me but maybe not quite so bad.  A couple from church sent me some frozen sticky buns from Williams and Sonoma!  Can't wait to fix them for tomorrow's breakfast.

John may be looking at laser surgery on his eye to lower the pressure in his eye. That is really scary to think about when he only has one working eye!  They are going to retest the pressure in a month and then decide if he needs it.

I hope I'm not repeating this but don't think I am.  Jocelyne called me and told me that Henry has been offered a wonderful job at Medtronics in Minneapolis beginning June 6!  They were so impressed with him, they designed the job position to his qualifications!  He is quite a brilliant young man.  I hate that they are moving up to MI, but that is his home town and his mother lives there, so that will be nice for him.  They are both so excited and are starting a search for their first house of their own. Joc has sent out about 30 resumes, so she is hoping to find a good job too.  She had just gotten a promotion and a pay raise at Purdue, so her resume should look good. What an exciting time for them.

All for now.  Sharon


Jane: Yes, thanks to Sandy and all you lovely friends, I  at last understand that ya'll only see Quote on mine and I see it only on yours----and ya'll seeModify and Remove only on yours.  My mind just "ain't what it used to be. :idiot2:
Merci all of you!


Hi Buddies.  I've had a good day.  I didn't have to work at the office today and to my surprise I woke up at 6:30!  So I got up and took a fairly long walk before I ate breakfast and read the paper.  I just putzed around for a while, showered and dressed and went to see Minnie about 11:15.  We had a better visit today as she was in a better mood.  She's no longer walking on her own and just sits in her recliner all day and is very depressed most of the time.  We had a decent visit today.

Then I went to Tiger Town to meet Ard at Olive Garden.  I arrived first and was happily surprised to see Kris come in with her Mother, Ard.  The 3 of us had a nice lunch and since Kris ordered a big piece of chocolate cake, I got the smaller chocolate cake and enjoyed every bite.  When it's just Ard and me, I usually pass up the cake!

I went to the Sports Authority to do some shopping.  One item was a baseball cap for Alex.  I am going to Belk's and Dillard's tomorrow to look for a nice long sleeved dress shirt for him to wear when he goes to church with me.  His 19th birthday is next Saturday and I will call to see if he is available for lunch and maybe a museum visit that day.

When I came home I read about an hour and a half, then went for another walk--about 30 minutes.  Up to the cemetery and once around their road which circles the place with the graves inside and outside the circle. 

I watched the usual Friday night news shows, plus the 5:00 Alabama news, NBC at 5:30, and PBS News 6:00-7:00 and Gwen Ifill at 7:00 and the panel news discussion at 7:30.  My last TV for the night was Jag from 8:00-9:00 and I've turned the TV off for the evening.

I'm off to answer my e-mail and then read in bed.  I'm reading Body Work by Sara Paretsky.  It's V.I. Warshwsky novel--a new one.  So far, pretty good, but lots of red herrings, so I'm not sure where it's going yet.

I hope you all had a good day.  Thanks Mary for the tip about the cloud. 
Big Hugs to everyone,


Sharon....I mistyped the temps here...30s, not Os.  The 3 didn't print here.

The hail and snow continued this afternoon, but I slept through it and didn't go to dinner with our Friday night group.  Suddenly about noon, my intestinal tract was NOT happy...very loud and grumbling and I just felt "off."  So, I slept and skipped going out.  I was afraid I'd need too much time in the bathroom.  I must have eaten something my body is not happy about.  Ray went with them to dinner, but they dropped him off back here before they went on to one of their homes for dessert and conversation. 



Gloomy, chilly day out there today.  I plan to just hunker down with some reading, eating, laundry and catching up with a bit of TV by way of On Demand.

Looks like MaryZ and I will be meeting up here for lunch, for sure!  I am so pleased about that prospect.  Dying for her to see this view, albeit I will be hoping for a prettier day in which to show it off.

Still no new baby girl, but we are getting false alarms every single day.  Well, Kathryn is giving birth with more rehearsals than I have ever in my long life encountered previously!  We should have expected this, having been exposed to her  always turning the ordinary into high drama.  This little one we yearn to meet owns a due date of April 15, so I believe I will just try to shove her out of my mind until the REAL call comes.  But then again, how am I to KNOW it is the real one?  Perhaps I shall just ask them to cease and desist pulling me into the loop until she IS in this world!


Good morning girls. ;) It is a truly gorgeous day here way down South. Weather predicts a High of 74 and a Low of 50.
In my apartment I have the thermometer set on 75 and it is
comfortable. Of course I am on the 2nd floor and there are 3 floors, so I have the 3rd over me that shields the heat.
They are attempting to start attendance at a game -UNO.
I played it at least 50 or 60 years ago and liked it, but I will
have to see if I can remember anything about it. ??? Any of
you remember it?


Just the name, Joy;  and I know I, too, have played it eons ago.  Sounds like fun.

The most fun game in this world today is Mexican Train.  I cannot recommend it highly enough!  And I bought my set at Tuesday Morning, so it was cheaper than most!  Try it.  You'll laugh yourself to bits.  Easy as breathing to learn to play.  It is a form of dominoes.

I have always liked 2nd floors best, too.  You do get the protection from the heat from the apartment above, while missing the damp and cold and the critters that come in in the apartment below.  Yep, 2nd floors are perfection!


Good morning, Buddies.  I've just come inside from a very chilly/windy walk.  I don't know what the temperature is, but the wind makes it feel much colder.  Today is A Day over at the university and I think the crowd will be a mite chilly unless they read the weather report before driving to Auburn.  Hopefully they brought jackets and hats.

MaryPage and Joy, when I was young my grandmother didn't like us exposed to "real" cards, but let us play UNO.  I forget how it was played.  We did play Chinese Checkers, Scrabble, and Monopoly, but nothing with "gambling".  Our sons played all the games I mentioned, plus other games played with "real" cards which their Dad and Grampa taught them--and there was some gambling involved--although they played for tooth picks.  Grampa would have preferred real Money!  One game they loved when they were less than 12 y.o. was pass the trash.  I never played it, but Bob got a Burger King hat and whoever was caught with the "trash" had to wear the hat for the next round.  Lots of laughter and teasing with that game.

Jane, I'm so sorry about the tummy upset.  Nothing is worse than a griping, painful stomach.  I hope you're feeling better with rest--and that it passes soon.  Yuck on the temps and snow.  The weather this spring has surely been unpredictable and disagreeable in lots of places.

Mary, I checked out the website you listed for John's memorial tree.  The red sculpture is interesting and I'm sure the area will become lovely as more trees and shrubs are planted.

Have a good day, Buddies.


My husband and I picked out our plots in the cemetery LONG ago.  At the time we chose the two right under a
very small oak tree.  By the time my husband died (2002)
it had grown to a huge pretty oak tree and the acorns would
fall over the ground. One of my daughters purchased a nice
cement bench for under the tree in which you can sit ----but
it is advisable to bring a cloth for cleaning off the seat because the birds also like it. ;D


Hi Gals, Jane, I'm glad that was a typo. I was really feeling for you though.  Sorry you're not feeling well. I've had diarrhea problems off and on for the past week. Don't know why. I'm still not feeling like doing much. Very lethargic.

Sue, you have been really good about your walking lately. I wish I could too. Sounds like you had a nice lunch with Ard & Kris and a good visit with Minnie.  Ms Frances will be 98 the 30th of this month. She is very forgetful and repetitive at this point. She really should be in an assisted living, but I don't think her daughter will do it. She needs more company and also more help. She has a cleaning girl who also shops for her and does her laundry, but that really isn't enough. I go over about 3x a week at least to spend some time with her and share a glass of wine and another couple comes over and cooks Sunday dinner for her every week, but I think she needs more than that.  We can't help her with her personal care or make sure she doesn't forget her meds or help her stay on top of her finances, etc.  Her daughter seems to think that as long as her friends are helping her, she doesn't need to do much, just come every 2 or 3 months!  I certainly took a lot better care of my mother in her final years.  Sorry, I just have to vent about it every once in a while.

Joy, that sounds lovely.  My parents' mausoleum is next to a small lake filled with ducks and is very pretty also.

John and I are going out to dinner tonight.  He is going to Gatlinburg to a tournament on Monday.

Have a nice weekend everyone. Sharon


I'm feeling much better today and got out to get a down comforter I'd had dry cleaned and took some items to the bank for the box there and then to WalMart for some items not at our local grocery.  Ray's making lamb shanks for himself for supper and needed a lot of peeled garlic cloves.  I don't eat lamb...and would certainly stay away from garlic with this digestive thing, but it's still rumbling and grumbling, but I feel ok.

Tomorrow we're going to a concert at an auditorium here for a fellow who's a pianist and plays all over the state.  It's nice we don't have to travel to Dbq or Cedar Rapids or Cedar Falls as we usually do to hear any real entertainment. 

Today was in the 30s but finally got to 45, but windy...so I didn't walk.  Tomorrow  to be warmer, but also rain and wind. 



I haven't played UNO, but (from Sharon) I learned to play Mexican Train and love it.  Mostly, though, I play on line.  MaryPage, if you like, I'll e-mail you the web site where I play.  It is addictive, though.

Hope you're feeling better soon, jane.  Tell Ray that I'll be glad to share lamb and garlic with him.  LOL

It's been a pretty day today, but cool - only around 50 for a high.  We have frost predicted for tonight, but then into the 70s on Monday.  Ah, Spring!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


good afternoon almost evening everyone. A good friend of mine and co worker at the spay and neuter clinic passed awsay yesterday evening, so it has been a rather sad day for me.

Freckles got to go to the dog park the afternoon, there were only 3 of us there, It has been overcast all day and it was misting this morning but had stopped by this afternoon.


Condolences, Marilyn.  It is always so hard to lose yet another friend.  Life feels reduced.

MARYZ, I would love to know of that site.  Sigh!  I actually haven't a speck of extra time to spare as it is now, but - - - -

Jane, may I be a complete hussy and join Ray and Mary at the lamb with garlic?  Got any mint jelly, or should I bring my own?


Is anyone besides me old enough to remember America's Poor Little Rich Girl?  That is what the newspapers and radio news announcers always called her.  For any of you near my age, the name Gloria Vanderbilt will immediately come to mind.  Unless, of course, you suffer a Senior Moment, as I too often do.

Well, if you have HBO, you can watch a biography/documentary tonight at nine until eleven.  NOTHING LEFT UNSAID.  She is Still Alive!  And looking better than I did at sixty, although I think she is ninety one or two.  Anderson Cooper, her remaining son, made it with her.  Fascinating to me.


MaryPage, there was an interview of Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper on Sunday Morning a week or so ago (or maybe 60 Minutes).  It was interested and talked about the HBO show.  This is the web site where I play Mexican Train.


Marilyn, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.  I know it's tough.

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hi Buddies.  I walked in the chilly wind this morning following breakfast--and felt refreshed when I got home.  So I did a load of laundry, put it in the dryer and went outside to pull weeds and old pansies.  I want to get that flower bed ready for marigolds soon. 

Tim came by on his motorcycle while I was outside.  His (and my) friend Dave came by to look at the guns I want to get rid of.  He looked them over and took them all except the bb guns which he didn't want or need.  I don't really need them either, but at least I'll have more room in my closets now.  I can use the bb guns to chase cats out of my yard.  I wouldn't shoot them, but hopefully the noise will get rid of them.  Two neighbors have outside cats who love to come in my yard daily.  They seem to have a meeting out back.  I've had to quit feeding birds in my yard because of them.

It's been very windy here today and cool, too.  It feels like March instead of April.  Not so bad when working in the yard, but cooler than I like.

MaryPage, I love lamb, too.  If Jane gives you permission to join Ray, maybe she'll let me, too.  I have never seen lamb in any grocery store I've visited since moving to Alabama!  And I do remember Gloria Vanderbilt.  Do you know how old she was?

Marilyn, I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.  Will the clinic have a memorial for her or some other kind of acknowledgement of her work at the clinic?  You will miss her.

Mary, dominoes is a game I've never learned.  When we used to go to the beach with Tim, Kris, Jon, and Stacie, Alex and Nick were toddlers at first and then pre-schoolers, so my job was to keep them busy while the rest of the gang played dominoes.  They liked Mexican Train--whatever that might be.

Jane, I'm glad you're feeling better and hope your bug has left you altogether!  Just take it easy for a bit--those bugs like to make you weak.

Sharon, I need to walk more.  I've gained almost 10 pounds this winter and I am having a hard time finding things to wear.  And I need to stop eating after dinner.  Boredom really messes with me--and I tend to snack in the evening which should be a no no.  I'm really sorry to hear about Ms. Frances.  She sounds like a delightful person and you have been such a good friend for her.  I think her daughter must be a real stinker to ignore her as she seems to do.  I hope you're feeling better this evening, too.

Joy, I'm glad you had the foresight to select a site at the cemetery with a nice tree to sit under.  Nice for the bench your daughter purchased, too.  I am close enough to the older local cemetery to walk up there and make several turns around.  Lots of people walk there in the afternoons--mostly from my neighborhood, but some drive there to walk where there is no traffic.  It's a nice shady place to walk.

I've showered, shampooed, and dressed in my p.j.s for the evening. I wanted to watch a good movie on TCM tonight, but it was The Lost Weekend which was an OK film, but depressing so I decided to go with a Hallmark feel good movie.  I called Tom before my shower and will pick him up at 9:30 for Sunday School.  He said he's had the stitches removed from his face and is feeling better.  I hope he's still using the cane he had last Sunday. 

Enjoy your evening, Buddies, and sleep well.  GinnyAnn, where are you?  You, too, Diane.

P.S. I forgot I posted earlier this morning, so please chalk it up to a VERY SENIOR moment!


Sue, Gloria Vanderbilt is still alive - at 92.  There are a zillions of games played with dominoes.  They're mostly fairly simple, but can have lots of strategy involved.  Also, they're mostly two-person games, although Mexican train can be played by up to eight, and is best with at least four.  BTW, you know you can post more than once a day.  LOL

I watched two movies this afternoon - both on DVD from the library.  "Philomena" and "Nebraska".  Both are several years old, but very good.

Sleep well,  Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sharon: I forgot to add that there is a lake with ducks in
it in the cemetery also.


Good morning everyone.  Not much going on with me. We are having nice weather so far. 80 in daytime cools down to mid 50ths at night. I have been working in my yard. Think I may have a grub worm problem. Have round brown patches. Going to treat it with tide detergent and buy some grass pods.  My family always like uno and other games..Well better get ready for church. Have a great Sunday Darlene


Marilyn....it's so hard to lose friends.

Darlene...hi....we were posting at the same time, I think.

Maryz, MaryPage, and Sue....Ray would have loved to have you join him for his lamb shanks on garlic.  He said the recipe turned out successful.  He'll also supply the chardonnay!   :thumbup:

I remember Gloria Vanderbilt....and her clothes....esp. jeans that were a big fashion "must have" for those who liked designer things.  I remember they had a swan on the pocket, I think.

Thanks for that link, Maryz.  Mexican Train is something we enjoy when company visits us in Texas.  We were also i troduced to a game by Wisconsin friends there called, I think, Pegs and Kings.  It's played on connecting boards in a large square and pegs are moved forward or backward depending on the cards you have from a four deck stack. 

It's overcast and in the 40s.  We're to have rain and wind today.  We have the piano concert at the local auditorium by the high school, so glad we don't have to drive today very far.  Friends are coming at 1:00 for a little preconcert cheese and wine (and ice tea for me.)

I'm hoping GinnyAnn and Diane can find us soon. 



Hi Gals,  I just lost a big paragraph! Grumble >:(   Anyway, I'm back from SS & church, have 1 load of laundry in and another to do before I can help JOhn pack for his tournament.

My kids and grandkids played Uno. I always keep a deck of it on hand for kids here.  When we took the kids to France when they were 10-16, they took a deck and one of my favorite memories was of Brian & Lori playing Uno under the Winged Victory in the Louvre while the rest of us went to see the Mona Lisa!  How many kids can say they did that?!! ;)

We learned to play Mexican Train while on a river cruise in Germany. Two other couples taught us and we played nearly every night.  After we returned home we taught another couple and played nearly every Sat. night.  It's been ages since we've played though. We haven't found anyone here that likes it like we do.  I will check out that web site, Mary.

Joy, your cemetery plot sounds perfect.

Sue, my lack of exercise due to my back has really added to my weight problem!  Wish I could walk with you.  It's in the 50's here today but supposed to be 70 tomorrow.  I haven't taken out my pansies yet, but maybe next week.

Mary Page, that program on GV sounds interesting. If it doesn't conflict with the shows I have scheduled to tape, I will tape it.

Jane, I hope your concert is good. Have you tried Pepcid for your tummy?  I'm with the rest of the gals, I would have been delighted to share Ray's lamb and garlic.  Lamb is one of my favorite foods.

Marilyn, I'm so sorry about your friend. That is so hard.

Darlene, bummer on the grub worms. I hope you can get rid of them.  I know the soapy water will bring them to the surface, but will it kill them too?  I thought you had to use a pesticide.

Well, I better go change the clothes in the washer.  Sharon


Didn't Gloria Vanderbilt look great.  Did her son say she was 92.  If she had work done they did a better job than they do now.