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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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No fireworks here, except some local ones, I guess.  City does them next week for Fair Week.  Go figure!!  That's rural America, I guess.   :coolsmiley:

Off to bridge in a a couple of hours. Looking forward to it, too. 

Dinner last night with neighbors was good.

I need to see if it's still cool enough for a short walk...humidity may be too much, though.  I may just take a walk around the yard and check out the plants.  :thumbup:



Hi everyone....came back yesterday...glad to be home..had a great time...Jane...Im walking....and it is humid...Im wearing a wet bandana around my neck....helps some...guess I better get busy with laundry...Darlene


My "Bug Guy" came this morning about 10:00.  He sprayed inside and out and we chatted a while before he left.  I'm always glad to get that done--and he is so reasonable with his charge--only $22 each time--and after October, he usually tells me not to call again until March as our bugs don't seem to like cold weather!

Tim came by after he left.  I was cutting volunteer Mimosa trees out of my front yard, had one trug full, but many more left to cut out.  I was glad to go inside and check over paper work and just chat for a bit.  We exchanged a couple of recipes and he told me about their visit with his long time friends in Birmingham. 

After my lunch, I took a favorite Susan Elizabeth Phillips novel into my bedroom--I'd started it last night, so I spent a couple of hours finishing it.  So I now need to find something to read this evening.  I also made a couple of necessary phone calls--hopefully will get some returns as they involve transportation to Kroger and an appointment with my dermatologist next Monday a.m.

Not much else going on here--it's too hot to work outside in the afternoon.



Sharon. You have a good trip. Sounds like packing is quite a job for you.
Now I never knew that Trac Phone had come out with such a expensive IPhone. Do they work the same. You just buy hours. No contract. They always said that TracPhone was the easiest one to use when don't have smarts and I sure don't when it comes to phones. GGrands know more. Good you will have people to set it up for you. I just use a Consumer Cellular. Don't even know how to use most of it. Its all push this button number and do this. Crazy.

Sue. You sound like you are really doing a lot in your garden. Here is still way to hot. I have not done anything. Had big plans . Even my Hostas are massive. Not even pretty green this year and so dry.

Jane. Did you ever make your trip to Ohio after you got sick on the first try?
I have decided now to not make any travel plans until schools go back and cools down.  Have you been hearing about the kidnapping at the U of Ill going on right now. She is Chinese and we now have 5413 Chinese at the Uof Ill not counting all the others that own business. All congregating on the Court house step. Even collected over 100 Thousand Dollars in China for award and 50 thousand they have put up. They have caught the person but he will not tell anything.  Unbelievable as well known from teaching at U of Ill and just got his PHD I believe in May.  He didn't even know her. She was here to get hers. Bring it up on TV. He looks so pro. You would never have guessed him . He had been researching how to do a kidnap on his computer.
FBI say for sure she is dead but no body has been found so her family not yet giving up. Her father and aunt along with Fiancé are here from China.  I just hope he has her hidden someplace. Maybe had help who are holding her.


Its been hot and humid so spending my time in the AC. This seems worse than winter because I can dress for the cold.


Jeanne, I still have a cell phone, but don't use it anymore.  I have ATT and have US wide coverage for my monthly payments and just pick up my home phone and call whomever I need to call--like my sisters.  I keep the cell phone and only charge it if I'm going out of town and might need to make a call.

GinnyAnn, I'm glad to see your post here.  I left you a message in the Depression forum.  I hope you'll be feeling better soon.  Big Hugs!

I've been reading this afternoon, have started a David Baldacci novel--I think someone in one of my book clubs loaned it to me.  So far it's pretty good, but the mystery is very shadowy!

Have a nice evening, Buddies.


Sue ~ Which David Baldacci novel are you reading? Currently I'm reading The Fix. I've read most of what he has written.


Jeanne...yes, we're going to Ohio the first week in August.  Too many doc appts this month to squeeze that in.

Sue...no, I've not had any eye surgery...cataracts still a few years off, he said, but he wanted me to see about going without my glasses so I know what kind of lens prescriptions will work best for me

I had a good doc appt today...BP was good...for me...and they did do a blood draw because they hadn't done a thyroid check last March.  I also had a pap as I'd skipped that last year.  So, I got my 7 'scripts and am good for another year, I hope.  I'll do the mammo in Oct with my surgeon.

Tomorrow we're off to St. Charles, IL...be back Sunday!

Stay COOL!  It's horrible here...in high 90s and heat index way over 100.



It's only 10:30 a.m. here  and I am trying to cool down after filling another trug with mimosa cuttings.  I hate these things and really need to get out the poison and zap them, but I'm always afraid the poison will drift onto my azaleas and camellias, so hesitate.  I have about 2 more hours of cutting out mimosa seedlings--and it's too hot to stay out there more than 45 minutes to an hour!

I'm going to Kroger sometime this afternoon.  I have a request in for a driver--and one of my book club friends applied and will take me--but she hasn't called yet, so I'm assuming we'll go after lunch.  Which is probably good as I need another shower.  Working in the yard at 90* is sweat inducing!

Jane, have a safe and fun trip.

GinnyAnn, I finished  Baldacci's SPLIT SECOND yesterday.  It's an old one published in 2003.  One of my bridge friends loaned it to me.  It was a pretty good one--I usually enjoy his novels.

Jeanne, it's too hot here to work outside very long, but I try to work in my shady areas about an hour each day.  I'm still trying to rid my yard of mimosa seedlings--and some of them are pretty large--at least a foot high.  I really need to get out poison, but it is so powerful that if the spray spreads very far, it can kill nearby plants--like my azaleas.  So I just try to cut out the seedlings and hope for the best.

Tim just called and volunteered to take me to the dermatologist on Monday if the Village Friends can't find a volunteer.  I hope they do as I like to reserve him for medical appointments where he needs to speak to the doctor. 

It's only 11:00, but I'm thinking of fixing an early lunch.  Digging up mimosa roots is a tough job!



You ladies are tougher than me if you can still run around in this hot weather. I can't this year. Then it has been much hotter than usual. still in the 90s and looks like the same for all next week. I got pretty dizzy with it the other day.
I have to take Allergy sprays and a light BP med. now and the Dr. and Drug Store man say that both these will cause a reaction if I go into the heat. So staying in until later at night.


Jeanne...I get out long enough to walk...early....then under AC...rest of day...sssooo hot and humid in Texas...I'm ready for a blue norther....lol Cc


Hot here, too, in St. Charles, IL.  It's a beautiful town.  We went over to neice's  in Geneva?next town over...and helped her get tables set up, drinks into ice, fruit cut up, etc.  we then came back to motel to shower and rest a bit before headng back for the party, which begins at 2:30. 

I didn't get to sleep until 1:00 am and up and out for breakfast about 8:30.  The 18 -22 yr olds all seem to talk so loud!  I swear they've all got hearing damage from the ear buds they all seem to wear 24/7!



Hi Buddies.   One of my book club friends picked me up this morning for a trip to Kroger--and I bought a weeks worth of groceries. Some to cook and some to stick in the microwave.  I did buy fresh corn, green and red peppers, blueberries, and a couple of baking potatoes.  So I'm good for the next week.

I didn't work in the yard this morning, I wasn't sure what time Fredrissa would get here and if I'd dug around in the yard, I'd have to shower and shampoo again.  Tomorrow afternoon after a brief nap, I'll probably go out to the mimosa thingies and cut some more back.  I was digging around in my utility room yesterday and found some VERY POTENT poison and I'm thinking of spraying some of those plants.  However, it means wearing long pants, long shirt, and gloves and coming inside to drop my clothes in the washer immediately and jumping in the shower right away, so I may postpone that chore.

Yesterday while looking through my personal books, I ran across my copy of William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair. (I'm having problems with my underline key!).  I started reading it late yesterday afternoon, stopped for the evening news and a movie, and started up again this morning.  I read a little while waiting for my ride to Kroger and more after putting away the groceries.  I'm now on page 199 and won't finish until I reach the bottom of page 797.  This is not a hasty read!  Has anyone else read this?  The characters are fascinating and the plot is ??--I don't know how to describe it!

Jeanne, it's probably a good idea to stay inside when it is so hot out.  It would be awful if you passed out when outside and no one was around to help you.  Take care!

Darlene, I try to get my walking and yard work done early, too.  No sense in getting overheated!

Jane, did you tell us what the occasion is?  It sounds as if you have been a big help to your niece in setting up for the party.  Have fun!

I'm off to check out the afternoon movies and also to continue reading Vanity Fair.

Have a great summer Saturday, Buddies.


Sue...be careful spraying....let someone else do it if possible Darlene


Sue, I agree with Darlene.  Don't mess with the poison stuff - let a professional handle it.  And be careful about getting overheated doing your yard work.

Same warning to you, too, Jeanne.  We're used to the high heat and humidity around here.  And we know that we just go from one air-conditioned place to another one.  Just life in a hot/humid climate - and give thanks for having the a/c.  Right, Darlene????

Hope Sharon is having a good weekend.

And you, too, jane. 

Margaret got me home about 5 ET today.  Unlike the way down last Saturday, the drive was more "normal" - only one bad slow-down just south of Birmingham.  And only a few light showers along the way.  We had a good week, with lovely weather.  Again, even though there were rain showers around, we only got some lightning/thunder/rain for a little while yesterday afternoon.  But, as always, it's good to get home.  And all our group has checked in from their respective homes, too.

Unfortunately, sometime during the week, the a/c in my apartment started leaking again, and the carpet is wet.  I hope they'll get to it tomorrow (even though maintenance is minimal on weekends).

But now the summer is half over.  And it's time for me to start planning for the next trip.  :)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


No yard work today, Buddies.  I went to Sunday School and Church and also to Burger King as Olyne wasn't yet home from the destination wedding in Dominican Republic (her granddaughter).  Nancy, who picked me up for SS & Church, always eats at BK--so I did, too.  Then Etherl brought me home.  Olyne was to arrive at the Atlanta Airport about 1:00 p.m. and would catch the shuttle to Auburn when she arrived.  A number of these shuttles go back and forth to Atlanta daily.  She made her reservation before leaving.

I made BLT's and corn on the cob for my supper and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I also finished off the last of a half gallon of Denali Moosetracks Chocolate ice cream--and it was also delicious.  I've cleaned up the dishes, but still have to take my trash barrel down to the curb for tomorrow's pick up.

I haven't yet decided what to do about the spraying--I might see if my neighbor's yard man will do it the next time he's here.  I owe his crew money anyway because they cleaned out my gutters a week or so ago and didn't tell me how much I needed to pay them.

Mary, any ideas where you might go next?  I'd love to visit Ireland again, also Scotland, but I don't think Bill, Tim, or Jon would sit back and say "Go for it, Mom".  They still think I need to stick close to home. 

So tomorrow I'm off to see my dermatologist for my annual check up.  Actually instead of a year since the last one, it's been only 9 months.  I don't know if she thinks I'm going to need some removal of sun damage or she just had an opening now.

Have a nice evening, Buddies.


Sue, glad you decided to take a day off from yard work.  :thumbup:

My next trip is to Alaska with Margaret.  It's with American Cruise Lines, and goes from 5-12 August.  It goes to and from Juneau.  We're going to meet up with Sue and Randy in Juneau on 1 August for a few days.  They didn't want to do the cruise, but wanted to do part of it.  This will be my third trip to Alaska, but we'd never done one of the cruises.  This is a small boat, not one of those huge cruise boats.

I did have a bit of excitement this afternoon.  I looked out across the deck, and there was a small red fox right under the bluebird house.  I've never seen anything like that before in town.  Jean says I should start putting out bird feeders again, so the squirrels will come, and the fox will eat the squirrels.  (She has a bizarre mind...but I love it.)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hi Mary.  It's a good thing I've taken today off yard work.  I had an appointment with my dermatologist this morning and she zapped several places and they hurt!  Plus I don't think I can keep them shaded today.  My big straw hats don't stay on well and baseball caps which I like don't shade my entire face.

I don't know if a small fox would or could kill a squirrel, but if he/she were hungry enough, he might try!

I'm still plugging through Thackery's Vanity Fair.  It's engrossing, but lengthy and will take another couple of days to finish.  I have book club this afternoon and Fredressa will pick me up (if she doesn't forget).  I don't even know what this month's selection is, but will enjoy listening to the discussion and hopefully someone will put her book on the shelf for others to read if she doesn't want to sell or keep it.

Not much else to report except that it's HOT here already at 11:00 a.m.!

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Hi Gals, I'm back!  We had the most wonderful weekend. John and I were just busting our buttons with pride at all the nice things the general and others had to say about him.  Braeden played the national anthem on his trombone--stellar! and Sean read the official order of retirement from the DOD.  They even gave the boys certificates of merit for their flexibility and support of their family through their many moves.  Brian gave each of the boys special flags ( one from Iraq, I think, and the other from Korea) He wanted them to know that he was thinking of them all the time during his long deployments.  Of course, Traecy was honored also and Brian received multiple honors and gifts.

The day before his retirement, he did his "fini" flight in the C-17.  When he taxied into his spot, the 2 firetrulcks sprayed an arc of water over the plane in his honor. When he came down the stairs all his crew, some of the nephews and even little Leyton sprayed him with water.  It is a traditional hose-down for the final flight. Lots of fun to watch.

There was a "roast" that night at a nearby restaurant that was lots of fun too. The actual retirement ceremony was on Friday.  It was so wonderful to have all the family there--Joc and her family, 5 grandsons + significant others+ Leyton, the older grandson.  He and Harrison were so good during all the ceremonies. Harrison has really become a child rather than a baby. Joc is 5 months along with his little brother.  Of course, Melanie & her husband and Lori were there as well.  Just a wonderful family time.  Traecy's parents were there for the first part of the weekend.

The only downer was that my knee is still giving me lots of pain and restricting my walking. Thank heavens for the wheelchair at the airports. Didn't realize we would be sped right through security, so that was an added plus.

John picked Bunny up from the kennel this morning and she did fine.  I need to go to the grocery for fresh fruit, etc. for this week.  Then the laundry.  Hampers are all full.

Mary, the fox visitor was exciting!  They often carry rabies, so not a good thing, but they are so cute. Glad your trip went well too.

Marilyn, hope you're over your vertigo by now. Not fun.

Sue, I really think you need to have someone poison your mimosa sprouts.  You shouldn't be out in that heat and humidity.

Darlene, glad you had a good 4th with your family.  It's to be in the 90's with high humidity here all this week and maybe next, but it's July in SC, so we just have to grin and bear it. Jeanne, you be careful of the heat.

Hi Ginny, I know what you mean about hot weather. There's a limit to how much you can strip off!  :D

If you all would like to see lots of pictures of our weekend and have FB, go to my homepage. There are lots there that my grandson posted.

Have a good day.  Sharon


Sharon, glad you had such a wonderful family and honor-filled time.  Congratulations to all!  Wheelchairs in airports are wonderful - definitely the way for us older folks to go.  Distances are just too long and time to important for us to be straggling/hobbling along. 

Sue, sorry about the cancer places that had to be zapped - but at least you're on top of it.  Now stay inside and let someone else take care of the yard.  Does Groome Transportation go to Auburn, or is it another company?  We've been using Groome to go from here to Atlanta or Nashville airports for years.  The convenience and lack of aggravation is well worth the price.

It surely did feel good to get back in the pool this morning.  And everybody loved my lavender hair.  Did I tell you that Jean put the purple stuff in my hair again this year?  It's mostly washed out now, but was still visible this morning.  It's just a fun thing.  Nothing exciting going on this week.  Duplicate tonight - hope for some cards and decent play.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sharon...I saw some of your pics on FB and it looked as if you had a FANTASTIC weekend with your three children, grands, etc. 

Sue...sorry for the zaps...but good to get checked.

Warm and weird day here...overcast as if to storm all day...and then very humid.  I did walk about noon and it was a tough one getting back...too humid for me.

I've been doing endless laundry today and Ray went grocery shopping.  I'm also working on a computer project for another website and that'll keep me off the streets for the next couple months!!   ::)

Tomorrow morning Ray's working a gate at the Fair for the Masons and then we go to Dbq for his podiatry appt. 

Temps and humidity to rise all week. 



Another hot and humid one here and to get hotter next week....gee, it must be July in Iowa!!

I did get a walk in earlier, and Ray's off to collect tickets at the Fairgrounds. After lunch we head to Dbq for his podiatry appt.  and for a stop at Sam's Club for me while he's at the doc's.

Nothing else planned here....still doing a mountain of laundry! :coolsmiley:


Jane, we DID have a fantastic time!!  Don't know if you could tell from the pics, but our youngest grandson (15 yo) is now 6'1+inches!! Taller than both his dad and brother by a bit.  And not an ounce of meat on him!  He's a runner & I guess he just burns off everything he eats.  His brother is very slim, but he does have a little meat on him.

I admire you for walking in all this heat. It's the same here.  John just took his walk. I did my knee exercises and am icing it now.  Much more comfortable! 

Sue, John gets a half dozen zaps about every 6 mos or so. He is so fair.  I've only had 2 so far, but have a skin tag that I need removed.

The guy is here pressure washing our house and outside windows.  Hopefully, Sandra will come on a cloudy day to do the inside windows.

I have my last load of laundry in the washer but still haven't folded all the rest I've washed.  I imagine John will take the basket in and dump it for me in a bit.  No other plans today.

Hope you all can stay in and stay cool.  Sharon


Sharon....the dermatologists here won't remove skin tags anymore because they don't get paid by Medicare.  I had one on my neck...and I saw on the internet to use Vit E on it and it would just drop off.  I didn't believe it, but I bought some Vit E capsules, punctured one and put the oil on it a couple times a day.  Within a week and a half it had dropped off and hasn't returned.  It might be worth a try for you.


Jane, that sounds great! Definitely worth a try.  Sharon


Hello everyone. I've had a busy few hours so far today. I went to the gym  early  then prepared breakfast for Keith and nI had a protein bar with my coffee. Off to the Mall to have my nails done, hom e to prepare lunch, put bread ingredients in  the machine, took Freckles for a walk, made a cake which ius now in the convection oven and the bread is about ready to come out o0f the main oven. Next an other Freckles walk and then I really have to get busy on some PSP work for my stat group Busy busy.

Dr's office called yesterday for Keith to go give another blood draw before his appointment on Friday. Next week we leave for Vanouver Wa. on Tuesday. His Eye appt is on b|Wedmesday in Portland. back to vanouver for a couple of days then home again on Friday.


Hi Buddies.  I spent the morning picking up green pears from the back yard.  This year my pear tree is overwhelmed with pears.  In years past, I've had perhaps 2 or 3 pears during the summer.  I picked up a whole kitchen bag of pears that had been down for a while, most with spoiled or rotten spots.  I put the bag down on the curb and hope next Monday's garbage men take it away.  If not, I'll just pick it up and put it in the trash can. 

Tim came by while I was working outside.  He wanted to invite me out to lunch on Friday and then he'll take me to Kroger afterward.  His birthday is coming up on the 29th and I think they might go out of town, so I want to find out so that I can take them out for a birthday dinner.  I am so thankful he and Kris live here and are so helpful.

I need to call Terri to see if she can take me to Carolyn's on Wednesday for bridge.  She'll probably pick up Helen, too.  Terri is the only one in this bridge club who lives close to me and can take me.  I hate that I'm still not able to drive.  The brace on my right leg needs to come off first!

Mary, the derm's nurse just called and told me the sample sent to the lab was OK, no cancer, so I can sleep well tonight.  I'd love to see you with pink hair!

Have a great evening, every Buddy.


For a week that started out really slow, things picked up.    I played duplicate Monday night, and out of 21 hands I think I opened twice.  And most of the time was unable to respond if my partner bid.  But we must have done something right, because we wound up with a fraction of a MP.

This morning, after Silver Sneakers, I actually went to Walmart.  And you KNOW how much I hate actually going to the store.  LOL

When we got back last Saturday, I found that the a/c in my apartment had been leaking again.  The carpet in my living room and bedroom was sopping wet.  I immediately called to report it - knowing that nothing would be done on Saturday night.  Nothing happened on Sunday, though I called again.  I told the desk again on Monday morning - no action.  At noon today (Tuesday), I again told the desk about it, and was planning to go to the Head Honcho if nothing happened by midafternoon.  As it happened, the maintenance guy was at my door as soon as I got back from lunch.  He worked on it all afternoon.  I had been told this was a very old unit, so I mentioned that It might be time to replace it.  They're going to try to get it fixed one more time.  The guy left at 3 and said he'd be back first thing in the morning to check it, and move my furniture back into place.

By the time I went up to supper, although it was set on 65, the actual temperature in the apartment was in the mid80s (with the outside temp about 91).  I hoped for a final cool-down, and went on up to supper and bridge.  When I got home, it was stifling in here.  I called the desk, and asked for another place to sleep, or at least a box fan.  I got a window open and left my hall door open for some cross ventilation. A couple of the CNAs came down to check and agreed that it was miserable in here.  They checked the thermostat and, DAMN!, it was set to "HEAT"!  And was happily chugging along.  Of course, I never thought to check that.

So now, the unit is again happily chugging along, but
at least it's cooling this time, and I hope will be freezing in here by the time I get up in the morning.  Sigh……
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I just got a notice from Photobucket that they will no longer allow free account holders to post photos at other websites.  They want $40.00 A MONTH for that kind of account.  I'm not going to pay that amount.

So, if I've posted pics for you or avatars, etc. you'll need to find another place that allows 3rd party hosting.  I don't know of any yet, but I'll post if I find one.  I don't know when they'll disable my account.  I have no need for the account, so may just delete it all.  I have my  photos elsewhere and you all would have your own photos, too.


jane, thanks for all the "photo work" you've done for us in the past.  I certainly wouldn't pay that amount either.  Too bad.

Nothing much going on around here.  Happy Hump Day, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."