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2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
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2024-08-25, 17:01:34
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2024-08-25, 16:52:57
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2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

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Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Did he tell you haw your BP was doing? My sinus problem kicking in also right now. I try not to take anything for it. I do the nasal wash twice a day. Can't take antibiotics. Never have been able to. I pass out if I try.
I just don't fel like doing anything yet today. They say bad storm on its way. Slept 9 hrs. Again last night. Going to try and get my personal affairs in order better but so many papers in my bank box and bank not open. The want every thing done on line. So will not get much done on these.
Sounds like the Univ. if I'll. May not open up for the start of September. Want it done on line. So far 50 pct of students say will not do it. Education is really going to be messed up for people who are not up in the high level of learning. They need teachers standing over them . Maybe lots more will go back into the trade schools now and that is what is needed.


[/Jeanne...I have white coat syndrome.Dr knows it..so it was high when nurse took it...but I took in a weeks of readings and all was good..staying about 125/65.  Of course it varys...one reading was 107/60.. I don like it that low...I'm taking Irbesartan 300mg in AM and Amlodipine 2.5mg at night...The Dr said I could break the 300 in half and just take half...see if that controls it as well....think I will wait till I'm over the sinus infection...then might try itsize]


PT today was what he said...pain and torture!  Both wrists and hands hurt tonight.  There's lots of arthritis there, too, so that's part of the pain. 

Our Gov has removed closures comeFri.,  except bars...and 50% on restaurants, etc.  salons can open...and I bet it'll be hard to get an appt for a couple weeks.   The malls that area now open don't have all their stores open.

Rain and t'storms tonight.



It's 5:15 a.m. and I'm up and dressed. I really hate this, but when I got up to go to the bathroom @ 3, my lower back was killing me. I went to the chair, but never really got good asleep again.  >:(   So I finally just got up and got dressed. Maybe a nap during the day.

I've had blood pressure problems for years, and have taken various medications over the years. Not sure what I'm taking now, since all changed after the heart surgery last fall. Years ago, a cardiologist told me that sometimes taking lower doses of two medications worked better than a higher dosage of just one. I am taking two now, plus a diuretic. My BP varies wildly, and now I take it myself usually twice a day - just careful to take it after I have been sitting quietly for a while. I have one of those wrist things.

jane, sorry you're having so much pain with your wrists. Pain is never any fun.

Sharon, tomorrow is your big day. Hope all goes well.

Hugs to ALL the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good gloomy and drizzling Thursday morning. 

Mary...sorry about the back and up since 3:00 am....a NAP definitely in order.

I had a call this morning from my hair cutter...and she has me in for a week from tomorrow.  All kinds of precautions...stay in my car until she waves me in, wear a mask...hand sanitizer there...etc.  Glad to get back to this "almost normal."
In Wisconsin....Supreme Court backed the Republican legislature in overturning the Governor's Stay at home measures, so Wisconsin is, apparently, fully open.  It'll be interesting to see how the citizens respond.

We're partially open...but restaurants would need time to restock fresh foods, I think, so don't know how tomorrow will go with them.

Nothing exciting here...

Stay safe and healthy!



Good morning, Every Buddy.  I've been up and dressed for my walk, but haven't been outside yet.  It's a bright sunshiny day here and will probably warm up a good bit around noon.  I am going to be extra careful this morning as I fell a few days ago while coming back up the hill and have been bleeding from the fall.  Tim made me a mask to wear when outside and I do wear it, but it's not much fun!

My plan for the rest of the day is to do a few small yard chores and stay inside and read.  I hope Every Buddy is feeling well and that you all have a good day.  Take care, Buddies!



The packers are almost done, another hour maybe. They won't load the furniture till tomorrow. So I'm bored and stuck in my den.  John picked up quarter pounders for lunch and we'll get KFC for dinner. Fast food day.  No really good restaurants in SC to take out food and NC is closed.

Jane, I envy you your haircut. I pretty much have to stay here this week even though they opened the salons yesterday.  When I get to NC I will be in quarantine, so won't get a haircut till at least June. Maybe! 

Nice and sunny out, about 80 degrees.  Bunny has a UTI and is on an antibiotic but it hasn't kicked in yet. So she is limited to the sunporch for now.  I suspect all the activity and the men have her upset too. I hope the meds work by the time we're moved because we will have carpets everywhere. Hi to everyone. Stay healthy.  Sharon


Now was that bad night sleep and back ache in your new bed? That could have been problem.Is the mattress harder or softer? I always sleep bad if in Hotel. Other persons beds. Hope you do better tonight.
Jane. Can't believe that Iowa is opening up so much.Lots seem to be doing it but not our Governor. Now for me I don't care what opens up Not for me. I am going to hold out until things get way better. Not going anyplace that I need to get hair perfect. I am not even doing much dressing up. Soon will be warm enough for summer cotton clothing and shorts. Get out of the things I have been wearing. My lady at the laundry who has done all mine for years. She is staying home until at least June and so will have the one there do my sheets,towels etc. But i will take care of my cottons daily at home.

I am finding that my thumbs are acting up also right now. We had such a storm again this morning and so much rain for past 3 week. I am blaming it in that. Also more typing so wearing the things I used on my hands when bowling. They help.


I am finished with breakfast, but need to change from lined pants...too hot out now.

Storm last night and lost power for a few hours.

Niece in WI where Supreme Court opened everything said it's a mess.  Bars are packed...no masks anywhere and the summer people with lake homes are flocking in so grocery shelves are bare of just about everything.  They are staying in and away from the madness. 

Beautiful morning and mid 60s.  Lilacs are in bloom.

Time to change pants and walk. 



Some of the restaurants here are opening today so we will go to our favorite Mexican place this evening for supper. Nothing else new. I don't know if the gyms are opening but I got a text from my chiropractor they will be opening on June 1st,

I cancelled our summer trip to Sunriver , got the confirmation of the cancellation in  the mail on Tuesday and on Wednesday got an email the the resort is opening. Well so much for taking a vacation this year. And I don't know if Keith will be able to go next year

He is sun-downing again  I got an email from our doctor in response to mine that says I can increase his Seroquel to 50mgs from 25. He was  up again at 1 am opening my door and asking if I was asleep and telling me I forgot to kiss him goodnight, which I had done.He is currently back in bed.


It will be crazy if hey start opening everything up. Families will be getting together in the parks. Grocery stores bare. Or state has cancelled every thing. No pools open . The closed down one big gym that opened last week. Found 16 people in. No masks. Working out right next to each other. Big marathon gone, no food festival. Fair gone.i am all for him sticking to it. 30 pct of testing coming up positive so numbers going way up.
It is hot here now so I need to dig out cooler clothing. My yard got mowed but with all this rain it has grown up high again in 3 days. Rain again today.
Our library are now doing curb service on books in on your request it's. They let you pick up 3 now showing on a email to me. I have to call for a time for me to pick up. No books can be returned.  Doubt the will do the ones with long waiting list like the new ones. Most of mine on that list. Ones waiting for me are old ones.
I am gong to stop putting on top of my hands so much. Getting dry. So just use when going to store.
Just read in paper that it is not going to change for months.just have to wait and see..follow rules. Now glad to e a retiree. 


Jeanne...I'm glad to be retired, too, and not have to worry about getting to work, etc.

Marilyn...enjoy a meal out tonight.  Maybe skipping this year at your timeshare is best if K is sundowning.

Beautiful morning here, but rain and storms for this evening and tomorrow.  I hope to get out to walk again this afternoon.
Iowa is slowly opening up, too.  Limits on numbers allowed in, etc.  and no bars, swimming pools, waterparks, parks open.

I hope Sharon got moved yesterday and had a good night's sleep in their new place. 
Sharon...if you have a villa now, that's a separate place...so do you have a long walk to the dining area?  Maybe you have to quarantine for 14 days and they'll bring you your meals?

The lilacs have now fully opened and look so pretty. 



[/Good morning Buddies....I'm feeling better with my sinus infection..but the antibiotic I need is not to good on my body...than goodness only have to take it 10 days...what's that saying...the cure is worse than the bite...or something like that...I walked this morning...as I said the Meds makes me tired...but trying to stay in the loop..we had storms last night..be 90 today...Sharon happy for you on your move....Marlyin...my daughter is coming next week and we plan to eat out...dine in....Jane Good to see you are safe and well..Hi to Jeanne..Mary...Sue (hope you are getting over your fall)..and Hi to others looking in...Have a safe happy weekend.....Darlene size]


Glad to hear everybody is doing well. Seems to be going well in my immediate surroundings, too.

Marilyn, sorry about the sundowning. I know that's a tough thing to deal with. Sorry about missing your summer getaway, but it surely wouldn't work for Keith OR you.

jane, I LOVE lilacs, but it's just too warm here for them. I had a bush when we lived north of Nashville, but that was about the southern limit - wouldn't do in Chattanooga at all.

Darlene, I hate taking antibiotics, and do only when I absolutely have to. I always have to worry about a yeast infection, and always make the doc give me an Rx for the medication for that at the same time.

Jeanne, glad you're not having to get out often, but I know you miss doing it.

I'm sure they're bring Sharon and John their meals. We're still eating in our rooms. I don't miss going out, but I'd certainly much rather eat in the dining room.

alpiner, how are things in your neck of the woods?

I hope Sue is behaving herself, and not overdoing.

Margaret shared some new photos of the baby with me. He is really turning into a cutie - even if only about a month old.

Happy Weekend, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


A very late good morning from here in Auburn.  I over slept this morning, didn't get up until 10:30 and my phone was ringing--Tim wanted to remind me of how to be careful when I walked down the hill.  I managed to get down and up without another fall and am very happy about that!

Not much else going on here today.  I am planning to read more Naval novels by Patrick O'Brien and just take it easy.  I'm so glad I didn't trip again on the way up the hill!

Take care Buddies and I hope you're enjoying spring like weather!


Mary..yes I'm always afraid to get yeast infection...and I'm allergic to sulfur...what do you take for it?


Candy. Now get off the antiB soon as you can. I never take them, Just work with my Sinus a way I have done for a long time. They will mess up you Blood Pressure and takes a few weeks after taking to get it back down.

Now today I have called my Library to pick up the books they say wait for me. I booked a time to pick up tomorrow. 3PM. Yesterday I guess they had 80 cars pick and they only open for 3 hours a day. so I will walk over and park down the street. Have to show ID Step back 6ft. They get books put in bag and I them step up for them. I tell you we did some crazy things in England for 6 years of the war. Hours of standing in lines but this we are doing here right now is different many ways.
Still virus hitting lots here. 45 more yesterday and people seem to be not following anymore and so I am not going into anything even if open. Saw were that Barber opened early and he had the virus and now 8 of his customers got it. 5 in hospital. Just not worth taking chance.


Good to see Mary, Jeanne, Darlene, Sue  here...since I posted earlier.

Warm and wonderful here...high 70s..and I got my walk in to town...2 days in a row, even!  I'm now reading because there is NOTHING on TV....infomercials and sports from years ago.   :idiot2:

The young man who does my yard was here, so it's looking great and I didn't have to do it.   ;D

Stay safe and healthy!



Darlene, I can't remember the last time I had anything that required an antibiotic. I did have to have some in the hospital when I had joint replacements and when I go to the dentist, but never more than that. So it really hasn't been an issue lately.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Well the increase in Keith's Seroquel did the trick, He said he slept so good. And he didn't get up to bother  me.


Good news, Marilyn.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Every Buddy!  It's already 11:00 here in Auburn and all I've done today is read the newspaper and clean up the kitchen.  I am dressed for my daily walk and will get outside which is next on my list.  I hope Every Buddy looking in is having a nice day. 

I hope your day is sunny and you will be able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine!



Rainy, gloomy, windy day here...high 70s yesterday, and low 60s today!

Marilyn...glad K slept well and didn't wake you.

Mary...enjoying your new space?  Any idea when your lockdown will ease?  Will you all be tested?

Sue...enjoy your walk.

I've had 3 phone calls this morning from various relatives. 

I'm watching NASCAR live...nobody in the stands.  Really different.  Those track crews are really something!

My cleaning lady is coming back Thursday.  Hurrah!  I told her she'd need boots to wade thru the dust bunnies. 

I have finished my wrist exercises and iced them down.  Back tomorrow for PT. :-\

Stay safe and healthy!



jane, I'm loving the new apartment. It'll be better when the lockdown is over and Margaret and Jesse can do other moving for me. I have no idea when that will be. The governor  said that testing should be done over two weeks, and next week would be the second one. We shall see. They do take our temperature every day. So far, so good.

Glad you got your cleaning lady in.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Every Buddy.  I've had breakfast, read the paper, and cleaned up the kitchen.  The sun is shining this morning although rain is predicted.  So I'm planning my morning walk shortly.  I hope to go down the hill and back up this morning.

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.  I hope you are seeing signs of spring where you are!


Gloomy, rainy and 50s here. 

Got through PT but hurting now, so I'm icing down the wrists and elbows.  Glad I have nowhere to go today.  I'm feeling every one of my 39 years....well, plus some! :crazy2:



So far I haven't done a think but read the paper. Seems like I do the bed. Kitchen and Bathroom fast everyday and thats it for housework. Do cook every meal.
The front part of my yard that I don't do was cut this morning and soon hope to see the man who says will take care of mine. Right now there is a Tree cutting Co. cutting all the dead limbs off my trees. I had bags of leaves sitting here for 2 weeks and they say will take those.sooner or later the place will get put back into shape.

Marilyn. Now that drug they are giving husband  is use so much in the Nursing homes. I helped in the Alzheimer area when my friend went in and I wondered why a lot of them slept so much. It quietens them down a lot.
You have to get your rest.
I picked up the books I had one my order list for few months yesterday. Thought would be about 5. Ended up they had put into bags all on the list. 18 of them. I was the only one picking up at 3pm. Good way of doing. Only hate to have them all here for a long time they say. No dropping in the outside bin. You park your car after giving them a time. and then call once you park and they bring   them out  to the car.. I sort of sprayed the bags when getting home and left on porch for few hours. Now will go through and so what to read.


Good morning, every Buddy.  I'm up and dressed, but haven't eaten my breakfast.  I don't have much planned for today except a walk, but Tim did mention something about a dental appointment.  I am not looking forward to that!

I've been reading Patrick O'Bryans naval novels this week.  He does write some good ones and the characters are very interesting.  I have several new ones (to me) that Bill has sent me.  So when I finish my walk and get back inside, I'll find one I'd like to read and start on that.

I hope Every Buddy is feeling well this morning.  Take care, Buddies. 


Repeat of yesterday...gloomy and cold.  Body hates it so this will be very short...back to my recliner and ice for my sore wrists and heating pad for my knee.  Sheesh! :knuppel2:



Hi Gals, I'm finally back.  Just got on wifi so I could get in.  If you ever have to do this, do it a lot younger than 80 or when you're in good shape. I've been wiped out, but we're gradually getting things in order, but still lots to do. I'll be back in tomorrow and comment on things, but our dinner just arrived. They do deliver--and way too much food.  Sharon