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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
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2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
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2024-08-25, 17:01:34
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2024-08-25, 16:52:57
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2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
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Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Maybe as it cools down we will start to find more things to do. I ave to get my hair back in shape. 
Seems that Comcast has worked on their cable lines . I was down filly today but up again now.  Still nothing worth watching though. So will not be on.
As I was at the dispensary. The other day and she told me they just got the new flu shot in I let her do mine.
It is nice here right now . Going to 80. Will try to get some leaning done


Our air here on the coast is full of smoke today from the fires in eastern Oregon,. so Freckles and I walked in the mall instead of outside.


Hi everyone. I hope you all had a nice Labor Day. As usual, we didn't do much other than walk the dog and of course, John played bridge.

I read STING by Sandra Brown. It was a mystery with a little romance at the end.

Marilyn, I'm sorry you are getting smoke from the fires. I hope they get them under control soon or at least the wind changes. The mall was a good idea for your walk.

Jeanne, I hope you get your hair taken care of before long. Glad your cable is back up. Apparently, ours will be out for 2 hours Wed night while they replace or repair some cable boxes. There's so little on, I end up reading anyway.

Where is Jane and Sue and Mary? They are usually in here by now.  Stay safe everyone. Sharon


Good afternoon...weird things going on in here...I had to sign in to get to reply...we are expecting our first cold front tomorrow and rain..yea...Jeanne my hair is driving me bananas..have appt next Wed for haircut..Sue are you still walking? Sharon that's about all I have been doing..reading and eating...Jane sounds like ur area is cooling down..the fires in California is really bad..Hi Mary..Marlyin and all others...


It was FALL here today.  The HIGH was 57 degrees and rainy and windy.  I didn't go out except to bring in the flag and put out my decorative fall flag.   

The rain has been on and off here and to last through the week.



And so it goes....COOL here this morning....48 and raining and breezy.  Good day to be inside, for me.  The leaves are really changing and I had to dig out my fall/winter comfie clothes...hoodie and sweatpants....and I put away the shorts and light tees. 

Stay safe and healthy,



jane, don't bury the shorts too deep.  It's predicted to be 90 hear today, but then a "cold front" comes through the the weekend highs are supposed to be "only" around 80.  ;D

We has our first day eating in the dining room yesterday. It was wonderful to get hot food on a real plate.

I've been having problems keeping my blood thinner level where the doc wants it. I'm getting a finger stick every week, and the number is at least creeping up into almost normal range. But this week, they've said to completely cut out greens (potassium-rich things) - salads, greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. - of course, all things I love. At least they do have lots of fresh fruit available, and I'll definitely take advantage of that.

Margaret will be coming by this afternoon to leave mail, etc., and fill my bird feeders. I have two doctor appointments next week, and she'll be taking me. So I'll get to actually see her in person, and not just through the window.

Marilyn, I wondered if any of the fires were near you. They're just awful, and I know the smoke and ash-fall are bothering everybody. Be safe!

Darlene, glad you're getting a break from the heat.

alpiner, I hope the fires have been controlled in your area (and everywhere, of course).

Jeanne, hang in there. Sorry your electronics are giving you such a hard time.

Sharon, it sounds like you're settling into the new place. It does take a while. I met one of the new gals who moved in during this lockdown - she seems nice. I'm amazed that I've been here since midJanuary, but have been in more-or-less quarantine since midMarch. I almost don't know what "normal" is around here.

Sue, stay safe and do what Tim tells you.  :)

Happy Wednesday, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


The fires are getting closer. There is onme about 20les from here.The sky was so orange last evening. Today is Freckes grooming appt. I am taking her to walk in the mall before her appt, then staying inside except to tzke her out to go potty.


That's getting scary, Marilyn. 


The air is filled with smoke , can't see any flames .  The expected wind last night wasn't as strong as anticipated .   The town has really been neighborly & offering help to all who need it .  So far we are okay .


Marilyn and Alpiner....how scary to be so close to those raging fires...and so hard to breathe the air.
 I'm sure you're both ready to evacuate with the important things, if need be.  I pray it won't be necessary.

Here it's just cold and rain, but I'll take it anyday over worrying about being engulfed in a fire.

Stay safe and healthy,



Hi Gals. Marilyn, I was watching all the fires in Oregon and the whole west coast last night and thinking about you. Do you have your emergency kit, food, water, dog food,important papers, etc. all in the trunk of your car in case you have to evacuate? We used to prepare for hurricanes that way in HH. Holding all of you in my prayers. Alpiner, you too.

Jane, glad you're cooling down. Hard to think of 40's this early. We're still in 80's. I'd be getting out those comfy cozies too if I were you.

Mary, so glad you are eating in the dining room again and that you will get to see Margaret again next week.

Darlene, hope you keep your cool front and maybe some rain.

Sue, hope you're behaving yourself and staying safe.

Nothing going on here, but did hear from Melanie last night that they had sold their smaller house in FL. They had bought it just to see if they liked the area and stayed 2 or 3 winters in it. Now they have bought a larger house in the same area.  So happy they are down to one house again. They sold the house in 7 days and had 2 offers!

No plans today.  Take care and stay safe. Sharon


Good to see your post, Sharon.  Glad Melanie and husband could sell so quickly. 

I started out to WalMart for my prescription, but gave up in driveway when traffic was backed up for blocks.  The garbage truck was picking up garbage and recycles and traffic was backed up because nobody can get around the truck with all this construction.  It looks as if the truck has turned the corner or reached the area out of construction, so I can get my rainjacket on and try again.



A real haircut feels fantastic!!
 :hb2:  :hb2:
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


HURRAH, Mary!  I know it's been a long time for you.  I'd look like an ungroomed sheepdog!

I go again tomorrow and look forward to it. 



jane, that's probably exactly what I looked like!   :crazy2:
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Talking about hair cuts & I thought about my last hair cut in January .  It was long then & I had it cut shoulder length .  It has grown to the middle of my back & I wear it in a pony tail . When I was a teenager I wore a pony tail once !  I put it up because I was going green bean picking .  My ears got sun burned  . That evening  A friend called & asked me to a party at her house .  I left my hair in a pony tail & went to the party sun burned ears & all !   That was the night I met my husband !  He said it was love at first sight !  I had one more year of high school . 6 months after high school graduation we married .  We have been married 62 years !!


Goodness, alpiner, I'll bet your hair is lovely. I can't imagine my having hair that long - I don't think it ever has been in my 84 years. Maybe down to my shoulders, but only briefly. I can't stand having mine where I can feel it on my forehead, and it's usually cut to the hairline on the sides and back. In the old "normal" world, I got it cut every three weeks. I've met jane, Sharon, and Sue in person, and they can tell you.  ;)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hi Gals. Mary, I know how happy you must be to get your hair cut. I was ready to pull mine out when I got it a couple weeks ago. I keep mine pretty short too. They say our salon will be opening before long. By that time, I'll be ready again.

Jane, you've really had a time with your road construction and garbage trucks. Hope it's cleared by now and you got to WM.

Marilyn & Alpiner, still keeping you and all the west coast people in my prayers.

Yesterday, we drove up to find the neurology clinic I have an appt at next week. We have such a time finding things around here. However, didn't have much trouble this time.
Then we went to the big outside mall and picked up a few groceries and then I stopped at Michaels to pick up some artificial flowers and a wreath hangar. There were a lot of stores I would have liked to brouse in, but my energy is short-lived.

We went to the main dining room last night and had taco salad. I used to make that at home frequently and had missed them.

I just got a call from housekeeping and the gal is coming this afternoon and next week will start coming for 45 mins instead of 20! Also promised me it would be every week.

Darlene, hope you are still a little cooler. It's still in the 80's here, but that's probably cool for you.

Where's Sue?

Stay safe everyone from fires & Covid.  Sharon


Alpiner...chuckled at the sunburned ears and all your husband fell in love with!  I used to wear my hair long, but it's so thick, it became a burden and took hours and hours to dry.  It's short now and much easier to manage for me with arthritic shoulders and hands.  Hope you're still safe from the fires.

Mary's hair looks wonderful short.  She has the perfect face for it.

Sharon...taco salad sounds good.  I don't know what I'll have when we (the other 2 couples and me) go out tonight.  It's such a gloomy, rainy day here. 



Here it is Friday already another week just about gone. We will go to our usual dinner out, Taco salad sounds like a good choice for me. Or a child's plate of Chili Rellano and beans with a glass of wine.

Air quality here is bad but not as bad as those in closer towhere the fires are, one of my son's is in an area being evacuated north of Sacramento,  another son and my daughter in Stockton have a 447 air quality report. Gilbert seems to be fairing  a little better, yesterday  he told me that the smoke was  above where he is and the air below was  fair.

Here on the southern coast of Oregon, at least in my location are at Level 1 and will probably not even come close to having  to evacuate. The air may be bad but there are no fires  very close to us even though we are surrounded by trees everywhere. Lots of clear places though.


Marilyn...terrific you probably won't have to evacuate, but that air must be awful to breathe.

Same ol' same ol' here....RAIN and mid 60s so a tad warmer than earlier in the week.  We must have had 10+" of rain this week.  Well saturated, to say the least.  Most farmers have their fields "tiled" so excess rain goes down into plastic drain tile that carry it to a creek or stream and so it doesn't stay in puddles or lakes in the fields.

Patricia is coming down today from N. Wisc. for a couple days...but she had a flat tire on her car when she left work at 6:30 last night.  She changed it herself and is getting it fixed this morning before coming on the road.
 I couldn't change a tire...I just don't have that kind of strength or knowledge anymore.  But 6:30 on a Friday night in a small town...not many choices and her husband is in Montana elk bow hunting.

Stay safe and healthy,



Hi Gals. Scattered showers and low 80's or high 70's. Dreary.

Marilyn, so glad you are relatively safe and won't have to evacuate. I would really worry about the breathing problem though with your COPD. Glad Gilbert seems to have less problems now, but the other son (I can't remember his name) around Sacramento definitely needs to get out of there according to the news.  Brian's first station was in Riverside, CA and there was a fire they could see, but didn't threaten them.

Jane, nice that Patricia is coming again. Good for her being able to change a tire. I know how, but like you, I'm not strong enough.

Alpiner, funny story about your sunburned ears and pony tail. I've never had hair long enough for a ponytail. The longest being a little below my collar. Now, it is super short except on top. I do like bangs or side bangs in front though. You were married really young! John and I married the day before college graduation and have been married 59 years.

Darlene,hope you're still having decent weather and staying safe.

Jane, I didn't know the farmers tiled their fields to prevent water accumulation. Good for them. I can't imagine being a farmer and depending on the weather for my income.

Laundry day today. Nothing else going on.Stay safe everyone.  Sharon


Hi Buddies...nothing much new in my little world...did enjoy 2 days of cooler weather...today near 90.....went to cemetery this morning and placed flowers on my Moms grave..her Birthday will be Monday...the virus count here is below 20...school been going for 2 weeks..so that may change the count...Jane enjoy your company..Sharon seems things are going good for yall...I haven't seen Sue post lately...hope she's ok...Jeanne..you sure don't have many miles on your ur vehicle...Hi Mary..Marlyin all others reading...have great weekend


A beautiful Sunday here....NO RAIN..and sunshine and mid 70s by later today.  Patricia and I went for a walk... I came home with a mile completed, and she went on from there.  She's going to help me take down some birdfeeders to dry them out.  One a squirrel keeps emptying, in spite of two bungee cords on the top, and so the water gets in through the top.

Have a great day in your corner of the world.

Stay safe and healthy,



Wake up, SleepyHeads!
Another nice day here in the midwest.  Patricia and I worked on the yard where they took out the concrete little walk to the street and dumped in dirt, which clumped up in all the rain we've had.  I shoveled and turned over the clumps and Patricia broke up the clumps and raked them and then we put down the grass seed that now comes with mulch.

We don't have anything planned for today.  A number of our stores are closed M-W and just open for the long weekends. 

I did watch some NFL football last night, and that felt "normal" even though the crowd noises were recordings, not real.

Take care and stay healthy,



jane, glad you've got some company. Did they have cut-outs in the seats for the NFL game?  I guess maybe the crowd noise helps the players. Who knows?

We're still making baby steps here. There a "musician" coming in to entertain this afternoon. First time we've had an "outsider" doing anything in months. As I say, just baby steps.

Temps only in the low 80s for a few days here. There's been lots of rain around us, with flash flooding, etc., but absolutely none that I can see out my window. We may get some from the ends of Storm Sally. Poor LA/MS/AL, getting hit again so soon.  And the storm Paulette in the Atlantic is huge, judging from the map I look at.

Hope this is a good week for all the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary...it was hard to tell if there were cutouts or empty seats...the cameras just didn't pan the audience like they used to do, for obvious reasons. 

Nice here and temps also rising to the 80s, but humidity is low.  Patricia and I walked this morning and chatted to a couple construction guys who told us they'll be tearing out concrete already laid in a couple spots because of low spots where rain pools, and so could be icy come winter. 

Nothing else new here.  I have lots of laundry but I'll wait until Patricia leaves tomorrow and I have the rest of the week to do whatever.

Take care and stay safe,



Good Morning! 

Patricia leaves this morning and I'll miss her company.  She's such easy company to have.

Nothing else going on here...lots of laundry ... exciting stuff, huh!

Stay safe and healthy,



Hi every Buddy. Sky is blue, can see the clouds. no smoke today so far. I took Frekles to the park for a walk . They are repaving a street   just a few houses away so the street are blocked and I can't take her for a wlak  where I usually do.