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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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I'm just home from the cardiology app't.  This doctor is really laid-back and casual. He made a few changes in the meds my primary doc prescribed and asked a couple questions and said "Come back in a month" and disappeared!  Marilyn, that's what I've been on the last 6 weeks or so: Eliquis, Metoprolol and Spironolactone (instead of Amlodipine).  He said increase the Losartan and stop the low dose Aspirin.  Since I have no pain or feel a racing heartbeat, there is no need for cardioversion, he said.  My b.p. was pretty high today, and that's why he wants me to increase the Losartan and Spironolactone.  All in all I feel pretty good and even managed to get the staff to act surprised at my age (86). When I was making the appointment for next month, the girl asked if I was Jane or someone there on her behalf!  She just stared at me in disbelief and then said "you look so much younger!" I told them Jesse Dorfmeister (my primary care doc) keeps mentioning my age and Dr.Muller always called me "Young Lady" and they said I should tell him that and he'd probably blush. They know him.  :)

I've already switched to decaf coffee and that's usually only one cup in the morning.  I'm back on Green Tea and Herbal tea for the rest of the time. 
Jane, on Oregon's south coast
Click for Coos_Bay, Oregon Forecast


I also take Metropolol and Spirolactone, also Bumetadine (another diuretic!), no Losartan. They stopped my low-dose aspirin. There are some others, but I can't remember all the names right now. They've not told me to stop regular coffee, but I have pretty much stopped all dark-green vegetables, although I do have a small house salad with iceberg lettuce (no flavor or food value, just some crunch). I have my INR checked once a month, and it's been stable, in normal limits.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Marilyn...K's son(s) are better far, far away!

Jaywalker...it seems that one thing gets on the right track, and then something else pops up.  As with you, Mary, and Sharon...we get through BC and then something new comes along to challenge us.  For me, it's not my heart, but an autoimmune recurrence.

Today is still hot, but lots less humidity, so a person can actually breathe out there.  I've been watering again since no rain in the forecast for days.

I've been working on a couple projects on my laptop and watching Hallmark mysteries.  I'm also on my last load of laundry.  I also found a prepared salad at WalMark that I love. I'm going to get a couple more of those to have on hand.  I can add cauliflower and broccoli and it's perfect for me.  In this hot weather, that's all I want to fix.

Take care and stay safe,



Afternoon, Babes! 

Yet another hot day here.  I've been working on my laptop all morning on a project for July I'm involved in.  I think my hair is about dry, so I can go attack it with my curling iron to try and whip it into some sort of presentable shape.   ::)

I'm also watching Aurora Teagarden mysteries on HMMM. Since finding this channel, I finally have something to watch on the weekends that isn't boring or stressful.




Hi Buddies....very hot and humid here...as I see some of y'all have hot weather..went to church this morning...after lunch filled the bird baths with water..my blue jays love to splash in it..not much on TV.so will read.hooe everyone is having a restful ice day



I didn;'t go to church today, too tired, lack of sleep. Keith was up and at my door about every hour. In the last two nights I think I got a total of about 4.5 hours of sleep. I forgot to give him his meds last night and also forgot to take mine. So today I have been having a slug day.[So much rain here that I haven't taken the dogs for their walks at all.  Did I tell all y'all  That I hve added a tiny little 8lb Chihuahua to the pack. She looks like Freckles mini me., 10 yrs old. She came from the same person Freckles did.


Hi Gals. We made it to St. Louis and back safely. The only glitch was that there was no wheelchair available when we got back to Charlotte and I had to walk all the way to Baggage and the shuttle with just my cane. I wasn't happy. But I made it. The weekend was wonderful. It was so good to see my kids and the 2 grandsons. The latter have matured so much. Hard to believe Braeden is now out on his own and Sean not far behind.  The temp was in the 90's, but they have a beautiful screened in porch with a fan and a lovely yard with trees and flowers and birds to look at. When it got too hot in the afternoon, we went inside. Traecy had prepared everything in advance except for the tri-tip roast that Brian smoked and grilled.  So good! It was great to catch up.

Oh yes, Lori & Doug brought their Vespa scooter in their truck and took me for a ride on it. If you're on FB, you can see me all helmeted and on it, hanging on to Doug. It really was fun and he didn't go really fast. We stayed in Brian's neighborhood. They all got a laugh at Grandma on the scooter.

I'm doing laundry today and resting up.  Bunny did well at my neighbor's but was thrilled to see me when I went over to pick her up last night. I got lots of kisses.

I hope you all had a nice weekend and hope Marilyn got some restful sleep.  Sharon



Marilyn...a  new friend for Freckles!  I hope you can get some rest today.

Sharon...hurrah on a wonderful weekend with your family.

A pleasant day here, too.  Temps in mid 80s, but not a lot of humidity. 

I stopped in the Coffee Shop and met up with some gals from the old knitting group.  It was good to catch up with them. 

I even walked a short distance this morning....first time since these 90 degree days...10 in a row.

Take care and stay cool and healthy,



I have a dr appt this afternoon. I got my closet packed up and 3 of the dresser drawers. Moving right along. the rest of the day is mine.


Sharon, glad you had such a great weekend! And that the travel went mostly well. Sorry about the wheelchair thing - I understand.

Marilyn, your moving day is getting close!  Hang in there - not much longer.

jane, it's been in the 90s here, too, but at least I didn't have to be out in it. Down to more normal temps (low to mid80s) for the next few days, but them back up to the 90s and humidity.

Darlene and alpiner - stay cool!

Nothing much going on around here. I go for an INR check on Wednesday, and then I'm going with Margaret to visit Alden (first great-grand) in the Atlanta area. It'll be fun to see him again.

Happy Flag Day!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Saw my Doctor yesterday. She  increased my Metoprolol to 50 mgs to try to stop the A-Fib told me to take and extra 25 mg if it doesn't stop right away when the heart goes into A fib.  She also wants me to go to a Cardio Electrophycist when I get to California to have an Ablation. My cholesterol is good except the triglycerides. So she gave me a  handout on that.


Marilyn, I hope the increased dose of meds helps. A Fib is a serious problem. Fortunately, not one of mine. I had V Fib when I was first diagnosed with cong. Heart failure, but not since. Take it easy with the move. I hope you can find people to help you unpack and put away in CA. Maybe your son & wife? or maybe they can find a cleaning woman for you there.

Jane, I'm sure you were glad to get back to your knitting buddies and also to take a walk. I walked a little today. Yesterday, I just hurt too much. I slept in today.

Mary, sounds like fun, going to see the baby again. Not so much for the INR. Glad I don't have those anymore. I had them for 3 yrs when I was on Warfarin, but then they took me off when I stabilized. Our temps are still high 80 and somewhat humid. Still not as bad as IL was on Sat.

I'm waiting for the surgery center to call and tell me what time I have to be there tomorrow. One would think you could get more than a day's notice.  But, oh well.    Have a good day, everyone. Sharon


Sharon, the INR is no big deal - just a finger stick, once a month. I guess I'll always be on Warfarin and getting INRs. I seem to be in permanent a-fib, with the pacemaker and valve replacements.  Nobody seems to be too upset about it.

And, I've forgotten, what surgery are you having, Sharon?

Marilyn, I take 75 mg of Metropolol. I think I saw a cardio-electric guy when I was in the hospital getting the pacemaker and having the valve replacements - just the hospital visits, though.

Keep knitting, jane!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary...not knitting yet, but maybe hands will improve enough I can. :D

Hot here, but humidity bearable.  I set both sprinklers and gave all the plants a good drink. 

TV has again been off all day.  I'm so glad I don't have them for internet or landline. 

I did get out about 8:15 am and walked the mile to town and back.  Then showered and drove out to Farm Fleet for Iowa made, pleasant smelling bug spray and tick spray to take to WI on Thursday.

I'm mostly packed, except for those last minute toiletries.  I get a haircut tomorrow so I won't scare the family. :2funny:

Stay cool and safe!



Got a walk in while temp still in mid 70s and a nice breeze. Now to get laundry finished up and packing finished and a haircut, and I'll be ready to roll to the north tomorrow morning.

Stay cool and safe while I'm away!   :smitten:



Have a great trip, jane.  How long will you be gone?

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I'm here in Northern Wisconsin where it was also 95 today! 
I'll be here until Monday when I'll head back down "south."

Take care and stay safe,



Have a good time, jane!

It's supposed to be in the 90s here, today, too.  And Morning Pointe is having a family picnic at suppertime (hottest time of the day!). Fried chicken, etc.  Not for me, thanks. I asked Margaret not to come, and I'll be having my dinner in the air-conditioned dining room.  We're going to near Atlanta tomorrow to spend a little time with Alden.  I hope we get back home before that storm in the Gulf hits.

Happy Weekend, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sharon, how are you doing today?
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sharon...hope the knee is not too painful today.

Mary...those kind of picnics in this hot weather doesn't interest me either.  Indoors where it's cool and the food is at temp it needs to be is for me.

Hot day here in Cheesehead land...and lots of weekend people here for their summer cabins, etc.  Patricia and I went out to a couple of places within a half hour radius, and only ended up with ice for the cooler.  The boys and their wives and one baby arriving this afternoon with three dogs. 

Stay cool and safe.  I hadn't heard of Gulf storm..will look that up



Hi Buddies...I just got home today..went to my daughters on Tuesday..Jane have good time on your trip..it seems to be very hot everywhere...Mary it's 95 here.. Now Marlyin..hope the increased helps ur Afib...that's scary..Sharon sounds like fun on the scooter...Well better get my stuff put up...yall have great weekend


Hi Gals, I'm finally getting around to posting. I was at the surgery center from 9-4:30 on Wed, most of it waiting and reading my book! Very painful that evening and early Thursday. Took RX pain meds Thurs & Fri, but just on Tramadol today. It really isn't all that painful and I can walk on it some unsupported, although I use the walker most of the time. I've been pleasantly surprised. Will be able to take off the bandages tonight and take a real shower! Have an appt next Thurs with the Dr.

Yesterday, I had a virtual appt with the neurosurgeon about the ultrasound and gave him the go ahead to get me on the schedule. I still have to take a CT scan first but that's the only thing remaining till the surgery.

Last evening, one of my HS friends from IN and her husband who had been traveling down to Savannah stopped here and we took them to dinner at the dining hall and caught up on each other. They are both retired Methodist ministers although Anne was an Eng. & Spec. Ed teacher before that. They both write and Harry just had a children's book published, so he gifted us with 4 of them for our great grands. We had such a lovely visit. I had stayed with her for our 60th HS reunion in 2017. That was such a nice reunion because all of our "gang" from HS were there and we had a nice dinner together and caught up. I was so glad I had a couple days to recuperate before they arrived.

Today, I was finally able to get the French channel up and working on my TV, so I can practice my listening skills before our trip. It's been so long since I've heard native spoken French. Reading and speaking are still easy for me, but it's harder to understand spoken French now.

Jane, I hope you are having a lovely visit in WI despite the temps.

Mary, Don't spoil that little guy too much! Our new baby is due tomorrow, but being a first child may be a lot later.

Darlene, I'm glad it isn't horribly hot like much of the west. The temps way up over 100 are awful.  Of course, I'm just staying in due to my knee.  We're supposed to have lots of rain and wind from Claudette tomorrow and Monday.

Have a nice weekend.  Sharon


Darlene, glad you're doing well.

Sharon, wonderful that the arthroscopy seems to have worked.  What's the proposed neurosurgical procedure?

Alden is a real cutie - lovely rosy cheeks, blue eyes, blonde hair. He's walking now, and has a few words in ASL, which he is getting at his day-care (Mom is a teacher/volleyball coach). It was a long drive for a relatively short visit, but worth it. Due to traffic tie-ups, Margaret got off the interstate in Chattanooga, we ate lunch at a favorite place in Chattanooga, then drove the rest of the way home "cross-country".  Lovely, but exhausting - a long, rewarding day.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Fun visit with baby Lachlan and family.  Lovely day here, and had a pontoon ride around the lake Donal and Patricia are on.  Very relaxing and enjoyable.

Lots of Thunder last night but no rain, though they say storms tomorrow.




Mary, Lachlan sounds like a cutie! Worth the long ride. The neurosurgical procedure is an ultra-sound to my brain to stop or at least decrease my tremors. Kind of a scary procedure, but so tired of not being able to write or eat decently.

Jane, the boat ride sounded like fun. We got a little rain and supposed to get a bunch more tonight and tomorrow AM. It's only supposed to get to 80 today, then back to 90 tomorrow.

Nothing new here except I got the French channel up and working and listened to it for about an hour or so last night. I do need the practice.  Sharon


Hello Buddies...went to church this morning..good sermon on Father's Day.My AC unit is running constantly..so hot and humid.I have it on 78..Mary know you had a good time with ur grandson..I have 7..I said great..but it changed on me...Marlyin wish I had a chihuahua....they are so cute..Jane hope you are enjoying time in Wisconsin...Sharon...has your Neuro Dr ever checked you for Parkinson's due to ur tremors?..Have a great rest of day..


I understand about the a/c, Darlene. I keep mine on 78, too. So far, it is cutting off now and then.  Alden is my great-grandson.  My six grandkids and all but one of the spouses are all in their 30s!  :smitten:
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I'm home!  Mid 60s, so pleasant for driving.  We've even had a little rain. 

Hope you're all well.



Going to lunch with my monthly lunch friends  just the three of us.  Packing is getting down to the wire to get it done. Still the linen closet food and what is left in the bathrooms and kitchen. I;ll bet the dogs wonder what is going on. Freckles seems to be geting a little slower than usual.