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2024-06-19, 20:49:14
junee: Beverley

2024-06-19, 20:48:59
junee: Beverley

2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Sharon...DITTO here and so glad MP is home.

Cold, windy Nov. day and birds are eating up a storm. 

Take care and have a Blessed Sunday!



Oh, Dear!  I just lost a long post.  I thought I was saving it while going back to some older posts on the just previous page to see what I needed to reply to, and my post was gone, gone, gone.

I am getting better, but they tell me it is a long recovery.  I get extremely tired, and have to spend most of my time either in bed or in my easy chair.

I have Welsh blood, Too!  I have never counted the generations to see how far back it goes.  The lineage that was handed down to me starts in 1589.  The one who came to Pennsylvania in 1682 with William Penn on The Welcome was a doctor.  The ship's doctor, but he stayed.  He is buried in Philadelphia, but there is a town named Wynnewood for him.  His name was Dr. Thomas Wynne. When I got my DNA done, it showed I am almost entirely Scot, Irish, Welsh, English and Norwegian.  The Norwegian is almost entirely Viking and Norman.  Like Patricia, it simply backed up all the paperwork my family handed down to me.

Marilyn, I have found two remedies for nighttime leg cramps; and Oh, how I hate those things.  One is over the counter, and it is named "Leg Cramps."  When you jump out of bed with those things, which I almost never do anymore, you stick 2 of these pills under your tongue, and they are gone quite quickly. Both the pills and the cramps.  Small bottle.  Almost every pharmacy carries them.  In addition, I have a prescription for GABAPENTIN, which I take one of just prior to jumping in bed at night.

My new great granddaughter's name is Clio Michele, and she looks just like Ava.  Clio is for her maternal grandfather's mother (deceased) and Michele is her father's sister, and Yes, she spells it with only one L.

They tell me it may be a month or more before I am completely healed.  I want to thank you all for your thoughts of me.  Now I am going to peel off for a nap and to lick my wounded morale, because I really did put a lot into that lost post, and it will take me forever to remember what all was in it.  Oh, well!


Mary Page, so glad you're up to posting. I know it will take time. Don't rush it. Just rest and do what you feel up to.

We went to the church service here at the center today for the first time. I've been watching our former church's service streamed online. It was good to be there in person, but it wasn't quite the same as our own church. Still, we will start going to it regularly.

Other than that, I've walked the dog, folded clothes, and organized my meds for the week. Same ole, same ole. I've got to go fix dinner pretty shortly, but nothing special, just a skillet dinner.

It got down to freezing last night and has been pretty nippy today.

TV and my book tonight. Hope you all are warm and safe.  Sharon


]Sherry I do take magnesium, MaryPage I also take Gabapentin 300 mg but still get cramps if I don't drink enough water.
Friday I got a call that I was to sing in church on Sunday. Went to music practice and took Keith and Freckles with me, Millie waited in the car.I told Keith he had to go to church with me on sunday because he had to hold Freckles while I was on stage and beside that it was terribly foggy and I didn't want to drive alone.

Tomorrow the window people will be here to add the last 4 vinyl windows, Three were replaced by the former owner's son.So today I am moving things away from the windows.


It's wonderful to see posts from MaryPage, Sharon, and Marilyn.

I had a pedicure this morning...no polish, just removing old polish, etc. since it's no longer sandal weather here! ;) and I wanted to give the toe nails a breather from polish, polish, polish.

Then  met a former co-worker who's had a very tough life.

I listened and hugged her and listened some more.  All I can do for her. 

It's quite cold here, so I'm glad to be back home and inside with my fire.

I heard that all the covid beds at our local hospital are full, and the rest of the beds are as well with various things.  Granted, it's a small hospital...but we're also a small county...17,000 people.

Stay safe and healthy,



I used to get leg cramps when we traveled and I did a lot of walking. I learned to stretch my legs out right before getting in bed. That's a simple fix, and certainly worked for me.

Warming up a bit here this week - plus some sunshine.

Marilyn, glad you're getting active and singing in your new church.

MaryPage, glad you're up to posting (even if things do get lost).

Happy Monday to jane, Sharon, alpiner, Darlene, Patricia, and all Buddies looking in.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hi Buddies...just reading and checking in...our temp today is 80 and sunny...hard to think about holidays right around corner..I finally got over my sinus problems....until the cedar starts blooming that us...Marlyin that's nice that you will be singing in church..MaryP glad you are feeling like posting...Sharon we haven't had our first freeze yet...Jane I hope to get manicure and pedi ...going to my daughters Thursday and that's what we usually do...her husband and father in law will be leaving tomorrow for Colombia...they do missionary work there once a year...of course they will be tested good going and coming....hope everyone is having great day


oops...don't know what I did...part of message color...rest not......


I got in one doozy of a traffic jam this afternoon on the freeway !   I turned off at the first off ramp & took the old highway to my town .  My husband was out of a supplement he takes & I hadn't been able to find it for him .  I finally found it at CVS on sale , buy one, get one ! 


Alpiner...good for you, getting out of the traffic snarl and also  finding the supplement for your husband.

It was supposed to go to 60 today, but it's going to have to hurry.  34 this morning and now at 41 and still so very windy.  I'd hoped to walk some today, but we'll see.

I talked to a woman I know who's had break through Covid.  She also has RA and thought she had a bad cold. She went to her doc, she said she had pneumonia in a lower lobe and a quick test said negative for Covid, but the regular one was sent to Iowa City and that came back positive. So she isolated for 15 days. 

Stay safe and healthy,



I made another trip to town this morning & came close to being side swiped by a driver coming onto the freeway . I saw the car by the right  back side door of my car . I honked the horn &  I saw her jump & slow down .  She just wasn't paying attention .


I get discouraged, but try not to.  I want to have a great resurgence of energy, but it does not come.  Each day is just a tiny bit better than the day before, so really, what more can a gal ask for?  The big iffyness is the problem of getting incisions to stop bleeding.  One has, thank you, Universe!  The other does not put out a great deal, but does not shut down and heal over, either.

Oh well, we have been blessed with a gorgeous day that may go up into the seventies.  Sun blazing at it's goldenest and green lawns holding trees with dancing leaves of gold and red and yellow and peach.  Bay waters sparkle with bazillions of diamonds.  A Great day just to be alive in beautiful Maryland.

I have reviewed John Baxter's many books about Paris, his adopted home; but feel compelled to tell you a couple of my favorite things from his scribblings.  Baxter is an American who fell in love with and married a Frenchwoman.  He was an American writer, actually, who took to writing these dear little books of vignettes about that endearing city.  His books do not choke you with details; they make you feel you have discovered a hidden treasure!

So here are the two.  I have chosen one to disgust/amaze and one to please.

Louis XIV only took three (3) baths in his entire lifetime.  Three!  I'd read many times in the past that that generation did not wash.  But that bare naked number sends a frisson down my spine.  How 'bout you?

Champagne was invented by a Benedictine monk in the 17th century.  His name was Don Perignon!  Ha!  There's a thing!  You didn't know you knew him already, did you!  Well, here is my bit of Joy:  when he had accomplished his goal, he called out to his fellows: "I am drinking stars!"

I love it!  And I thank John Baxter for a gift to my otherwise slow-going improvement.


MaryPage, I love reading your posts and am so thankful to call you friend!


Gosh, Patricia!  I thought John Baxter had made my day, but you just eclipsed him.

Big Time!  And, be assured the feeling is mutual!


Good day every Buddy. I took a fall last evening when I missed the bottom step and my foot slipped. I sure twisted my ankle. I thought i was surely broken, however I can walk on it, though  not well, and the swelling has gone down somewhat. Sonja brought me Ace wraps this morning and last evening Jeannie, Sonja's Mother, brought me ice packs.I am so glad I moved back to California and am near family.!

I had taken the dogs outside , when I fell both of them were at my side post haste wondering what I was doing on the ground.LOL After we came in the house neither of them got very far from me, they were keeping watch over me.

Keith has been asking if he can do anyhing to help me and NO  I really don't need help I have to take care of his meals and the dogs as well.


So sorry, Marilyn.  That was a rotten thing to have happen.  Hope you never take a fall again!


alpiner, you almost make me glad I'm not driving any more. I know my reaction time would not be good enough. Glad all went well for you.

MaryPage, glad you're recovering, albeit more slowly than you'd like. Hang in there. Enjoy your sunny 70s. That was us yesterday. Then this morning, a front came through with wind and cold rain, and the temp dropped 20* in about an hour. Definitely not a fun morning. But now, at 3 p.m., the sun is out - still in the 40s, though.

Marilyn, SO sorry about your ankle. We have to be so very careful not to fall. I hope you heal quickly, too. Sometimes sprains take longer than a break, though. Having nearby family is wonderful!

Today was a busy day - the only one this week. I had my INR finger-stick (2.3, yea!) first, then went for my mani/pedi (wonderful!). Margaret is so good to take me to all my appointments - and get me back here for lunch. Then I've just gotten back from getting my booster shot (Morning Pointe had CVS come here to give some of us our boosters). Now it's back to my routine knitting and computering.

Happy upcoming weekend, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Marilyn...how sweet of K to ask if he can help you, even if he really can't.  It's great you are in CA and have people available to help that you didn't have before, and a clean home to live in.

MaryPage...It does take us of "a certain age" longer to heal and get our energy back.  I guess patience is the only suggestion.  Not what you want to hear, I know, but ... :thumbup:
Can you imagine the odors from that unbathing and all those heavy clothes.  YIKES!  I've heard/read they doused themselves in "perfume"....YIKES!

Patricia...good to see you, as always here.

Alpiner....those kinds of "close calls" age us all.  Glad you escaped without a sideswipe.

And while I was away and chatting with my cleaning gal, Mary came in and has been out and about and MaryPage posted again.  HURRAH!!

It's a cold, windy day here with snow flurries.  The high for today has been 33!  I've only been out to put our my garbage and recycle bins...and then to drag them back in.

Our Covid numbers continue to rise...78 new cases last week and vaccinations still below the state average. 

Take care and stay safe!



Ok, the following is going to be Big Time bragging, so skip this if you can't bear it.

Bella, my great granddaughter who is a Sophomore at the University of Maryland in College Park, told me she was going to Yale last weekend for a debate kind of thing.  I was tickled, because for some years I was part of a debate group that met on Wednesday nights in the party room of a Chinese restaurant in Virginia and was organized and run by the head of the History department at George Mason University.  So I thought about the apple not falling far from the tree: that sort of thing.  Well, this is how they did.  Oh, by the way: you know Bella from here trip around the world with the University of Virginia when she was eleven.



HURRAH for Bella....and her team mates!!


MaryPage, that says a lot about Bella, how wonderful! Now, is she the one in the middle, as I think, or the blonde at the right? Somewhere I have photos of her trip and Will at that age but don't know where they're presently at.


Bella is the blonde in the glasses.  It lists them all, and her name is given.  She is the last one of the ones standing in the back, and it really is hard to tell whether she belongs in the back row or the front.  They list her, correctly, as Annabelle Grant.  I have heard high praises about her performance as one of the prosecutors.  Oh Patricia, I am just feeling so blessed!


Patricia, Will is in the 7th grade at the Country School in Easton, Maryland on the Eastern Shore.  Miles is in the 1st grade there.  Bella is at the University of Maryland in College Park.  It is our State University.  Last year was Bella's Freshman year, but she had to attend virtually because of Covid.  She had to lock herself in her bedroom to avoid interruption from her brothers.  So we are all pleased she was finally able to enjoy the college experience this year.  She is in a college-owned apartment with 3 other young women.


MaryPage that is so wonderful to hear. But, tell the truth now...wasn't Bella's trip just last year? :-\  :thumbup:  ;)       


Congratulations to Bella!  Isn't is fun to brag about our various generations of offspring!

Stay warm, jane. (high here today was in the 40s, and that's predicted again for next week sometime).
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


MaryPage...thanks for update on Bella and her brothers.

Patricia...it does seem like yesterday, doesn't it!

Maryz...glad to hear you're also "boostered."   :smitten:

It's a crisp 21 here this morning.  I'm waiting for it to warm up some before heading out to find dessert for tonight for our little Friday night group.

Stay safe and healthy,



Quote from: maryz on November 18, 2021, 03:51:20 PMalpiner, you almost make me glad I'm not driving any more. I know my reaction time would not be good enough. Glad all went well for you.

MaryPage, glad you're recovering, albeit more slowly than you'd like. Hang in there. Enjoy your sunny 70s. That was us yesterday. Then this morning, a front came through with wind and cold rain, and the temp dropped 20* in about an hour. Definitely not a fun morning. But now, at 3 p.m., the sun is out - still in the 40s, though.

Marilyn, SO sorry about your ankle. We have to be so very careful not to fall. I hope you heal quickly, too. Sometimes sprains take longer than a break, though. Having nearby family is wonderful!

Today was a busy day - the only one this week. I had my INR finger-stick (2.3, yea!) first, then went for my mani/pedi (wonderful!). Margaret is so good to take me to all my appointments - and get me back here for lunch. Then I've just gotten back from getting my booster shot (Morning Pointe had CVS come here to give some of us our boosters). Now it's back to my routine knitting and computering.

Happy upcoming weekend, Buddies!

I try to remember to say a prayer as I am leaving home & ask God to watch over me & help me to be alert to other drivers & to watch the road .  He sure was there with me that day !!


Marylin, how did the singing at church go? Or is that this Sunday? I'm so sorry to hear about your fall, but glad you didn't break anything. It will take a while to get over the sprain though. I still have a small bruise under my eye from where I fell about 4 weeks ago! All the others are gone though.

Mary Page, Congratulations on Bella's achievements. She must be a really smart young lady. I agree with Patricia though that her trip seems like last year!

Jane, you are really cold there. We've gotten down to freezing again over night and just in the 50's for daytime. Supposed to stay cold for most of the next week. But I did take Bunny for a walk at noon.

Mary, you've really been out and about. Glad you got your booster and mani & pedi. You're colder than we are right now.

I just got off the phone from talking to my daughter-in-law. It was her birthday yesterday, but we couldn't make connections then.

Nothing much going on here. They did fix the holes where the squirrels were getting into our roof. Hope that keeps the little furry creatures out.

Got all our grand's Xmas gifts ordered. The great grands get money for college funds.

Just home from a good salmon dinner and got my shower and in my jammies, so going to watch some TV and read.

Stay warm and stay safe.  Sharon


Good Saturday Morning, My Buddies! 

I hope everyone is feeling good this morning.  My friend Kathy had her second cataract surgery yesterday morning and insisted she was fine to go out with us.  Her eyes were both bothering her.  She insists on wearing her glasses and says everything is blurry.  The doc told her her cornea is still swollen from the surgery a week ago.  I don't know if he knows she insists on wearing her old glasses.  I thought she'd be wearing sunglasses, but she hadn't thought of that. 

It's a clear, cool day here and the weatherguessers say we're in for roller coaster temps.  Gee...what else is new!  I'm glad I'm not traveling for T'giving. 

I dug out my little cool mist humidifer this morning for here in my sun room/family room.  I also boxed up 3 small boxes (thank you Amazon; I save those that I think I can use!) of canning jars and lids and rings.  We'd saved them in a storage room in the basement;  I was going to donate, then asked Patricia if they wanted them and they said YES!  So...they'll go to someone who will use them and I'll be rid of them.  Win-Win.

Hoping it'll warm up a bit...40 now...and I can get at least a short walk in. 

Stay safe and healthy,



Sherry The singing went great, I had to pull the mic out somewhat so as not yo drown out the other two singers.

Gilbert and Sonja just got back with my groveris and he forgot to buy to bottle of wine I asked for, instead he bought a bottle of Blackberry wine at the farmers market that was supposed to be for my Christmas present. He gave it to me and I just opened it,. Oh My!!! it is so good..

I would like to get my foot/ankle checked out but it is still swollen and they won;t even xray it until the swelling is  gone. I am staying off it as much as I can, but you know how that goes when you have to take care of someone else and my dogs. Gilbert and Sonja did walk the dogs for me this morning.