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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Good Afternoon, Buddies!
It's a bit more bearable today, temp and humidity wise.

I've been busy trying to set up my "portal" to Mercy Hospital in CR so I can see the results of that CT scan and my cytology test.  I cannot comprehend most of it, but I like to see the word "Negative" and "no change from last scan." 

I think that the world knows you're "old" when you have 4 different hospital/physician office "portals."  ;D  ::)

I'm caught up on laundry for a change.  My big achievement for the week!

Hope you're all healthy and safe.  The weather is certainly keeping everyone tuned to the news stations.



I'm having a non-rainy day.  Yesterday to and from my treatment was rain, rain, rain.

This is a lazy weekend for me.

Nothing planned....nope, didn't buy any fireworks. :2funny:   Lots of tents up to buy from, but not me.

stay safe and healthy,



Hi everyone looking in...it's 100 degrees here and no relief in sight..therefore I don't go out much...I'm sure it will be a noisy 4th of July...I have no plans to celebrate...hope y'all are well and staying cool


Hi, Darlene and Others looking in...
We've had mild temps these last few days, but still lots of rain. 

I have my last therapy on Friday  for a few months.  Glad to have that time to rest and recuperate. 

No fireworks at this house nor in town.  The town does it next Monday night...the opening of the County Fair here. 

Stay safe and healthy,



I hope everybody survived the 4th.  No fireworks here...they do it tonight, first start of the County Fair. 

In rural areas like this one...COUNTY FAIR is a big, big deal.  At the beauty shop today, my "stylist" was asked if her boys were entering the "pen of 3" and she said "No, just cow and calf"...and the boys (9 and 11) will be going to the State Fair with their calves to show. 

I'm not doing much...trying to get caught up on a few things....but my rest periods seem longer than my work periods :2funny:

Stay safe to all our ladies in the path of the hurricane.  It looks like Houston and areas north and east will get more than enough water and wind.



Good morning...we are having on and off showers....hoping for more..my Granddaughter lives in Houston...they had lots of rain and lost of electricity...but all are safe...I guess I'm a hermit..just staying in where it's cool...hope all stay well and safe


Darlene...so glad to hear you're safe.  I'm thinking you are south of where the hurricane made landfall...but obviously getting some outlying rain, etc....and heat.

I worked outside for a tiny bit this morning weeding....and so have now had my second shower of the day!

I got sidetracked by my lunch, so I'm fed and back to finish up here.   :smitten:

Stay safe in the heat wave!



The "heat dome" as our meteorologists (or however that's spelled) say we're to be in a heat dome beginning tomorrow.  I think it has already come in. :o

Stay safe and cool!



Good morning..Jane we stay under a heat dome all summer long...you just learn to tolerate it..had kids and grand kids over week end..had so much fun...almost time for school to start again...time goes so fast any more..so sad for our country...so much hate and violence...a person should be able to vote. For their candidate choice..and stop the violence.....hope everyone has a great week...stay safe...I really believe God intervened with protection for Trump...but my opinion only


Good morning....we had a huge storm last night...winds at 80-102 miles per hour at some spots.  I don't know what ours was...but it was high.  There are limbs and branches all over.  But, no damage I know of to my house or neighbors' places.  It did break the awful heat and humidity we'd had. 

My neighbor Gary and I are going out to "Taco Tuesday" again today.  It's sort of a weekly thing to catch up with each other...not a date thing.  There aren't too many people at this golf course clubhouse, so that works.   

I hope we have some calm weather for the rest of the week.  The heavy rain with the storm will have some people dealing with flash floods again.

It's either too much rain or not enough, it seems.  Here it's become too much.

Take care and stay safe,



Good Afternoon....have a wonderful safe day


Hello everyone. I've been missing for quite some time. No reason other than busy with activities and forget when I do have time.

The Senior Center here had a cookout around the pool for the 4eth. No fireworks here, but some loud ones from up town.

I have decided to have another brain treatment to stop the tremor on my left side. It is just driving me nuts, especially when I type on the computer. I'm to do a tremor test video on Zoom this afternoon, so don't know when I'll have it. Hate to have my head shaved again, but still have my wig. They only just approved having it done on the 2nd side about 6 mos ago. I've been mauling it over ever since and just decided to go for it this week.

We have been in the high 90's for weeks, but supposed to drop down to the 80's Friday and following week. I don't stick my head out unless I have to run an errand.

We are in the midst of selling our car, which saddens me, but it costs money for ins and taxes and gas and we can use the transportation here most of the time.

Jane, I know what you mean about all the health portals, but they are convenient. Did I understand correctly that your scan was negative & no change?

Nothing else happening here. Stay well everyone and COOL!
Sherry [/color=blue]


Sherry...SO good to see you posting here again.  We miss you when you're not here.  Ray had those essential tremors or whatever they're called and it bothered him a lot...esp. to go out for meals.
Yes, my CT scan of the urinary tract was negative....so kidneys, and the various "tubes" that connect everything are fine.  I'm on "healing" for 8 weeks...so had most of July and most of August off from treatments.  End of Aug is another cystoscopy and then I think the 3 week cycle of treatments begins again.

It had been so bloody hot here, too....and today is a wonderful 69, so I got a short walk in...very short, but better than the nothing I'd been doing.  I also need to try and find some clippers in my "shop" and get some things cut down...weeds in the front. 

As my reward for all of that  ;D  :2funny:  :idiot2: I have a pedicure at 11:30 and then I'll take my pretty toes across the street for lunch. 

Nothing else exciting here.

Stay safe and cool!



I did a trip to Cedar Rapids yesterday for a blood draw...long ways to go for such, but this doc...one of my new "ologists" seems to think it has to be done there. 

So, I also did my "city shopping" for a couple things...needed a new grass clippers....couldn't find our manual or battery operated ones out in the shop...so I bought a new pair.  I tried them out this morning and got 1/2 of the job done.  I'm about to go out and finish it up.  I sure can't work outside like I used to.  I was also exhausted from yesterday, having to walk the whole length of both Menards' and Home Depot ....neither stor I like to spend money at...but convenience overcame my political beliefs.   :idiot2:   :2funny:

Stay safe,



Just a quick lookin to see if everybody is doing ok.  I love this much cooler weather...and even got myself motivated to finish up what I wanted in the front yard.  Now showered and clothes in washer and an afternoon to read and relax.  I also made a quick trip out to the corn farm for fresh corn on the cob.  They pick fresh daily and it's my favorite---ears still wet from the morning dew. 

Stay safe and healthy,



Good morning...woke up to rain this morning...already 2 inches and still raining..so thankful..have a great day and be safe


ME, TOO, Darlene.  It was coming down hard, so I waited to drag my bins to the street for pickup.  It's stopped for now, so all good.

We're to be very hot and humid for the rest of this week and into next...gee, it must be close to August!

Stay safe and healthy,


We finally got rain and a bit cooler weather...I am having trouble with my blood pressure again...giving me lorstaran...and it's not keeping it controlled...what BP med do you take Jane.and milligram. Mine is 100 mg,,you would think the Drs could pick the right med...I'm sensitive to mist meds and cannot take what he prescribed...for side effects...I have appt Monday...hi to all looking in..have a good weekend


Just a quick note. Sold our car this week, so now dependent on our Sr. Center transport.

Got my hair cut last week and a manicure scheduled for tomorrow. My nails are so fragile, I have to have them. Even have false nails on my right hand because it was constantly tearing, splitting or breaking. Ugh!

Had a fall last Thursday in middle of the night coming back from the bathroom. Didn't get hurt except for a skinned knee, but had to call the fire dept to get me up. Between my knees and back, I just can't do it myself and John isn't strong enough anymore. Isn't growing old fun? Not! but better than the alternative I guess. We've had a rash of falls here -- one gal broke her hip and another 6 ribs! So I was blessed.

We now have a permanent minister in our on site church. We've been looking for one and having fill-ins for about 3 months.I really like him and think he will be good.

I still don't have a date for my brain ultrasound for my tremor. I sure hope this one is as effective as the one I had for my right hand.

Nothing else going on here. Jane, I'm glad your scans were negative and you have a break from tx for a while. Good for you getting the yard pruned.

We've had cooler rainy weather this week; back to 90's next week. I just don't go out when it's that hot except for errands.

Hi Darlene. I can't imagine 100 degrees for most of the summer. Stay inside.

Have a good day, everyone.


Here we are in August! And it's living up to its habits here...hot and humid.   
We're to get a break after TUesday, but it'll probably heat up again when schools start. 

Monday I go to my rheumatologist in CR for a prolia shot.  I think this is the 3rd of 4. 
I have to be there an hour early for blood work...that may or may not get to him before my appt. 

Then nothing medical until the cystoscopy at the end of the month. 

I'm enjoying the Olympics....the training they all have to do must be incredible.

Stay safe and cool,



Hello hot August...the sage brush is blooming...indicating more rain...we. Hope..havea great Sunday


Hi Gals. We've had all day downpour from Debby. More tomorrow. Supposed to have had heavy winds but they were just medium, so hung the hummer feedder back out. My friend & I cancelled our grocery trip that was supposed to be today as we didn't want to get soaked. We've gotten a lot of water the past 24 hrs. The broken off tree in our pond was showing 6 inches at dinner last night and not at all visible at noon today! Lots of warnings of flash floods, but not a problem here.

Our Sr Center had a Hawaiian Dinner/Lunch today with all Hawaiian specialties, paper leis and everyone in colorful clothes. Also had a keyboardist who sang throughout the meal. All oldies about sunshine and beach songs. Nice.

I forgot to get the key from John and got almost back to our apt before I realized it and had to walk all the way back to the clubhouse because John was playing bridge. I don't carry my key unless I'm going outside. We're in the farthest bldg from the clubhouse, so it's a long walk (all inside though.) My knees were killing me by the time I got back.

No other news here. More rain and 90's next week. Have a good weekend, girls.


Good to see Darlene and Sherry here.  Thanks for the news on MaryPage. 

It's warming up here, too, and I guess that's the way it'll go next week.  I went out shopping (groceries) yesterday and getting fuel in the car.  I've been watching the Olympics...and sports I never see except for the Olympics, water polo, beach volleyball, etc. are NOT big sports here in Iowa.   :2funny:

It's scary that the Swift concerts in Austria had to be canceled.  One guy admitted he wanted to kill as many people as possible.  What mentally sick people there are out there.

Stay safe and healthy,



Hi everyone thought I would check in..had a couple Dr appointments...both went well...it's an hrs drive from here..so I'm already tired when I get there..we are still having extreme heat...so I don't get out unless. I have to..I have watched the. Olmimpics sp...some..wish I had. Some of their energy...take care and stay. Safe[/color][/size]


Darlene....yes, driving that distance to docs is indeed very tiring anymore...and esp. in the extreme heat. 

We've been fortunate to have some cool mornings...I even wore a light jacket for a quick trip to a grocery on Sat. morning....58 degrees then here.  It's nice to let the electric meter stop spinning at breakneck speeds. 

The Olympics are wrapping up today, and I won't have anything to keep me watching tv.  I did catch part of a preseason game when I discovered I get an NFL channel...didn't know that before. 
It's like watching a high school game...I didn't know any of the players except the QB who was a 3rd stringer, I think, and once an Iowa QB. 

Take care and stay safe,



Hi Gals, It's dried out here and in the 80's this week, but it doesn't matter much to us because we both tested positive to Covid on Mon. John doesn't have any symptoms, but I have more than enough for us both. Feel lousy.  Just a 5 day isolation period + mask after+ mask after. We call our meals in to the dining room and they are delivered to our door.

Did a lot of running around last week with groceries and a funeral for our council president. That was quite a shock. So I suppose I picked it up in one of those placees since no one else has it here.

I enjoyed the Olympics a lot. Thought the French did a great job.  About 50 competitors were from Indiana and I saw today that if IN were a country, they would have come in 3rd in total medals (after US & China). Proud to be a Hoosier, even if I don't live there anymore.

I'm going to watch the news now. Take care everyone.   


I had Covid & spent spent time in the hospital .   I came home for a short time & had to go back . I had a collapsed lung . Now that I'm home I have intense itching ,  maybe a reaction to one of the meds . I saw my primary doctor on Monday but forgot to ask him about it .


Good Grief.....TWO of our gals down with Covid.  Take care, Sherry and Alpiner!! 

I, too, enjoyed the Olympics and all the background of Paris and environs.

 Nothing exciting here...weather up and down...but I don't get out much except for groceries and occasional lunch out. 

Stay safe and get/stay healthy,



Hi everyone...thought I would check in..but not much different going on with me..it's been a terrible hot week...107 nearly every. Day..my neighbors have a swimming pool...and I can hear the kids having fun...school is started now..I'm wondering how football games will be in this heat...Covid or virus or something is going around..everyone stay well and safe...it's a crazy world out there...GOD Bless


Gee. I'm the. Last one. To post...where is everyone..nothing new with me...finally cooled off here..hope everyone is ok....stay safe