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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles



Started by jane, March 30, 2016, 11:40:02 AM

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Hi Nancy.  It sounds as if your psychiatrist is trying to find a solution for you.  I hope the results help her find a better solution than the one you're using now.  Tremors can be very frustrating and I hope that new drugs can eliminate that side effect which must be very frustrating.  Thoughts and prayers are coming your way from me here in Alabama.



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here.  I hope the new year brings joy to those of us who are suffering.

Sue, the test my psychiatrist ordered came back that I'm okay to take all drugs.  That wasn't much of a help because the ones I'm on aren't working for some reason.  I'm beginning to think my depression comes from my situation and it should ease up after the holidays.  Usually Chanukah comes before Christmas so I have something to concentrate on.  This year Chanukah starts tonight, Christmas eve.  But at least it's here.

And the shortest day of the year is over and the days are getting longer again.  Even though I use my light box, I miss the daylight.



Hi, Nancy.  I'm glad to see you back.  You sound a bit cheerier and hope your Chanukah celebration helps--do you also observe Christmas Eve? 

You're right about the shortest day of the year--it is depressing when it gets dark so early, but soon we'll be having longer daylight hours--and that always helps me.  I try to take a long walk outside every day and that helps, too.

I hope Chanukah and Christmas if you celebrate it also bring cheer to you.  Keep in touch here--I like hearing from you. 



Hi Sue.  I don't celebrate Christmas or Christmas eve.  That's what makes it so tough.  Everyone is sharing their plans for the holiday and asking what I'm going to be doing.  It's so hard saying "nothing, because I don't celebrate Christmas."  People look at me as though I've grown a tail.

I did celebrate Chanukah with my son, DIL and grandchildren last Thursday night.  I read the story of how Chanukah came to be, we lit the candles in the menorah, ate latkes (potato pancakes) and played dreidel (a game with a spinning top).  It made me finally feel better to have something to share with others.

I'm glad all the holidays are over now.  And we're back to dull normal.  Our decorations are down and put away.  Now the talk is of spring.  I can get into that!

Happy New Year to all!


Hi Nancy.  I understand about not celebrating Christmas.  I DO celebrate, but this year has been tough for me.  I'm not able to drive yet due to my fall, so wasn't able to shop for gifts--ended up giving my sons/their wives/and my grandsons checks--which they appreciated, but I like to give a gift, too.  My son who lives here came over at 8:30 on Christmas Eve morning to take me to his in-laws home for brunch.  He made his oatmeal/blueberry casserole, I took a bowl of fresh fruit, and his mother-in-law made an egg casserole.  We have a tradition of making orange juice with champagne--I forget the name--for Christmas Eve morning, also.  We enjoyed the meal and drinks and after cleaning up the breakfast, exchanged gifts.  We sat in the living room with and chatted.  The in-laws grandson who is stationed at Ft. Benning, GA, and his wife came by about noon, so we enjoyed seeing them, too.  My son's father-in-law is in his late 80's and has not been well recently, but enjoyed the company. 

I still have my nativity scenes out and need to put them away.  I've been called this evening to sub at a bridge game tomorrow afternoon.  Since I'm not yet able to drive, one of the other players will come by and pick me up.  My regular Thursday bridge club will meet at 12:30 on Thursday.  One of the members will stop by and take me to the game.  I am fortunate to have friends who want to help.

I think if it makes you uncomfortable to tell people that you don't celebrate Christmas, maybe you could mention celebrating Chanukah.  I have spent a lot of years teaching children (and adults) in Sunday School.  With the children, I often explained about Chanukah and took ingredients to make potato pancakes with the classes.  They thought it was great--and they learned something besides how to make potato pancakes! 

Good for you for having your decorations down.  I didn't put up a Christmas tree this year, but did put out nativity scenes and a neighbor brought me a small table top tree.  I need to pack up the nativity scenes and return the neighbor's tree.

I'm anxious for spring, too, but January, February, and March are usually pretty chilly for Central Alabama.  We start to see Spring in early April if we're lucky.

Happy New Year right back at you!



Ray Franz

Alas and alack--we are forced to give up housekeeping
and move to assisted living.  El Crappo, but if you live
long enough the time will come.  Depressing, but that
too will pass.


Yes, if we're lucky, that time will come for all of us.  I hope the transition is a good one for you.



I hate to think the day will come.  So far most of my family have made it up to late 80, 90s and managed to stay in own home.  I have lived alone now since 1966. would be hard living close to people.  Just have to try and stay active. Not think about it.
Cost about $3500 around here in the Assistant living. some are nice but still not enough privacy for me. Type that have full apartment with a kitchen etc. could be O.K.  Could not use a dining room type.  Never be a joiner of clubs etc.

MaryZ.  Sounds like your place pretty private. 


I have been disabled all my life and in December 2013, finally after a number of years, reached the head of the list for an independent one bedroom in a disabled building. This is one of seven buildings owned by a private firm.

There are other private apartment buildings, rental rooms and private home rooms available as well as state, federal and city availabilities. They range from very lux to deplorable and these apartments here are nice, spacious and with five rooms, three walkins, per apartment and a common room, two elevators, two sets of stairs, laundry room and wall trash receptacle on each floor.

There is a larger kitchen and common room on the first floor, 24/7 security and maintenance with self locking doors and fobs rather than keys. All the outside doors stay locked, you use your fob or call security on the intercom in the vestibule. I admit I am paying a reduced price, but I love it here! I checked around the area, read reams of instructions and put myself on the list three years before I became eligible, and two years after that, an apartment opened up. This is one decision that requires a lot of education, and time spent narrowing down what you want versus what's readily available.

Often many signs of depression are caused by physical deficiencies. SAD is often caused by a lack of vitamin A,D or K and a doctor's test is needed. You may also have thyroid issues. I often have backwards effects with medication so I'm not a good candidate there. Sleeping pills leave me wired and hospital anesthesia wears off quickly for me so I'm very careful there. The last operation I had, they needed to stop three times and put me back under.

So sometimes there are either underlying medical issues or medication upsets to understand.


Sounds like a nice place. When do you move in.  You get help doing that?
The one you leave should be left nice and clean after the Bed Bug problem

They should always have placed available for people with disabilities. sound like the gov. do pretty good up in Alaska with Apartment for Seniors.  Not many in my town and most are pretty much for Afro Americans. They really build nice ones for them. All subsidized housing.

Problem is now lots of Mexican people here and they are wanting Fed. housing. They will not put them in the same buildings.  They built a nice one about 3 years ago suppose to be Housing for everyone. Did not have to be senior. Did not work. So much trouble in them. It is pretty much that way all over the US it seems.
Even the University family housing try to keep the US and Asian separated.

The dream is a long way away yet. thinking that the Races can all live together.
We now have 3 high schools that are private.  $12000 a year but people will pay it.


Jeanne I moved in here in December 2013. This is the place I described. State and federal housing for seniors has both single rooms and dorm like housing. This building is owned by a private corporation and has a few extra amenities. They have seven buildings here and more in Anchorage, another Alaskan city. There are buildings for dementia, regular senior housing, boys or girls with emotional issues, disabled seniors, independent living, assisted living, and hospice. I live in the one for disable seniors, independent living.

I haven't been in the state or federal buildings but there are not to my knowledge any racial separations. Here we have White, Black, Asian and Native folks and the only issues that seems to really rile folks up is gossip. We have had a couple incidences of small theft from public rooms but soon a note will go out reminding folks that there are cameras in all public areas and the ones who took the items are reminded they are known and given a period to return the items or they will be kicked out and publicly acknowledged. The stolen items soon appear back where they belong.


I'm 72 years old and torn between wanting to stay in my house or moving to an assisted living community once my partner is gone.  He's 81 years old and not in good shape.  I also have a little dog who's nine years old.  Until both of them are gone I'm staying right here.  But I need help both inside and outside.  If I move to senior housing or assisted living, I wouldn't have to worry about the outside.

But I guess I have time to think about this.  Good luck with the move, Ray.



There are places that allow a pet. This company's pet policy is one animal, 2o lbs or less. They also have a private dog park attached to the building.


Dehlia.  At the age of 72  if not disabled you should not go into Senior Housing Assistant living.  I have had friends that did. Got out as they said it aged them fast.

The Senior housing for seniors that are Apartment they are O.K. At least then you get all the Maintenance done. That is the only problem I have still living in house. Getting good help.  Have a yard man for 15 years but he not 85. Don't know how long he wll keep doing it.  I am o.k with service on furnace and such. it is the small stuff. Also I need a house cleaner now. Floors, windows to much for me. My laundry goes out to be done. Big help.  I love cooking so O.K there.

Ray Franz

Tomorrow is moving day to an assisted living home.  Small
quarters but my 95-year body is wearing out.  Probably the
last move before the big sleep.

I can't help being depressed as I will lose much control of my life as
my sight and hearing is leaving me out of touch with life.


Ray.  We hope that you will soon be settled and accept that you now need to be in a place that is more secure for you. We who have been so independent all our lives don't like to see things change.  You will adjust I am sure. Try to meet a few people there. Find things to do. Get some exercise. good sleep and the less pills that you can get by on.  It looks like they are giving them out much to often in Nursing homes.
We will all be looking forward to keep hearing from you. Always have a computer at you disposal.  Your son will be around you to keep check.


Ray, I had a bad fall in April and when I'd had treatment in 3 different hospitals and was finally discharged, my son who lives near me didn't think I could be alone in my home for a while.  He arranged for me to go to an assisted living facility near my home.  I stayed there a month and it was a good move on his part.  The residents were mostly women, but there were men there, too.  They had a nurse available daily to dispense our meds and a laundry service, plus a hair dresser who also cut men's hair.  The chef was a young man and the meals that were prepared were not gourmet, but pretty good.  I think and Hope that the assisted living you are moving to will be a good choice for you.  I can understand your recent depression, and I think you'll make friends at your new home.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that the new experience will be a good one for you!

Good luck and take your computer with you.  I'm sure your new home will have a hook up!

Ray Franz

Ha, I would not have considered going without my laptop.  Miss my
desk top though.

My medication is directed by law here.  At least that is what I am told.
I used to be almost pain free, but here it creeps in since I only get pain
pills 3 times a day and at their convienence--8 a.m. 2 and 8 p.m. and
I have to ASK for my across the counter meds I meds I may need and
want.  The doctor is doctoring over the phone with the nurse.

I have really lost control of my life.


Ray. Maybe that is for the better. Them giving you just the Meds the Dr. Recomends and at set times.  To many people are taking to many drug along with what they get over the counter.  I  know people taking 10 types a day. Can't possibly be good for a stomach and lots of these drugs don't mix.  Just stick with their plan for awhile and see how it works for you.  A good diet is what is the best.


Ray....my advice is opposite of Jeanne's.  If the pain isn't being kept at bay, I'd be calling my doctor myself...and letting him/her know that!  The nurse may not be relaying your pain and that they're keeping your meds from you when you need them.  Their schedule be damned!  You're paying good money for care...and it's not meeting your pain needs.


That could be right Jane if the doctors are not the ones Ray has had over the past years.  He knows his body and what helps him. If like around here now. Hard to get a direct call in to talk to a doctor.  All are with the big Medical Centres. Mine for the past 40 years have now given up their Practices or Died and so having a hard time finding a new one to replace that you can just talk with.


He probably won't get the doctor, but he can talk to the doctor's nurse and she'll talk to doc.  That's how it works here, anyway.  Nobody should be in pain because of somebody else's schedule or convenience.


Ray, when I was staying in an assisted living following a long hospital stay after a bad fall, a nurse was on duty 24 hours.  Most meds were distributed following breakfast if they were only once a day meds.  However, if they were required more than once a day, the nurse tracked us down and saw to it that we got them on schedule.  I think you need to call your doctor and if he's not available, insist that his nurse have him call you ASAP.  If this place where you are living is not co-operating about the pain meds, your doctor needs to know.



Ray, I'm sorry to hear that you don't like your new place.  The pain med problem could be a miscommunication between the doctor and the staff.  I hope so.  Is there any other place you can move to if your problems are not resolved?  I know moving isn't easy in your 90s, but it is your life.  :tickedoff:

Spring has finally arrived here in upstate New York and I spent my first full day outside today.  I got a senior high school student to clean out all my gardens so everything looks lovely.  My maple tree in front got a "haircut" yesterday and it's looking clean and ready to leaf out.  I managed to get my new lawn mower started and tried it out on some high grass.

If I could only figure out how to get some good sleep, I'd be in good shape.  I take Trazodone before bed, but my anxiety keeps me awake.  I'm on Hydroxyzine for the anxiety, but it doesn't work very well.  Talk about having too many drugs!

I hope everyone is well.


Hi Dahlia (Nancy),  I'm glad to see your post and it sounds like you're getting outside now that Spring has showed up in your neighborhood.  Being outside really helps stem depression for me.  The sunshine is a great healer.  Do you have a quiet routine before bedtime?  Reading is what I enjoy when I get into bed each evening and I avoid scary mysteries at night as they can keep me awake. 

Ray, I agree with Nancy about talking to your doctor about how often he/she wants you to ask for your pain meds.  Or perhaps, your doctor might prescribe a more effective pain Medicine.  Do you have a patient advocacy program near you?  That could help, too.

Good evening, all.


Hi Sue,
Yes, I do feel better when I'm in the sunshine.  I mowed my lawn again a few days ago and felt pretty good.  But when I'm in the house thinking of all the things I need to do, I just get bogged down in depression.  And that's after taking my meds.  I guess they're still not working.  I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and ask to try a different drug.  Maybe after everything is said and done, there are no drugs out there that can help me.



Nancy, I'm glad the sunshine helps.  Is your weather nice enough to get out and walk every day or do you have lots of days without much sunshine?  I hope your doctor has a good suggestion for you--and if drugs don't help, perhaps walking outside will help some.  I always feel better if I can get outside, even for just a little bit.

Keep in touch here.  I like to hear how you are doing.  I care a lot!


Hi Sue,
Thanks for thinking of me.  I'm doing much better because spring is here and my partner is doing better.  I've hired a high school senior to mow my lawn for me - it got to be too much.  I planted two tomato plants and haven't had to water them because we've had enough rain.  Tomorrow I'm going to put some nails in the frame of my front porch so I can hang my orchid and another plant I have.  Hopefully, they'll enjoy being outside as much as I do.

My partner is active on ancestry.com and doing solitaire challenges.  He doesn't talk so much anymore about the "good, old days", which only made him depressed.  We saw his cardiologist last week and were told that his heart is better than it was four years ago when his pacemaker was put in.  Now if only he could lose some weight, he'd feel so much better.

How have you been?  Plans for the spring and summer?



Hi Nancy, I'm glad to hear from you.  Since we last chatted here I've had a pace maker inserted.  I've been having what was thought to be seizures since a fall last April a year ago.  After a number of them recently was finally diagnosed with a heart problem and had a pace maker installed.  I am still feeling a bit weak, but have started doing a bit of yard work and am glad to get outside in the sunshine.  I'm still not driving due to nerve damage in my back, but I have joined a local volunteer organization, Village Friends, for an annual fee and am able to call them each week for rides to the grocery, haircut appointments, and whatever else I need.  My bridge buddies pick me up for bridge games, so I am getting out of the house a couple of days a week and that is a real treat. 

I'm glad to hear your partner is enjoying time on ancestry.com and solitaire challenges.  It's wonderful that his heart is better with the pacemaker.  That gives me hope that mine will improve my over all health.  I've been losing weight, but so far my GP and heart surgeon both think that's OK if it doesn't continue to drop.  I have check ups with both in the next 2 weeks.

We've had some good rain, too.  I need to get to my Ace Hardware store to get some tomato plants ASAP as they should have already been planted.  I have a small garden area in my back yard where I usually plant a few tomatoes, some peppers, and a small row of green beans.  I just haven't done it yet and hope to do that soon.  These plants will continue to bear here until the end of October, so I need to get a move on.

I hope to hear from you again soon.