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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Other Medical Conditions

Started by jane, March 30, 2016, 11:41:16 AM

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Mary Ann

Rick, no my potassium tablet is round and yellow, about 3/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter.  I have no idea how it tastes because it doesn't dissolve in my mouth but in my stomach.

Marilyne, my potassium and hydroz--- pills are separate, not one pill.

Tom just called about breakfast so I must get dressed.

Mary Ann


Just has not stopped raining here for past 4 days. Places and street flooding. So far 7 inch. has fallen and say will keep it up until Wednesday. So dark and dreary.
Daughter was just on and has the funeral to attend at 2pm. for her friend.  Has to drive over the border into Indy. Storming there also. Going to get soaked standing in the graveside but I would say they will cut it short.
I had a good friend who passed at 60 also and I remember standing at her graveside funeral in a heavy snow. She was Jewish and husband not and so had 2 service. Thought I would freeze. I don't attend now unless the church is right there and you never go to the site. Horrible day to go to any and I see we have about 5 today in my town.


Waited long enough. Just not going to clear up so on goes my raincoat. Hat and have to head out.  Going to go to library early. Pick up some DVD and plan on staying in for the rest of the Weekend. Wish I could get in the mood to clean closets and drawers. Just can't.  Will fix a good dinner and lay around. Relax for another day.


Marilyne....it sounds as if you've hit the jackpot on bad side effects.  I hope you will go to the ER and have a list with you of all the side effects you've suffered from.   If your doctor is "annoyed,"...well, that's just too darn bad.  He's a big boy and will get over it.  It's YOUR body that is suffering from these side effects.
You do what's best for YOU, and he can get in tune with his patients.



jane - Thanks for the encouraging words.  I have a history of sensitivity or allergic reactions to medications, and have landed in the hospital on a couple of occasions. It's an ongoing problem, that doesn't appear to be improving as I grow older.  I just wish the doctors were more understanding.


This is new to me...the last few mornings I have woke up with a real bitter awful taste in my mouth...no new Meds...andy suggestions to cause and treatment ? Thanks Cc


Cottoncandy - I'm thinking that you might have dry mouth syndrome?  It's very common in us older folks, because we take so many medications that can cause it.  I wake up during the night with extremely dry mouth, and in the morning, I have a terrible taste in my mouth.  One thing that helps, is over the counter dry mouth lozenges, that you can buy at the drug store. They are in the toothpaste and mouthwash section of the store.  The two that have helped me are Xylimelts and ACT.  Xylimelts have a light mild mint flavor.  They both help with that morning taste. 

Mary Ann

I have a simple cure for what I think is my dry mouth - when I get up in the middle of the night, I take a sip of water and that seems to help me.  I don't take a full glass full, just a little water in the bottom of the glass.

Mary Ann


You may have some Acid reflux while sleeping. Maybe taking just one Tums before you fall asleep could work. I have done that if I have eaten something spicy late on.  I don't take meds so can't be that.


Thanks everyone...the only med I take is  amlodipine 5mg a day for BP..I will try your suggestions..just been to the dentist for a check up..all was ok there...CC


I usually get up once or twice during the night for a potty stop and like Mary Ann, always have a glass of water nearby.  My mouth is always dry when I wake up, so that's important.  I always have dry eyes when I wake up, too, to there are OTC moisture eye drops nearby, too, and I use those.  I drink a lot of water and coffee during the day - and at least the water is important, then, too.   Good luck, Darlene.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


CC I do not have  your problem but I also have a sip of juice when I get up in the night..  Not sure if that is why I don't have the problem or not tho.  Is just what I do.


I always have a glass of Diet 7Up on my night stand.  After waking up with a dry mouth and having coughing spells I learned to be prepared.
Take care everyone.             


I don't know where to put this , so I'll try here .  I'm to have a lumpectomy .  I did a search & there seems to be two different procedures . One they do a local anesthetic & the other the patient is put to sleep & they spend the night in the hospital .  I was told I would get a letter in the mail    from the surgeon & I'm to call & make an appt. for a consultation  Has anyone gone through this ? I have a mass & over 3 years have gotten two ceramic markers but so far no sign of cancer . The dr. wants the mass removed .


alpiner, come on over to the Bosom Buddies discussion.  We've all dealt with breast cancer, one way or another, and all are very happy to talk.  I had a lumpectomy, with general anesthesia, but it was performed as an outpatient procedure in the hospital.  Here's the link to our page...

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I started this post but pushed the wrong key and wiped it out when I was 1/2
Yesterday I attended the funeral of my friend of years.  She was amazing------
had 12 children (all living) umpteen grands, greats, etc.  She was the organist
for3 Catholic Churches at various times------taking NO pay,just doing it for her
love of the organ  and the Catholic Churches----a wonderful friend. ;)


Good morning, Joy.  Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your longtime  friend.  It is so hard to lose beloved friends, but you know that she has gone to a better place now.  Hugs to you and your family for your loss.  She sounds like an amazing Christian person.



...I would also like to add...your friend will be well rewarded for her loyal devotion...



Message from Oldiesmann


Can anyone tell me anything about a Nuclear Stress Test?  Got one coming on Monday and would like to be informed :-)



"A nuclear stress test uses radioactive dye and an imaging machine to create pictures showing the blood flow to your heart. The test measures blood flow while you are at rest and are exerting yourself, showing areas with poor blood flow or damage in your heart." Mayo Clinic

"Can a nuclear stress test show blocked arteries?
The test can show the size of the heart's chambers, how well the heart is pumping blood, and whether the heart has any damaged or dead muscle. Nuclear stress tests can also give doctors information about your arteries and whether they might be narrowed or blocked because of coronary artery disease." Texas Heart Institute

"A dual isotope stress or a one day Sestamibi test may take up to three to three and a half hours. A two day Sestamibi test will take about one hour and a half for the stress and about an hour for the rest part.
Nuclear Cardiology Stress Test - SJH Cardiology"

"What to expect during the test

    The testing area is supervised by a physician.
    A nuclear medicine technologist will place an IV into a vein in your arm or hand and inject a small amount of radioactive tracer. The tracer is not a dye or contrast. After the tracer is injected, you will wait about 20 minutes before the first set of “resting” images are taken.
    Then you will be asked to lie very still under the gamma camera with both arms above your head for about 15 to 20 minutes. The camera will record images that show blood flow through your heart at rest.
    Next, a technician will place electrodes on your chest to monitor your EKG.
    You will start walking on a treadmill. At regular intervals, the difficulty of the exercise will increase until you achieve the target heart rate. Then, a second dose of radioactive tracer will be injected into the IV. Your heart rate, EKG and blood pressure will be monitored throughout the test. If you are unable to achieve your target heart rate, a medication may be given to simulate exercise.
    About 30 minutes after exercising, you will be asked to again lie very still under the camera with both arms over your head for about 15-20 minutes. The camera will record images that show blood flow through your heart during exercise. These images will be compared to the first set.

How long will the test last?

The appointment will take about 2 to 3 hours. The actual exercise part of the test lasts about 7-12 minutes.

This information is about testing and procedures and may include instructions specific to Cleveland Clinic. Please consult your physician for information pertaining to your testing."


Thanks Pat.  I should have known to look at the Mayo site.  I get their News Letter.  Always interesting stuff in it.



I can now add Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia to my PPMS portfolio..well that is what I am being treated for as from today..My dentist last week also agrees...I have been given a fortnights supply of Carbamazepine, and due back to my local GP in two weeks time..My MS just keeps on giving or is that taking?

Mary Ann

Jackie, I'm sorry to see that you have another ailment to add to your list.  I know that you will follow your dentist and/or doctor's instructions, you will fight the ailment and you'll get along OK.  Was it Marilyne who wrote that she had been treated for it and did not now have it?  Best Wishes!

Mary Ann


Checking up on Marilyne's posts I believe she said she had this 20 years ago and was cleared up by the drug she was given, she also stated as far as drugs go, today's drugs will probably work better...
I have never been a person to welcome pill-popping as I think some would cause more problems than they are worth, causing other unnecessary problems whilst fixing the problem one is taking it for in the first place but, I shall take these and see what happens, if nothing, I am to go see her in two weeks, then see what she will have in store for me...
GP said to take one every night-late evening for one week and if nothing to take two twice a day for the second week...


Vanilla-Jackie....have you gotten any relief from the face pain?


...thank you for asking..I have now taken myself off the medication ( Carbamazepine ) and it has been a fair bit better but it did kindof start up again a few days ago, although not so bad as before...

Ha ha, if its not one thing its another, my MS thigh electricity shocks have decided to come back and pay me a visit...It is all meant to try us... ;)


Hi all.   I had a fall back in Oct. that put me in the Hospital for a couple of months. <actually 3 days in Hosp. and 2 months in Rehab>  Anyway, the damage was loss of sight in my right eye, three pins were put into my hip and mny right hand was in a cast for over two months.  No problems from the hip but still having a bit of a problem with my thumb on my right hand.  It seems to be taking forever to stop hurting.  Any suggestions??


Yikes, Joan...not a good way to spend 3 months.  Hope you get healed and out of pain soon.

V-J...our niece had brain surgery for trigeminal pain after being on so many meds she couldn't think straight.  They put a silicon pad around the nerve and that's helped.  That was a yr ago, and she's now having some pain again, but not like before.  Terrible condition to have to endure.
