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January 22, 2025, 02:52:41 AM

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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Other Medical Conditions

Started by jane, March 30, 2016, 11:41:16 AM

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...sorry to hear your niece also suffered (Atypical) Trigeminal Neuralgia and was placed on so many pain medications...I too was a tad nervous when taking my first (for epilepsy) Carbamazepine...I try as much as I can to stay off of all things med's...Was it the meds that caused her to have the brain surgery or was her T-N so bad that they had to do it? it just sounds so drastic..Yes it is not very pleasant and I was told it could come back.. Not sure if mine was to do with my MS...my central nervous system.......



V-J...Her pain was so bad she couldn't take it any longer. The pain meds were simply not working.  She had it done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. 



Joan...hope you're feeling better real soon.


Jane, just about back to normal thanks.  :_

Mary Ann

Joan, that's good to hear.

Mary Ann



I've been busy taking care of my husband. He was in the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia and they're trying to regulate his blood sugar also, so it's been a busy and confusing time.  Novolog/Humalog before meals and bedtime and Lantus in the morning.  Keeping track of 2 kinds of insulin has me being Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy.

Hope you're feeling much better, Joan!


My sister's significant other has lung cancer , he hasn't much time left , hospice comes a couple times a week .  She has been watching over him & is very stressed & worn out .  She said her meals & coffee are cold before she can finish them .  His daughter is coming soon & his son isn't around much .  I live over a 1,000 miles from her .  Please keep them in your prayers .


Jane, thanks.  Feeling almost like new now.  The Artritus in my back bothers but as we all know nothing can be done for that.  I take Tylenol when it gets too bad.  Some days I do more chores than I probably should, but oh well.

When I first went on Insulin I was also taking two different kinds.   Gave one up as soon as I could.  Now with all the weight loss I have been cleared of the Diabetes and am glad.  Hope your husband can get off one soon.  Makes life eaier.   HUGS to you both.


Thanks, Joan.  So glad you're off all insulin and diabetes-free. 

My husband is now fighting Stage 4 lung cancer and so all the chemo meds, etc. play havoc with his blood sugar.  It's up and down, so he's getting shots 5 times a day....with lantus and then novolog and humalog. 

It's one day at a time.  If this new chemo doesn't work, then his time is very limited...the cancer has filled almost all of his lungs, so he's on a lot of oxygen 24/7.



Jane - I'm so sorry to hear that your husband is suffering from lung cancer.  I will be thinking about you and Ray, and hoping that the new chemo treatment will help him.


Jane, hugs to you and your husband.


The new chemo has been wonderful.  He's better than he's been in weeks.  He has more energy, he needs less oxygen, etc.  Just praying it all continues. 

Thank you all for your kind wishes,



Jane, that is such good news.  Am so happy for both of you.  More hugs sent your way.  Always hard on the spouse I have heard.


Jane, hurray for the good news about Ray.  I'm hoping/praying that his health continues to improve.  Hugs to you and Ray, too.  Keep us posted!



Thanks!  I sure hope the improvements continue.



Well, got a bit of my eyesight back that I lost from the two strokes.  Not enough tho to participate in conversations tho I am sorry to say.  Hope all are well.  We are having temps in the 100's here.

Mary Ann

Joan, it was nice to see a post from you, even if it wasn't in Norm's B&T.  We would love to hear from you, even if it's only a "hi"; then we'd know you are all right.

Mary Ann


Hi Joan - I was thinking about you yesterday, and mentioned your name in a post last night in Norm's B&T.  You must have received a mental telepathy message from me! LOL  :D  I'm glad your eyes are better, and hope they continue to improve.  Please return and leave us a message here or in B&T. We're having 100 degree days here in the SF Bay Area also.


Marilyn and Mary Ann,  thanks.   I was legally blind BEFORE  the strokes so    I cannot expect too much.  .  Candy has moved down to So. Oregon.  She does not stay long in one place.  Usually about 18 months.  I call it wander lust.  LOL


Joan ------ Great sign, ---- your posts have small font   :thumbup:   I presume you can now see them.  Good work on the diabetes. Wish I could do that.

Jane - Does your husband get the Novolog with each meal?  I get it at the evening meal and worry at times how it will affect me during the night (while asleep). Woke up a couple of times with a low



Rammel...Ray's blood sugar got so messed up with chemo and his other health issues and, I think, too much insulin at times.

Everybody seemed to want to change what he got and when.  Before he passed away 30 July, he was taking Lantus (long term insulin) and Novolog (short term insulin.)  He, too, sometimes awoke with low BS...like 47!

Diabetic nurse was saying 5 units of Novolog before each meal, and novolog again at bedtime on the sliding scale they gave us.   And then 6 units of Lantus in the morning.   It was too much.  His primary care finally said to ease back and try
the 6 units of Lantus ONLY on days he had chemo.  She told us to use the sliding scale all the other times, since he often, in the last week and a half, didn't eat much at all.  At bedtime, if the reading was 150 or less I gave him no insulin, and if it was even 160 or less, I didn't.  It seemed it went way too low overnight otherwise, even using the sliding scale.



Blood sugar seems to be a difficult thing to get a good control of. Too many things affect it.  I can do and eat the same thing day after day and still get highs and lows.  After my post above and mentioning concern about lows at night I woke up last night shaky and found my BS at 62. Good excuse for a sweet  :-\



Yep. We kept some of those sugar/glucose tabs on his nightstand so he could take a couple when his BS was so low.  Cutting back on his insulin at night seemed to help.  He was also taking Januvia and Actos and the insulin and they still couldn't get it regulated, it seemed to me.


V-J...having just lost my husband on 30 July, I understand your stress and feeling lonely and all the paperwork.  We had everything in order, but one investment is making it expensive for me to get what I should have easily.  They want to charge me for "making things easier"...ie., $70 to not have to hunt for the original, decorative stock certificate from over 35 years ago, $50 to not have to get a "medallion" signature on the forms transfering the shares to my name alone, and yesterday, the latest...$35-$85+ to "help" me by furnishing one of their support people to help me fill out the forms.  NONE of our other investments have pulled this "scam" to me...and I'm going to a certified accountant tomorrow. I'll pay her before I'll pay them!! And I want to sell it at the earliest possible moment. It's a very small amount of money, but a huge pain. Other investments with more $$ in them did everything on the phone and online or sent me forms with a number to call if I needed help....no charge.



Would you tell us who (what Company) was so difficult?  It would be nice if we could avoid them.

Had a problem when my MIL died and a rep from one company suggested we just let a holding (a near due bond) run out.  The payments were going to bank with "Direct Deposit" in my wife's name.  That worked out fine.



...I am in UK so would not know of this company that is giving you such a hard time, at a time in your life you are definitely not needing it...Some companies and businesses really dont care that someone is in bereavement..they wouldn't know what compassion is...

...Yes i am now dealing with solicitor business which is 140 - 150 miles away back home, before we moved three years ago due to my MS four years ago..

... All this is making me so very very ill...i am so alone..


jane et al, the last one that I had to deal with kept asking me for information I had already provided them (no charges involved, though).  I finally sent one of their requests back to them with a handwritten note in red marker saying, "I've already sent you everything I have - there's nothing else."  I got a check from them in a couple of weeks - and it wasn't even for very much money.  This was spring of 2018 and John died in 2015.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Rick...It's MFS Fund...formerly Colonial Municipal when we bought it.

And this is for a very small amount of money, but they've set me off big time.   :knuppel2:     :knuppel2:

Vanguard, on the other hand, was a dream to work with.  On the phone it was handled and the money was moved from our joint acct to a new account with my name in 2 days!
