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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

avatar_Jeanne Lee

Photo Slide Shows and Home Videos

Started by Jeanne Lee, April 01, 2016, 09:57:31 AM

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Mary Ann

Sato, you and your friend have a lot in common; you both take beautiful pictures.

I hope you are improving in health.

Mary Ann


Sato, such beauty took my breath away. Thank you.


Kelly, Jack, Marry Ann, bubble, thank you for your comments.  I am getting well, but a bit day by day.
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Hi Sato
Gad to hear you are improving day by day.

Best wishes


Sato, Enjoyed both of your friend's video so much.  Excellent photography and enjoy his music selections.  So glad to hear you are improving little by little!


They must keep people in the hospitals much longer in Japan.  Here even after tough operations they seem to send you home.  Why have a baby now and you can get out the same day if born in the early hours.  Knee replacements. Hips in a very short time.
Lots of complaints now because Insurance are saying to many people being sent home and then within a short time have to go back in again.  In a way they are part to blame and they don't want to cover the cost .  All want to make money.
Our big hospital/clinic here in town.  It post the profit they made this year and it was millions worked out to $2350 on each person that was in there. Pro rated of course. Make x amount on some and more on others.  They also get a tax break for treating some that are not insured.


Hi JeanneP
Sorry to be so late in replying to your post yesterday.

I along with my family and friends who live here can tell you what the Isle of Man is like, but everyone is entitled to their opinion of the Island even if they don't live there.

The further North you go on the Island, like Ramsey where I live sees more of the sun than the East and South of the Island.  There is not a lot of difference between Blackpool and the Island regarding the weather especially in the summer.

As for the Isle of Wight, being further South than us, it does have sunnier weather.  However, Manx people see the Isle of Wight as another county of England.  And the Island is not a county, but a Crown dependency.

The Isle of Wight has a Member Of Parliament in the UK Government, while the Isle of Man has its own Government.  It is the oldest continuous Government in the World since 979AD.

As for Industries, It has a thriving financial sector which is  the biggest contributor to the economy of the Island.  It has a large E-Gaming business, also it makes along with its other factory in the UK  ejector seats for many of the Air Forces around the World.

It had for about five years a stake in Pinewood Studios which makes the James Bond films, but the sold that stake about six months.  And it made films here for many years, not Bond films though.

There are not as many farms as there were on the Island, the flour mill is in Laxey and is the only one on the Island supplying the bakers and other businesses.  The cheese would be Manx Cheddar and I have bought that on the Island of Majorca.

We are not part of the European Community and I doubt we will become Independent.  I for one would not vote for independence as we are happy being a Crown dependency.   I am a patriotic Manxman, but my allegiance is to Her Majesty the Queen.

Parts of the UK are for retirement, like Harrogate, Clacton on Sea, but not the Island as it has a low number unemployed and attracts workers from the Latvia, Russia and other areas around Russia.  Also countries such as South Africa, Australia, the Philippines and many other places.

The Income Tax is half the rate is the UK for the lower and higher tax bands.  We must be doing something right to be able to offer much lower tax bands to Manx residents and those who come here to work and those who might want to retire here.

As for housing it is dearer than many places in the UK like the South East of England, the North East and North West of England and the Midlands.

Not because I live here, but it is a lovely place to live and most who come to live come because they feel safer here.



I enjoyed a very nice Mother's Day.  Jeff had to work so Gigi, Larry and I played games.  After Gigi left Larry and I took off to discover a little more of Niceville.  We found a really nice park not far from us and I took a few photos.  The last little movie I took of Larry resting yesterday after working so hard in the front flower bed to have it ready for Mother's Day.  I love my little fountain.



Jean, loved it, now you need a boat.   Larry looks right at home.


Jean, I am so envious of you.  LOL  What a beautiful park.   I would have to have a boat if I lived that close to the water,

Larry looks right at home.  I love your little fountain. 

I know it was a special day being with your daughter for Mother's Day this year.  Sounds like you had a fun day,.

Thanks for sharing you new home with us.



Jack and Joy, thanks for your comments.  A wonderful Mother's Day.


Jean, a nice video of the park in Niceville. I like the last movie of Larry.
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Jean/  Both areas look great. I can see taking picnics in both of them. Also what a great place to walk. Wooden walkways are the best.  You both look like true Floridians in your nice white outfits.  I would get dirt on mine in the first 5 minutes. Don't know why I do that in White but never in another colour. 
Happy to see you are really settling in after your move.  Sort of puts me in the Mood.


My friend visited the IKUTA ROSE GARDEN in Yokohama and reported the video of beautiful spring roses with PHOTO PEACH as follows.


Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Hi Sato
How are you Sato, hoping you are beginning to feel much better.

Thank for the link which opened for me, sadly no slide show.



Beautiful roses Sato.  And I liked the singer.  I wish I could understand the lyrics, but it sounded romantically sweet.


Sato a lovely group of photos and agree with Bubble, the music fit so well.


Hi Sato
Tried to access the link, but nothing.  But great news that friends here like it, so it must be good.


Mary Ann

Sato, beautiful roses by your friend.  Thank him for us.

Mary Ann


Sato, That was a lovely video of roses.  Enjoyed it and the music!  :thumbup:


Quote from: Kelly on May 13, 2016, 08:16:10 AM
Thank for the link which opened for me, sadly no slide show.
PHOTOPEACH slideshow file has been made with FLASH program, so when it doesn't run on Safari or else, please try to use another browser. Copying the URL I sent, then pasting it on another browser, you might be able to see the slideshow.  Sorry, I chose a strange format of slideshow video.
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Bubble, Jack, Mary Ann, Jean, thanks for your kind comments.
It's been like in early summer here in Yokohama.  Fine sky, bright sun shines, deeper greenery.  As for the Time and Weather thingie, has its problem been solved now?  My pinch-hitter at the column looks like behind the season.  It shows "Spring Scenes".
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)

Mary Ann

Sato, I watched Spring Scene 6 again and it's always nice to view.  The pear petals are beautiful.

I've wanted to ask - is that you playing the piano for the background music?

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

It seems to be raining in Grand Haven, but not in Grand Rapids.

Mary Ann


The Eagle babies so cute 5 min. ago. One was sleeping and the other one was trying to wake it up by flipping its wings on it. It did and it just attacked the other one for a second. They now act like they want to fly. Keep flapping wings.


Little rough on Grand Haven Beach today. No people walking it.

Mary Ann

Jeanne, it's been cold and raw here today.  Not a hard rain, but it's been damp all day.  It is not a good day to walk the beach.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann, I play piano when singing Chinese old poems in Chinese language, but Bach music is difficult for me to play.  Instead, my computer makes MP3 music files with application programs. 
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)

Mary Ann

Sato, I don't recognize composers, just tunes and I thought it might be you playing that piece. 

At Grand Haven, they are flying kites because it is quite windy.  Lots of whitecaps.

Believe it or not, we had snow this morning while at church.

Mary Ann


Radioman just said that it was snowing in London Ontario.  The weather is crazy!

Here it was 33C this afternoon.