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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

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Started by Jeanne Lee, April 01, 2016, 09:57:31 AM

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Just noticed we are missing our Sachiko, hope she finds us and can get back into our site, show us her video clips of her travels....I always found them, and her, a breath of fresh air....


Quote from: Vanilla-Jackie on April 12, 2016, 10:17:28 AM
Just noticed we are missing our Sachiko, hope she finds us and can get back into our site, show us her video clips of her travels....I always found them, and her, a breath of fresh air....
Hi Vanilla!
Sachiko is unwell and was in hospital. We hope to see her back sometime next month. I wish her full and prompt recovery.


Thank you so p Bubble I had no Idea, I certainly wish her well....


Pleasant day, finally, so off to the park.  Lots of tulips and more to come.

https://vimeo.com/162593617      View full screen !

Mary Ann

Jack, it is so nice to see tulips in blossom and you have more to come.  I notice ours are up but not quite ready to bloom.  Before the end of the week we should be up in the 70s and it is now 47.  That's quite a jump in a few days.  But I can't wait!

Mary Ann


Jack, that was beautiful.  I love tulips!


Joy and Jean thanks, we had frost again this morning, hope the last.

Jean read your post about getting the washer and dryer today.  Made me think of our move to Wheeling in 1960 and for a week using a laundromat, have not used since.   Hope the day never comes.   


Now Jack.  I like sending my Laundry out.  They do such a beautiful job. All is folding so nice . Sheets and towels like when new. Jeans and tops the same.  Just have to pick it up and put in drawers.
Last week they did all my heavy drapes.  I did do my own rugs in the big machine. had so many and all got done so fast. I have a large Australian Sheep wool white rug. 8ft x5ft. Had it 40 years and it comes out like new.  Don't put it in the dryer but he hang dries it in the furnace room.
I decided I didn't want to replace the washer and the space makes another closet.
This place is just down the road.  He for years had done for 3 of the smaller hospitals and some hotels for year. Has big washer and dryers for them along with the smaller one for the launderette . 

When had family young it seemed to take forever doing the laundry at home. I always have a lot of throw rugs and didn't like putting them in a Home washer. One little washer would run a hour it seemed.  This way I can get it all done at one time. Drop of and Pick up

Mary Ann

Jeanne, a laundromat is not the same as a laundry.  With a laundromat, you take your clothes and put them in washers, then dryers for which you pay to use.  You fold your own clothes, then take them back home. 

Mary Ann


Mary Ann.  Now this place is a combination. has both. I have know him for 35 years and has Millions invested in it.  So clean.  I could do my own there but I prefer to have them do it.  I never cared to do laundry and ironing is even worse. The look perfect when I pick them up.

Really not that expensive when you think of the time it would take for me to do it all.

Also I decided I had earned the right to take life a little easier . Let someone else do what I don't care to do.  I love to cook and so do no longer eat out most nights as  when working.  In a single crowd where we spent a lot.  Don't drive as much . Save on all the suits and things had to buy for work and so one off sets the other.  Also I am a little lazy now.  can put doing things off. :crazy2:




Been learning lots of new things since we moved.  Got one of those new stoves that you use touch.  The first day I got it I managed cooking ok.  The next morning I started breakfast and it kept beeping at me.  Now I'm used to it and love it.  Today had to learn to use the fancy new washer and dryer.  So many choices.  The doors are glass and I did enjoy looking in every now and then.


Jean.  All your new equipment sounds good. Its amazing now on things like Washers,fridge. stove as to what they can do anymore. Almost have to learn just like on computers. Both my Daughters just redid their Kitchens. One her Fridge has a computer on the face of it. Tells when things need replace. Getting out of milk. Need this need that. Same with its freezer. When you use something it tells how many left. Between that and her phone. Crazy. Runs her life.
Now do you have a lot to do in the outside gardens of this house. You had them looking perfect at the other. Bet you are enjoying doing the changes though.


The man who lived in this house died several years ago and the family just sold it in August to a developer.  Then we bought from him in Feb.  Our neighbors have been cutting the front yard for years and are going to continue.  We have a small a garden across the front of our two yards which they have been maintaining.  They said they would continue to do that if we didn't mind.  We don't mind at all. ☺️
But we do need to do something with the beds up by the house in front and work on the little backyard.  We aren't quite ready to start on that yet.  We have three bay windows.  Two of them look out onto the backyard so we want it to be nice.  It has a nice little back porch which always has a soft breeze.


I know your husband will want his bird houses up. You had some nice ones didn't you?

The people who bought your house were lucky. They yards were perfect.  Maybe if they had children that may change a little.


Would like some word on Sachiko, and now wonder about Sato.  Understand the earthquakes are in his area. 

Mary Ann

Jack, I sent Sato a message asking about the location of the earthquake in relation to his town but I have not heard from him.  I also did not get the message back as not being deliverable. 

Mary Ann


Mary Ann, thanks. 

I just looked in to Grand Haven, so peaceful, and so much going on around the globe.   I also sent JeanneP a note that the mother Eagle is back with the young ones.  Kept looking in and just saw the chicks, but appears ok now.


Jack, I been watching the eagle cam and checking the questions and answers in the the chat room they have three times a week. 

Someone asked about the parents leaving them alone.  The answer was they are old enough now to be left alone for short periods but at least one parent is close by at all times.  Cam B scans the area once in awhile and Dad is perched in a tree close by.

Someone mentioned Golden Eagles recently.  I have never heard of a Golden Eagle so did a search.  Over the years, U-tube has posted a number of videos, several by the US Wildlife Service by both kinds of eagles.  It was very interesting. 

What would be do without Google :).


Click for Arlington, TexasForecast


Zoe chasing RC car.

Here is a bit of fun with Zoe (son's dog) chasing his remote control car.  She really gets excited about this.



Jack.  That is so funny. Poor dog. Driving it crazy. Good way to exercise a big dog like that. One sure could not run with it on a leach.  Has it quit growing yet?


MaryTX thanks for that info.  The chat was turned off and wondered about the poor chicks, but appears all is well.

JeanneP that was Lynn posting about their Zoe (sorry my Zoe is gone and miss her)

Lynn that was terrific and admired both Zoe's energy and the skill of the person handling the car.

Mary Ann

I received this message from Sato this morning.  He was not in the earthquake, but he has had a stroke and will be unable to post here.

> Thanks so much.  We two are OK.  It was in south of Japan.  In KUMAMOTO.   Instead, I also have been hospitalized due to a slight brain stroke.  Sachiko still in hospital.  For the time being, I will be unable to write to you on S & F.
> Sato

Mary Ann


I am sorry to hear that.
Thank you for reporting MaryAnn.  I am glad they did not experience that quake.  My best wishes for Sato and Sachiko to be soon healthy and back to normal.


Mary Ann thanks and prayers for both Sato and Sachiko, hope some day they will both join us.


I am so sorry to hear about both Sato and Sachiko being in the hospital.  They are both surely missed.  I, too, hope they both will soon be well and able to participate in the Photo boards here.  It seems that  Sachiko has been in the hospital a long time now.   Will miss the beautiful flower pictures from Sato, and of course, Sachiko's most interesting travel pictures and especially  her wonderful pictures of her food displays.  I am sure she is missing not being able to travel, also.  I wish them both a quick recovery.



So Sad to hear about Sato and Sachiko.  Such a shock as they both always seemed to be in the best of heath.  busy all the time and kept so active. One just never knows when some thing will happen.
Let just hope that they both get well soon.  I am sure they are under the best of care.

Mary Ann

I'll e-mail Sato to let him know that others are thinking about and praying for him.

I'm not sure, but I think Sachiko had a heart attack and she has been in the hospital a long time.  Sato had said she expected to be released in April and we are over half way through April. 

I hope both of them are able to rejoin us soon.

Mary Ann


I'm so sorry to hear about Sato.  I posted on Sachiko's Facebook page but she has not posted there for some time.  I will also check Sato's page.  He often sends me messages on my iPad and I wondered if something was wrong.  Mary Ann thanks for checking.

Mary Ann

Jean, Sachiko has been in the hospital for some time.  Sato had said she would be released some time during this month, but I wonder.  I sent her an e-mail this afternoon.  I really don't expect a response, but I thought if she eventually got to read it, she would know were were thinking of her and missed her.

Mary Ann