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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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That is one of my favourite cartoons along with Dagwood. Must be over 40 years running now.

I was thinking that if one changed the colours that it would stay and us not have to type it in every. I changed mine to Green one time but it didn't. Maybe the is a way to do it.
I like the Blue like Mary Anns.
I see that I have a eye appt. in 2 weeks also. Eyes are really having a dry problem even though put drops in Daily.


Jeanne P   I just automatically click bold, size and color, then type away.  Do not mind the few seconds it takes.

Mary Ann

Good one, Jack.  One of my favorite cartoons.  I do what you do but at the end, Bold, Size and Color.

Jeanne, whatever color you like, but as long as it is a dark color, maybe bold.

I like your new picture.

Mary Ann


Okay, Jack, I'm still giggling. You'd die laughing if you saw what my daughter does to keep her numbers up, she has it set to warn her to move every hour & is delighted that she nearly doubles what her brothers do & about 5 times more than I do. One day I was walking out to her car when she was heading back to St.Louis... she looked at her Fitbit & gave me a funny look & started marching around the car, fast. As she passed me she explained she didn't get enough steps that hour & would be sitting in the car (even though she stops every hour to walk) for most of the day. It is late & I need my sleep.


[attach name=Santa+couple.jpg type=image/jpeg]8160[/attach]

First of all I must say thank you (again) to Bubble for helping me so much; I have totally forgotten how to post pictures. This will be my first one since I got here.
In the condo I just sold we were not allowed to put adornments in the hallway such as Christmas trees etc but here they are more lax. The lady across the hall from me put out this lovely Santa couple on display so now can share it with you.


Don, good to see your post and hope all is going well.  Does the lady across the hall know you are the real Santa?

 :thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:

Mary Ann

Gee, Don, I would have sworn that was you and Bubble standing there.  It was nice the woman put the figurines where you could see them.

Joy, your post was not too large, at least for me.  I know a lot of us use size 4 but the font seems to be what determines the real size. 

Mary Ann


I'm home from work and it really wasn't so bad today.  Continuous lines but nice people! 

I'm a bit more tired than I thought but I'm going to make a quick run to the grocery store for a couple things I need and I sure could use a box for my Texas stuff.  This is the first time since they moved there that I don't have a big enough box.

JOY, good to see you posting and to know it's just busy-ness keeping you away.  I'm going to do something else now.  I haven't decided what but I'll be back later to see what's up. 

OH YES!  someone mentioned a picture of Jonah and his parents.  Where is is?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


The only snow we will see!
[attach name=Cmas2018.jpg type=image/jpeg]8164[/attach]


Jean a cute little village.  I would settle for that amount of snow. :christmastree:


Love the sweet faces on Santa & Mrs Claus, Don..... hope you don your suit to make everyone happy where you live.

Jane, I have a basement full of boxes, wish you lived closer. Between Amazon & Chewy, I accumulate more than I will ever use, "but someone might need one".....our generation motto, right?

Love your village, Jean.... I'd show you mine but it sits under a long mirror in the entry hall & right now you could see my mess in the mirror.  :o  Any story about yours, when or where you got it?

Ordered a new frig to be delivered on Tuesday so life can get back to normal after it cools down. I am keeping cat foods in the little "college" frig in the basement but sure causes me to up & down those steps a lot of times...7 so far today my Fitbit tells me. I have some stuff in the frig in the RV but can't remember what I took out. So much had to be thrown away. Awful....


Shirley, the little miniature houses were originally made to be napkin holders, but I bought them so I wouldn't have to get out my big set that have lights, etc..  I removed the little loop on top that was used to put the napkin through.

I just don't have the enthusiasm for decorating that I used to have when we had lots of family around.


I know what you mean Jean as the closest member of my family is over 3000 miles away. Then there is my cat who would love to help decorate! I mail checks in the middle of October and that's my Christmas shopping. What I receive back are multiple gifts of the month!  :-\ I could easily supply multiple families with coffee, cheese, and fruit!

I saw something on the news today that showed the real meaning of Christmas. Two women jointly received large lottery payments. They decided to give the winnings to a colleague who needed it more.


That time of the year.  Here is a collage of the exhibits at Oglebay.  Then you might check the slide show discussion, where I am posting the days set to music.

     [attach name=To+post.jpg type=image/jpeg]8165[/attach]

Mary Ann

Nice show, Jack, the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Mary Ann


Nice display, jack.  I'm going to head over to the video.


Ready for a nap, but Mimi beat me to the day bed.  Would not disturb that scene, so I took the recliner.  :)

[attach name=a+to+post.jpg type=image/jpeg]8227[/attach]

Mary Ann

Jack, Mimi is just like a kid - has to have her favorite toy (twin?) with her to fall asleep.  Recliners can be comfortable too.

Mary Ann


Jack wv...
...you know your place, seems like Mimi has got you well trained...they sure like their comfort...


Mary Ann and Jackie, my daughter gave me that throw several years ago.  It has two pups on it.  Jessie, and now Mimi, liked to rest on it.  Mimi will settle any where, her bed, my sofa, and favorite spot on the kitchen floor, up close to treats.


Love seeing Mimi sleeping on that throw & know what it means to you, Jack. On the news this morning there was talk about Goldens and cancer, doing research to find the cause. Hope they can find a reason and cure.

I took so stale crackers & bread down to the geese, ducks or whatever was hungry this morning, even had my camera with me. Coming back up the hill I noticed the osprey (pretty sure it's not an eagle) in a nest in the cypress tree just one house away from mine!  I never knew the osprey wintered here, thought we only saw them as they migrate through. We do have eagles nest near by but have not seem them this year.[attach name=OspreyNest.jpg type=image/jpeg]8228[/attach] I'll be watching for it now.


Jack, what a peaceful photo of Mimi.. I understand what you mean about not disturbing them. When we looked after the Irish setter it was everyone run for their space on the bed.....most of the time dogs won.

Shirley ,what a beautiful photo! I heard a man say he saw the Bald Eagle here today....said to make sure all small dogs and cats were inside! The other day we had 17 morning doves feeding here...love watching them.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Thank you, Amy. I have been warning the cats that they "look like lunch" to that big bird in the sky! They have been sticking pretty close to the house, but Tom & Callie went down to the river with me. I have been hearing different bird calls this week, not sure what they are so will have to take time off after Christmas to go "walk the river" to see if something shows up.

I do need to tell the girl next door about the new "nesting neighbor", to stay out with her chickens when she lets them run in their back yard. One of these days I'll get a photo of them, they are the most beautiful chickens I've ever seen. They bought 3 different types that produce full size eggs. The girl across the street has 3 different types but some of hers are small, maybe the banty version. They were told all were hens, but one started crowing and she gave it away, not supposed to have roosters in the city limits. Later another one started crowing & it was already such a pet she didn't want to give it away. I kept telling everyone that brought up the subject that, "I sure hope nobody turns them in because I love to hear it crow". Better than a barking dog!

Crazy rooster, crows all day long. One problem with roosters is they do grow spurs, mine did and every time he caught my brother stooping down he'd race toward him to jump on his back & "flog" him. No one ever told me what happened to that bird but they explained "someone probably stole it".  I was sorry it happened but they did run free & I'm guessing my parents were afraid it might hurt someone.


Mimi looks so peaceful.  After running around to several different stores today, I feel like joining her. :)

Shirley, Nice photo of that osprey.

It was cold and windy today but feels like Christmas weather.

Mary Ann

Lucky you, Shirley, having the osprey so close.  I guess the cats would not like it.  I had a hawk on my deck railing once, but I didn't have a cat then. 

My nephew's wife bought some various colored chickens and they laid colored eggs.  I don't know about the egg sizes.  One by one the chicks disappeared until she had none.  She does not live in the city and I think she had a rooster and gave him away. 

Mary Ann


Mimi always looks at peace, and will put me in the mood for a nap.   Shirley, a great photo of the Osprey, keep the camera handy, and keep the cats close. 




Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas & not covered with tissue paper yet today!  We had beautiful weather, still in the 50s today but rained all day. Woke up at 4:00 am to a thunderstorm, scared the cats so I checked radar. 100% chance of rain all day so I went back to bed, finally dressed before noon.  Nothing planned so had another nap this afternoon with one cat by my face & the other behind my legs, their sleep pattern when in the RV.  I can't trust Callie Cat to have the run of the house and last night after their midnight snack she opted to go outside. Where ever she stays she comes in dry so appeared for breakfast. 

I planned a driving day to see how Callie would react to a moving vehicle.... but weather guesser not playing nice with the forecast. I hoped to take pics of the Flint Hills area off the main highways, but tried too many times to take photos on a cloudy day & just not worth the effort. I guess I will go check out the bargain left overs of Christmas decorations. Always enjoy finding something new when I drag out stuff each year.  ;)


Wonder if I can figure out how to post here.