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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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Bubble and JeanneP; with the new site configeration, personal emails are no longer visable other than to that person and perhaps an administrator.


Hahaha, glad you cleared that up, Patricia, 'cause I couldn't see it either.  :-[

Mary Ann

I sent someone an e-mail recently from their profile.  The e-mail address did not show, in fact, mine did, but by putting my cursor where the person's e-mail would be, mine came up and the person got the e-mail.  I've explained this badly, but JeanneP, try it.

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

Correction - I just sent JeanneP an e-mail to see if what I said works.  I clicked on Profile and there was a blank box with JeanneP and a red X underneath.  I wrote a message and I'll let you know if she answers me. 

Mary Ann


Mary Ann, "they" used to say, "more than one way to skin a cat"........ we'll keep working at it.


For JeanneP

I had not posted the GGrand since they were little.. This was taken past November. Can't believe how the are growing so fast. They live in Connecticut so do not get to see them often.
They have a dog now and never go anywhere without it. In every phone.

[attach name=JeanneP+grands.jpg type=image/jpeg]8301[/attach]


JeanneP, Lovely photo of your great grands.

Mary Ann

Jeanne, good looking kids and I think the dog is as happy as the kids are.  I can understand them taking the dog with them wherever they go.

My hint to Jeanne must have worked because she was able to send the picture to Bubble.  Sometimes I'm able to get things right.  But Jeanne may have copied Bubble's address and sent it that way.  I may never know.

We are having a lovely sunny day today with the temperature in the 40s.  Every time Tom comes in he says it is a nice October day, so you know it is nice here today!

I'm watching golf today an they're in Hawaii.  Nice there too.

Mary Ann


Beautiful weather in Kansas, as well. Son stopped by & we checked the young trees to see if they might need water. The Cleveland pear trees & some of the shrubs look like the buds as getting fat, that is scary since we haven't had winter yet!  We saw things bud out early one year & most died in a hard freeze in Feb. My allergies are kicking up so something is popping up. Sun is going down already & just a little after 5:15 pm.

Darling great grands, Jeanne, good thinking with the dog & kids all having the same hair/fur color. Too bad you don't get to see them often. I have enjoyed the greats more than I did the grands because I have more time to enjoy everything. "To-dos" don't bother me as much as they used to. One of my great grands is more like me than any of the greats were... or my kids. Doesn't look like me so much, but she is a "people watcher" like I was. My daughter was more like my sister, still is in many ways.....

Better get moving, still have things to do before going to bed & I am sleepy.


Now if I clik onto my Summery My EM address does show up. Is that because it only does it for me. I thought the reason we put them in was for others to know them if needed.

Thanks MaryAnn. for help also.  I then sent a E-M to Bubble and she sent a reply with her E-M address. Hers was always under her summery.


Lovely photo, do not know if I would want one of the gadgets that you put in your home to visit, or face time, but would sure be tempted if I had great-grands.


Camellia sasanqua, even it blooms in winter.

Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Sato and that would be a beauty in any season.


O.K MaryAnn. Going to give the way you say on finding people eMail address on here. I will play under your name..


MaryAnn.  doesn't work. In the old way the E-Mail would show right under POST. Doesn't do anything. Now mine will show up only  when I go into my own Profile.
I still am going crazy having to go down to read the last post in a forum. One could always just clik on NEW. and bring you to last one you read. No I can clik NEW and sometimes open me up in 2007/08 ..   


Just checking in to see if there has been any activity here.  Been a while since anybody posted any new pictures.

Jack, sure hope you are doing ok.  Miss seeing pictures from you. However, I guess with the cold weather, you have not been out and about to take any.  Just hope you are ok.



Joy thanks for checking. I was thinking the same thing, no photos.   Weather has not helped and several inches of snow this evening.  Lots of football and hockey keeping me occupied. 


Jack, good to know that you are ok and just keeping busy.   They are kind of vague as to how much snow we will be getting.  They are saying it is a slow-moving storm, so that can mean more snow than they thought. Nothing I can do about it and don't have to go anywhere. So far, it has not started snowing here in Hampstead.

Take care and enjoy your games.



Getting photos of a happy Grandad heading to Disney World (or Land?) in FL with the other pair of grandparents, their kids & grands. Here's my favorite of my son keeping his gr-son in tow. I have no doubt the grandparents will enjoy this week more than the little ones. Not sure which link to use, seems to be different tonight.  Giddy up, Grandad


This is the son that had open heart surgery a couple months ago.... the trip was postponed when he went into the hospital with "an infection".


...Ha ha, that is the way to do it, get a free ride...I have to ask, now why did you cut your sons head out from the photo?...I bet he wasn't too pleased...


Jackie, that is the way the photo came to me. I'm guessing one of the other grandparents took the photo & more interested in the kid than my son.  ;)  Both sets of grandparents re-arranged their lives to help take care of these kids (his sister is 5) from the time they were born. His mother is an engineer & father an "IT" person so are all over the world at times. First grands for both sets so totally doted on.


Love the pic, SHIRLEY!  I have a memory (no pic of meeting my daughter as she arrived in the Harrisburg airport from Montreal with my first grandson in tow  She had her suitcase on an airport thingy and Daniel (age 2) sitting on top of her suitcase.  When I saw your photo, my memory came to mind.  Thanks!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Shirley even if you took the picture bet your eyes would be on the grandson taking a ride.


Jack, I kept telling my son to get pics of their faces when they saw the thrills of Disney... this little boy does show everything in his face and a hoot to watch his expressions. I am so glad they can all make this trip together, it does take a lot of planning to make it work.


Love that picture, Shirley.


What a snowstorm we just had. Over the weekend. 2 days leaving us with 14 inches. It has been 55 years since we had so much. Looked beautiful through the window. Now saying will be getting another one this coming weekend.
Hardly had any for the past 4 years . People not use to it now. So mane accidents
I have moved just enough to get my car out.
My yard man of 30 years retired in summer and I am lost. Not easy to find these days.

June Drabek

Shirley, thanks for caring. January started out as a continuation of Dec., feeling rotten. So , they decided another chest X-ray was needed, another blood test, and the result is I am continuing on from the pneumonia and other stuff from Dec. Now I am on a different antibiotic, and doing nothing but recovering. The new antibiotic upset my stomach a bit, so I must take it with food. I feel tired, listless, but hopeful. I am not ready to leave this world yet. Too curious to see what tomorrow will bring.

We are having RAIN ! Wheeee......Two days of it now and more to come. One day was a real gully washer, most since I moved here from Hemet. (I still miss my buddies from those days in Hemet. Still keep in contact, but losing a few.)

Larry, I think I was sicker than i knew. I have never slept a whole night, then the whole following day, then the next night again. This new antibiotic is putting me back in the world.

I am NOT lying......we had SNOW cover the ground and rooftops yesterday. It came late in the day, but was soooooooo beautiful. This happened once before when we had our home in Hemet. No sign of it by morning though
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June, your sleeping sounds like my son when he went into the hospital & they started giving him the strong antibiotics. He thinks it was the poison leaving his system after not being clear of it for 3 years. He is still being kept on blood pressure meds for another month so he will get more sleep. When my father was put on it he slept around the clock until I raised the roof about him sleeping his life away! They took him off & the nurses would check his BP all the time my mother was in the hospital with no hope of ever recovering... Dad's BP remained normal without meds. Nobody knows our bodies better than we do ourselves, kind of up to us to explain exactly how we feel, hard to do, though. I have faith that the good people taking care of where you live will do anything they can to keep you going. Lucky you seeing some snow... so far it has missed my area of Wichita completely.

I'm off to check e-mail, my son called & said he sent more photos.
