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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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Beautiful dogs and you can see how much he's grown from earlier photos!


Jean, I thoroughly enjoyed your video of the Henry Leu Museum.  I thought it was very beautiful, in an entirely different way from Oglebay.  Different eras.

I especially loved the lace curtains, the doilies, and the bedspreads. among so many of the other things.   I liked the idea of things looked like they had been used.  The kitchen looked more modern than the rest of the house.  Like Mary Ann said, furnishings more to my style, also.   Oglebay is beautiful in it's own way.   More of a museum type place, where the Leu home looked like it was really loved by the family that lived there. 

Thanks so much for sharing.



Mary Ann , it is not often one can catch the both of them still at once. You're right, fun and lots of laughter from this little fellow.

Jack, others have thought that Jesse was Babe pup!! I think he may finish taller than her, all is does it eat and grow.....not an ounce of fat on him!

Patricia, thank you..he is really growing fast! I won't be surprised if he is taller than Babe!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Jack, Mary Ann and Joy, thanks for your comments.  We need to get out more and take some photos.  The weather is getting nice with temps in the 60s and close to 70 in the afternoons.  We haven't had too much cold weather this year although we are usually a little cooler here than in Central Florida.  I know all you northerners are looking for spring.  I know the feeling from previous years.


 Yesterday - Don took some selfies inadvertently  :D
So I share with you.

Don-A 16.02.2019.jpg

Don-B 16.02.2019.jpg


Bubble, that is probably the "real" Don that you know and love, but ask him to hand the phone/camera to someone and give us another view.  Hope he is doing well and like the look in the second photo.


Bubble...is the large S on Dons jacket for selfie or Santa? and how is he settling into his new home?


I think the "S" is for super....which I how he looks!  Nice to see him that way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


S is for Skype! That is how he did it :)


Lookin' good, Don (thanks, Bubble). Dare I mention that Don looks like the food is good where he is?  You know how I love to tease, Don.  ;)  Seriously, you do look like life is good, thanks for showing up to cheer us all up! 

Jean, not sure I ever found my password to Vimeo or if I left you a message in here... love the video! By the way, heard this week that a new flight has been added non-stop from my airport to yours. BUT, I can't fly 'cause they don't let feral cats on. I was surprised to think of non-stop to either of these airports instead of a "hub". Guess people are leaving their "rigs" down south & winging it. It has been too cold this week to get out but spring is on the way. (Keep reminding myself of that while ice is on the driveway & wind bending trees over, burrrrrr).



A warm welcome Astro...are you a new to our forum member or a returning member? I am not familiar with the name...


Hi, Vanilla-Jackie --   I am a fallen away chatter from days of yore, from Wisconsin.  I used to post  here multiple times daily.  Then the Seniors & Friends crash took place, after which I sorta  fell away.   It's nice to see you and some of the old nicks.  Have a great day! 


Lovely pix, Don. Looking good. Thanks for posting them Bubble.


Astro, so you are an old timer, ;) I am sure other members will know who you are...Yes we did crash and started up from fresh a few years back...Did you have the same name of Astro before our crash? if not maybe this is the confusion...


It's been "Astro" Since I first started here, Vanilla-Jackie, and that was many years ago.  The word games were my forte back then and I generally gravitated toward them when I entered.  Making a dozen (or more) posts a day would have been the norm then.  Enjoy the balance of the day.


What part of Wisconsin, ASTRO?

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast

Mary Ann

Don, I have relatives in Appleton and New London, mostly in the cemeteries.  Also in Lake Mills, Madison and Milwaukee and suburbs.

Mary Ann


Click for Neenah, WI Forecast



Bubbles, isn't technology wonderful?  My oldest daughter lives in BC (the opposite side of Canada from Don) and calls me on FaceTime every week and on WiFi it doesn't cost.  i really appreciate the good in technology.


If I was to lose that, I would feel deprived, totally cut from the world and my days would be empty: daily I spend most of my time on the computer because my outings are so limited now.


DONKLAN, my closest cousin and her family are in IRON RIVER, WI and I've been there to visit.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


My late husband was born in Wisconsin--I forget the name of the small town.  During WWII when he was 5 years old, his parents sold their home, bought a small travel trailer and started south hoping to settle in Florida near his father's brothers who'd already moved there.  Hubby was an only child.  As they drove toward Florida and came across the river into Montgomery, Alabama, they had a flat tire on their trailer.  They were towed into a trailer park, couldn't get another tire because of the War and stayed there until they'd saved enough money to buy 3 acres of land in Montgomery.  My husband entered Kindergarten in Montgomery and spent most of his days there in detention because the other little boys called him a "damn Yankee" and he would get into a fight about that.  He graduated from High School at the old Sidney Lanier HS where he was a member of the ROTC and won a full Naval Scholarship to the U. of South Carolina where we met, dated for 3 years and married the day after graduation in 1958. 

We got into our 1938 Dodge coupe and drove to Norfolk, Virginia, where he spent 3 months on a small ship which went out to sea on Monday, returned to port on Friday--but because he was the most junior officer, he had to stand the week end duty every week.  In the Navy "RHIP!"  (rank has it's privileges!)  He had to stay in Norfolk 3 months because the Naval Academy grads had seniority and were first into flight school.  We moved to Pensacola in September, 1958.  I was able to find a teaching job at a rural school and rode there with other Navy wives who were also able to find positions there.

Please excuse my lengthy post.  I thought some of you might have had similar stories.



That's a great adventure, SUE....and all because of a flat tire.

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast


Love the stories - keep them coming! 

Hello to Don - your selfie is great!  I thought I could send one of myself and ended up sending a photo of the top of my hair - everyone had a good laugh. 


Carol, you did not post it here! :(  No one is laughing... or I could not hear it?   ???


I don't take selfies of me because I tend to bite my tongue and frown and cut off the top of my head.

NOW I hear the laughing!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I am not on FB but I could open this and enjoy the photos, hope you can also.


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers
