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September 27, 2024, 07:45:21 PM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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.. if i was a bird i would not fancy coming face to face with this one...


As a human I would not fancy coming face to face with it either!

Yes it was me waving to the photographer!


... same here, those eyes says it all plus, that bird can move faster than i can...


Looks like a Grackle to me Jean. I don't think crows have any iridescent feathers. The Grackles I remember from years ago had longish tails too. Starlings have a metallic sheen, but they also have speckles. The speckles usually are seen in the young and on their winter coats.


Here are some photos from migrating birds stopping in Israel for a short rest.


migrating birds.jpg

birds 2.jpg


It looks as if Aviv is enjoying the view!  He's a great looking young man!


What a stunning location, stunning view, looks as if Aviv is meditating whilst gazing at those Grey Herons..



Marsgal, you're right about the bird being a grackle.  In fact a "purple Grackle".  I checked the bird book.


Oh! those black birds. I hate them. at one time, certain time of year my front yard. a good size one, would be just covered with them at a certain time of the day. I don't know what happened but not seen any now for about 4 years.  I think maybe when they were doing road work close then it just scared them away. It did look a lot like in the Movie "The Birds" How I hated that one...


Great photos! Neat shot of your "kids", Bubble. I'm sure she learned from you, how to be a good mother!

What a neat shot of the bluebirds! Such fun watching them feed the babies. One year when we had the robins (before cats), Papa robin was trying to get the babies to start picking up their own bugs. One baby stood by a bug on the ground, beak open waiting for the bug to pop in and it jumped the opposite direction. Poor baby looked so disappointed.  :-\ 

This year I have not seen any red winged blackbirds but did have 2 gold finches at the feeder this morning, flew off before I could grab a camera.

Amy, that is a lot of wood to stack!  Looks like good wood, not full of worm holes like that last load we bought. I have not ordered any since Cas died, still do have a box of the fake "rolled" kind from when the power was out.


From Shirley

The reopened pool

the tunnels we saw on an excursion to check out another camp ground.

The sparrow family, that is Dad doing the feeding, Mom watching from side & baby almost as big as parents.


Shirley, I could swim all day in that pool.....looks so inviting! Interesting rock formation in the tunnels, can you imagine all the hard work blasting them and cleaning them out?
Love the family of sparrows....mama crow brought her babies (they are as big as her) the other day to get the food left for them. Of course they wanted her to feed them but she took a bite, left with it and left them to take their own bite!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. so_P_bubble thanks for posting for Shirley for us to see.
we went to Sams club yesterday and got a few grocery's. we wore our mask's but was surprising how Many did not. I bet if they had lost a close loved one with the virus as we did would change there Minds a little. is already 76º and sunny here and calling for high 80's. so stay in and stay cool. they are calling for t storms this afternoon and night.heat is muggy heat index here already. Have a good day.



You think you cannot draw?
Then try this: Move SLOWLY your mouse on the canvas...



What a great job you did with resizing & posting, Bubble, thank you very much! In spite of the pool being the perfect color, pool service place than "analyzed" the water says it needs lots of this & that... expensive chemicals... and I think I am going to ignore since I don't have to assure anyone they won't break out from too much or catch something from too little of something else. I don't mind checking for the chlorine level because the cats think of it as a BIG water bowl! 

Daughter was over & we cleaned all around inside the RV, searching for the little purse that holds all my gift cards, figure about $1,000+ worth of cards. I'm convinced it fell off the table into the trash bag below, & went out with trash last Friday. I've searched through everything that came into the house but giving up. Gift cards are somewhere in the dump.. in a really cute Coach bag my daughter gave me when I had heart surgery (she knows I'd rather have something that lasts "forever" than flowers that need to be dumped in a week or so.) BooHoo, & that's life!

Weather is scorching hot, happy to have AC that does it's job. Will have to watch radar because the RV windows are open. Having 2nd thoughts about getting rid of it, don't have altitude problem when I go to MO!  Had a talk with myself last night & will chill out, get organized, clean house & do laundry & think about what next! Hope y'all are doing okay.

Our Gov announced yesterday we MUST wear masks in public places starting Friday, so have another couple errands to do today before I MUST learn how to hold my breath in a mask. Daughter brought me one with cat nose & whiskers... black & so cute. I will wear but have to slip down to breathe (or pass out)... Have you ever put a clothes pin on your nose?  Seriously, I haven't found one I can get enough oxygen through so gasping. Right now the air is dusty color, we have had a few days of serious pollen/dust so everyone suffering.

Thanks for the comments about the photos.... you hear me gripe about the pool & I should appreciate how cool it looks, but I'm the one that has to do the cleaning so know how much work it takes.  :-[ 


Shirley. What a great pool. is it used a lot? has a great fence around it. Home pools sort of bother me if young children around. Goes back to my friend who had one and little 3 year old next door strayed over and drowned in it. They had it filled in. That does see to happen more than it should.
My grandson moved into his new home this morning. Saw photo. Beautiful. Pretty large for him as just himself. 4 bedrooms. 4 baths. He will do a lot of entertaining that comes along  with his job. He did when he was with Missouri State. He is the one now Vice Pres. Of Kansas State Univ. In Manhattan. Really enjoying living in Kansas. Can't wait to see it but I am sure it will be awhile yet what with this virus.  That part of State looks nice. Are you far from there?

They haven't yet figured out how going to open School in August.


Bubble. I did enjoy playing with the Weave Silk.com. I will try sending it to the twins. They love to draw and paint. I was never very good. I did do a lot with the Adult colouring books last winter. Don't know why not got them out now. I need to do some to spend time. Think maybe try puzzles again also. Beginning to get bored again as it is so hot out and now really stuck in the house.


Lovely pictures Shirley.


Love the sparrow photo...good seeing the male taking over and giving a well earned breather to the female..mother bird is supervising..


From Amy

This is a 4'trug on the front lawn..all set for Canada day. There are more decorations around on the house and in pots also.



Just remembered Canada Day. Need to call my GD house as Her husband Canadian. his family up there celebrating. They will also be doing in in Connecticut . I will give a call soon.
Have you made you call today? How he must miss seeing you and your family. Hope all well with Don...Not been here for awhile


Don is doing OK, but no celebration as they still are keeping the restriction at the home: no visitors allowed and no more entertainment provided.


I planted in a pot some seeds from a very hot green pepper and now have a lovely plant on my window, with plenty of flowers and already two peppers.

Can you find the curling pepper?





AMY  the trug is beautiful, your husband does beautiful work. Great decoration in it.

BUBBLE  healthy looking plant and I did see your peppers.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Gloria, thank you..he just finished another one 4 x 8'.  This one will be for next years planting.

Bubble, that is one healthy pepper plant!!! Yes, I do see the pepper.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Nice looking pepper plants.  When we lived in Ocala, a neighbor gave us a couple of those pepper plants that have different colored peppers.  They were so pretty.  Never ate any.


Have/had a good friend that grew all kinds of peppers that she used in making Mexican foods. Her food was "to die for" as they say, and never spicy hot, just wonderful flavor. She was raised by her Mexican gr-mother. Your plant looks like it is getting good care, Bubble, I see the peppers & bet they are the hot kind. Do you like spicy food?

I bought a jar of jalapeno/garlic stuffed olives thinking sons would love them out camping. They were almost ignored so a big jar sits in the frig. Yesterday I realized that I could cut them in half & remove the garlic & slice of jalapeno & eat the olive. Pretty good, not hot but a nice flavor~~

I really do want at last one trug to plant in next spring. When we had space for a garden I always planted spinach & little leaf lettuce, by picking individual outside leaves all summer, I had lettuce until freezing. I did grow endive when we had room. My gr-mother loved a mixture of greens & jazzed it up with sugar & vinegar, then just before serving poured bacon grease with bits of bacon in, to wilt it. SO good. Greens and tomato plants would satisfy me, I think. A trug would help with my lack of talent for pulling weeds, don't you think?

Jean, I love to buy the yellow, orange & red peppers that are as mild as the green.... just to slice & eat. One time I got the skin of pepper stuck in the back of my throat & thought I was going to have to have a doctor remove. It wasn't in my wind pipe but all the coughing & gagging wouldn't shake it loose.

Heading to bed early tonight, didn't get a nap but made a couple shopping trips out that wore me down in this heat. Major job tomorrow of re-potting a plant into a monster pot. This is not something I am good at and think plants know it and just give up. Outside plants do okay but with dark tinted storm windows, the inside plants starve for sunlight.


These peppers are very hot. I don't like spicy food but my caregiver craves for it...


From Jack

Here is a photo I took several years ago at a local park.
