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avatar_Jeanne Lee

Paint Shop Pro and Other Graphics Software 2016-2018

Started by Jeanne Lee, April 02, 2016, 01:50:22 PM

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Bauble Frame

The above image is the Cliff Walk in Newport. It goes on the ocean side of all those Newport mansions. The ones the Wall Street millionaires had built as their summer "cottages"

Torn Paper

Warped Elegance

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast




My material palette, layer palette disappeared and I know nor how to get them back!!!  Any help available?


Have you tried re-loading your saved Workspace, Bubble?  Or, check in your File Preferences to make sure the tick beside the palettes that you want to show has not been turned off?

My mod is back in business in the lesson group so now I am caught up on approvals and will get back to doing more tutorials.  I'm not enamoured of this one that I did yesterday because I couldn't find an image tube that I liked and I'm not crazy about the color combination that we were given to work with.  But, it was kind of interesting to use the Fur Texture....an old one that I haven't even remembered to use for a long time.



I tried that Phyll with no result.  I cannot pick colors, cannot see layers, so no way to create anything :(

I tried the repair tool in the program but nothing happened.  and of course no support from them for PSP12.


That 1st link sent me to a porno site!!!!!!    :tickedoff:

The manual did not help me _ apparently the material palette and the layer palette are turned off? but how does one make them work again, I have no idea.  From the manual, they should all be on when opening the program.

I have the Disc but am afraid to uninstall because I am not sure it would re-install. 
I have the PSP 10 and it took 10 tries to make it accept the code that is printed on the CD as well as on the envelop.  Of course it does not have all the possibilities of PSP12U.


I'm sorry, I thought you were using PSP12U. At the bottom of the lower link, is a PSP10 Users Guide.

Strange, I didn't see the porn site, what was I missing?  ???

When you are in the program, do you left click anywhere in the program to see if they become available?

I am having trouble with lesson #41 and now my mod is going to the hospital for leg surgery. She sent my issues to the head mod and why do I hear ominous music playing?



I have the 12U and have been using that for years but without the material and layer palettes, it is useless and that is why I installed the old 10.
Can you figure how you would managed without the tight column with the colors and layers view? No way to go from one layer to another, to create texture or gradient...




Did you try clicking anywhere within the workspace to bring up the palettes and toolbars as I showed in my screen copies? Forgive me if I am going over old ground, but I'm just trying to cover what I know. Have you reinstalled 12U and found that the palettes didn't come back, sometimes it really is those simple ideas. And have you looked at the online users guides?

I will have times when I click on my program and it will not come up, says there is an issue. I will close out and restart and it will come up so now I often start that program first.


clicking did not help at all and the help said that those palettes open automatically with the program.
So I uninstalled completely and reinstalled. The Material and layers came as if by magic.
But now some pluggins that were working do not anymore . Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Such as Mura Meister amd part of Simple.
I am too tired and frustrated  today to check what else.


You may have to import those nonworking filters into an FFU2 database as I did with the other computer.

I'm glad you were able to find a solution.

I am awaiting news from either my mod or the head mode about continuing with my lessons.


Mura Meister is not accepted in FU, I tried!  Can Simple go there?


I had Simple in there as well as Kang, Andrews, Sapphire and Filter Forge, filters factory, AAA, and others. I put Mura Meister and Medhi in their own database.  You could also try as I did and put the filters separately in a folder marked assorted. Others I put in Redmans.

I listed the nonworking filters separately as well as putting them in FFU2 just in case they needed to be there as well.


Simple works in FU in my PSPX5, Bubble.  The others that you mentioned are on their own alphabetically in the Filters drop down menu.  Redmans I have never gotten to work, no matter where I put it!  I need to work on that some time but when a tut doesn't call for a Redman effect I forget about it.  I really need to clean up my filters folders but I'm afraid to mess with it for fear I'll lose all of them.


Redman and forge don't work either :(
I will work on it tomorrow, now is time for bed here.  Som see you tomorrow!


I keep a separate folder in both my Dropbox app and with my external drive that includes all the zip files for everything on this computer as well as a Corel Folder that includes everything PSP related. Including a full list of all filters, I have downloaded at one time or another. Nowadays not all are available or I had damages so those off my computer lists has been invaluable!


You are so organized, Angel!  I wish I had done the same :(
My plugins were on a thumb drive but some don't work now that I reloaded. Who knows why?
We have the Shavuot feast this week end, so not much time for "playing": I am in the kitchen mostly.  I just put the cheese cake in the oven.




Quote from: so_P_bubble on June 08, 2016, 03:04:02 PM
Redman and forge don't work either :(
I will work on it tomorrow, now is time for bed here.  Som see you tomorrow!

I meant Rosenman.  What is Redman?  I never saw that one!


And I meant Rosenman, too.  We were both confused!   :crazy2:


I finally succeeded in putting Simple in FU, but not Mura meister and I need the perspective tiling and pole transform!

A new problem cropped up now: my tubes turned to icons and so cannot see them without opening individually.  I remember there was a small patch of program to make them visible again, but cannot remember the name of it.  Anyone remembers/knows?


Good morning, my having all those tubes blocked has always been an irritation and I never knew of a program that would fix that! My response was to bring the tube into PSP and delete the accompanying cover layer which is time-consuming and then when you close out, remembering to save any changes. I would love a fix for that!

I have two folders that I put individual filter files in. Assorted and Redmans. I am sorry, I mislead you. Upon looking at my plugins, it is at is called Redfield-portable!

I've included some filter links.



You could always try redownloading and activating the filters causing issues.

Bubble, in all the discussions, I forgot to mention how well I liked your graphics posted. But I must say that your last two are wonderful, multilayered, creative and just perfect!

Phyllis, now I'm waiting on my mod or the head mod doing something in the interm!


How do you get Mura Meister into the Redfield???
I tried   redownloading and activating these filters a dozen times with no success :(


There is a fix to download for showing these tubes.  I wish I remembered. I think it was on Hooty's site.  I'll search that tomorrow as now it is bed time again.


BUBBLE  did you click on view and look down to the palettes?  You color and layers might have been closed and if  you click on them they should show. I use 12U and I just checked and that is where you will find them

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast