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for a five year old and his twin sister. He has tragic cancer conditions.

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Started by diglady, March 29, 2016, 03:27:58 PM

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Pity you don't understand the difference between innocent people who are being threatened with prosecution/retribution and the people who actually committed crimes and horrid crimes against law enforcement, but then MAG wants the US to fail, as they want a dictator-so they got one. Hail to the felon! Let me know in 6 months how you like living under a dictator





Oh it is the windmills eh? Your Chief Felon is listening and has banned them. Rescinded the EPA rules for water usage in many house hold appliances. Enjoy the increase in water bills! 



Golly this discussion is really not about politics is it...!


Barb - Sorry about that.  It seems to be more about name calling. Nothing civil or productive.   But I think it makes some feel a bit better.

Aside from that, feel free to post your thoughts.




You may not have noticed it, but everything has been going up over the last four years.



Now cap on prescription drugs has been removed. Has nothing to do with inflation. Read the article.

Intimidating Emails sent to government workers: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/federal-workers-told-name-dei-colleagues-risk-adverse-consequences-rcna188871


Interesting I did not know and learned last night, Elon has Asperger's and Zuckerberg is Autistic - I knew brilliant minds often came with both of these afflictions but they also seem to, at least with these two, bring forward a creative way of thinking - One of the articles I read showed how a study followed a group of young people from pre-school into their early 30s and noticed the drop in their creativity as they grew older - The deduction is that attending school reduces creativity as it is a place where systematic thinking is acknowledged not creative thinking nor the ability to follow independent curiosity that is part and parcel of the creative thinker - The study did not follow through more than to find out the percentage and when the loss took place - I wonder if as a student with either Asperger's or Autism if formal education is different or are there more days absent from school or what may be the difference other than the affliction itself.

An advantage for all of us is the amount of informal education through TV shows on both afflictions and the large number of children that have been diagnosed with Autism neither affliction is feared any longer or hidden and so now Government leaders can utilize the creative thinking of those who have become successful using the advantages that are part and parcel of these afflictions.

There is so much happening in just the last 3 days it is difficult to keep up however, I can't wait for next week when Robert Kennedy comes on board and the food industry is affected. My daughter was the one who a couple of years ago informed me the sugar industry was the only industry who successfully arranged that the amount of sugar in a product did not have to be included on the printed label and as a result sugar was introduced into more and more food products - My interest is learning what are the preservatives sprayed on fresh produce to extend it's shelf life.  I try to wash it off but from what I understand some of the chemicals are put in the water used where especially veggies are grown. Just unpacking what has happened to food over the last 60 years will be a boon to my way of thinking. 


Goodness diglady do you even still watch NBC news much less believe what they say? It would probably be a good idea to get a few more references if you have decided NBC news is for you.

Found this which agrees, the caps are no longer however, the article points out "this proposal was still in the early stages of development and its implementation was uncertain, according to Stacie Dusetzina, PhD, a health policy professor at Vanderbilt University, who spoke with NBC News."

And Also, "Medicare's authority to negotiate drug prices under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), remain unaffected by Trump's executive actions."


Here is another site full of fear and trepidation over Trump's action however it also says, "So far, it doesn't appear that Trump's action will jeopardize any plans for Medicare to negotiate lower prices for certain medications."


I think you can breathe again Diglady - I'm assuming if you are on this Senior site you are on Medicare which appears to be safe

I've also heard but no official word that he plans on increasing SS benefits - again nothing official - we shall see what we shall see - My guess is if that is his plan it wouldn't happen till he gets money back into the economy and inflation under control.



Barbara In 1998 I started in Senior net then when it closed down came in here so, yes, I have been around a bit. I have been a staunch Republican since I became legible to vote. Since there is no longer a GOP I am independent and very anti-Trump who is a RINO. I don't like liars, misogynists, or crooks. As an AF Veteran of 34 years he has maligned my service and all vets. There is not one thing this empty man has said or done in the past that shows he is FOR Americans. He is in the process of stripping/shredding the Constitution that I swore to defend and uphold.
As for news media I watch a slew and draw my opinions from the wide range. So far ALL have pointed to a dictator Trump.


Great isn't it - blocking all communications - now they can get to the bottom of all the problems and weed out those who need to go - it will be interesting to see the changes...

Oh just saw your post - I thought the name was familiar - I was a very early member of SeniorNet - Diglady did you go to the Chicago bash or whatever we called those big get-to-gathers - the one where the hotel we were all to stay at was closing and we only had a couple of nights at that hotel - I think it was the Blackstone

As a person Trump had not been my favorite but as a leader I think he is smart and this time he has surrounded himself with smart people however, to me the leadership of this nation has never been if I like them or not - only, if they keep us safe as a nation and make our life better - I've been an independent since Reagan whom everyone thought was the best where as at the time I thought Nancy was running things - true or not that was what I thought however, I can't say I thought the Dem leadership was stella at the time - when Trump first came on the scene I was not sure and actually voted the green party but then like I always do I read everything I can find to learn more and more about whomever is chosen and I found one of his books with a list of things he thought a good business and this nation needed and low and behold he accomplished that list - that impressed me -

I hate now that folks have become so emotionally affected by who they think will lead this nation - I still remember how we laughed because my father always voted the opposite of my mother and the joke was they canceled each other's vote - I often had a similar experience with my husband - we could talk about our differences and everything in the news was not slanted - now it has become unnaturally sided so that talking about anything is choppy at best and often full of emotion - which to me is silly since none of us, except for our vote, can not do much about any of what happens - oh  yes, we can write letters - but all this putting down to me is so sad -

As much as I did not like what was happening during the Biden years and knowing he and his family became wealthy selling access as well as, what we know for sure now about his aging kept hidden therefore, still wonder who was actually running things, my guess it was Jill but it does not matter - To me it was sad to see him having to accept he aged beyond being useful in politics - I doubt he even wrote the pardons - but someone did.

As to Trump I have only seem him be supportive of Vets but then I do know the mainstream media spread so many lies - I realized this over 2 years ago and notice my opinions are not shaped as much by the media as it affected many in my family who did not leave and find other news outlets. My gut says the media riled up this nation just as various groups were riled up who caused havoc in some cities - ah so we can talk of our differences but that is it Diglady I hope we can talk and not just try to inflame because we don't agree with something we see happening.   


Mid Trump's first term I was reading a book 1939 about Hitler and what he was doing and I realized Trump was doing the exact same thing! Causing distrust in all Federal agencies, saying media was reporting all fake news, telling a lie over and over until everyone thought it was true. Remember Hitler had millions who LOVED him!
The blackout of all Health agencies is a real worry. This means your local medical agency can't get or send any info. If someone gets sick ie. food poisoning this can't be shared so the culprit contaminate could go undiscovered for many illnesses and or deaths. Trump also closed all scientific meetings. He has no understanding of science.


BARB - Very well said.  I'm in 100% agreement with you on everything you said.  If we want to lay blame for the division and hatred in our country and within our own families  -  look to the Main Stream Media! 

DIGLADY - I also remember you from the very early days of Senior Net.  I hope you will join us in other discussions here in S&F, and tell us more about yourself?  (not political)  I seem to remember that you had a daughter and you were located in AZ or one of the other Southwest States?


Wonder where my post went as I re ponded to Marilyne earlier?
Marilyne, You have a good memory. Yes, I live in Az and have a daughter and now 3 grandsons! Not much to say about myself. I am 89 and lived an interesting and full life. Basically though, I am boring! I know we cannot change how others think but we can keep each other up on the news good and bad (and from ALL sources).


Many of us that were a part of SeniorNet have passed - so few left - I'm glad you are still with us and can share your thoughts Didlady - I'm thinking like most of us living east of someplace in New Mexico you did not have this cold front to contend with - or maybe you did and we just have not heard much about it -

As to the benefit of the Health Agencies and they being shut down, you are right however, I'm thinking we may not have been getting straight information and so now the work and effectiveness of these agencies will be upgraded - as I understand that is the purpose of closing it all down - no one has offered a time frame but my guess is all will be back functioning as it should by summer - and yes, that leaves us vulnerable while they are shut down - all we can do is hope all goes well - without another lab generated disease on the horizon this appears to be as good a time as ever however, what I think on this is not going to make a hill of beans and I've gotten to the point where I found there was no sense in getting upset over what could happen but it is interesting to note these things -

I really wish there were booklets we could order where each of these departments and agencies explain their purpose, their work, the number of personal and how much office space along with the sum total of their annual budget - in fact I wish there was such a thing for judges - each voting session we are asked to vote for judges that I have no clue what their responsibilities are or what kind of cases they hear.


The majority of Americans don't seem to understand Science changes things as time goes on. That was true with CDC. Appropriate and timely announcements were made during Covid and as the UNDERSTANDING of the action of the virus so did the CDC make changes. Many thought CDC was wavering. Not so. And CDC did not back Clorox as a human intake med provoke much angst within society.. Oh well!

The last I heard and I don't like this: Trump to get rid of FEMA. Certainly this doesn't help people in trouble not of their causing.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-will-sign-executive-order-to-fundamentally-change-or-get-rid-of-fema/ar-AA1xO7z3


As to FEMA until I know the alternatives I have no opinion - I have read the last time they were affective was Katrina -- they certainly were not affective after Helena - need to learn more to make a judgement like, where their funding has been going - what do they promise and what was or was not done in the last few national emergencies. 

Fact Check: Trump Didn't Advise People to 'Inject Bleach' to Treat COVID-19. But This Is What He Did Say...


From an NPR Post -
"Trump says he wants to overhaul FEMA as he travels to North Carolina and California"

So it looks like where one reads makes a difference as to what is said.



I agree Rammel - the media has really been a tangle of figuring out who says what - unfortunately it makes it difficult to feel secure in our information -

That is good news on FEMA being overhauled - at this point I need to see whatever is said happening and again, I've been more comfortable the last few years doing as much varied research as I can on both sides and more of the issue.

I'm also aware there are enough who believe one side or, the other side of the issue is wrong and so, they not only throw rocks but, encourage others who believe as they do to also throw rocks - it's the rock throwing that makes it difficult to have a reasonable conversation which to me is the more grown up way to share ideas. Especially anyone over the age of 60 since we attended school when civics and government was still included in the curriculum. We know there will be differences. 


Good point Barb, about US Government/Civics, no longer being taught in the public schools.  Exactly when was it eliminated from the curriculum?  Does anyone know why it was eliminated? 
Passing Civics was a requirement for graduation, here in California in the 50's and early 60's.  I think it was still required when my three kids were Seniors, in the 70's and 80's only it was called something else?
Learning about the Three Branches of Government, helps young people to understand how everything works together with checks and balances.       


Can't remember Marilyne but I do not remember any of my three having a Civic's text book - they all graduated from High School in the 70s - I'm thinking it was included in American History without the depth of our old Civic's classes - I think it was woven into things like the Civil Right's Movement which was not that old and the early History of the Revolution and Washington as first President along with those who wrote and voted on the Declaration and then the Constitution. Not 100% sure so I will have to ask them.

As I recall there was some major changes to the curriculum in the late 60s - many of the classics were dropped as requirements - Here, to this day Texas History is a requirement for grade school, usually taught in 6th grade and again a semester in High School however, they did drop it as a requirement to graduate from a Texas Collage.


Trump has set the super low bar in rock throwing--name calling-- and lies-- and promises.
Here is another promise he abandons: https://futurism.com/trump-death-penalty-drug-dealers-pardons-ross-ulbricht
Don't blame media for the reporting of truths about Trump.  Blame Trump for the slams, slurs, bullying remarks and outrageous behaviors he has shown to US!!



diglady looks like you have taken over this discussion - thanks but no thanks...