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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
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2024-08-25, 16:52:57
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2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

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avatar_Jeanne Lee

Soda Shoppe August 1, 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, August 01, 2017, 01:15:04 PM

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June Drabek

Good Evening dear hearts, this has been a do nothing day for me. Woke at 3 a.m. and could not go back to sleep and as the day progressed my body went  down hill. Just very, very tired, so I have read and napped and that's it. I may go down and check my mail box, just to see if I can. Too much shortness of breath.

Gloria de, I hope your cardiologist was able to help you. I'm not saying anything to anyone here about how I'm feeling, as I don't want them to limit me in any way. I'm a stubborn old gal.

Amy, I shudder thinking of your hubby falling out of bed, and  especially between the wall and the bed..made it very awkward for you to assist him. I pray you both find more peace in your lives.

It was supposed to be a bit cooler here today..85 for a high, but my conditioner has been running on and off all day. more cooling in the next few days.

I can't think of one thing I have done so far this day that was worthwhile, so I'll go to check out my mail so I don't feel entirely worthless.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good evening, A/c still on, and it is almost 9  Heavy rain to morrow, the radio is saying

Amy, I hope your hubby was not hurt, when he fell.

Callie, I think  could have stayed home from the cardiologist I did not have my own doctor, my plus was 54, but my BP was back up to normal.  He took me off the A Fib med, as he thinks that what has cause such a drop, but otherwise keep on what I am doing. I felt so relieved, and the 1st time out in a long time, we stopped at Friendly's then came home I am now very tired, maybe I will sleep to night

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


I wrote a book this afternoon, went to post & it vanished.  Not at all sure what I did that made it disappear, but was disgusted with myself & got on with the day.  Nothing to show for this day so think I'll go to bed.  Every have one of those days when you sing the old rhyme from childhood.... "Everybody hates me, nobody loves me, I'm goin' out and eat worms".............. Pity-party tonight.   :tissue:
Worst part is I don't have one thing to whine about....  Buck up, Shirley, going to be cool enough to open the house tonight.   


June, my friend, please don't wait to tell someone you are having problems. Okay.

Shirley, leave the fish bait alone.  :2funny:

We all feel some self pity at times. 


I'm with you Shirley,  sometimes it just gets me down.  Every time I think I've made some progress financially, I get another bill in the mail and it's due to medicare not paying something.  At least I have someone to blame.  I walk around the house saying "I despise Donald Trump", until I begin to feel better! 

Oh well, I think the thunder storm has passed and I'm going to take the doggies and go to bed.  I'll do like Scarlett O'Hara and "think about that tomorrow". 

Good night Everyfriend.  Sleep peacefully and wake to a happy day tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Thanks, Hal.... not exactly self pity but kicking myself for not getting things done.  Everyone I know has problems that I can't do anything about to help.  Maybe it's frustration that life is out of control, I need sleep.  I wouldn't dump on my friends face to face and not nice of me to bring this mood-attitude to y'all, especially at night.  I'll go eat some ice cream and a Ding Dong & feel better.   :crazy2:  Sweet dreams. 

Thanks, Jane, have to giggle when I tell you I voted for Trump because he isn't a politician!  (don't shoot)

Lloyd Hammond

I am sorry some of you are having a bad day,but good to see I have company.
Time to bid you all a good night. I had a good but easy day today, will Make a $100.00 tomorrow  a easy day also. I am going to rota till the arena. and repeat where the barrel races when they are done each time. about 5 or 6 hours now that is good $$$.



CallieK..I am writing this here after getting a message from you about something I sent you about a year ago..I don't do well getting message from Seniorsandfriends. It is strange getting the type of message I got from you when you have absolutely no idea what the message is about....but all's well that ends well...I understand now what you were talking about..
With the list of people who belong to S&F I leave my Email address and figure anyone who might want to write have my address...


Chia,  I don't use messaging here, either but thought it would be polite to acknowledge your attempt to do so.  All is well.

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.
CallieOK you are looking good this AM. last post yesterday showed very
pretty flours ,hope you are feeling as good as you look this A M. have a great day.



Good morning Everyfriend!  I'm up....again!  I had a bad cramp in my ankle early this morning so I got up to walk it off and stopped by the pantry closet to grab a bottle of gatorade while I was hollering "OWOWOWOWOW"  When I do that, the dogs don't move a muscle.  They stay where they are and wait for the riot to subside.

Now they've been out and we're waiting out the pill so they can have breakfast. 

Today is bill paying day!  Possibly my least favorite day of the month.  I even like the dentist better than this day.  I hope there are better things in store for all of you!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

Doesn't look at though the laundry will be hung out today...heavy clouds this morning. Need to go into town and pick up a script for hubby and extra eggs.

Jane oh my nothing worse than a cramp in your feet!! Hate charlie horses in my legs, they will set you right up in bed.

Lloyd, beautiful flowers, thank you for sharing.

Shirley amazing how a bowl of ice cream and a ding dong solves our problems.......well maybe not solve but makes them smaller. Hope today is a much better day for you.

Gloria de, he is sore but I see no bruising as of yet.Hope you had a good nights sleep.

June, I am very lucky ,if I can't get him up I have a good neighbour next door that will help me. Please let your Dr know you have shortness of breath...don't  let it go.

I had better get a move on here

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hi everyone. Just came back from the mailbox and wow is it ever humid this morning and we will probably see the low 90's this afternoon.  We did get just a short rain yesterday evening although there were severe thunderstorm warning for our county.  There is a 20% chance of showers this afternoon. 

I have a light schedule planned for today.  I want to attend a meeting at 10:30 this morning and then hope to watch the golf match later this afternoon.  Our dinner tonight will be some delicious chicken enchiladas from the last batch that Pat made.  This is always a favorite meal for us.   

Yesterday the tech was here for two hours working on the chair lift.  He brought another set of new batteries with him so that he could do further checking.  He put in a new charger for the batteries and apparently made other adjustments.  Since he had just been here on Monday there was no additional charge for his visit yesterday as apparently the charger was something still under the three year warranty.  I think every moving part of the chair has now been replaced.  Pat had a good day yesterday and didn't suffer a recurrence of the severe pain of Thursday.

Gloria, Pat thought about getting a Jitterbug phone but after she read about it and saw the size of it she decided against it.  Fortunately, she has good eyesight.  She just uses a basic phone and gave up her smart phone, something I hope I never have to do. The thing about tornados is that they usually affect only a narrow path unlike hurricanes and earthquakes.  I am not minimizing how bad they can be for those impacted.  Since I grew up on a dairy farm I never had a fear of cows although they certainly could be stubborn.  Each cow seemed to have her own unique personality as some very gentle and cooperative and others were onery. 

deAngel, sure glad you did see a cardiologist yesterday and hope the change in the medicine helps you begin to feel a little stronger day by day.  Hope you were able to get a good nights rest. 

Callie, I guess I don't understand the logic about the waste water as you would think it would replace the volume of the oil removed and would be better than removing the oil and replacing it with nothing.  Nice to have a good neighbor to visit with but that sounds like it was a pretty long visit.  I hope you all were sitting down.  Safe rooms in schools are a good idea as new schools are built or remodeled.  Nothing we can do about the tornados but it sure is sad that now schools have to worry about firearms.

Amy, sure hope the increased medicine will prove to solve the problems.  Sure glad he wasn't badly hurt in his fall.  Falls can be so devastating.  Don't like to hear that you had tornado warning for your area and hope none developed.  I got eggs again this week at Aldi's for 39 cents a dozen and we use a lot of eggs.

Lloyd, beautiful flowers in the picture. 

June, like others I hope you will reconsider your decision to not mention to others how you are feeling.  After all that is why you have medical personnel always on duty.  Of course, that is your decision to make. 

Shirley, don't be hard on yourself as I expect we all have lost a message or two we have written.  Hope those worms weren't too bitter.  :) What better place to share your concerns and frustrations as I bet everyone of us can relate to such frustrations and feelings and once expressed they usually take on less significance (at least that is my experience).  Sure hope that ice cream and Ding Dong helped lift your spirits as that sure sounds better than taking a pill. 

Jane, for many years we had Kasier Health insurance and we paid our co-pay and that was it.  Since we had to change to Blue Cross and Blue Shield when we moved it seems every weeks I get bills to pay as have to pay our 15% of what Blue Cross allows plus our co-pays at times of visits plus very high monthly premiums.  I really shouldn't complain as sure would hate to have to pay the whole thing and this really is very good insurance.  I almost dread getting the mail each day for that reason.  I have found that what I consider to be such a problem one day often doesn't seem nearly as bad the next morning. 


Good morning everyone, another sleepless night. Finlly laid on the couch about 5 am and slept a few hours. No worries or anything bothering me so cannot understand this. Pardon me if I do not reply. Possible severe thunder storms late today and even a tornado.

AMY  hope your hubby is OK after that fall.

It is pouring already. Going to go lay on the couch and hopefully get more sleep.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


LARRY, your right about the dawn of another day.  Today I'm paying bills and that one from the dentist doesn't look so big.  It's just that this is the first time my insurance hasn't paid the entire amount of my dental visit.  And if it's OK, I still blame that on DT.  Well, I have to blame someone, don't I?  It's not MY fault!

The bills are all paid now except two that aren't due until later in the month and I'll think about them later. 

I always feel better after the bills are paid...especially if there's a little money left.

Now I'm going to go sit on the porch and smell the fress air.  We had another thunderstorm in the night.  One doggie cowered in the corner and the other plastered herself to me.  But the air is so fresh and the temp is cooler.  It's not supposed to get out of the 70s today.  I can live with that!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Jeanne Lee

June Drabek, shame on you!  The Lord has put you in a wonderful place where He has provided people and facilities to keep you comfortable.  And you say "No Thanks, God.  I know better than you do and I'll do it all on my own."

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Larry, want to get my 2¢  worth in about Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  Because my husband was pushed into early retirement at 58 we had to come up with insurance fast. He was allowed to keep the company policy until Social Security but I was on my own (2 years younger). We heard later that the company was told what they did to me about insurance was illegal... too late for me.  We found Humana (not sure about the spelling) was best at the time & as soon as he could, he took advantage of SS & Medicare.  Humana was good for a few years & dumped us saying, "not going to cover over 65 anymore" or something to that effect.  We went with Blue Cross, not as many things covered (no dental, eye glasses, etc.) but discovered they offer different policies for different states. 

Humana revised their policy, cost more & offered less, asked if we'd like to re-join (no, thank you).  We felt safe with BC since Cas had heart surgery the week he retired, company insurance covered that, but many procedures later that Medicare & BC/BS paid for, so I can only speak for my own bills & KS rules, I pay monthly to BC/BS & nothing else. We opted to pay more per month (can't tell exactly without looking at my bank statement... auto pay)... but with my heart surgery I did NOT pay a single penny out for anything.  I'm lucky not taking any meds, no coverage... one of the options, no co-pay for office or any type visits, one less thing to worry about.

Jane, it cooled down enough to open the door before I went to bed... but downtown was having a music concert on the bank of the river & the sound carries  up the river like it was in my back yard.  Had to leave the door closed until midnight & then cats thought it was an invitation to come in for a snack.  I did get some sleep.... love the cooler temp & fresh air.  Supposed to get hot today & then a whole week of low 80s with much cooler nights.  "I can live with that....."  :thumbup: 

Oh, when we built a house out west of town we hired a commercial company to dig the foundation.  Ground was black gumbo, so hard it broke the heavy equipment, so we settled for a deep crawl space, stem walls down deep enough to allow me to almost stand up & room for the furnace below the floor.  We could get down from the trap door by the furnace or from an opening in the garage... but not a place I wanted to be when tornadoes came across that flat land.  Always wanted to have a real storm shelter built but never got around to it. 

Lloyd, pretty yard & flowers.  Hope your days are just the way you want, earn lots of dollars but stay safe.

Gloria, my friend here that's been fighting sleepless nights called to say she got 9 hours last night!  Crazy what our bodies do, huh?  Hope you can get caught up one of these days/nights.


SHIRLEY, my medicare and supplement used to pay evrything, too.  Hospital stays, outpatient surgery, dentist and dental surgery, eye exams and meds.  It's just been in the past 6 months that I'm getting copays and uncovered portions of the billings.  And all the premiums are going up!  That's why I've taken on DT as the culprit.  They are messing around with medicare! 

I think I've come up with a solution for avoiding those extras.  I'm not going to open any emails from insurance companies or health agents and I'm not picking up my mail from the mailbox any more.  That should do it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Jeanne Lee, thank you my friend. You are absolutely correct in the description of my attitude. I want to be "in charge". After years  of doing what others told me to do, I have let this new freedom I have give me the feeling of " I did it my way." I do rely on God and prayer, but maybe I'm not really listening to Him. Your thoughts have given me pause, and I thank you.

At this moment all is well. I intend to go down to the library and pick up a couple more books, and perhaps have lunch with friends.

Tisie, I know that feeling of having a message not getting posted too. I don't know where they go, unless i poke delete instead of post. but they don't end up in my trash....just gone.

Have any of you used the furniture "sliders" ? they attach to the bottom of the leg of funiture..I have seen the ad on t.v., and I have some chairs, one in particular that is so heavy, I thought I would order some "sliders" from Amazon. What think you ???
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

Well I barged too soon the weather stooped before it got started . horse show
canceled. it has rained and still is, light to hard thunder storms all day. I thing it is JaneS fault. i think she swished it on down here. grand daughter brought us a lot of sweet corn. some too far along some just right  and some almost to far gone, but has a very sweet good taste. Nancy blanched it and cut lot off the cob and put 4 cups in bags and in the freezer. some still on the cob good stuff.
Hope you are all having a great day. see you all later.



It has been an interesting day ..I did get laundry done but only baked a johnny cake ,there is a plate full in the hidey hole along with real maple syrup to put on it. I think Jane lost some zzzz's for I found them right after lunch and used everyone of them ,thank you Jane :) :thumbup:

Larry, you are looking at me on the random image at the moment. I was amazed at the price of your eggs...told hubby too for I just bought 2 doz for 1.97 each!!!  And that was a good price ..

Raining again here.......makes for a great sleepy day .
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


AMY, you didn't use up my zzzzs.  I still had a few hidden and I used them up myself.  Paying bills is the hardest job I do and I really needed those zzzzs.  But I'm more than willing to share!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, I am glad you got some zzz's also. Told hubby it is early to bed for me tonight. Not a very productive day today but there is always another day.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Well, my accomplishments for the day are....

1...paid the bills
2...took my trash to the dumpster
3...washed, dried, folded, and put away a load of towels
4...washed up the kitchen floor
5...took a nice nap
6...loafed  (this was a very important thing to get done.  It's my opinion that no one does enough of it!

And now I must get back to the loafing.  Anyone want to join me!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


A good later afternoon Saturday HELLO to all. 

We are currently having a heck of a thunder and lightning show out.  We could sure use a good rain, so I hope it will give us some.  It is so dark we had to turn lights on. 

I have not been in the best spirits this week either.  I think it is a bit of a let down after all the family was here and our wonderful party, but mostly it is my concerns for my neighbor lady that had the amputations last Friday.  She is doing as well as can be expected, but it is a very tough go for her.  We inquired about going to visit her, and we're actually relieved when the family said it would be best to wait at least a couple of weeks.  I felt it best to let her rest and do what she needs to do with her rehab, but did not want her to think we did not care enough to go.  She told her family it has been much harder than she thought it would be!  Bless her heart, I can only try to imagine what she is going through.  Her name is Pam if you feel like adding her to your prayer list.  She has a rough row to hoe. 

JUNE, I truly understand what you were saying about leaving things up to God to decide, but I do understand that it is important to help him out too by doing what you can.  We love you and want you to feel better so you can enjoy your days.  HUGS. 

LARRY, I am sorry to read the problems you have had with your stair lift.  I do hope after this trip the repair man has it working well and it will not give you any more problems. 

AMY, that johnny cake sure is tasty, thank you for sharing.  I am sure glad your hubby did not hurt himself any worse than he did when he fell....any that you were able to help him up even though it was certainly not easy in the small space.  I hope the Meds adjustment will do the trick and he will start feeling much better. 

JANE, those leg cramps are the worse.....I can see your doggies just laying low when their mama is "owowowing" all over the place!  I feel sad for you having to pay those bills.....  we do fine on a day to day basis, but when something extra comes up, i.e. Medical bills or having to buy new tires or the like, it kinda puts one into a bit of a panic.  Sometimes my Meds do it too.....they are so darn expensive and I am not even taking the ones that my endocrinologist wants me to.  No way can I afford over  1K a month!  Just can not happen. 

SHIRLEY, the next time you need a little pity party, just give me a call and we can commensurate together.  I, too, know I have no business feeling anyway but extremely blessed, but that sometimes might be the real issue.  I am doing so well and so many others in my circle are not......makes me sad and leaving me feeling kind of overwhelmed.  Did you get my email about the snow on Monarch yesterday?  Crazy weather! 

Well, it is time to get my noodles put in to my chicken noodle soup I have prepared for dinner. 

Have a good rest of your night, EVERYFRIEND.
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

June Drabek

Good afternoon dear friends, I did it, I called down stairs and said I would like a conference with one of the R.N.'s, they said to come right on down..that there were two R.N.'s on duty so I could have my choice. As it turned out, both of them wanted to hear my story. I spent nearly an hour with them. Blood oxygen level was perfect, heart , lungs. all O.K. Blood pressure was at it's usual high level, so the doctor , on the phone, told them to give me a pill to bring it downI was excused for two hours then they want to do another pressure reading. Dr. wanted me in the hospital for more tests, perhaps overnight, and I refused. That's one thing I will not accept...I have had too many miserable experiences in hospitals.

So, that is my story of obeying some of your suggestions, and I thank you for the push....

Weather here has been great...still need the a/c, but not as constant as before.

Amy, you do have good neighbors that you can call on in emergency. In my area of the country there are so many law suits many folks are afraid to offer help. In some areas we don't know our neighbors name. I grew up in a very small town in Mn. and everyone knew everyone else.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Jenny,  #2 son and dil flew to Denver this morning for their anniversary weekend and are supposed to be at the baseball game.  She posted a Facebook picture about 6:15 Denver time and it looks as if the clouds are moving in.   Hope it didn't/doesn't get rained out!  They're sitting on the third row right next to the Rockies dugout!

JaneS,  impressive list of accomplishments.  You deserve all the loafing and Zzzzz you can get!

June,  hooray for taking advice and talking to the RNs.   The only quibble I have about your refusal to go to the hospital is that they might be able to do tests there that can't be done in the med office where you live. 
I suspect it would comfort us all to know what's causing your continued lethargy and sleepiness.

Shirley and LLoyd,  your rainstorms are sneaking over the state line but the 6:00 weather guru was a little "iffy" about their reaching this area.  Could you please wave a towel or something and shoo them south?

Sleep well Everyfriend and have pleasant dreams.


It's my turn to read the lesson tomorrow so I think I'll take one more practice run on the dogs and then go to bed a bit early tonight.

CALLIE, my list looks impressive but it's padded with naps and loafing.  It really was a pretty easy day.  And the weather was gorgeous with a high of 79º and a light breeze blowing.  I had all the windows and doors open and it was heavenly!  It's supposed to be like this all week!  I really should do something special with such a special week.

Good night Everyfriend and may God bless us, every one

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


June, you asked about the sliders.... yes, I have the kind for wood floors (with carpet on bottom) and the kind for carpet that are slick on bottom.  The bigger ones worked best for me, I used to move furniture to clean under... not so much anymore  ;).  Not sure where I got my sliders, was before Amazon Prime when I shopped local stores.  If your furniture tries to slide off, cut some of that rubber like roll of no skid stuff & put inside before putting the furniture foot in place.  I have that no skid stuff under every vase or nic-knack in the house & RV, as well as drawers & shelves in the RV.  I even made pants hangers with a section of the newspaper rolled around a hanger, then wrap that no skid stuff around a couple times & needle & thread, sew it in place.  Pants don't fall off at all, even bouncing in the cabinets in the RV.  No creases 'cause I make the rolls fairly thick.   

Jane, check to see what changes they made with your insurance.  My BC/BS still pays the 20% that Medicare doesn't cover.  My son's MIL uses Humana & they handle what Medicare does for me, plus the 20% I pay BC/BS to cover.  Don't really know how it works but Humana controls all of her health insurance.  Years ago we had terrible company insurance, never covered anything so I didn't go to the doctor for 7 years one spell.  Most of the time when the kids got sick it was "out of pocket"....  We had a hot one today but cooler for the next week.   :clap:

I'm dreading the "out go" the next few months, house insurance, car & RV (separate) insurance plus the personal proper tax & vehicle tags... then house taxes, big chunks of money.  I called about house insurance, don't know how they came up with $2500 deductible, but unless a major storm, no sense having coverage!  Last roof we put on is lifetime, but that didn't bring the price of insurance down.  I went from 2 cars to 1,  got a new car with 7 year warranty and they paid me a big chunk of money extra for my trades...... I had just paid insurance & they wanted several hundred MORE for the one because I didn't have "multi car discount".  Cas' (Enclave) had just roll over 8,000 miles & my Escape had 9,000 miles.... both with every option, limited, etc.... and had to pay extra for this little Encore~~ no question the 2 were worth more than the new one.  Insurance is not a favorite topic.  I wanted a little car for town.

Callie, just heard that KC area is flooding again.  Rain just keeps rolling through, lots of thunder & lightning.  Need to go take my Sat night bath, think I'll get a couple candles & matches handy.  Hope not needed or the hair dryer won't work.   :crazy: :eek:

Jenny, thrilled with the view of snow on Monarch Pass.... Not your normal August weather.  Gloria & I will be doing our happy dance! 


CALLIE, I thought sure you were going to say that your son and DIL were in Leadville at Boom Days!  😘

I am not sure if the storm included the downtown area or not, but I sure hope they were not rained on, or at least it was not thunder and lightning that made them delay the game.  It is rather cool out tonight so I hope they brought jackets. 

JUNE, happy to read you did go to see the nurses.  I hope the pill worked and your bp was down at a safer level.  I know you do not like going to the hospital, and that is understandable, however, it might be a good idea to go and let them do what they feel is needed.  We just want you to be well enough to enjoy your days.  My prayers are stepped up a bit for you.  Oh, and I think you will like the furniture sliders.  They do make it easy to slide a larger item and save the floors from damage as well. 

Sleep well, JANE. We sure want you to be all rested up for your reading of the lesson tomorrow.  BTW, no leg cramps tonight, OK? 

SHIRLEY, I thought you would like to see and read about the snow.  I just hope it is not a omen that we are in for an early winter, even though I know that would thrill you and Gloria! 

Sleep well EVERYFRIEND. 
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"