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September 27, 2024, 07:38:04 PM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for August 15, 2018

Started by so_P_bubble, August 14, 2018, 11:09:01 PM

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Good morning everyone.

Foggy here this morning, sure hope it won't be tomorrow morning as we are on the road early! We are off to the Dr. this morning, will stop at a vegetable stand to see if they have peaches then home.

Shirley, yes the mustard will last for a while in the fridge.....I always make a double batch as we enjoy it along with family members too.
Thank you for the link will check it out in a bit.

June I is so nice to hear you have your bounce back in your step . You are one amazing lady!!

Joy, you have had this for a while, can the Dr give you something to chase it away for good? Good to see you here too!

Gloria, I agree and as long as the snow doesn't get too deep my clothes will be hung out. I am so looking forward to cooler weather, I love the Spring ,Fall and yes even the Winter.

I had better go get ready, I am happy this is not a real early appointment. Maybe I can have some time to can peaches or make jam afterwards.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


 :)Good Morning Everyfriend!  The doggies and I are just sitting here waiting for the boinger and breakfast.  They've been out, had their pills and I have coffee so all's well with our world.

SHIRLEY, about the mustard...I can't answer that question because I make a double batch and put it in mustard size jars and into the canner for about 15 minutes...just long enough to seal.  Then, when I open it to use, it's not in the fridge more than a week or so.  Does that help?  Maybe Amy will be along to give you a better idea.

I take the doggies out first thing every morning and last thing every night and I wait with them while they "do their thing".  I've discovered that where I sit, I often see the sun come up in the morning and if it's a clear night, I can see millions of stars in the sky.  It occurred to me that these are two very good, very quiet times to indulge in conversations with our Lord.  It's starts my day off right and it ends my day well. 

I haven't figured out what to get into today but there's lots out there calling my name.  Whatever you do today, do it with joy in your heart.  Grab the day and make it your own!

WELL!  I tried to post and there was AMY with a great "mustard answer"!!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. hope you all are having a great day just as you like it.
I have re loaded Skype and had a good visit with peter. I wish more of you would do Skype with me. what we have is good in S & F but seeing one like we do in person. I am sure you would come on line dressed descent as i do. peter;s
wife even comes in and waves and smiles bidding a good day. we enjoying our visits also comparing defferant  things , same word spieled defferant meanings
and such. see you later.



G'Morning All.
                   Just looking in to tell you that Lloyd is back on 'Skype' again, I have just spent ages having  a good old 'Natter' with him, he is looking a lot better than the last time we spoke !, must rush now, we have been talking longer than I thought ! and now i'm getting moaned at cos I have delayed my other half from making some 'Welsh Rarebit' !, oh dear, in trouble again !!  >:(..  Cheers.  Roley.


Hi Everyone. It is a bright and sunny morning and no rain in the forecast.  We expect to get into the low 90's this afternoon.  As usual on a Monday morning I don't feel very peppy and didn't get up until after 8 am, which is really late for me.  However, there is nothing pressing today and so will just take things easy and rest.  The tech will be here sometime after 11 this morning to check out my oxygen concentrator, which takes about 10 minutes.  I have no plans to go anywhere today. 

We had a very nice Church service yesterday.  Our Church is having a three day adult Bible School conducted by a retired minister named Ed Killbourne, who is a wonderful story teller and song writer.  He did the adult Bible School about this time last year with around 40 adults in attendance and it was really enjoyed so he was book to come back this year.  I elected not to attend as going for a three hour session three days in a row is just too much for me anymore.  Yesterday he did the children's time and then preached the sermon and then did a special concert last night. 

Joy, so sorry to read that you had another week of dealing with health issues.  They certainly take a toll on ones energy and wanting to do things.  I hope you were able to enjoy the outside yesterday.

Phyllis, we also had a much more humid day yesterday and expect more this week with higher temperatures.  However, I am not outside much so really can't complain.  I am hoping for some rain in the next few days so I don't have to water my yard again.  The shrubbery grow very quickly during the summer months especially with as much rain as we have enjoyed here in the East this summer.

Amy, thanks for the link for the Patriotspoint and I will check it out.  Do many people up your way still hang their laundry out to dry instead of using a dryer?  I haven't seen an outdoors clothesline for many years. 

Lloyd, good to see you got the Skype working again. 

Roley, hope you weren't in too much trouble with your wife for the long conversation with Lloyd. 

Callie, nice of you do take on the computer jobs for an organization and the HOA.  In the past I always seemed to be the one to do the special projects and did enjoy doing them.  However, I no longer have any of those responsibilities and am not looking for any. Hope you enjoyed the birthday dinner. 

Shirley, when our second microwave in our previous home that was over the stove burned out we bought a very inexpensive one that was small and did everything we needed to be done.  It sat in the corner of the cabinet. We had gotten the same small microwave for Stacey as she had little room in her kitchen in the apartments.  It served her as long as she needed it and then we gave it to her friend in the apartments along with a lot of her furniture.  Pat and I discussed last evening about the disadvantage of living on a States border as we get the political ads from both Georgia and South Carolina with a little more than 2 months to go before the General Elections.  I can just visualize you having to go to bed with those boots on.  :)

Jane, glad you have a ready source for your microwave problems.  It is nice your son is able to fix appliances for you or replace them.  I think most people sit in about the same place in Church each Sunday.  We always sit toward the back of the Church as it is easier for Pat not to have to wait so long to exit the Church.  We usually stay in line to speak to the Pastor and shake his hand. 

Mary Ann, a table top microwave would be good for you and they have some pretty small ones.  I can't remember when Pat actually cooked something in the microwave other than finish cooking something that didn't get as done as needed. Ours is basically for reheating.  As I was growing up we had a nearby neighbor who went by the name of Tuck.  I hadn't thought of him in many years.  Unfortunately he was killed in a farm accident when his tractor turned over and pinned him to the ground.  It was a sad time in our small community as everyone knew basically everyone else. 

June, it appears you are once again being able to enjoy your life in your retirement community.  That was some dinner they served you and there sure would be no reason to go away from the table hungry.  Even though your laundry room is free for the residents I am happy that you have chosen to let them do your laundry so you have time for more important things and are not wearing yourself out doing the laundry. 

deAngel, I am at the point in life where the simpler the appliance is the better I like it. We basically use the same setting all the time with the appliances so don't have a need for all the bells and whistles, although ti seems that is the way most appliances come anymore.  Hope your appointment with your pulmonary doctor goes well today. 

Mary Ann

Larry, I think I might make something in the microwave if I could lift the dish out of the oven.  As it is, if it does't have a handle (cup) or isn't a plate, I let Tom take care of things.  Ours is mostly for heating my coffee water or reheating food.  We do fix corn on the cob in the microwave and if we've bought a ham slice, we put that on a plate to heat it.  Tom's tastes are much different than mine as his lean to salsa and SW spices.  I like casseroles and I'd make small ones so they didn't last forever and a day.  I do have enough room for a small microwave away from the range and overhead microwave.  Tom would still use the overhead microwave.

We had a nice storm overnight.  I slept through most of it.  Tom and I put the covers on my new deck furniture, not expecting wind, so we didn't anchor the covers.  This morning, the cover was off the table onto my amaryllis, one chair cover was off and so was the back cushion.  i had placed a small waste basket to get some rainwater and I think there was an inch of water in it, if that much.  Next time we will have to batten down the hatches whether we expect wind or not.  I suppose we're lucky the covers didn't go off the deck because it is an elevated deck.

Mary Ann


Good morning everyone, noisy around here today. Moving cars and cleaning the parking lot getting ready to surface it again, gets ts done every year, then they paint the stripes on it. Of course the witch is taking the week off so she will escape the noise and smell.  Going into a heat wave for the rest of the week, already 80° and with heat index by the end of the day will fee close to 100°. AC s on already and about 1pm I will have my shades down against the sun.

LLOYD  when I cannot remember something my daughter tells me I have so much memory installed in my brain it is hard searching for it. I will go with that. Our brains are on overload that is why we cannot pull up what we want. Yesterday was the last nice day for this week.

LARRY  I always loved pictures of the west. My FIL had a subscription of Arizona Highways and he let me borrow them to drool over. My daughter sent a subscription to me for Christmas for years and one of their calendars for years. She started years ago putting all the dates on it for me and did it for herself, too. Now the magazine is about half the size it used to be so told her not to send it anymore, can look at it online.

JOY  I sure know how it feels not to get enough sleep. At times I have trouble sleeping and am not nice to be around.

PHYLLIS  August is going to go out with it's last bit of hot and humid weather. According to the forecast today we are to have rain and possible thunder storms on Labor day. I had read years ago that the Native Americans when weaving blankets or anything they always put a flaw in it for evil to escape.

AMY  opened both sites in new windows and will check them later. Makes me wish I could go camping again.

CALLIE  I don't contribute much here but I post anyway. We always want to see you here.

SHIRLEY  my 20 year old microwave did not make it here but it worked for the little I did with it. My some gave me a bigger one when I moved here and in a couple of months the 1 and 2 buttons did not work. Good thing there is a button to add 30 seconds. You have my support with this steamy weather. Going out the door feels like walking into a sauna. I will not be going out today at all. My AC is running and comfortable in here. Wonder if we are the only 2 who look forward to winter and dislike this summer weather. I passed on my greatgrandson's birthday party, can not take a bunch of little ones running around anymore.

JANE  right now I have tomatoes from both sons and really have been getting my fill of them, No matter what I make to eat I have at least 1 tomato along with it. Have a lot of cherry tomatoes, too.Grab a few every time I go into the kitchen.

JUNE  will watch  your link when I finish here. I do not think you would like the 40inches of rain that parts of Hawaii had last week.

GLORIA  de  are you having this heat wave we are in here? Only the first day of it and I feel cooped up in here already.

SHIRLEY  like with the other link I will check your out later.

It is now afternoon and my CNA is not here yet. 15 minutes late, Maybe she is trying to find a place to park. half of the parking lot is closed off for the repaving.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


This sure has been a day I do not wish to repeat!! Dr said hubby has shingles :( Mercy me that poor man as if he doesn't have enough on his plate! Came home to find the pup (7yrs old) licking the fur off her hind foot! Gave her a Benadryl and phoned the vet, we have an appointment this Thur  ..I told the girl that we do have an appointment on the 13 of Sept but this can't wait that long. So she gave us this with the understanding that we would still have to come for her needles on the 13th.....well so be it. BUT I do have a fantastic vet and it wouldn't surprise me if she said she would do it all on the 30th.

I did pick up 6 - 6 qt baskets of lovely peaches so I guess they with be done Wed as tomorrow we have to be on the road at 6 am. for hubby's eye appointment in the city. We are taking our dogs with us as it is an early appointment and the neighbours that usually look after them also have their hands full. His Mom had 3 stents put in today so when we come home tomorrow we will look after their animals.

Managed to get the back yard grass cut and cut really short with hopes that whatever Babe is allergic to is cut off!

I am going to say good night and good morning to you as I won't be on in the morning..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hello Everyfriend!  Called off work and spent the day with Drs.  Everything is OK and I'm going to go check out the zzzzs on the sofa.  I'm beat right down to my sox...if I only knew where my sox are!  Enjoy your evening!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, hope you are feeling better

Amy, I am so sorry to hear about your husband Just take care of yourself.  Alos hope, the vet could help your puppy

Yes Gloria, we are suppose to have a heat wave, and then cool off for the weekend wirh showers. There is suppose to be the big Indian Powwow, this week end, Indians come from all over the US and Canada. It very interesting When I had my ceramic studio. some of the women from the tribe would come and make a lot of ceramics gifts to sell.They would bring me samples of some of the foods they sold like Indian pudding chowder and corn dishes.

MaryAnn, I use my micro wave all the time, one mear I make when I have company is stuffing cranberry and chicken breast, every one has liked the dish or so they say

June the doctor just said if I do not have anything further my heart just grows weaker. I understand what he is saying. they want me to go up the Island to a heart hospital. BUT he also admitted the dye they have to use might give me kidney failure again

Larry, IHOP, has been open for over month and I still have not been in,  There is over a 20 min wait, so we go to Friendlies.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

June Drabek

Janie, I pray all is well with you. Sounds scary to have you call off work. You  and Amy are always the strong young one around here.

I didn't have a good day. Not enough sleep last night, and just an uneasy feeling today. I did go down for lunch, but it seemed too heavy so only ate half. I won't order enchilladas again. I'm going to have a light supper cold cereal, a banana, and maybe some ice cream.

Mary Ann, I am having trouble with my microwave too...it works fine, but it is dangerously high, so I am going to have to change the way I heat things. A large bowl of soup could be a disaster, so when I open a can of soup, I will have to divide it in cups with handles...the whole can is too much to begin with. My kitchenette is one of those factory built things. They put the the microwave too high, and the small refrigerator-freezer is so low it is hard to use. I no longer find getting on my knees is possible.m So, I will eat downstairs more often I guess. I am entitled to three meals a day, but I use just the lunch hour. Will have to change my ways. The older we get the harder it is to accept the fact that we have to make changes.

Gloria de, my sweet friend.I like your doctor. I get the feeling he doesn't want to take chances with your heart and kidneys, and I agree. Too much medical can weaken us even more, so I say, "Let Go and Let GOD." He made us, He loves us, and so I leave myself entirely in His Hands.

Time to have my light supper and off to bed and book. Hugs, Love and Prayer. June

As long as we are here, let's dance.

Mary Ann

Amy, if it doesn't rain, it pours,  I'm sorry to hear of your husband's shingles,  And Jane, good for you calling off work today.

I join June with not feeling too good today.  I don't feel ill, I just don't feel good and it is nearing my bedtime and I'm headed in that direction.  First I have to get the cat's food.

Mary Ann


A late evening HELLO.

It was a busy Monday for me.... I just had to come in to see how EVERYFRIEND is doing. 

AMY, I am so sorry to read that your hubby now has shingles.  Bless his heart.  I do hope it is in a spot that is not too, too uncomfortable for him.  I hope the doc gave him meds and a steroid that will lighten the itching.  Has he had the shingles shot? 

JANE, if you called in to work you must not be doing well at all.  I hope you can get some rest and feel better in the morning. 

JUNE AND MARYANN, I hope you both get a good night of rest and will awaken feeling much better tomorrow.

GLORIA de, I am sorry that you are having the high temps in your area.  It sounds miserable.  Your heart issue is not good..... I am sorry that you do not have better options. Hugs to you.

Tomorrow is our dear Joan’s Birthday.  She would have been 81.  I have mailed a picture of her Grandson, Finlay to BUBBLE I hopes she can post it for all to see.  He certainly has grown up.  I mailed it to Pat Scott, but she is not able to do it, so she suggested you, Bubble.  I do hope you have received it.

Pleasant dreams to all. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I sympathize with anyone who is suffering or dealing with pain in any way.  I wish you all well!  You are all in my prayers.

JENNY, I turned 83 this year and I thought Joan and I were the same age.  If she would be 81 today, she was more than 2 years younger than I am.  Finley and my Kiran are the same age so I suppose I won't be as shocked at his growth as some of you will be.

I will be taking tomorrow off also and maybe Friday.  We shall see.  I've managed to injure my back so there isn't much to do right now.  Nothing is broken so that's a blessing!  But sitting isn't one of my favorite positions right now so I don't know how much I'll be on line. 

Grab this day and make it your own.  Do with it as you wish!  And may God's love follow you wherever you go!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. I am slow getting around today. got involved in a good movie Last evening  so slept in making up for it this A M. sun is bright and clear today current 78º and going to the mid 90º ty's.  JaneS i am with you. but I have a high Torrance for pain. if i miss and hit my finger just put in mm mouth for a min. and let heal on it's own. have a great day. stay off of the ladder and roof.



Hi Everyone. It is another sunny morning but will become partly cloudy later today with a high in the mid-90's.  There isn't a too likely chance of rain until perhaps this evening.  I have nothing to write about yesterday as we just stayed home and rested, which seems to be  the norm on Mondays for me.  I hope today Pat will want to go for a haircut and then I will suggest to her that we stop and have our main meal out.  We finished the last of the homemade TV type dinners we had in the freezer last night.  I do have an appointment with a friend who will be here around 10 am this morning and he is very punctual.  All of that will be plenty for today.

Mary Ann, if I recall correctly we only paid around $50 or $50 for the small microwave at Walmart.  If you have room it could be wise for you to invest in one and perhaps avoid getting burned in trying to remove items from the one you have.  Fortunately Pat and I both are tall enough to use the over the range microwave we have. 

Gloria, a few weeks ago when I went to pick up my friend at the assisted living home they were resurfacing their parking lot and all of the staff had to park where visitor normally parked.  I had to call him and come out and get into the car quite away from the door.  Glad to hear your apartment is staying cool on such hot days.  I use the same reasoning when I can't think of something anymore and it works for me.  My friends, who are mainly in my age range, seem to understand.  :)  My grandparents had good friends who lived in Arizona and they went out there on occasion.  They also got the Arizona magazine and I enjoyed looking at the beautiful pictures. I am not a big fan of tomatoes but Pat really likes them.  I eat them but would not eat them alone.  On the news last night they said some places in Hawaii got over 50 inches of rain.  I think I heard there is another storm that may be headed toward them out in the Pacific. 

Amy, when it rains it seems to poor in the health department for your poor husband.  That reminds me that I need to get the new shingles shot and another pneumonia shot.  I understand the new shingles shot requires two dosages.  I will get them done at the Walmart pharmacy.  I guess it is also time for the flu shot for the upcoming season.  Oh my poor arm!!  I would wager that your neighbors mother will be feeling much better getting the stents placed.  Fortunately there isn't a long recovery period required, at least there wasn't for me as I had several stents put in. 

Jane, glad you are taking some time to let your back heal.  I do hope you find your sox!

deAngel, that sounds like quite an affair you have with the Indian Powwow.  If you have mentioned it I have forgotten that you once had a ceramic studio.  Our former neighbor had her own kiln in her garage and did a lot of ceramics including making dolls. Pat took lessons from her and made quite a few things including a doll and a pair of grandma and grandpa dolls that sit on a small bench in the corner of our living area.  I told my new cardiologist last week that I know my heart continues to weaken and I really don't expect he to do anything else, including going back into the cath lab as have been told by two of my previous cardiologists that further caths were not in the cards unless they could possibly  save my life in the event of another heart attack.  He mentioned doing another echo but will discourage him as just knowing my ejection factor continues to decrease is not going to change anything.  I don't blame you for staying away from IHOP until the crowds lessen with time.  We have only had to wait once at IHOP here and it wasn't a long wait and there was a place to sit. 

June, sorry to read that yesterday wasn't a good day for you and hope today finds you feeling better.  I would sure hate to give up enchiladas as I really like them. I agree with you to "Let Go and Let God". 

Jenny, I am sure we all miss Joan but she certainly put up a long and brave fight.  I remember all of those pictures she shared of Finlay when he was small but it has been a long time since the last pictures and know he has grown a lot over the year.   

Lloyd, you must have a high tolerance for pain if you can hit your finger and continue to work.  When will you be getting your motor home? 


Good morning everyone. Already 78° so another day to stay in with the AC running. Oh well September will be here soon and hopefully it will start cooling down.

AMY  Prayers for your hubby. He sure has more than enough health problems but he is fortunate to have a wife like you. Hope the peaches you bought are freestone ones. These days I am glad I no longer can peaches, even at the few peach orchards around they no longer have the freestone ones. Today's peaches are impossible to cut in half.

JANE  hope your ZZZZs worked and you feel better today.

JENNY  you really remember everyone's birthday. The ones who did
PSP and made the cards had a list of them but I never kept it. Seems I do remember Lloyd's birthday was the day after.

JANE it is hard sitting for long when your back hurts. One reason it takes me so long to post. I have to keep getting up and moving around or lay on the couch.

LARRY small staff here and the witch is taking this week off. Maintenance man has his own spot. They did paint the yellow stripes for the parking spots and the blue handicap spots on the ground, was almost dark when they finished. Today I think the let it dry good and tonight the cars get moved back to this side and they will pave the other half.

Have a good day and keep cool.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Tuesday Morning, Everyone!

The weather here in Maine will be hot but not
too humid for the next three days,  and then
the temps will get down into the 70's  daily and
then Fall will start to show up and the weather
should be nice for a few weeks.   

My kind of nice " Sweater Weather" beginning
to set in....    Hooray! 

Have a good day,  Everyone...
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

I have read all your good messages,but I neglected to take notes. I was busy most of the morning. watering plants, gathering junk from four wastebaskets to be picked up by the trash person, and all the regular duties of prayer time, singing a hymn, eating brealfast. dressing. I am findingi it difficult to button up my shirt,and of course I missed the third button down so had to start over again. The saying is, button up, but I button down, don't you ????

So with all that nonesense done  I am waiting till 12:15 to go down for lunch. I will have to take a walk then, to stay awake so I go to a dining room meeting at 2 p.m. THEN I will fly back to my Nest and settle in with bed and book and nap.

Janie,I pray you will soon be all healed up, and then if possible, to slow down a bit.You are still young and lively, and I pray you stay that way for years to come,
As long as we are here, let's dance.


It's time I jolted myself back to the reality of the present and let my friends know what's happening in my life. I will leave my respite care where I have spent the past several weeks and return to London and take up permanent residence at the Chartwell retirement home. The impact on my life will be tremendous;I'll no longer be able to terrorize medical students in the Standardised Patient Programme, something in which I've been involved almost from its beginning. My santa days are over as well, almost 20 years although maybe I can raise interest in my new home.  My Theatrical involvement is no more but in that regard I can take with me the memory of garnering an award on my last performance. Leaving this behind saddens me more than I can express, but life has been good.


Is this the place where you
will be living Don?


Looks good ...  I hope that  you are able to
enjoy it.


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

Don, I am confident that you will adjust to your new life style, as I have, and hundreds like us.You are going to find new like-minded friends and they are going to be so lucky to meet and get to know you. You have so much to offer with your out-going personality. I would love to have you as a neighbor, and others there will feel as I do. And our family here on the  computer will always be here with you, sharing our thoughts and feelings. Look forward to your new and enchanting life style Don,you will love it, I am confident of that. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

Larry if every thing goes as planed we should have every thing in place in two weeks. and be able to pay the balance, we have already made a $500.00 down payment.  thank God our new ac is working very good. high here today was 96º
and now @9:26 PM 85º. good Night and sweet dreams.


Lloyd Hammond

well i do not know what is going on. last message i see is what i posted yesterday to Larry. hope you all are having a good day.



Good morning everyone..

First thank you for your good thoughts and prayers for hubby.All one can do is take it one day at a time. (song in there)  The rass wasn't discovered in time for meds but is now drying up......hope no more repeats.

Jane, I am sorry to hear you have back trouble, nothing worse than that and I wish you a speedy recovery.

For the past two nights we have had storms, first night was worse than last night. Today is to get the first batch of peaches done into jams  so I had better get at them and tomorrow I will can the  other ones.

Glooria, yes these are freestones, would have it any other way!

Enjoy your day everyone..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I am going to try and post a photo of Joans Grandson for Jenny..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Amy thanks nice looking young Man. Have a great day.



Hi Everyone.  Our morning starts out overcast but we will see the sun today.  There is a possibility of some rain this afternoon.  The only thing on our agenda for today will be to try to get haircuts (if the man Pat likes to have cut her hair is working today) and then we will once again so to Ruby Tuesday's to take advantage of the buy one get one offer that is good only for today.  This is Scott's day off and we are hoping he will want to join us and then likely he will be coming out to the house for a little while. Yesterday was a quiet day.  A little after two pm I made a quick trip to IHOP and got us a Colorado Omelet to bring home to share with some hash browns.  It is made with three eggs and was loaded with different meats.  I don't know how one person could really eat a whole one as it made a meal for both Pat and I.

Gloria, why are there no freestone peaches now available in your area.  We got some freestone and non-freestone peaches that were grown around here earlier this year and both were good.  They were so juicy that I had to eat some of them while leaning a bit over the kitchen sink.  After I sit at the computer for any length of time I try to get up and walk a bit.  I have set a goal of 1,000 steps a day and just checked and see that for the first time in several days I was a few steps short of my goal yesterday and will try to do better today. Your maintenance man must be happy to have his own spot and not have to work out of the same office as the manager. 

June, it sounds like you had a busy morning yesterday.  Sometimes I am surprised at how much time something takes me to do anymore that once was an easy and quick job.  It sounds like you follow a daily routine of things you do.  I am also a person who likes routine in my life as it gives me a sense of at least accomplishing something for my day.  I am glad that men's clothing usually have larger buttons than women's clothing.  Sometimes when I hang things up from the dryer I have a real problem with those buttons on Pat's blouses and the buttonholes seem to be vertical while the men's buttonholes are horizontal. I bet we all would enjoy having Don as a neighbor and share a dining table with him. 

Don, how great it is to see your posting as feel it must mean you are gaining strength.  I bet it won't take you long to make new friends and I hope you can really enjoy this next phase of your life in the retirement home.  I know you must have many happy memories of your acting days, playing Santa and doing your wonderful Classical music program.  With the Internet I am sure you will find all of your favorite classical pieces to listen to.  I just looked at the website of where you are going and it looks like a luxury hotel.  It reminds me of the retirement home my former boss in Kansas City lives in that is a Methodist Retirement home and very nice including the ability to order ala carte from the menu. 

Sandy, thanks for the link to the Chartwell site. I will certainly look at it as nice to have an idea of where our friend live.     

Lloyd, it sounds like it is time to get the maps out and start planning your travels.  You are hotter there than we are here in the South.  I do remember that Missouri weather and humidity and working out in the field in the midst of the summer heat and the winter cold. 

Amy, glad to read that the shingles are drying up for your husband.  It sounds like it is time for you all to get some good weather after two nights of storms.  Thanks for posting the picture of Joan's grandson Finlay.  He is certainly a nice looking young man.   


I read this today and thought it was worthy of being shared and it certainly hits the nail on the head as to what we have experienced over the years.

The Stranger:

A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family.

The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on. As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family.  In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger....was our storyteller.

He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future!

He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry.

The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.   Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home â€"not from us, our friends or any visitors.

Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.   My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished.

He talked freely, much too freely about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and even embarrassing.   I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.

His name?....

We just call him 'TV.'


Good morning everyone, supposed to be the hotest today than even yesterday. Not a day for fresh air just for AC air inside. Weather  guesser said it will feel like 105° this afternioon. They will be doing the other half of the parking lot today. Can really see the difference in the 2 sides.

SANDY  in all the years we went to Ferry Beach at the end of the Saco river was it so hot no one was on the beach, the sand was so hot you would burn your feet.

JUNE  hope today is a good day for you. I always thought that "button up" meant to shut your mouth or shut up. I button blouses down and unbutton the same way.

DON  so very good to see your post this morning. With your personality you will soon have new freinds at Chartwell and maybe get them to put on some skits for others to enjoy. Even get your Santa suit on to entertain all the grandkids of the others at Christmas. I wish you the best at your new home.

AMY  glad you got freestones, they even taste better. For several years now in the markets they come from California or the southern east states. The only olace I find freestones are at the farm I like and I don't know where they get them, the have no peach trees. Thanks for posting Finlay's picture. He is quite the young man now.

LARRY  our maintenance man is great, he was hired before this building opened. The witch is always on his back, the word going around is that she wants to get rid of him and hire a family member, there is an apartment with 2 bedrooms that go with the job. When ours was hired he had a daughter still at home with his wife and him.

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