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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for August 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, August 15, 2021, 12:04:56 AM

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Shirley, I don't know about more of the same hair as I am all pickled out at the moment. The end results have 15 jars cooling on the counter. I have an order put in for #2 size cucumbers and will do 12 quarts of those in dills and that is it. Should keep Kyle in pickles for the winter. Need to get about 30 lbs of beets and he will be well pickled .  :2funny:

Patricia, love the photos of your family. We have the a/c going here this morning,of course I didn't help much with all the cooking and canning but it is cooling off in here now.

Jenny,this time will seem to go so slow at first then it will be surgery day. In no time you will be back to PT and then everything will hopefully be as good as new again. You have had more than enough on your plate lately and tis time for things to go easier for you.

Think supper will be a quicky tonight..bacon and eggs with a side of homefries and baked beans it will be..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Thanks Amy, I added four more of my grandparents in the early nineteen hundreds. My grandmother didn't get the memo not to laugh in photos!




Well, I'm sleepy and ready for the haystack.  I feel like I didn't do much today except a couple of walks with Cooper and a casserole for supper.  Of course, I did do 4 short errands, too.  I picked up a prescription, dropped off some dog food for the pet shelter, picked up coffee from Starbucks and stopped at Davy's.  I guess I'm allowed to be tired.

It rained hard off and on all day and it will continued off and on all night and all day tomorrow.  I might try to make a quick trip to WM to get a hair cut tomorrow.  It's waaaaaay past time! But that's a big IF!

PATRICIA, I looked at your pictures and I love them.  I have some of my grandmother's family when they were growing up and they are so solemn! 

I think I'll sign off before my eyes decide to enter slam shut stage.  I can never see when they do tha!  I wonder why?  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, looks like I had another sleepy day yesterday. Woke very early  this morning. Yesterday Yvet te woke me when she called from down in the foyer. Today I will be up and dressed when she gets here.

LLOYD  I would love to walk on the beach again, just where the waves wash up on the sand. Ahh the aroma of the ocean water. Enjoy your trip and drive careful.

SHIRLEY  hope your banana cake turned outt wonderful. Wish I had the energy to make piecrust from scratch again, Dislike those bought ones, never flakey they way they should be. Yvette can cook OK but not bake. I always liked doing both but canot stand on my own 2 feet anymore.

JANE  rain is due to start this morning and  Tstorms early afternoon.  I know when my DIL called me to tell me she just got home from the vet where she had "MY" dog put to sleep. That was 7 or  8 years ago and when I go to Mike's I still look for her.

AMY  Mike does not have many apple trees left after 3 years of lat e frost killing the blossoms and the a year with the gypsy moth caterpillars. Don't know if any other areas were hit like we were. This is the second time I remember them denuding trees. They can strip a big tree in a day. Not one leaf left  on them. He now goes just over the border into Conn. to pick apples and he always bring me some. Still miss picking a Mac off the tree, wiping it and biting into i t, nice and juicy and tart. Only time to really enjoy a Mac, they get soft fast but the do make a tasty pie. 

JACKIE  I had my  son inst all a safety bar to make it easier to get into the tub at the apartment I had in his house. He just could not understand why I needed it. In this apartment there are rails all around the bathroom and a walk in shower. At times I would love to soak in a tub again.

PHYLLIS  who ever started calling old age the "golden years" must have been a very young person.  At least we do not have wo punch a timecard every day or drive to work in a snow storm or heavy traffic.

SANDY  glad these apartments have walk in showers. I would never be able to step over the side of a tub anymore. My son and DIL often tell me I can go to their home and get knto their whirlpool tub and I keep telling then I would never be able to get  in or out  of it.

PATRICIA  would love to start the day at 40 instead of the mid 70's. Only 53 apartments in this building on 3 floors. We have so many new tenamts since las t year and everyone wearing a mask  we don' t recognize each other. The witch insists everyone put a mask on before leaving our apartments. Sitting out  on the porch we  take them off but  still have to keep distance. Guess her precautions work because no one  in this place has had covid.

SHIRLEY  I always ask for no onions ov a burger. I always open the bun and if I see and onion I send it back. Raw  onions chase me to the bathroom to upchuck.

JENNY  I wish you the best on Friday. Have you asked how long the replacement shoulder will last? I never did and mine is now 10 years and still great. I hope you get a therapist af ter as good as the one I had. He made it fun and not work. We had a lot of laughs during those weeks.

PATRICIA  love those old photos. So good to see he smiles and not the somber faced posed photos.

Have a good day and keep safe and cool.  Think I will go back to bed for a few hours.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning...

Starting out at 61° with cotton ball clouds..

Need to go back into town after a customer stops in for a moment. While I was getting pickled yesterday he was getting their trug built and it will be ready to go tomorrow or Sat. If I don't soon bake Kyle will hike it to Shirley for some banana cake!!

Gloria, good to see  you this morning. I know how frustrating it is to do all that work in Mike's orchard only to have critters  destroy it. Maybe I should make pastry and some pies and buttertarts  with it.

Jane, did you get your potatoes at Davey's? The neighbour and I can't wait till we can dig into our potatoes and see how well /or not they have done.  I am also thinking on canning turnip ,that would also be handy to have on hand. Can throw it along with the potatoes in the air fryer. I am good at making work for me.

Better get a wiggle on it..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. the weather person is saying, 69º and sunny here but I do not see the sun. look's over cast to me but I see no sun so far. @ 6:58. I with two hitches got 7 hours of sleep I should say time with the mask on. But I am still tired. so do not know how I will go yet.



Lloyd Hammond...
...think i have your sun... ;) ...Been sitting outside my conservatory door on my newly delivered teak bench, and drinking a mug of tea while soaking up the sunshine...Only downside was my Multiple Sclerosis body would not allow me off the bench, and i so struggled to get myself back indoors...I had the motivation but my body had other ideas...

...oh how i would love to lay back in a bath again, and preferably with an Elemis muscle soak, or Radox...but i know very well from past experience, i would never get myself back out of it...


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Once more, I came out of my bedroom fully dressed, with my face washed and my teeth brushed and the bed made.  I wonder how long it's been since I've done that?

It's only going into the low 80s today and no rain.  Everyone in the neighborhood is mowing grass today.  I actually sat out on the porch for about 15 minutes this morning with my coffee. Then I came in and got busy.

AMY, they didn't have the baskets of potatoes yet so I bought corn and I have 8 jars in the canner that are about half done!  I haven't canned corn in a long time but the book says how to do it "cold pack" and I'm thinking that might be OK!  I'll try it and see and if I like it, I'll get some more before the corn is done.  It was pretty easy to do.... if the canner doesn't blow up!  I have a thing about pressure canners since I was in on it when my Mother had one blow up!  It hasn't stopped me but it sure does make me cautious!

Cooper isn't here today so I'm missing Mickie!  I know she's better but I'm not!  Yet!

I hope you all have a good day.... better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, your corn will taste a lot better than the store canned corn.  Toda's  pressure canners do have a safety feature built into them so no scrapping tomato sauces off the ceiling. Understand, I still think Peepers is going to call out  but know she too is in a better place. Golden girl is now running free of her pain too.

Today has been a mixed up one so far but hope to get something done before it disappears on me.Have all the jars labeled now to put them in the basement.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, 41° with steady rain and all five rivers running high this  August. Before that last disastrous flood in 1967, we, the villages, towns, and this city, often flooded in August. After 1967, they build the Chena Lakes's series of dams and flood plains.

The people moved off their homesteads filed suits, but we haven't had a major flood in this area since. In the early parts of this city's life, as a trading post, boomtown, and gold camp on through to incorporation, each September saw the rebuilding of all the connecting bridges.

Speaking of bridges, the city will finish those two major ones to the east and south in November! It's been a year of having to go all over town to get to market! The taxis have made a mint off of the two bridge rebuilds!


Jane, I didn't have a blow up but early after buying our first house was cooking a pot of beans & walked past, flipped that "dinger" off the top & beans dripped from the ceiling, down the back of the gas stove & all over the stove. You never saw such a mess! Cas was in college next town over so had to wait till he got home to help with the worst. THAT never happened again but it sure made me cautious. I do have a newer on that doesn't have a "dinger" on top, but it gets my respect!

Saw the falcon or hawk floating over head again just now. Tom & Tiger are in the house, I got the flea & tick stuff on them so keeping them separated so they won't try to clean each other off.

The monster diggers are digging for the pool next door, heavy equipment running all around. This house is fairly sound proof so I went out to see how it's going. Since they had to cut down 2 huge trees the cat digger had to get those roots out before being able to remove the sand. Cloudy but no rain showing on radar, their biggest fear is rain filling that hole & washing all the sand back in. Trucks are hauling off as fast as they can. And here I have a pool I'd love to donate! 

Amy, last night I looked at the 2 bananas left over & actually debated whether to make another cake or throw them away. They are too ripe for me but perfect for a cake. I controlled myself with memories of all those pots, pans, bowls & measuring stuff that had to be washed and decided I would wait until today to throw the bananas away when they were MUCH to ripe to use!

Jackie, my 86 year old friend is also having trouble getting up & down. All of a sudden it has hit her but know it is just getting old. Your teak wood bench sounds wonderful. Sorry you are getting to know "the aging process" before your time but sounds like you are doing better with the new place & help.  :thumbup:

Gloria, I was not the best pie crust maker, but one thing I did do a lot of. My fav is still those Golden delicious for pies & know you didn't approve  :-[  ... I like soft & sweet .... Do wish we could all sit around a big table & share our favorites! 

Aren't you girls even tempted to stick your fingers under those potato plants & pluck out a few little ones to boil for lunch? Oh, yum.... big chunk of butter~~~ I'll help~~

Back to doing what must be done.  Oops, Patricia, you jumped in. That was about the time the city of Wichita put in what we lovingly call "The Big Ditch". It is a by-pass for the Arkansas River excess to detour around the city. First dam is just west of my house about half a mile. I was assured that "even if the dam broke we would be safe from flooding because this area is 12 foot higher than downdown Wichita and as the water spread out, we were safe from any reaching our houses". That was welcome news because we had already signed the papers & paid for the house (company buy out of other house made that part  possible).

Lloyd Hammond

Good afternoon everyone. well I got energetic and went out and opened up the role up door on the box truck and picked up and re piled what lumber had fell over in the move here, and re arranged the tools so can get to them to use. only thing I will have to buy new that I see is a new thickness planer. I will go see the insurance co. lade and see if I can still turn in it as one of the stolen items. it sure is not here and do not see it as being on the sale list. either way it is a drop in the bucket as to cost of lost $$$ with the sale. the sun came out bright with a clear sky.  I hope the grand children and I can come to agreements as to putting the wood working equipment in the shop so we can both use it. Have a great day.



Lloyd, I would think the grands would let you use the shop as they would have a great teacher in you on how to use the machinery.

Today has been busy and there are still jobs waiting to be done........oh well....another day.

Shirley, I love the little potatoes, wash ,leave the skins on,cook and slater with butter. :))
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


New peas and potatoes in a light, not heavy, cream sauce gets my vote.

Shirley, we have five rivers; two wander through the city and three on the outskirts. We'd have more ditches than the city!  :)

 I just looked it up and bridges in the city and outskirts number 58! I didn't realize there were that many! Of course, some are not large.

The Chena River Flood Project was two years in the making and spawned a huge recreational area and several dikes and flood plains.

This western portion of the Interior of the Tanana Valley river basin includes nine major rivers, including our five local ones. We're forests, lowlands, rivers, lakes, and hot springs. Southeast has all the industry, and we have all the trade routes and transportation. We also have the largest hospital complex serving everywhere but Southeast in the state.

I really wish we had more name-brand stores, but it doesn't seem to be happening.


I heard this afternoon that they would be replacing all bedroom and balcony windows and doors this fall. And that my balcony will be tomorrow as they're going up and down rather than across this side of the building. That answers my question about the missing weatherstripping. I'm sure the windows will be later, but tomorrow is a good day to go shopping!


Well, Patricia, maybe "name brand" stores aren't necessary since our shelves sure have a lot of empty spots these days. I made a crack to one man that "surely, ALL this stuff doesn't come from China"... and he thought probably truck driver problems. Reminded me of long ago when my cousin had a trucking company to Fairbanks, expect a lot of empty shelves at times. Don't know how many trucks he had, but he was not the most dependable person in the world!

Did I corrupt you, Amy?  ;) Kyle will never know if you sneak a few out. 8)

Lloyd, can you add extra room onto the shop. I am doing whatever it takes to make things work around here, decided what I spend to make it easier for me will be passed on to the kids without the government getting their fingers in it (like if it was money in the bank).

Tiger is still mad at me for holding her down to put the flea & tick stuff on. She hasn't come up from the basement all day. Tom came in & ate his supper & went outside.

The big trucks & caterpillar tractor gone & suppose they will need to use smaller equipment to keep the sand up until they can put the forms for the concrete in place. I was shocked at the price it costs to put in a pool, but got it from more than one source. $75,000. & that didn't include taking out 2 large trees & all the extra concrete work around. I've done nothing but bad mouth this pool of mine but will take better care for re-sale value! Already spent a lot having it replastered & new fence around it & hope that's it for as long as I'm here (except for routine maintenance & opening/closing each year, something I can't do by myself.)

And now, ladies & gentlemen, time to fix something for me to eat. I pulled a tub of taco soup out of the freezer for lunch, tasted pretty good. Nothing sounds good but don't want to eat late like several nights this week.... supper was about time to go to bed, not smart!

But what will your fur-baby do without you to protect her, Patricia?  Will they be having doors & windows open that she could escape?


Patricia, is that with fresh mint also?

Shirley, I love potatoes any which way one makes them. The neighbour called me last year and wanted to know if I wanted the little ones that they didn't want......silly question :) I said I would be right there to pick them up! Most of them I canned. We are experiencing empty shelves here also.  I am stalking up now on paper products, hand wipes and gathering from the garden all that I can. 
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, mint is another wild plant that grows everywhere, that and fiddle leaf ferns, wild carrots, various mushrooms, and wild onion, among others. Just make sure it's washed really well in three parts ACV and two parts water, rinse, and repeat! It's everywhere you look.

Shirley, we have national brand jewelry stores and groceries, such as Safeway, Fred Meyers, and Walmart. We have all the sports, hunting, and hardware such as Lowes, Sentry, Samson, Home Depot, and homegrown hardware stores you could want. We have Walgreens and Costco, Joanns and Michaels. We have various malls that I understand are spurned by military wives as not up to snuff.

What I would like and Anchorage has are stores such as Nordstroms, Macy's, Clinique, West Elm, and that type. Since Anchorage is an eight-hour over the foothills drive from here, it'd be nice if we had our own. Anything shipped to here is automatically 32% higher freight than the lower 48. We have some trucking, but the majority is by railroad and second by plane.


This was a strange day!  I kept looking for Mickie to be careful I didn't step on her and when I ate, I watched for beggars.  Even Cooper wasn't here today.  It was Frankie's day off so he spent the day with his Mom!  My first day completely alone in I don't know how long! 

I have 8 beautiful pints of corn waiting to be labeled and put away!  I haven't canned corn before because I really prefer frozen corn but this is cold-packed and I'm pretty sure it will be good.  If it isn't up to my liking, I won't do it the next time.

PATRICIA, you sure do have a lot of rivers and streams around you!  No wonder there was so much flooding to deal with over the years!  I'm sure learning a lot about Alaska from you!

I went for a walk tonight by myself and a couple people on my route wanted to know where my doggie was.  They were very nice when I told them she was gone.  They even said they would miss seeing us walking together!

I'm heading for the haystack pretty soon because Cooper will be arriving at 7 a.m. tomorrow!  He'll keep me busy!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

good Night and sweet dreams. we are at 77º @ 10:29 P M. I worked on arranging my box truck so I can get tools out of it and In the shop so I can do some wood work. hope to see you all tomorrow.



Good morning..

Overcast this morning but temp is 63° so no complaints! Busy day ,first going into town to pick up a few things then out to a farm to pick up the cucumbers and what ever else that catches my eye.
Kyle is putting the finishing touches on the trug today and it can be picked up either later today or on the weekend. I did get pastry done yesterday and will get a couple of pies made up. Tarts can wait for now, till I get  the pickles done.

Lloyd, sounds as though you are going to get everything in order to be able to do your wood working.

Gloria, hope all is well there. Are the leaves starting to turn there?

Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm up and attem today.  I had my shower and I'm dressed and ready to meet the day.  Cooper will be here around 7 so today I have someone to walk with me!  It's cloudy here, too, AMY and about 70º and not supposed to exceed 82 today.  I don't remember Fall ever starting in August around here so I'm guessing we might be in for a hot Indian Summer.

My plan for today is a quick trip to WM to get my hair cut and pick up a couple items.  Then home to do some more around here.  I took all the doggie treats that Mickie liked and Cooper wouldn't touch to my neighbor across the street.  They have a Collie and I'm sure she'll enjoy them. 

Now I'm going to watch for Cooper.  I hope you all have a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, the doggie across the street will love the new treats! I am so tempted to open the cole slaw but just a few more days then it will be. In the fall cabbages are a bit cheaper and that would be the time to do them down. Enjoy your day with Cooper.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


OK I quit. 3 times this morning I had a pos t ready to go on my notepad and suddenly i t all got eaten by that nasty gremlin. Just the same ole  things except we "might" get hit by hurricane Henri. Depends if it turns left or right when it gets to his area of the coast.
No sunshine again  today, just gloomy again.
Will have to find another way to type my ramblings on in the mornings. Too many times lately I have lost every thing I typed on notepad.

Have a good day and stay safe and healthy.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning, it's raining steadily, and workers will do my balcony today. I don't know when workers will do the new bedroom and balcony windows and weatherstripping, but I'm sure they'll give us a heads up, especially those with pets. In any case, I'm planning on being out for the day.


My hair was beginning to look pretty frazzled.  How do you like my new hair cut?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good morning everyone. JaneS you are alright to look at, But It is what you show in your Heart that counts. you do a great job of showing and carrying for Us. just keep on showing your love us all that Is plenty good for me.



Happy Friday to EVERYFRIEND .  I am guilty of not posting as often as I should.  Sometimes I just do not have much new to say🤐. But I sure miss what you all have to say‼️

JANE, I have been thinking about you a lot; knowing how much you must be missing your Mickie💞. I saw you asking how we liked your "new do" but I can not see a picture!  No matter how we like it, the best part is how much better you must feel having it done😘 Bet the doggie across the street will enjoy Mickies treats😘

PATRICIA, sorry to read it is raining on this day your door s to be replaced on the balcony😩😩 Sure hope it can be done without any problems‼️

GLORIA, I know your frustration from having your post disappear😩😡. I hope things improve for you.  Our Boston Family have arrived back home and now we wait to see if that Hurricane is going to cause you or them problems‼️

AMY, ot appears all is well at your house.....lots of canning and rugs built for new owners😘😘

One week from right now,  I should be prepped and ready for my total shoulder replacement surgery.  They changed my 4PM time yesterday to 10:30AM and I was so happy, I cried.  This morning I got a message saying to check in at 10:30.....😩 but still much better than a 4PM‼️

I wish EVERYFRIEND a happy rest of your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jane, your "new do" is as beautiful as you are inside and out!!

Jenny, prayers that all goes well on the 27th. You will be a new woman with your arm...can hug the daylights out of Bob, and all the children..big and small.

Second batch of dills are in the canner with one more to go..
No pies made but maybe tomorrow???
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Jane, I can't see your new do & you can't see mine (mine is home done, as usual). I think I've let someone else cut my hair no more than 5 times in my life... except for my sister in the early years. I'm guessing that's why I won't let anyone touch it since big enough to defend myself!  ;D

Just got back from Sam's club so taking a half hour break to eat the pizza & drink the Pepsi that came home with me. Most of it did, I munch all the way home. Still have to make 2 more stops so back to the heat. It is awful, humid & wind blowing, kind of "pass out" type weather.

Jenny, do hope your surgery goes off without a hitch. My daughter has a "procedure" coming up that she has to fast for & her appointment is late afternoon. Not an easy trick with Crohn's Disease (calls for small meals all day, in her case). She was disappointed at how long it was to get an appointment. Maybe it helps to have a doctor in the family??? ;)  Be thinking of you.

Back to that pizza & on to the store & Ace Hardware. I threatened to put iron stakes at the sprinkler heads to keep the mowers from smashing them when they turn the corners... but knew it would end up with ME getting in trouble. I'll settle for those little flags that they love to run over & bend up. Wish they would drive slower!!!
I'd rather take a nap.........