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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for December 1, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, December 01, 2021, 12:11:02 AM

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Jane, Can't imagine what little room would be on the bed if the two danes share it with the humans!! I know here if you are last in bed you have to be like water around rocks to fit in!! Will send you photos of the pup.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

good morning AMY. the grmins did it to me this morning Had a post ready to post and it dissapired. cant fiend it. what I said was good morning to you Looks like you are first here this Morning. I went, to bed at 12,pm went right to sleep, I just got up @ 6;55 am, and feel like I need some more zzzz,s. It Is very cloudy Here Now , we Had light rain last evening an must have some through the Night, the clouds are just setting still No wend Now. Have a great day.


Lloyd Hammond

well Like they say a Bad Pinney returns, Here I am But with a interasting Note. I was setting here in my officeLooking at the Birds, Lot of sparrows in the trees and hopping down on the ground pickeing at something. and there was four robbienshopping around also.Mother Natuer is all mixed up, Bright sun Here and the clouds have moved on out here and right Noe, Is34º and snow in hawie and even lower temp. than we have. yesterday we got up in the upper 50-60's Oh and the robbens are still here Have a great day.



Just watching the news and can't believe the devastation that tornados have left!! Hope Callie is ok.

Gloria, did you get your puter fixed?

Lloyd, we have doves, blue  jays ,sparrows and  one starling eating the seeds I put out. Have no idea on why he was left behind but I hope he survives.

Back to work I go ..hi  hoe hi hoe..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning,

Amy, Callie is fine.  We're actually in a drought situation across the state and under a fire watch. There have been some bad ones across the flatter plains of western Oklahoma.

I've been reading but not posting because the last time I posted a lengthy "recital" of a Good Week, the very next post wondered "where everybody is".  I decided mine didn't count so deleted it.
Hope Everyfriend in the eastern time zone remains safe without damage. 

 :hugs: to all.


Good morning everyone, yep for now I am back-who knows for how long. My poor grandson has had a time getting this new Dell to where it was where I was OK with it. Except for a Mac is there any way to get away from Microsoft and windows? My oldest son now has a Mac, got it over a year ago now. I do not have the money one of those costs. Biggest problem all week was passwords. No matter if it was one I had here or a new one to get email or anything none would work. I do finally have a new keyboard. Had trouble getting in here this morning, once again my password was rejected then suddenly seemed to be OK. Will know when I can post or not. About now I think  my grandson is sorry he ever got me going with that old IBM that was my son's first PC. Of course this has the new 11 installed, I am so used to 10 and this is different in the way things are set on the desktop. Foggy here and damp, cannot get warm.
I called Yvette a few days ago, she is doing pretty good and going to PT twice a week
JANE  I have you phone number saved on a folder on the computer and should have put it in my address book. Only one I had to call was Shirley's. Only way I could let everyone know I was OK just VERY frustrated.

SHIRLEY  you make me happy I no longer have a cat or a dog. I no longer have the energy to take care of either one.

MARSGAL  you sound like me. A week  trying to get  used to a new PC that will do the opposite to what I WAS USED TO and driving my grandson crazy. His job is working with computers and he will only help his dad-my son-and me. I only call him when I am at wit's end. I have noticed the things for gaming and watching movies. Not interested in either.

AMY  Thursday morning I woke to a dusting of snow. Was on the cars, roofs and grassy areas. Looked pretty but was gone a few hours later. Like you XP worked great and I got used to 7. I seemed to remember them saying no more new ones after 10-just updates. I have a Smart TV my older son bought me when I moved here. If it  is spying on me it really is not seeing anything.

 Grrrr I keep getting things popping up on here and have to move things to get rid of what "they' want me to do. Leave me alone!!


SHIRLEY  beautiful art on what you have done on the dog.

JANE  wish I could watch Christmas in Conn. again. Always liked Barbara Stanwick and Dennis Morgan. He had a wonderful singing voice, too, besides being handsome. 

My son just left after his weekly visit, I really look forward to that. When I lived in the apartment in his house he came upstairs every day when he got home from work.

JANE  great you got good news from the nurse. Just what  you and all of us like hearing.

AMY  a close neighbor of my daugher and SIL in Arizona offered then a great pyrenees that had pups and wanted to give them one. They have a Chuhuahua and that little horse-oops dog would have the poor little thing in it's mouth.   

Think I read all the posts but did not reply t o everyone. This will be the last time I go through getting a new computer set up. I think my grandson would tell me to find someone else to help me. I think I am getting too old to learn another computer.

My DIL's younger sister is a teacher, had all the vaccine shots and has been in the hospital a few weeks with a bad case of covid.

CALLIE  guess I was not here to reply to you

Have a good day, be healthy and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


So far it looks like all that bad weather is heading North east, but West of us. A bit inland. It is wet and nasty out and Gale warnings. But supposed to clear off later.



Gloria, - Somewhere I saw that Win-11 was oriented toward "gaming and watching movies" (Streaming). As with you, that is low on my priority list.
Someone in the tech world should realize that not everyone wants to keep re-learning about new programs. AOL just did something with email and I lost all the saved emails I had - like receipts and ordering info - lots of other useful stuff.  >:(
So, --- the idea that computers are going to save all that paper work we used to have, it is just adding to it by requiring us to back up on something (paper) that you can grab and run with. "A bird in the hand ....... )



Lloyd, hope the St. Louis tornadoes did not get to where you and Nancy live.
Let us know if you all are okay.


Hope anyone here who lives in Tennessee or Kentucky are safe. Those tornadoes were awful!

Lloyd Hammond

Good earley after Noon. well the cloud's has all gon here and very Bright sun we are up to 42º. Hope you all are haveing a good day. Must be resting no one seams to be posting.



Good morning, we're at zero in the Interior and expecting more snow. I am so sorry about this weekend's latest series of death and destruction. Amid climate change, its become the new normal. Besides my computer friends, I have other friends and relatives all through those areas mentioned.

Amy, I'd love to drop in for some of that soup; it sounds lovely in this weather we're having! You have to excuse me, but the first thing I thought of re your son's new buddy was "David and Goliath!"  :)  They might need to start looking for a giant bed!  :thumbup:

Jane, I'm glad you'll have Cooper for company; you have been outstanding in your recovery, and so has your loving family.

I'm hoping Gloria's nephew will be able to get her back on track and back posting again!

Good morning Lloyd, I'm glad to see you have good weather.

Good morning, Callie, and I'm glad you're safe. I read the terrible weather news and texted and read texts from friends and family in the stricken areas. So far, so good with only a few minor injuries due to after-effects rather than the storms. I'm afraid this is becoming the new norm.

I'm one who regularly posts long messages, and I go with it.

It's nice that you and your son were spared the lousy weather, Rick. I agree about new computer systems. I deal with multiple photographs, graphic files, and folders and try to keep as much as possible off the computer. I read long ago that you need to have some free, perhaps a third, memory for optimal use.

 I have two 4T external drives—one for a PC mirror record and one simply for my graphics. They are only plugged in during use, so they're safely unplugged and tucked away if some virus or disaster occurs. I can't emphasize how often I've been thankful for that.

It is so lovely to see your post, Gloria! I have two older email addys for you, and an even older phone number which I'm sure is no longer working.


Tarts are in the oven....and I am sitting listening to Phil Coulter's cd..here is one song.


 Gloria, hope you have no more problems.

Callie, I don't respond to all posts as there is always something or someone that needs my attention. I do enjoy reading your posts  and hearing about your day.

Patricia, that is a great analogy! He now has two Danes. He had to say goodbye to Cole who was way taller than Skye so now back to two dogs. I can't wait to meet Luna.

Lloyd, read or scroll back there have been posts to read.

Tea time......better go pour. :)

Edited to add this one.


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Tomereader1 Thanks we are safe and sound. we never even Had any thunder here just gential light rain Last evening and night. sun Is bright and and not a cloud in sight here Now. Have a great day. I feel for all that were In the path of the storms. In Past I have bee in the Path of tornadoes. four times so far In my Life. but the wourst thing I just barley Missed was the earth quacke in Lasangles Califorina. I got On a airplane, It was still climang to the glide Path and the caption came on the speaker and said Ladies ang getlman they just a bad earth quake down where we just came from. I got home and on the newse was the  devastaion of it. I found out the next day, a over Pas fellon top of severial cars, and the perison that Had taken me to the airport was crushed to death under one of them. I called my sister In Law and got through, she told me that there apartment bulding was still standing wit minor damage to it. But other ones fell completely dow on all four sides of them with fatritalys In them. and another time by abbyville Kansas I was working for a farmer there, I was plowing in the field just south of there house. that area is Layed out in one Mile setiond. On the setion south east coner of the one across the road from the one I was working in was a smll Barn. the tarnado on  the ground took that barn lifted it stright uo in tackt but about 2-3oo ft in the air it came apart looked like no two biard was tagather. It lifted on up over the top of there house,no damage, and just damaged one Large Mapel tree next door. It was going north east fom there. elsey calle her brother In Law and told them it was comming there dericton.take cover the told here was not a colud in sight.( no damage at all by them) But a few days Later some one found a envelop with a letter in it from the neighbors house.in there yard and no other debree at all. all I have to say Is
god works in mesterious ways and wounders ways. Have a great day.



Devastating news coming from the areas hit by the horrible tornados😩😡 Prayers for all effected by this storm and prayers for the recovery efforts. So sad.

We finally had enough snow to register at Denver International Airport so the record is broken for the lates snow in Denver🤪🤪

CALLIE, relieved to hear you are fine, but I never thought you would not be as we saw what states were involved in these horrible storms😩😢 to read you deleted a nice message telling of your good week😩

AMY, thanks to you I am listening to Phil Coulters' Anniversary Waltz, over and over again.  Just BEAUTIFUL 🥰 And now, When I Grow too Old to Dream....beautiful video with it too!

GLORIA, I feel so sorry for you and your grandson....these new fandangled things can be so challenging 😡

Enjoyed your post, PATRICIA.  KEEP WARM 🥶

Also happy the storm missed you, Rick.

I hope EVERYFRIEND had a good Saturday.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Hello Everyfriend!  I hope you ALL had a good day!  Mine was very busy again.  I'm here alone now but everyone is checking on me by text and I have to stop whatever I'm doing and let them know that I'm OK or they'll coming in my door!  I'm very lucky to have them all and I'm lucky that I didn't have to go to a nursing home when I left the hospital. 

We're supposed to have strong winds tonight but so far it hasn't amounted to much.  I'm very tired tonight and my eyes have headed for slam shut mode already.  I think I'll head for the haystack early.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And I wish you all no bad storms!  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Just went over some pic's of  the tornado damage  :o  Very dieturbing.  Who would believe that much damage could be done.
I have a theory about some of our weather problems but won't post it now.



Good morning...

Thankfully the wind has died down! Power went out at 5:30 pm and didn't come back on till 10:00 pm here. Apparently there are still places without power.

A day of rest here...need to make some masks for a girl and that is about it. Have ribs to slow cook along with asparagus and whipped potatoes. Apple pie for dessert will top off the meal.

Jane,a new beginning for you having the house to yourself. Everything is falling back into place...just take it easy.

Rick, we have seen the devastation on the news. The candle factory was a pile of rubble!! Seems this year there is one disaster after another.

Jenny, most of our snow was chased y the rain yesterday. now it is an out door skating rink in places!

Lloyd, you are a lucky man to escape the tornados!

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone, AMY you are first one here again today.your apple Pie sounds good. I have a Machine that talks me through My vitales,and sends them to VA. Have already done that this morning, blood sugar is good @ 132 but blood presse not so good 184-93-59. and my head tells me it is high  without the machine, low throbbing. think I will go to easy chair. and relax. Have a good day everyone.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  I was up at 6 a.m. this morning and got dressed, put the coffee on and made the bed.  We were supposed to have high winds over night but I don't think it happened.  I didn't hear it and nothing seems out of place in the neighborhood.  That's good news.  I'm sorry for all the ones who suffered from the tornadoes and the bad weather.  I wish them a speedy recovery!

My Sunday paper hasn't arrived yet.  It's always later than the dailys and it throws off my schedule.  I had a good night and I'm looking forward to a good day today.  I think Frankie and Cooper are coming over this afternoon.  She said she'd be back to do my floors.  Her mother vacuumed everything before she left but Frankie will wash the bare ones. 

AMY, be sure to take your ice skates when you go out.  With all those "skating ponds" it's a sure thing!

LLOYD, you watch that BP.  Try to keep it down in the safe zone.  I know how hard that can be.  Do you take meds for the BP?  I do! And that reminds me...I haven't taken it this morning!

RICK, I'm interested in your theories about the weather problems.  I'll await your posting of them.

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


QuoteRICK, I'm interested in your theories about the weather problems.  I'll await your posting of them.
Since school many years ago I've heard that energy can neither be created or destroyed, but converted.  Of late many, many, windmills have been erected.  Windmill farms arrived. These all take energy from the wind and convert it to electricity and it's associated heat (friction and that developed in the conversion).  That energy is taken from the WIND. Slowing winds and reducing it's force.Interfering with the weather patterns due to wind speed and reduced force. The weather patterns vary from what was in the past. What would that cause?  Who knows?
Never wrote this up before but it gives the general idea.



Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS Rammel Good to see you both, and  Jane I know and I try But Have a set of sweet teath and that makes it  hard eat like one should but as you can see from the pryer post I pretty good, See how good My blood sugar is. we are up to 46º @11:15 AM. and call ing forhigh fitys by sun down, whitch is very bright and clear not a cloud in sight.



Good morning everyone, at least for another half hour. Had one of those nights I could not sleep so when I finally did around 5am I woke at almost 11. Most of those sleepless hours I was trying to learn something about this PC. So many thing pop up telling me about this or that to make sure I can do this or that. Things anyone who has ever used a PC already knows. At least this PC has not froze up yet and it starts good.

RAMMEL  I was busy uninstalling things like that gamebox or whatever it is called.
the games I like on the PC are MahJong and Jigsaw puzzles, rather watch movies on TV, bigger than any PC monitor. I seem to have more paper to shred these days.

PATRICIA  my grandson sure gets me on track when I have computer problems. I think I cause most of the problems. I like to know where everything is. like how to change the color and size of the arrow, I like black and big enough to see. While doing that I might see something that gets my attention and click to see what  it is--there I go messing up again. I have a 2T external where I save things I want to save, do not keep it plugged in and have so many graphics and all the things from PSP on it and not even half full. The first external I had is full and have a lot of the stories Bis/Joan used to post. Hmm just thinking, this Dell has so many unused ports maybe I could plug the old one in and check it out. Right now I have one email address, since Yahoo got rid of the PSP groups I got rid of that  one and also the cox one Old phone number is just that from when I lived in the apartment in my son's house. I do have a cellphone that family has but no one else. Only got that one for when Cox service is out again, cannot change from Cox in these buildings.

AMY  love that linkand the song. I sure am trying to be careful what I click on on the PC still have some things I want to download. I think if my grandson had more time he could have transferred things from the HP lemon. Now I have to go hunt for some and download again. Wow My Mom would sing When I grow too old to dream to tease my Dad. Sure brings back memories.

LLOYD  that earthquake you missed the engineer where I worked was out there and just left for the east coast when it hit. Like you he was lucky to leave when he did.

JENNY  my grandson is used to setting up a new business with computers. The company he works for has sent him overseas to set up companies in other countries.

JANE  I am glad you had family there so you could go home. I know when I was  in a "rehab"/nursing home back in February I hated it. As far as the rehab went they should  have had me walking but all the did was have me sit and do exercises with my arms and when I did get up my legs were wobbly.

RAMMEL  at the end of WW2 with the dropping of the atomic bombs we had some crazy weather. My Dad blamed the weather on those bombs, said they disturbed the atmosphere around the world.

Well had my coffee so time for breakfast. Yes I know a normal person would be thinking lunch at this time of day.
It is 45° now with a bright blue sky.
Did you notice I have my degree °symbol back .

Have a good day and stay safe and healthy.

AMY  what time will dessert be served?Not that I do not like ribs but like homemade apple pie more.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


RICK, I think you're saying that the windmills have somehow contributed to the changes in the weather patterns and it sounds like you might be right.  But knowing how they contributed is the question.  If we ever learn that, or if someone who can do something about it, every learns that, maybe changes can be made that will be for the good!  Correct me if I'm wrong.

GLORIA, there's always something new to learn with these darn computers!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

 Jane you Just need to be smart enough to put your computer on Lock from the little ones,when they are visiting . and think twice and talk once also when they are there. our tempture is to 54º right Now. enjoy if yours is as good.



LLOYD, our temps were up to 46 today and the sun was shining brightly.  I took a nice walk outside and I'm increasing my distance every day!  And I don't have any "little ones" hanging around here.  The ones who hang around here know more about computers than I do and sometimes they get me on the right road.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane son called from WV and he said he is wearing shorts!! Temp was 48° but too cold for me to wear shorts!! Young blood I guess.  Luna had her first spa day and both survived the bath. 

Gloria, I put apple pie in the hidey hole. Ribs were tasty , meat fell off the bones ...

Masks are done and ready to take in with us in the morning. Now to put feet up and enjoy the evening..

Edited to add:
Time for the haystack as last night with high winds not much sleep was had :(

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm heading for the haystack, too!  My eyes have entered slam shut mode already but I managed to keep them open to watch "Holiday Inn" with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire.  It was just as good as last year...and the year before...and the year before that and.... well, you get the picture.

My son and his wife brought over supper and ate it here with me.  It was venison meat loaf, scalloped potatoes and corn and we had cookies for dessert.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Mild out there this morning...36° and will experience some wind.

Canning 16 lb of hamburg down today and that should be my day.

Jane, supper sounds delicious!

Patricia, how are you? Are you getting the snow or just the frigid weather?

Better get at the work....won't get done with me sitting here.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, a gloomy  start again with an overcast sky. Yesterday the sky was a bright blue I had not seen in a long time. 45° and not cold at least. I am getting tired of passwords, seems like every time I look at some thing different this 11 wants a password.  Everytime I start up in the morning password wanted and not the one I had the day before. I save it every time but still says not the right one.

JANE  don't think my brain likes how different 11 is from 10.

AMY  like ribs when the meat falls off the bones, my #2 son does them like that and they are so good. I have noticed most of the help I have been getting have been wearing 2 masks. When they talk to me I cannot hear a word they are saying.

Had my coffee so time for breakfast while it is still morning.

Have a good day and stay healthy and safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast