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Happy St. Patrick's Day

Owner: phyllis
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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for December 1, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, December 01, 2022, 12:39:25 AM

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Good morning.  Cloudy here but supposed to be nearly 60 deg. today.  Can't complain about that!

I will try to address Christmas cards today...and include Christmas checks with them to be mailed tomorrow.  Also, send a birthday card to my son in Virginia.  He had the misfortune to be born on Christmas eve.

Thank you, Jenny.  I hope you feel better today, too.  Colds at any time of the year are not fun.

Take care, All.


Have to smile about your comment of son being born on Christmas Eve, Phyllis.... my sister was born on Christmas Day and I was born mid Jan..........NOBODY ever forgot my sister's and she got a bonus gift from them all. Only my mother thought about mine in mid-Jan & I do recall comments from various aunts & uncles about "so many gifts" from Christmas~~~  NOT meant as a pitty me but just a kid's observation of human nature. I can honestly say I was never jealous of her because I knew I had more fun than she did and never understood her, still don't! 

I'm glad you are better, I am finally getting an antibiotic to pick up today. Guess this bug that causes such a deep cough has spread over the country.

I passed out all my cards & money a month ago with warning they were to tell me at Christmas "what I bought them or won't get any next year"! I don't ask they bring the gifts to the party but explain that "it ain't no fun getting gifts and not be giving".

For the life of me I couldn't remember which day we celebrated St.Nick's Day as kids... 5th or 6th) it was the German ancestors that passed down that holiday & we loved it. We would write our letters to Santa & put them in the biggest stocking we had, St.Nick would stop by while we were sleeping to pick up & fill our stockings with some kind of fruit (apple, orange, banana) one small toy like Old Maid cards or jump rope, jacks... and always some mixed nuts that had to be cracked & picked out (not many). Just Googled the holiday & found I have a good reason for not knowing which day to celebrat... seems lots of folks did the same as we did, which ever day/night we had time.... was the day to celebrate! Honest!  SO I WISH Y'ALL A MAGICAL ST.NICK'S DAY TODAY!


St Nicolas was very popular in Congo. The best were the Speculaas caramelized cookies on the shape of the saint. I miss that treat here!



Vehicle has been repaired with a new stabilizer bar....and it got an oil change. Wallet got a work and is now deflated. :2funny:   Now I don;t have to listen to the "clunk" in the front end anymore!! :thumbup:

Bubble ,we had speculass as a treat also! Every time we went to our Aunt, Uncles and Oma's they would have them with coffee.. they weren't really our aunt and uncle but we were taught to call them  as that. My Dad helped one couple and their daughter and her husband come to Canada after the war. When Dad was stationed in Holland they were kind to him.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I got my computer back!  And it didn't cost me a fortune!

My grandfather was German and his father and uncle were immigrants in the 1800.  My grandfather was born here.  They were all bakers and we had those cookies on St. Nicks Day.  I guess they told us why when we were little but it didn't click with me until I was in my teens.  When I was little, I just really loved having "Christmas" cookies long before Christmas!

I'm getting the fruit cake out and wrapping it tomorrow and getting started on the Christmas candy.  Lots to do tomorrow.  I'm setting everything out today so I don't back out because "I can't find the stuff"

So far, my plan is to have a "driveway" sale in the Spring.  I have waaaaaay too much STUFF for one old lady living alone! 

Better get back to work.  COOPER is asking for a walk.  I'll do that first, then get the mail on the way back and then "Get to Work, JANE!"

I hope Everyfriend is having a good day!  Keep on keeping on!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I remember those cookies but not the various names.  I have cousins that still live in that county in MO where their/our ancestors settled & last time I ate my brain registered some of those long ago flavors. Glad some of y'all also remember.  Amy, we also called anyone older "Aunt" or "Uncle" even when not related. I am beat down so gotta get a nap before my daughter shows up. Don't have a lot DONE but at least orgaized to do~~

Jane, you have no idea how I'd love to taste your fruitcake.  I wouldn't even pick the raisins out, promise!

Bubble, are you ready to write your autobio? I know you don't need my help but I'd love to help in any way I can~~~

Nap/bed is calling, I'm breathing like asleep ... 



I even love the store-bought Biscoff cookies.  I discovered them in the grocery store several years ago, and kept buying packages and giving them to friends and co-workers.  I bet I got 2 dozen folks addicted to those cookies. At work, we'd all have them with our coffee. I'd love to taste some home made ones though.


Another day has gone into the past and I'm not done with my Christmas preps.  I've got the gifts for my Greatgrands on the way now and they will arrive at my Daughter's house, she'll wrap them and hold them until the cards arrive at her house.  I'll send the home made lollypops directly to the kids so Emma and Mikey can open that package when it arrives in the mail.  Emma has begun to expect it!

SHIRLEY, fruit cake ships well if I only knew where to ship it! And I made some little ones!  Hint, hint, hint!

I have to get off to the haystack!  Tomorrow is going to be a busy day and I think Frankie might be spending the night here.  She works until 7:30 tomorrow night and then has to be back in at 7 the next morning and it's easier if she only has to come here and sleep and then get up and go! Makes my day longer and busier because she has to eat something when she gets off work and she needs a shower when she gets home!

It was cold and wet here today.  We had a lot of rain, a little sleet, a few snowflakes and temperatures in the freezing zone...and NO sun all day.  Lots of clouds!  In other words, a DREARY day! Except for the half hour Cathy was here!

I guess I'll be off to the haystack!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Well, Good Morning to myself and to anyone else who arrives later.  I'm off to the kitchen to get started on my chores.  Enjoy your day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Lloyd was sleep walking and posted this in introduce yourself.

Today at 07:14:58 AM
Good morning on this wed,dec 7th, we here at Latoure MOmare are at 38º and mostley cloudy. I have taken My vitials and already sent them off to VA via sadlite. I am still tirde so may go eat somenthing for morning meal and then get a good moovie to sleep with. Have a great day just as you like it


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning..

It will also be a baking day for me , pies , buttertarts and a couple of  squares and that should be it.
Nothing else on the agenda that I am aware of..so far.
Better get at it, time seems to fly anymore.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Foggy and dreary here...supposed to get up to 70 deg. this afternoon.  I must make out the grocery order so David can pick it up tomorrow.  I'll include some Christmas items to set out on the Christmas goodies table.  Already have Christmas dinner planned.  Kansas City steaks is what we are having.  I'm looking forward to  it.  Along with some twice baked potatoes and whatever else I think of.....oh, yes....homemade cranberry sauce.

Take care, All


Good morning anyone. Still rainy here but kind of warm. Too bad those that need the rain can't get it.



I know I've been negligent (sp?) about posting.  Nothing drastic -  just nothing different going on and prefer not to get repetitive about my "leisurely" lifestyle .

 Not dealing with any health issues myself and everyone in family is well.  The Grands are busy pursuing their careers (Ellen isn't performing but is "Nannying" and working holiday shifts at Loft) and, the last I heard, dil battling cancer return is back to her usual activities, although she tires more quickly.
Other dil is having some kind of implant inserted in her hip area today that's supposed to control the nerve pain into her leg due to the multiple back surgeries she's had.
 She assures me it's a "simple" procedure but she has to remain in the Spine Hospital overnight so they can test it.

I've been reading a lot of e-books and not watching much t.v.  Have been keeping up with "The Voice", although I mute the sound during some of the "screeching" solos.  That's why I'm not watching very many Christmas shows; just can't tolerate the type of "music" popular today.

In "real life", just trying to keep up with Domestic Duties, prepare for Christmas and deal with this one-day-dreary and cold/the-next-one sunny and almost hot Oklahoma weather!

Not sure I'll do much baking for the holidays and family is bringing most of the things for Christmas Supper.

Shirley,  I liked your comment about giving money and telling recipients to "let me know what I gave you."  Hope you don't mind if I borrow that.

And that's what's going in my central Oklahoma world.

Lloyd Hammond

Good night and sweet dreams. I probley shouldnot make a commient,BUT that judge's picture that is up above on the left, He is a two faced two timmin person cant prove it,but I had dealing with hem, he done one justes for us.but done a turne around let our x freind steeal our farm for les than 1/2 of its value. would not let us dissiagree in court, I think he took a payoff. the person that he booteb out for us said x friends pckets are deeper than ours. and the appalo court judges are no better, the would not let our judge re bring things back for reviuew,



It has been a super busy day around here but we did get a lot accomplished and much more to-do tomorrow. Had all 3 kids here to sign some papers from the bank, had a good tip from a tax person about how to handle one piece of money to pass to the kids, just make them "co-owners" now & will keep the gov out of the til~~~  so we hope, unless they come up with a different plan.

I hope to see the cardiologist or pulmonologist to be evaluated. My legs are so puffed up tight they look like they could pop. I can hardly bend the knees or ankles & the fluid keeps getting higher. I don't know what to think but did start taking vitamin B-6 today in hopes there's no side effects. I'm also taking augmentin (sp?)& the sinus/head feels so much better with just 2 pills. The coughing is basically over so if we can figure just why the legs swelling & fix that, maybe I can make it thru the holidays.

All that being said, so far I can still manage the steps to the basement & sorted out some Christmas stuff to donate to some very needy people. One of my neighbors works with students with disabilities & has connections with some homeless from countries at war, so will be filling her car with "stuff" as long as I can & she can.

Callie, I tried giving "gift" cards a couple years, various kinds & let them have their pick (7 grands + significant others, plus 7 great grands & my 3 kids plus spouses. Makes for a lot of giving. Long time ago I stopped by a garage sale & discovered a couple Christmas presents for sale with stickers still on them & whole lot less than I paid for them. The gift card deal ended up with some that nobody wanted & neither did I, so went to the money deal. Hope it works as well for you as did for me!

Jane, much as I'd love to taste your Christmas fruitcake, I will not send my snail-mail address because I know how many family & friends are standing in line and you will be killing yourself to have enough for them all. Just the offer means enough to me, honest!

Phyllis, steak is always good & can't beat those KC ones! My daughter sent me a box from OmahaSteaks & I've already dipped into one package & we had the apple tarts tonight when all were here so I can highly recommend what I've tasted so far.

Lloyd, nothing hurts worse than having a friend or family member turn on you, but I firmly believe God will punish them so don't waste your anger, it hurts you to stress yourself and you can't change things. Best thing you can do is smile every time you see him & let him wonder why.... drives 'em nuts!  Don't talk or say a thing, just smile like you have a secret. I hope you can forget the pain, my thought is that "it is up to God to forgive and I sure never forget, so NOT MY PROBLEM!"

I am heading to bed, wishing all sweet dreams ... and God Bless. Love y'all...



Good Morning Everyfriend!  The Cooper and I are up and attem early today.  I woke up around 4 a.m. and just couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and did some rooting around looking to see if I had anything that went back in the family that I could pass on to my kids or grandkids.  I was especially looking for earrings for granddaughter Natalie because she seems to like the same kind I used to wear.  I didn't find any of them but I did find my dad's very good pocket knife.  This is one of two and I gave the other one to my son last Christmas.  This one will be passed on to my grandson.  I know he appreciates family things and I think this will be special to him!

SHIRLEY, I don't give the fruitcakes to my family members.  None of them like it.  It still goes to the church on the last Sunday before Christmas with a note asking them to make a donation to their favorite church project or outreach.  If I send you a cupcake size one, you can make a donation to your favorite charity to pay for it.  Email me your address and I'll get it on the way.  I'm not promising that you'll have it in the next few days after I get your address because I'm swamped but you'll have it.  And I'd truly like an honest opinion. 

LLOYD, your "friend" was not a friend!  You are well rid of him.  And I like Shirley's idea of "smiling" when you see him.  It will drive him crazy!

As soon as it gets light, the Cooper Snoop and I will be going for a walk and today, I won't mind it,  It's already 47º out there and heading for a high of51 today.  It must have rained during the night because when I took Cooper out in the yard, everything was wet!  Is it really winter?  The weather is sure behaving in a strange way so far this winter!

I finished all the lollypops yesterday.  I have Santas, reindeer, angels, and teddy bears.  Some will be sent to the GGrands in Okla and the rest will be divided among the kids on my walk route around here.  I'm all set up to make the PB and Coconut cups today.  My plan is to mix centers this morning and maybe get some of them done this afternoon.  I also want to make up some soup from a recipe I brought home from my sister's house.  Gonna be another busy one!

I got out the family bags today and I'm going to start filling them so I know what I have to send to Texas and Okla.  I'm all ready for the kids but I still have to do the adults!

If I've repeated anything, please forgive me because I'm not going to take time to go back and reread. 

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

I know we are going to pay dearly for this milder weather, just don't know when.
I am off to the city this morning taking my friend for her eye appointment, hope she gets good news like she did at the pacemaker clinic.

Did get some baking done yesterday but need to do a bit more and that is it.

Shirley, Janes cakes are delicious...she shared her recipe with me. :smitten:

Better get a move on.

Enjoy your day and stay safe
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


All is well today.  David will pick up groceries later this morning.  My shopper already called and told me it is ready.

Weather is warm again but cooler temps. are on the way.

Take care, All.

Lloyd Hammond

well I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, but when I did I slept in to about 1/2 hour ago. do not know how much rain we got but it is verry wet out on the slab in front of the house and garauge. it is still overcast. Nancy has ben up and atem it for quite a while, she has already mand poppieseed bread, sure smells good. well I have to go shave I have already taken my vitials and sent the resualts off to VA via sadilight. so after that to the easy chair and a good moovie, Have a good day just like you all like it.



Hello to Everyfriend!  I was up very early this morning (around 4:30 or so) and got a head start on my candy making.  I finished all the peanut butter cups and I think I have about 25 pounds to divide into bags for Christmas presents for my famiy members and some neighbors and friends.

Tomorrow, I'll pack them up and put them into the family bags and then I'll be wrapping the fruit cake for delivery to church on the last Sunday before Christmas.  SHIRLEY, I'm keeping out one cupcake size one to send to you if I ever get the address.  If I don't get the address, I'll probably have to throw it away because none of my kids like it and I haven't tried it out on my neighbors. 

Then on Saturday, I'm making the coconut cups, packing the boxes for Texas and Oklahoma and then going to a Christmas concert with Cathy.  The schedule might be just a bit different because I forget if the concert is in the afternoon or evening. 

Frankie doesn't work tomorrow so she's sleeping in and then coming over to give Cooper a bath and then leaving him hear while she makes a grocery run.  I'm making a list for her to take with her of some stuff I need and half-way thinking of going with her.  I'll wait until I see where she's going and then decide!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning to anyone who shows up today!  It's not raining today! YAY!!!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Yesterday was long and tiring! Dr's office was packed and wait time long but after a 1 1/2 hour wait my friend did get in.
On the way out of town we stopped at a fabric shop and let them have some of our money. :)

Today,work around home, trying to get caught up on things that have been let go.

Phyllis our wearther is also warm for this time of year. I have the bedroom window open and nice breeze blew in last night.This is going to end come Sunday when we will be treated with snow.

Shirley, hope you soon get in to see your cardiologist.

Better get a move , work doesn't get done  on its own.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. it is partley sunny and 36º here this morning. well I have been up for a while but have not ate morning meal yet but have taken my vitials and sent them off to VA. via sadilaite. that sure is a neet device, is not hooked to any electric out let. just puch the butten and a woamens voyce talks to you.askes questions and gives answers what to do. it tells  you what to do and when to do it. it telles you to put the device on to masuer you oxyegen level.then when to put the device on to measure your blod presser.and take the readings. I also got a new device from VA to dry the moistuer outof my hearing aids. a coupple of days ago. Have a great day just like you like.



A Good Friday HELLO to all🦋🦋

It is a beautiful day here in the Mile High City.  Storms are ah brewing to the west so we will have a couple of snow events heading our way ⛄️

Yesterday I went to be fitted for and pick up the new CPAP machine I spent a few hours with last night 😩😩. I am not very pleased with this whole process, but will do my best to adjust to it🤪🤪  They do not let you try on the different masks....you just have to choose one from your visual assessment 😡. I was fitted and given instructions and off we went.  The way it fit sitting up was very different than what it felt like laying down.  I was constantly moving something to keep the air from escaping......great night of sleep😩😩 NOT‼️ I lasted 4 hours and said "that's enough for tonight"‼️‼️.

Last night we attended a religious Christmas gathering at one of the private golf clubs in this area.  The building and views were spectacular.  We thought it would be a program done for us to view, but ended up being a Christmas Carol sing along with refreshments and a few words by a pastor.  It ended by going along a path to an outside area with a fireplace...a fire pit and many hanging heaters installed on a huge  covered area.  We were all given candles to light and we sang SILENT NIGHT.  It was beautiful.  This club was built by the owner of ReMax, Dave Liniger and not many are invited there unless you attend a charity event or a wedding.

I wish you all a good day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


JENNY!  That sounds like a very SPECIAL event!  Thanks for sharing it with us!  I think I'd have liked to share it in person!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning.
We are now back into winter temps 11° at the moment. Yesterday we let the morning fire go out ,then put it on in the evening. Work inside kept me warm washing floors etc.
Laundry awaits and I can hang it outside today. :thumbup:  Doing a bit of baking, then hope to sew.

Jenny , I doubt I could wear a CPAP ,think I would feel I was suffocating in the mask plus I sleep on my stomach or side sometimes.I agree with Jane, that would have been nice to be there in person.

Shirley, everything ok your way?

Better get started with the day, seems they are getting shorter or I am getting slower.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend! and a special "Good Morning, AMY"!  You beat me here this morning!

Yesterday, I finished the coconut cups and I only have two more things to do but first thing today I'm putting together all the stuff that has to be sent so I can see what I'm still missing!  I want to have the packages on the way by Monday...Tuesday at the latest!  And Cathy is standing by for a trip to the Postal services!

I'm going to go with the days getting shorter.  I won't admit that everything takes me longer than it did in years past!

SHIRLEY, I'm wondering about you, too!

I guess I better go get dressed and get some of my "Christmas Package Inventory" done before Cooper appears at 10.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning on this Sat. dec the tenth at 9;33 am. it is still clouddy here , Not raining at the moment but it has been and the weather gusser is saying sleet is comming. I can do with out that here. we are well stocked on grocerys so if the power dose not go off we are in good shape. we have electric heat. and no other sorse of heeat. at the farm we had a fireplaceon the lower level as you all know heeat gose up. so we could build a good hot fire down staries and keep the wattwer pipes from freeasing. Have a good day. and a better tomorow.
