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2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

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2024-11-18, 23:50:56
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2024-11-18, 23:48:31
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2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

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Soda Shoppe for December 15,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, December 15, 2019, 05:23:58 AM

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Soda Shoppe

for December 15,2019


   Kind words-
(from SN January 09, 2004 )

Kind words they are always priceless,
from one who is sincere,
Kind to appreciates the feelings,
of friends they hold so dear.

Kind words they can be healing,
if one feels low or down,
Kind words can ease a troubled brow,
and smooth away that frown.

Kind words can ignite a spark of hope,
which from there it may inspire.
Kind words can raise, from ashes of doubt.
a small comforting glowing fire.

Kind words are something we all need.
as the path of life unfolds.
Kind words that sleep within our hearts,
are the goodess in our souls.




A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a
living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the
circumstances and the time in which it is used.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.,  jurist (1841-1935)


Two kids are on their way to Sunday school when one says to the other, "What do you think about this Satan stuff?"

"Well, you remember Santa? This could turn out to be your dad too."


Q: What's a good holiday tip?

A: Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.



Just a quick "Good Morning Everyfriend"!  I have to go get a shower and get dressed for church while we wait out Mickie's pill.

Before I forget, JENNY, I still have Michele in my own personal prayers and on the prayer list at church.  She certainly is putting up a good fight and I think God is on her side.  Also, so sorry to hear about son's friend.  It's always hard when they're so young!

BUBBLE, thanks for our nifty new place, just in time for Christmas.  I love the pics but do we not have any for Chanukah?  Isn't it time for that to be coming up.  I'm pretty sure I saw that it's beginning right before our Christmas. 

I have to sign off for now and go get ready for church.  Don't know when I'll be back because my daughter from Maryland is here for the weekend and we're trying to spend a lot of time together. 

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make I your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, no rain today, might be able to go out for a walk later. Pulled up the shade in the bedroom and was watching the moon and clouds High thin clouds that looked like they were behind the moon, made it look like the moon was moving fast but it was the clouds moving. Weird. I like looking around when I pull that shade up. At least I slept later this morning.  5:30 is better than 3am. Local weather gal just said it was "wicked windy" this morning. Maybe I better stay in, the wind might glow me away  ;)

JOY  Some of these CNA's I have been getting sure do t even know how to wash dishes. I have had to wash them over after one of them. Got to  I would wash them before she go here. Seems they do not know they are supposed to wash their hands when they get here either, that is one of the rules in their book. I asked one to dust last week and she said she is a CNA not a house keeper. I told her she is supposed to do what I need, I read the rules. She gave me a dirty look but she dusted.

JANE  you had not talked about Kiran is a while. Glad she remembered the toy trip with you. Wonderful that you are so close. 

LLOYD  sounds like good news about your great grandson.

CALLIE  I like getting away from here at times but I am always so worn out when I get back I wonder if it is worth it. Yes it is, get to see others and especially like it when my son takes me to the market.

JANE  wonder how many will ask who gave you the black eyes?

AMY  love your hubby's rain with white parachutes. Right now no rain or snow here.

CAROL  terrible when you trust people  and then they treat you so bad. My younger son just went through that with his wife's brother. They rented him the apartment I had for 20 years before I move here. He moved out owing him back rent and when my son and DIL went upstairs they were both disgusted. Cost my son almost $3,000 to replace sink and commode in the bathroom, tare up carpeting and put in new flooring, get a new stove and fridge. He did all the work himself. His oldest daughter is now living there. She is a neat person and likes things clean.

JENNY  my prayers continue for Michele, Clear one and 2 more show up. She has survived more than God should ask of anyone.

BUBBLE  thanks for the new page, Love the font on the Merry Christmas. Good graphics  and thoughts this morning.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning everyone...

High wind still prevail here but the snowing has stopped.Not sure if a date with Mr Snow blower is on will see after I have my tea. Power did go out but came right back on ,now I need to set the clocks :(

A day of rest,must admit I did have a day of rest yesterday too.

Bubble, thank you for the new page, love the graphics and the pearls of wisdom.

Gloria, you have to speak up for yourself with the CNAs and remind them that if you didn't need them they wouldn't have a job. Because of you they get paid!

Jane, have fun with your family today.

Jenny, prayers for Michele, they will het ahead of this dreaded disease.

Better get my dancing clothes on.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Quote from: JaneS on December 15, 2019, 06:39:35 AMJ

BUBBLE, thanks for our nifty new place, just in time for Christmas.  I love the pics but do we not have any for Chanukah?  Isn't it time for that to be coming up.  I'm pretty sure I saw that it's beginning right before our Christmas. 

Please, go visit the cards discussion :D There are some posted there.

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. AMY you could Not stand it to keep your snow up there. we are getting it now. it started about 7 AM. and is coming right on down from your direction. about 3/4" and still at it. according to the weather guesser we are to get 6" - 7" that will be enough to make some good snow cream. a friend is supposed to bring a big bale of hay over for the two cows i have left, that got away from us when we shipped the rest of them. Have a great day.



Snow is cleaned up and with no mishaps. The snow was wet underneath making it difficult to shovel but the snow blower made short work of it.

Lloyd, if I was closer I would snow blow for you. Can you coral those two ladies and get them shipped ? Then you wouldn't have to worry about the feed.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning,

Bubble,  thank you for the cheery cards, thoughtful quotes and funny comments to begin a new Soda Shoppe. 

I'm so glad I got "supplies" yesterday because this morning is foggy and drizzly with temperatures near the freezing mark.  Past history reminds me that this is often bronchitis weather for me so I'm not sticking my head out the door (except to get the paper). 
I like "attending" the church service televised from one of the OKC churches when I don't get to my own and that's what I'll do in a few minutes.

Lloyd, if you're getting snow in Warrensburg my granddaughter in Overland Park is probably getting it, too.

Jenny,  I hadn't read the former Soda Shoppe before I began posting here.  So came back to say that prayers will be said for your family.   Seeing our adult "kids" in pain (physical and/or emotional) and knowing we can't do anything to fix it is one of the hardest parental jobs to do, IMO.     

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day.

Lloyd Hammond

 CallieOK we are all getting it, a good depth of 3" so far and still coming down plenty fast. Looks like we are going to get plenty depth to get some good for snow cream.


Lloyd Hammond

well I see no activity since I was here about noon.well it is time I bid you all sweet dreams and good Night. we have about 5" of snow and still at it,but for now it has slowed down to not so fast or big of flakes. I scoped up a good size pan full and made some snow cream. sure hit my sweet teeth fine. hope to see you all tomorrow.



Well, I just finished and cleaned up after the job I vowed would be done before I go to bed tonight and now I'm going to bed while it's still "tonight"

I wish you all a peaceful nights sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

wow it is Morning too early (216 AM). I think I will get a drink of water and go to easy chair and try for some more zzzz's. see you all later. Nancy is over there in her chair struggling for more of the same.



Good morning everyone

We are off to the city this morning Kyle has an echo Doppler test. Thankfully the roads are not too bad. Yesterday they were ice covered in areas  when went for our morning coffee with friends.

Making this quick as I need to get everything in order to take with us.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning, Everyfriend!  I woke up at 5:15 this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep.  So I got up and took Mickie out and she's had her pill and the boinge has gone off for breakfast.  In the meantime, I have all the packages ready to deliver to my grandniece before she goes home for Christmas. That's all my sister's family....Sister, Brother, Niece and family and Nephew and family.  All the stuff is on my bed and I just have to put some packing in it and find a box or two that Bethany can handle until she leaves.  Then I have to find out EXACTLY when she will be picked up for the holiday and make a connection.  That's one of my projects for today.

At least one of my sent packages has reached it's destination so that's a good thing. 

I better go feed my doggie an get my own breakfast before Frankie texts.  We have a project going on today....if it doesn't snow first.  It was supposed to start around7 a.m. and then that was changed to 9 and now it's saying 10.  Maybe it got stopped at the US/Canadian border.  That would be a good thing.  I'm off!

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning.  I'm sorry I haven't been here for a couple of days but I've been having some "lost" days.  Doing better today so want to get some things done before I phase out again.  David has been keeping the necessary things going but I need to catch up some things while I can.

Jenny, most importantly, I want to say I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going too well for Michelle. She is in my thoughts and prayers so much, and for all of you and the family, as well.

A good job well done on keeping Seniors and Friends going, Bubble.  Thank you for your time and effort.

Sorry that several of you are fighting the snow.  Please be careful if you are out walking or driving around in it.  We're to have rain again tomorrow but today the sun is shining and it is in the mid-40's right now.  Not too bad.

I apologize for being missing so often but I do think of you all many times during the day.  I am saddened with you during the bad times and rejoice with you during the good times.  I will come here when I can and when I can't I'll send my good thoughts.


Well, that trip was short lived. We did strike out only to end up coming back on the flat bed. As I was driving the anti skid light came on, then I had no gas pedal power and no steering power!! Managed to get the vehicle off on the shoulder and call for CAA. I also phoned our neighbour to come and get the dogs and Kyle to take them home. Tow truck took the van to the garage and then they brought me home. Cardiologist phoned and I we have re-scheduled for Wed. I hope we get the vehicle back by then!!

Don't like a monkey wrench thrown in the day but it is what it is.

Phyliss good to see you and take it easy..prayers for better days for you.

Better go see what I don't want to do . :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, did I ever get a good sleep for a change. Then maybe not good, when I do the next night is sleepless. Then again maybe I ate too much candy yesterday and it put me to sleep? 

AMY  I keep telling the one in the office about the ones and time I have been getting help the new one in charge keeps telling me they do not have enough help. Never had this problem with the one who was in charge of the office. Her doctor put her on sick leave and they put someone into her job and now want her to work out of a city that is too far for her. She was on the verge of a stroke because of the stress. We had wind here yesterday, too. I did go outside but the wind was so bad I thought it would blow me down so came back inside.

LLOYD  I thought you got rid of all those cows.

JANE  what were you doing working yesterday? I always thought Sunday was supposed to be a day of rest? I wonder if it ever was in this modern world. Just the big dinner for family was a lot of work IMHO. If your forecast is anything like here, believe only half of what they say.

AMY  safe trip to the city and home.

JANE  bet the package already delivered was a treat for the one who got it.

PHYLLIS  sorry you have been "under the weather". No  sun here, just a gray sky and 28°. I would rather have snow instead rain with it's dampness. I think I should have moved to Arizona with my daughter and SIL. Little rain there in the high desert. Just come in and say hello when you can so we do not worry too much.

AMY  no matter how well you keep up a vehicle it will mess u p when you really need it. Hope the garage has t back for Wednesday.

miscommunication again CNA was to  here at 11 and she is here already. Grrr.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Neighbour took me to pick up the van, everything is in order thank goodness. What a mixed up day , some sewing did get done but not a lot.

Callie, thank goodness for your sliders, we had those along with fires  and that was supper.

Gloria, we get to go again on Wed and I hope we don't have any problems ..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


We walked over by the golf course and the temp is fine and dandy but a breeze made the walk seem chilly.  The snow on Arizona mountains is gone - it sure doesn't stay long here.  At home, I heard there was another 3 FT. of snow in the Rockies.  Oldest son is staying at our house while annual medical check and soon he will be driving here for a 3 week vacation/trip.  So, I am online checking recipes because my holiday cook books are at home. 

It seems unfair to all who have to endure medical care during these special holidays - I send gentle hugs to each of you who can use a hug now. 


My package for my sister and her family is now in my grandniece's hands.  My son drove me over to her college to deliver it tonight because she goes home tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow morning is suppose to be "crappy" weather around here.  We got home and I came in the house and hooked up Mickie to take her out and it was already starting to snow.  It's supposed to last all night and change to rain mixed with snow in the morning.

Now I'm really tired and I missed my nap this afternoon so I'm thinking I'll go in and put a movie on and watch it through my eyelids for a while.

My cleaning dynamo will be here tomorrow afternoon, weather permitting.  I told her not to take any chances.  If the roads are bad we can reschedule.  She agreed to that.  And the candy bags are all packed.  Tomorrow, I'll just have to stow some stuff until the cleaning is done and then I'm going to decorate the dining room table.  The 3 wise men are already standing watch in the entry way.  I made them many years ago when 2 friends and I took a ceramics class together.  I still like them! 

I still have to decorate the side table.  That's always reserved for the Nativity.  I'm usually decorated by now but so far, all I have are the wisemen and some candles in the windows. 

I'm really sleepy so I'll leave you on your own.  If I'm not drooping too much later, I'll stop by to check up on everyone.

If you feel bad, feel better!
If you feel good, stay that way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Amy, as I read posts earlier and saw your car problem it went through my mind at one of the times I thought the car I was driving would "head for the junk yard"...... and turned out to be only that so much "slush" of snow & ice packed up under the car and because it was so very cold, FROZE solid. I had parked outside a store only for a short time and it was fine when I turned it off. My brother came to the rescue and crawled under far enough to take something to bam the ice loose & it worked just fine..... He warned me to keep it running until all the slush melted off next time!  Hope yours wasn't too expensive to repair.

We had snow, really cold but hopefully it will warm a little tomorrow (at least above freezing). I have an appointment with the physical therapist on Wed, had to cancel today because the place lost electricity overnight. Also scheduled for a CT scan on Wed afternoon so hope we can find what is causing the headaches. I am guessing the sinus infection went on so long it is just breaking loose so maybe will be okay without any other treatment. Stiff neck better since I quit grimacing when walking, still know the knee is not up to par, but can walk without a noticeable limp and drink a bottle of water without a straw! Any improvement is welcome.

Can't believe we are just days from Christmas and I don't have ANY decorations out, not even my Christmas village! Think I had better get on the ball tomorrow for sure. Bubble, when I scroll past your Santa graphic I think of your sweet Canadian Santa and a moment of sadness that he doesn't visit us more often. Tell him he is thought of, please....

This computer is off in a back bedroom so I can't think ... now that's a fact! Between weather & groaning and keeping up with cats, I don't do a thing to talk about. Will tell you about Callie (Mama cat)... she doesn't want to go out at all these cold days so when it is the warmest part of the day, I open the door & insist she go for a run. She will dart out the door, race around the pool and as she rounds the far side, stops to look at me standing at the door, if I open it laughing she makes a home run and is back inside with, "glad THAT is over for today!" Since she doesn't get to race all over the house or go downstairs, she does need the exercise. They do keep me entertained.

Better get a few things done so I can go to bed, half asleep already. Some time during the night I will wake up with head splitting and need to take an aspirin... but will have a piece of toast & cup of coffee & go right back to sleep so no big deal. Hope this is all well before Christmas. Sweet dreams to all and to all a good night!  Love ya, Shirley


Good morning everyone 27° and snow all day with icy rain included. Just looked out and nothing yet. When they get us all worked up about bad weather and roads it mostly turns out to be nothing. Once in awhile they are right.

AMY  glad the van is OK and you have another appointment. I am glad I no longer make appointments in the winter. Doctor  and dentist both know I will not make appointments then.

CAROL  my daughter who lives outside of Kingman, Az. sent me a picture she took of snow on the mountains higher than they are.

JANE  we are supposed to have that "crappy" weather today. Has not started here yet but north of us it has started. Glad your goodies are on the way to your sister. Too hard for me to do any decorating. My tree  is in the closet and will stay there. Many schools in the state are already closed for the day. Hope you had a restful sleep.

SHIRLEY  good luck with the CT scan. I didn't mind that at all, better than the MRI, really dislike laying on that hard table in that tube with all the noise for so long. Does my back no good.

Wow not many posts since I was here yesterday. Hope everyone is fine and dandy.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Just looked out again and the ground is white. From what I see of it falling in the lights it is a fine snow, the kind that can change to rain. Yuck.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning everyone..

Nothing important is on the agenda for today other than house hold duties.. and I may wiggle in some sewing.

Gloria ,we are to get the snow tomorrow but I hope not till we get back home from the city.

Shirley, tis an awful feeling when you have no power . The mechanic explained it to me why everything shut down ,the vehicle thought it was going to be in an accident. Next time if there is one he said to shut everything off, open then door and start it up again. Hope your health problems are soon resolved.

Jane, I just bet you're so thankful for retirement and you can do all this. Seems to me you're just as busy if not busier than when you were working. :2funny:

Carol, nice to see you. Hope you found your recipes you like. Are you doing any quilting?

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers