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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for February 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, February 15, 2021, 12:38:01 AM

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Good morning...

Shhh....no new snow to play with this morning..but tonight will bring some more.

Made an appointment for hubby to get his hair cut today so off we will go to get that done then head into the city. He has some presents from Christmas to go back and now that lockdown has been lifted the stores will now take them back.

Jane ,I just bet the cooking smells made your home smell nice. I have been hankering for a chicken soup and that after Phyllis bean soup will be next.

Lloyd ,thank goodness for honest folks, glad you got your cheques back. Hope you found your other two cows.

Jenny, :clap:  :clap:  :clap: way to go on the 15 years for Bob..at the time one worries if they will get through it, now you can look back and say yayyy we did it!! I say we as I know what the other one goes through while their spouse is going through treatment.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

AMY thanks for the well washes , you did not have to blow your snow down here , but we are getting it here and temp. is @ 4º now. at least we got rid of the -,s I am going to stay in the house. we have not found the other two cows. I think weather permitting I will sell the one next week. when we get the court battle settled , if it goes our way we will buy more young heifers. I am praying we get it settled in our favor, so I can feel free to go to shop and work. sure miss being able to do my wood work mostly. have a good day everyone.



Good Morning to Everyfriend!  This morning has turned into laundry day.  As I crawled into bed last night, I had in mind to change the bed and wash everything in the morning.  Mickie decided that I needed to get an early start and she wee wee'd on the bed.  It went thru everything except the mattress pad so the mattress didn't get wet.  I got up, stripped the bed and threw the mattress pad in the washer (after we did another outie) and then opened up the sofa bed so we could sleep there the rest of the night.  Today, I've been washing all the rest of the bedding and some towel that were accumulating.  I have the bed remade and the last load in the washer.  Not a lot of fun there!

LLOYD, you were so lucky with your checks!  I don't think that happens often.  You must be living right!  Good luck with your court date.  I hope it all goes your way.  You deserve the best!

I'm going to go scrounge up some lunch and then read the paper while I eat.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow. 

P.S. some of that snow you are getting in Kansas and OK is stopping by Cindy's house near Tulsa.  She's being kept busy feeding the robins. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Just making a quick appearance to say Hi

More snow on the way for tomorrow.  I think enough is enough !!!!! 

I am feeling a lot better but still get so sleepy. 

Hope everyone is making out ok with all the terrible weather that is all across our country.  Feel so sorry for the people in Texas.  So many without any heat.   

Please stay safe.



 :hb2: Update from Gloria's daughter! :hb2: Here's an update for Mom.
She is getting stronger and stronger, eating regular meals and was told today if she keeps up her progress she may be going home by next week!
All good news! She looks much better than she did a week ago, so she may be back to give you all a run for your money!!😁👍🏼👍🏼

Thanks Shirley for posting above message, it's encouraging to see her bouncing back. No one said my mom is not a fighter!!😁
Regina  (Don't cha love news like this???)  Thanks, Regina~


Yaaaayyyyyy..... Shirley that is great news!,, :thumbup:  I think we know that Gloria is a fighter. Love news like  this :smitten: Thank you for posting it.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hooray!!  Not only did JOY report in that she's feeling better, we got a great report on GLORIA!  Now we need to hear from PATRICIA.

Got all the laundry done and put away and the haystack is all rejuvenated.  Fresh hay all through it!  I sure hope the zzzzs didn't wash away because I'm really tired!

We're in for more snow tomorrow that is predicted to last into Friday.  I sure home my vaccination doesn't get snowed out on Friday!

I'm heading for the haystack now.  I wish you all a good night's sleep and a happy, healthy, germ-free, feel-good tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one@

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

WE Have no new news. we made Home made Ice cream today, we all enjoyed it.
Good night and sweet dreams. a regular  heat wave here up to 13º Now.



Good morning..

Snow is to start later this evening ,temp is -6° F. Busy day ahead, Kyle is going to make a cabinet for Hank...he is just too tall to fit under the cupboard  so off the the lumber store we go. A friend called and asked if I would take her into town so she could pick up groceries and do banking so that will be after I take hubby in. Then some time in the day there is a quilt delivery to do. When all the world is slowing down, cancer is full steam ahead, this is the second delivery in two weeks I have made.

Today would be a good day to make Phyllis's bean soup , warm the insides and stick to the ribs as tomorrow there will be more snow to deal with.

Joy, we watched the news and saw the mess they have is TX. lives lost just trying to get warm! Great to read you are feeling better too.

Lloyd  ,homemade ice cream is the best!!

Jane, I had a washing job of a dog's bed, Babe tossed her cookies on it so into the washer it went.

Better get ready to meet the day..

Enjoy your day and stay safe!

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm up ana attem!  My plan was to sleep in a bit longer today but Mickie got antsy and after what happened yesterday, I didn't think it was a good idea to make her wait.

Not sure what's on the agenda today but I do have to deal with about 6 quarts of good chicken broth.  I think I might try canning it and I'm pretty sure it will have to be pressure canned.  I'll have to look that one up since I've never canned just the broth before.  I'm also still craving Radioman's sweet tater soup and I have all the ingredients. 

LLOYD, home made icecream is the BEST!  We used to make it when we were little and the best part was that since we didn't have a freezer back in those days, we had to eat it all in one day!  Imagine that!  What a chore.....NOT!  My dad and my uncle both had a rule...If you didn't help crank, you didn't help eat.  EVERYONE cranked!

Gotta get this day started!  I wish you all a good one...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


We've got ice.  It looks pretty but it is dangerous and we are not going anywhere.  I have my fingers crossed that the power stays on.  David made sure that the gas logs are working so we will have heat if the power does go out and we've heated canned beans in the fireplace before so we can do that again if we have to.  Anyway, I made sure we have plenty of sandwich stuff on hand but I won't want to open the fridge any more than I have to if we have no power.  I hate having to throw away a lot of spoiled food.

Take care, All, and stay warm.

Lloyd Hammond

Good morning everyone.  I had a good post made and it went away to never never Land. I think I have a old hand crank freezer down at the shop, but we have a couple of electric freezer's here in the pantry. sun is very bright and temp. is -5º here. no wend so far. I am still going to be a couch jockey today. Have a great day just as you like.



Good Morning,

#2 son took me to his house last Monday - anticipating the "blizzard" and possible rolling power blackouts during the next few days.  They have a log fireplace and a generator so the 2-hour blackout Tuesday morning didn't bother us that much. 
They are both working from home and depend on cell phones and computers so are hoping they don't have another one.

I love being with them and the two dogs (who think Lab is spelled L-A-P.  However, they both lie at my feet to make very sure I'm sitting in a chair and not in Mom's or Dad's space on the couch  ;) ).

Even so, I was glad to be back with my own things when he brought me home late yesterday afternoon.  I think I would have been comfortable driving across town on the city streets - but wouldn't even try on the neighborhood streets.

We're on different power companies and there was no evidence of a black-out in my area.  Snow in yard is probably up to my knees so birds will have to wait for the feeders to be filled.

Did have a new experience while there.  I knew what a Roomba is but had never seen one "in action" until theirs began cleaning the wood floors in three rooms.  Funny to watch it bump into something, appear to "think", and then start in another direction.  When it's full, it takes itself back to its station, empties into a canister, comes back to where it was and starts over.

Off to do laundry.


I am more than happy to slow down for the rest of the day. Did all that I had to do...right down to ordering the top for the cupboard which is almost made, just have to wait on the pull out slides.

Better go fill up Mr SB ,just in case he is needed in the morning...rather have him gassed and ready to go.

Patricia says hi...and will be here when she is feeling a bit better.

Callie, labs are such loveable dogs always willing to cuddle too! Hope you don't lose power  aand can stay safe and warm!

Phyllis, I hope your power stays on also.. Think I will start your pot of bean soup then it will be done for tomorrow if we get inundated with more snow!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


We've had light snow most of the day today.  But it hasn't amounted to more than about 4 inches overall.  The roads have been plowed a couple times and salted once so they are mostly clear. 

Frankie was off today and was going to come for a visit but she took Cooper to the Vet instead.  He's been limping for a couple days and today he wouldn't put his foot on the ground at all.  They told her it wasn't broken but might be a little strained.  Like maybe he landed wrong on one of his leaps.  He probably slipped on the ice.  Not much to do about that for a dog.

I'm working on a change to my medigap insurance and I hate this job with a purple passion!  Thank goodness, Cathy is helping me through the gal in her agency who does this for Seniors on a daily basis.  The first thing Lyn said is that I'm definitely paying too much for my medigap.  It was fine when I bought it 7 years ago but it keeps going up even if I don't use it much.  For an old lady, I'm pretty healthy!

AMY, I'm so glad to hear that PATRICIA has been in touch with you!  I'v been concerned about her.

Well, I have 6 quarts of beautiful chicken broth canned and I did have to use the pressure canner but it's going to be worth it when I feel like soup sometime.  There's the broth, ready and waiting.  I also baked a pumpkin pie with pumpkin that I froze last Fall from a crook neck pumpkin that Christy grew.  I ate a piece for my dessert tonight.

I'm downright nervous about my COVID shot tomorrow.  I'll be glad to have it but I can't help but wonder about reactions.  I'm glad to have the reports from those of you who have already had it and I'm hoping I respond as well.  Cathy is going to take me.  And I suspect she'll hang around a while after I come home. 

Now I'm heading for the haystack after I take Mickie out one more time.  I sure hope it's loaded with zzzzzs and that they take over my brain so I can sleep.  I'm really tired!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy, germ-free, no-snow tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I bought the best smelling ham shanks yesterday.... could smell them through the plastic wrap in the trunk driving home  & can hardly wait to cook them in a pot of beans. Have any of you driven through Kentucky or Tennessee when they are smoking hams in the barns along the highway? We made that trip once or twice a year since 1957, when we got back from England. Now & then we would hit the times they smoked hams & since the "early" cars didn't have AC, we drove with windows open part way. Wonderful smells, but back in those early years we never stopped to buy a ham and what we've had since doesn't smell the same, but these ham shanks do. I have great expectations for this pot of beans. I cheated and bought frozen Grands biscuits, if you haven't tried the frozen, they are the nearest to my mother-in-law's biscuits I've ever tasted. I've been taking them to Colorado camping the last few years & everyone loves breakfast, I go all out! 

I've had one of those days when nothing worked right. Need a paper for the tax man & can't find that, tried again to start the snow blower & even with electric start, it won't start, can't find my shovel (last time I put it away!), & something else that I tried & didn't work, so I am having a pity party tonight...oh, I know, I couldn't get the air compressor to work to fill my SnoNut so I could go down the hill before the snow disappears... I use it all the time but my son did something to make it run differently & I don't know how to use it now. I learn "how to" one way & don't know how to figure out different methods. My husband & I worked well together, he gave orders & I took them, he would start me off doing something & I'd get the job done. I am used to being the extra pair of hands & hadn't realized I need for someone to wind me up to get me started!

Was disappointed to find my sack of potatoes icky on the garage step... been here since 1988 & never had it freeze in the garage till this week. Had to take them out to the dumpster since I didn't notice them earlier, so on with the boots & heavy coat again.  :snowman:  :snowball:

Guess I'd better get to bed. "Hi" back to Patricia next time you talk to her, Amy... or if you are on the computer...  HI & hope you get better fast! Sweet dreams to all and God Bless. Shirley


Good morning..
Can sing let it snow ,let it snow this morning. Looks to be an all day snow fall here.

Today is clean up the snow ,then go back to the lumber store to pick up a piece of wood for the  slide out drawers of the cabinet.

Making Phyllis's soup today...perfect day for it!

Shirley, my son smoked a pork shoulder for the first time and said they come out beautiful! The shoulders are on sale this week so I can see a lot of them being done while he is home.

Jane Patricia had her shot and she said she is fine despite the worries she may of had. Her arm was fine afterwards. Hope she pops in today and she can tell you of her experience. That broth will be so tasty and at the ready when you want it! How long did you process it?

Better get ready for the ball...I have MR SB gassed and ready to go  so he won't be a slouch on the dance floor :))

Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's still softly snowing out there.  Mickie came in with a light coat on her coat and when I looked up, I could feel it on my face.  But it hasn't affected my road. 

AMY, my Ball Blue Book (the bible for canning procedures) told me to process quarts for 25 minutes.  And the lids were popping as soon as the canner was cool enough to take the lid off!

This morning, I used some of the chicken to make doggie food.  Nice to have it there and ready.  Of what I ground, there's enough left to make some chicken salad for sandwiches for lunch.  And I have a container in the freezer to make chicken potpie...maybe next week!

SHIRLEY, you did have a frustrating day yesterday!  I hope today is better for you. I'm thinking that if you lived in PA, you wouldn't smell all those smoke houses any more.  Around here, the farmers are only doing hams for themselves.  They are not allow to sell home smoked hams and I sure do miss them.  There is one dealer who still has a contract with a farm to sell him smoked hams and they go like hotcakes.  Most of the farms couldn't afford to upgrade to what was demanded by the major meat processors. 

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. It is -6º F and clear here bright sun this Morning. school is back open and Nicole is back to teaching, and children are back in class and the 2 year old is back to baby the baby setter. I Shure miss them all. Have a good daL



Phyllis, soup is done and the aroma is nose tickling. Thank you for the recipe and I have past it on to son to try.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


OK had a 4.2 earthquake today so checking to see if Callie felt it. Not sure if it was felt here but looking at pictures on the wall.... slightly shifted so guess that's what Tiger jumped at earlier.  I figured probably some snow/ice sliding off the roof. Had a biggie on the other side of the world this past week so around it goes.

We are up to 28° with bright sun so snow should melt pretty good... and I never did get the SnoNut aired up!!!   :tissue:  :snowball:  :snowman:


Good morning, everyone, and thanks for remembering me! I'm still mainly on bedrest with my left leg propped up, but I do have a walker; I can only put weight on my leg for short periods, but that is changing even if just in seven days. They said three to four weeks, but I'm going to try to prove them wrong. Farrah has been an angel, hanging out on the bed with me and checking up on me otherwise.

I had the shot yesterday and still no reactions, which is surprising as I have a history of adverse reactions to meds and now most foods. However, I'm certainly not special as food allergies are the second-fastest-growing allergies due to our chemical diets. Actually, I'm told, it'd be a surprise if at my age I didn't have one!

As to the vaccination, I was worried about having it in my already sore left side; they had no problem using my right arm and being afraid of pain as I kept hearing they would give the shot in my muscle. I'm such a big baby about needles, but it was barely felt.

Now I'm going to head over to PSP and see all of Bubble's artistry I've missed. She is so innovative and creative!


:clap:  :clap:  :clap: Patricia, so glad to "see" you here!! Each day will be better...you will soon be wanting to dance with Mr Snowblower on me!

Phyllis...oh my.....that is a VERY GOOD soup!! I have phoned son and told him this recipe is a keeper!!

Snow is starting to mount up...maybe 2 inches...not enough to worry about just yet..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Afternoon,

Shirley, I was still sound asleep at the time of the earthquake and didn't know about it until I saw report on noon news. News just mentioned it but am guessing evening news will have stories-from-the-scene and those annoying emotional interviews with eye-witnesses.

There have been recent earthquakes in that general area and a gas pipe explosion a couple of days ago - fortunately in a rural area so no damage or injuries.

Patricia,  glad to see you here and wishing you a Good Recovery.  Love that Farrah is "taking care" of you. I'm also a big baby about needles jabbed into my arm muscle and haven't had the vaccination or any other "preventative" shots recommended for those "of a certain age".

There was a pair of bluebirds on my fence when I opened the blinds this morning.  I rarely see any bluebirds on this side of town and don't think I've ever had a pair.  Hope there was enough birdseed for their breakfasts because snow is still too high for me to comfortably get out to the feeder.

Son/dil have multiple feeders and it was fun to watch all the birds while I was at their house. 

Yesterday was productive - getting caught up with Domestic Duties but I have no Plan du Jour for today - and am not in the mood to think of one.  (Sorry - feeling more than a bit grouchy about things in general and wishing everyone would Change The Subjects!!!!! :cussing: )

Off to sit in the corner until I can :playnice:

Hope Everyfriend is finding something to enjoy today.  Hugs to all....


I'm pleased that you liked the Bean Soup, Amy.  I think it is my #1 soup to rely on when the weather is yucky and cold and calls for soup.  Either bean soup or potato soup.

It has finally stopped raining here but still cloudy and dreary and chilly.  They promise sun tomorrow.  Oh, please, let them be right.  My SAD is kicking in drastically and I'm not happy with the world today.

I'm glad you are doing OK, Angel, but I know you will be glad when this is all in the past.  I'm thinking of you and wishing good things.

Too many earthquakes in Wichita, Shirley.  I think old Mother Earth is really upset with us all.  Glad it didn't do any damage.

Take care, All.



I kept my appointment today and they shot me in the arm.  It was a brief prick and I've felt no pain since.  And they did ask me if I wanted my right or left arm.  I'm glad they gave me a choice because I still have some soreness from breaking my left arm and I'm not sure if I'd know if it was the normal pain or pain from the shot.  I have and appointment for Mar. 12 for the second shot.  Then I can feel a bit more relaxed.  I'm sure this is making my kids feel better!  Maybe even my grandkids.  My oldest grandson, called me from his home in Mexico today to ask if I was feeling ok.  And four others texted me

PATRICIA, it's so good to see you posting.  And I'm sure your going to make them eat their words about how long it will take you to get back on your feet.  That's what our generation does!

I made the chicken salad for lunch and it was so good, I ate it for supper, too.  I have enough for a couple more sandwiches and I'm going enjoy every bite of it!

I copied down PHYLLIS' bean soup recipe and I have stuff on my shopping list for this week so I can make it.  I also ran across a recipe for making it in the crock pot (no bean soaking) and most of the ingredients are the same.  PHYLLIS has some that they don't so I'm going to use her recipe and their times.  I'll let you know how it works.  That won't be until next week.

I think those crows I've seen flying around here are sitting on my DISH receiver.  It went off a while ago and it's still not back on so no TV tonight.  It might be a good night to go to bed early but if I try to go too early, Mickie will get me up too early.

Right now, I'm really thirsty and I've heard that's one of the side effects of the vaccine but I've been thirsty for more than a year...maybe two so I don't think that's happening. 

Funny thing...the lady that checked me in for the vaccine said, "I know you.  You used to work at WalMart!"  I admitted that I did and told her that I thought she used to work there, too.  She did!  This is a very small town!

I might be back but in case I'm not, I wish you all a peaceful nights sleep and a happy, healthy, germ-free, snow-free, earthquake free tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


It is Friday evening and I hoped to post here every day and just did not make it!

SO pleased to see your post PATRICIA.  You have been in my thoughts and prayer and I will continue to do so everyday!  Good to read that you got your vaccine.  Hope there will be no side effects from it for you! Sweet Farrah is a good girl for watching over you🥰

JANE, yippee, you got yours too.  Also hope you will have no side effects either.  Glad you got your canning done.....

PHYLLIS, I am sorry your "SAD" has set in....but I totally understand.  We have had a cold dreary week here and some concerning family news and it is hard not to let THAT feeling take over.  There is so much sadness in our world these days.....and I certainly know that so many others are suffering much more than any of us, but it is all relevant ya know?  You take care now.  Hugs.

CALLIE, good to read you are home and hanging in there.  Many share your concerns about shots, and many are questioning IF they want to take this vaccine..... I just want everyone that has it to be OK and not have any adverse side effects...and IF they do that it w8ll not be too serious and the6 can get well SOON!

AMY, glad to read that you loved the soup......how could you not?  It sounds delicious!  A smoked pork shoulder sure sounds yummmy! 

SHIRLEY, seems you are having more than your fair share of issues....I hope it is warming up there and at least you won't have to deal with that. 

Pleasant dreams to ALL.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Lloyd Hammond

Good Night everyone. sweet dreams we have had a good easy day here. lot of fun with the great grand children.
