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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for February 15, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, February 15, 2022, 12:02:37 AM

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Jane, I believe I have everyone beat. I'm sitting here on the couch with my second mug of coffee, and I'm still in my pajamas. I looked over YouTube, and nothing, not even my subscriptions, is tempting me today. I've done my email folder, finished with my daily round of calls and texts, finished feeding Farrah and cleaning her litter box.

It's in the plus thirties out, but I don't want to go out. So, I've spent the last 3.5 hours watching Tiny House videos and wishing I had one of those with an independent source of funds!

Where is Amy!?


A good Saturday afternoon hello to EVERYFRIEND🦋. I have not been able to get in here for quite sometime.... Lost the log in page....seems gremlins are against me🤪🤪

We just finished a week of very cold temperatures.  Not much white stuff to count on,but a bit here and there every day.  Glad it has moved on and we have warmer temperatures to look forward to this week 😻

Dermatologist called....there was not a deep enough sample for pathology to get a good reading on, so now
I have to go back and get another one done😩😩

Surgeon agreed with myPT in that a nerve test is in order to find out what we are dealing with.  I will not bore you with the problems
I have had getting this EMG test appointment made.  A two month wait to SEE the doctor that would do it then another month until the procedure done.  I just felt this was not the best nor my only choice to accomplish this, so I kept calling the surgeons office with my concerns and yesterday they finally did get involved and now my doctor just ordered the test and I will have it done in a month with nor prior jetting with the doctor that will do the test‼️‼️  So discouraging....I will be getting done on the one year anniversary of the day I fell in Tulsa.....What a LONG year it has been🌚

I wish you all a good rest of your day.  I miss reading the posts, so I just have to be diligent in making my way back in here🤪🤪

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Patricia, here I am... :hello: Thank you for missing me.
Must admit I am more than happy to sit still.....well until the dogs want out or a dryer dings!

Phone call woke ME...friends were coming down and did I want to meet to exchange goodies.I had chicken for their dogs and she had FABRIC for me. A HUGE tote full of fabric she didn't want. Warned me ahead of time not to lift it but to take a bit of it at a time in the house. I understand why now, he put it in the vehicle and no way would I be able to lift that tote....or tote that barge either :)) I knew it would be like Christmas if I got into the fabric so work first. :( The neighbour had plowed our yard but it did need tiding up in places and I needed to do out by the mail box for our mail lady...hmm sounds like an oxymoron. Snowblowed the front then did the back yard for the dogs and out to the wood piles. Ice underneath this snow and goodness did I slip and slide...too bad it wasn't set to music or I would have had a dance video.
The snow cleaning  done both the garage/shop and house needed wood brought in, so 3 loads later that job was done.  Next was laundry while the "energy" was with me or should I say the force was with me? Almost done just one load left in the washer and bed is remade and yes I did bring in the fabric. I phoned my friend and said it was just like Christmas folding and enjoying this new eye candy to me. Ask any quilter and she will tell you the same thing.

Phyllis, your posts are not dull. I really enjoy coming here in the morning and seeing all the posts...even if it is just a  :wave:  No one has a dull post.

Better stop before I write a book..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


A little bit of humor for your day;




Good Morning Everyfriend!  I don't think of us as boring, either.  I look forward to "seeing" each and every one of you every day and I miss you when you don't show up!  And I didn't show up to say "good night" last night.  I was so tired that I kept falling asleep while I tried to read a couple of chapters of SIDNEY POITIER'S book and then some TV so I got up, turned off all the lights and hit the haystack.  I discovered as I crawled it, it was about 9:15!  And I slept until 5:45 this morning.  I'd say I needed the sleep!

And if anyone is interested, SIDNEY POITIER'S book is very interesting.  He was a very special person and reading how he became that person is most interesting.  I usually haunt the large print section at the library but I was so eager to read his book that I took on a regular print book and it wasn't easy but it was worth every minute!  I highly recommend it to anyone who might be looking for something to read!

I heading for church (for real) this morning.  I've been going on line for a while and I really miss just being there.  So Cathy is dropping me off this morning and friends will bring me home! 

AMY, I bet you're in 7th Heaven with all that material!  I gave a lot of mine to Christy a while back and I noticed that at least one of the pieces showed up in a quilt she made for her Son, Daniel and Edith, his lovely bride-to-be!  She's following in your footsteps.  This is her second quilt and it was quite a project.  I think it's called the Wedding Ring Pattern.  I'm not 100 percent sure of that but I bet I can get a picture to share with you if you're interested?

Also, forgot to tell you, your picture is on the wall above my computer and since your hand is up and waving, I say a "Good Morning" to you every day as I sit down at the computer.  And you're in good company.  Allison's family (including my two GGrands) is sharing your space as is my granddaughter, Courtney, Mickie and Annie and June and two paintings done by Emma at age 2.

Also want to say, that I am NEVER bored by what is posted here!  I think this is one of the most important parts of my life!  I'm forever thankful for the day I discovered this place!

I better get my breakfast and my shower and get myself ready to meet the day.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

It is snowing out, not a sight I wanted to see this morning. A day of rest today and that is exactly what I am going to do!

Jane, I know what you mean by tired last night, I was tired but saw every hour on the hour up until 4 am.......not impressed with that! Your photo is also beside me. :smitten:

Patricia, if you sent this snow I wouldn't mind you taking it back. Not enough to worry about for the moment but I bat come this afternoon there will be.

Jenny, hope you soon get back to normal with your health.

Patricia, I just scrolled back and read about your jumping when the two hard hated men showed up!! Bet that made you scurry. You should have had notice about the work going on.

Better scoot.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning from a non-snowy Interior, altho a minuscule amount is expected for Monday afternoon. The city crews spent last weekend grading streets down to the pavement and moving dump truck loads of snow to designated sites in preparation for the three spring dog races this month and the first week of March.

Other than my haircut this afternoon (The first one in two years, not citing Alan's last year), that wasn't self-inflicted. The manager's daughter is licensed, and she used to come bi-monthly in the days before Covid. She charges $20.00 per cut, which is low for this city. There is always a long line, probably more so today, so I signed up quickly when I heard.

I spent yesterday going through my kitchen, collecting all the boxes and bags of food I can no longer eat due to allergies. I was surprised at how much I had squirreled away. It's now downstairs on the donation tables, and I saw the men gathering even as I left. While women here shop, I believe some men live off the donation tables!

Amy, since everyone, (except one daily staffed maintenance man and one security 24/7), works remotely, they no longer seem to send out notices.

And so goes my life. We had 222 new cases of Omicron for the week ending February twenty-fifth, and we are still at the highest levels in the state, so everything is still shut down and locked out. March first is our twenty-fourth month's lockdown anniversary.  :'(  One of my friends was recently diagnosed and missed her three-year-old's great gran's birthday.

I will be going sometime this coming week for hunting and gathering. I swear, it's becoming my social activity of the month during this pandemic.


It's a really dreary day out of my window.  Mother Nature teases us with a nice warm, sunny day and then turns around and gives us a dismal day.  It's hard to keep up with her.  At least, she hasn't given us snow!

Amy, you make me exhausted when I read all of the things that you do.  I think you couldn't sleep because you were over-tired with all that work.  Take it easy today.  Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

Jane, I doubt your day is duller than mine.  At least you have Cooper and Frankie to see every....or, nearly every day.  Sydney Poitier was always an actor that I admired.  I can still hear him say, "Call me Mr. Tibbs."  The book sounds good.

Patricia, thanks for the giggle this morning.  I love Peanuts and really miss that cartoon. That one and POGO by Walt Kelly, which has been gone for a long time, are my favorites.  Some of the jokes from POGO have become part of our family.  Quotes like:  "For ink it ain't bad."; "Mankind is OK, it's the people I can't stand." and so many more.  I loved the three bats that were named Bewitched, Bothered, and Be-Mildred.  Does anyone else here remember that?

I am reading the latest book in the OUTLANDER series by Diana Gabaldon.  "Go Tell the Bees I Am Gone" is the title.  I loved the series when the first book came out years ago but by now I find I am really getting tired of all the things that has happened to these people.  Besides, it is located in N. Carolina and she gets some of the geographical detail all wrong.  That always irritates me when an author doesn't appear to know the area she/he is writing about and doesn't seem to bother to do accurate research.  But, I have vowed to finish the darned thing!  >:(

Brunch time and I must put the Blueberry English Muffins under the broiler.  We have several different flavors of a fancy jam that I bought on the Internet so I hope it will taste good.  Also, I have some fresh fruit to cut up to go along.  If anyone here can get down to N.Carolina within the next half-hour I'll set a place at the table.

Take care, All.


Phyllis, I loved Pogo and Albert the alligator! I go online to Go Comics and read my favorites each morning,  I recently started reading Dick Tracy; talk about a time warp!

I read and loved the first books on Outlander and never read any others. I also hate the liberties taken when an author uses Alaska as a backdrop to their stories. It's often evident that they haven't a clue. One adventure story had a climactic scene of a moose herd stampede. This is odd as moose are solitary creatures and never gather in groups other than mom and calves, and even that is limited.


Super Sunday to all........... pretty nippy out but sun shining & starting to warm up for the week. I am really surprised at all the birds flirting (yes, not flitting) around, looking for stuff to build nests.

I'm thinking about what each of you have said this morning & last night, not ready to talk about it, tho. Been to church & breakfast with the group at McDonald's & need some more sleep. That 4 hours & 45 min just not enough to keep me going. Hope all will have a really good day, happy, HAPPY.  :thumbup:


Quote from: patricia19 on February 27, 2022, 10:58:59 AMI go online to Go Comics and read my favorites each morning,  I recently started reading Dick Tracy; talk about a time warp!
We laughed at Dick Tracy and Diet Smith, and their wrist radios.  But now who's laughing?  So much stuff that was science fiction at the time is now real.



Quote from: patricia19 on February 27, 2022, 10:58:59 AMI go online to Go Comics and read my favorites each morning,  I recently started reading Dick Tracy; talk about a time warp!

We laughed at Dick Tracy and Diet Smith, and their wrist radios.  But now who's laughing?  So much stuff that was science fiction at the time is now real.



I agree; while I'm new to Dick Tracy, a lot of his innovations remind me of Flash Gordon.

Who is Diet Smith?


"Who is Diet Smith?"

TaDaaaaa - You'll have to keep tuned in to find out "Who is Diet Smith?". He's much more important than B.O.Plenty.



The music started and the dance began,wind is still high but the snow has stopped.

Phyllis, I did rest as much as I could, enjoyed doing very little.

Gloria and Lloyd are missing?...

Going to work hard at doing nothing..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I don't even know who B.O. Plenty is ! I'm only six days in.

I know Sam, his partner, and I know they're after an old Criminal named Yeti and that his associates are turning up dead. Now Tracy is after his living associates.


We didn't have a TV growing up and never spent time listening to the radio. We were too busy cleaning, gardening, or other chores our parents assigned us. That is if we weren't traveling the interior's rivers.

We did have one page of black and white comics in the daily paper, but Tracy wasn't among them. Of course, I had heard of him but never actually saw a strip until very recently.


I took five cell phone photos to show that even though they've plowed and only a small amount of snow is due tomorrow, the skies say tomorrow might become today,



I thought you were reading older Dick Tracy stories.  Just realized they are new ones, so you likely won't run into B.O. or Diet Smith.
If you put - Diet Smith - into a search engine you will get more out of it than if I try to tell about him.



Re-reading & y'all brought to mind my brother-in-law's brother & wife..... the family name is Dick so they named their baby girl "Tracy". Back in the day a teacher called roll with last name first. That poor little girl spent her early years called Dick... Tracy. Have not thought about that for many years, wonder what happened to her.

Day is done, gone the sun. Supposed to warm up this week so I plan to wash a car & shape up the yard before taking on the house again. It is a dark night, no moon light or stars & less than normal lights across the river for some reason. Think I'll get my pjs on & if the eye lids get any heavier, will just crawl into bed. 5:00am was a long time ago & I barely dozed this morning/afternoon, whatever time it was.

Rick, the Apple watch really is science fiction gone wild. My daughter has the latest & so does a friend & both of them put those watches thru their paces. My friend has hers set to notify her son if she falls or whatever, as well as can do anything a computer can. I'm not that techie so don't even want one, Fitbit Versa 3 does all I need to know!

Patricia, the donation table sounds like such a good idea. I have trouble keeping track of stuff I buy, if not right in front of me I sometimes have food go out of date. I make myself get it ready to eat (right now I discovered 2 of the cup size tubs of mac & cheese I missed when cleaning out the motorhome)... out of date so I will open each & add the water & nuke to feed the critters down by the river. Oh, I enjoyed the photos.

What I am really upset about is the shelf in my kitchen that is full of cake mixes, brownie mixes, flour & self rising flour.. had 2 boxes (1 from the motorhome) of pancake mix that had weevils in so threw them away & will open & throw away a whole lot of other stuff. I used to use that "No Bugs M'Lady" shelf paper but that's been declared bad & I don't know of any other product to use to keep bugs out. Being the "sunflower state", we have always had a problem with bugs/moths.... but I don't know what is safe these days. The termite people do not spray inside the house anymore.... Got to face it. :'(

Wishing all sweet dreams, God Bless.... Shirley

Lloyd Hammond

well I am redy to try to go get in bed right away Nancy has fell asleep in her easy cahir, so that will be the first chore to do that with out up setting her. we had a good day,had a birthday paritey for the youngest great grand deaughter, was good lot of company,that took place next door at grand deaughter,s house. so we went had a good time and no mess for us to clean up, more like it used to do with our seinors. go vieset and ladies all piched in and cleaned up the mess. Pleanty to eat came home full to the brim No need to worie about a evening mel. I am going to go to VA tomorrow and try to get my hearing aid fixed, I do not know if you all realise it is hard to stay in a posiation to heare from all deractions with only one aid working, But it shure is. they are fussey about walk in's seince this covaid thing at VA. + docters offices and hospitials are good place to stay away fron. my youengest's son lost his mother in law with it. and she was in a hospital with penomany, you would think a good place to be with ill health. but they are a good plce to staway from , and do more home health care like we used to.



Day IS done!  SHIRLEY, before I forget, baking soda keeps out the ants and I understand it's good for keeping out other bugs.  You could cut off a couple of paper cups very low, put some baking soda in them and spread them around the cupboard.  However, I have to be honest with you.  I'd just take a spoon and sprinkle some of it around the things that seem to draw the bugs.  It doesn't really make a mess and you could just clean it up once a week and replace it!

Now I'm off to the haystack!  My eyes have almost entered slam shut mode and I have to be up early.  Frankie's schedule for this week is 7-4 so she'll be dropping Cooper off around 6:30.

We're supposed to have a couple hours of snow tonight beginning around midnight.  That won't do too much to the roads.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Shirley, setting out a bay leaf or portions will drive away bugs. But if you want a permanent solution, use food-grade diatomaceous earth. People actually ingest, it's sometimes prescribed for cats and dogs, and it is an easy, no dangerous chemical way to destroy most bugs. Sold in most stores and online such as Amazon.

Natural Product - Composed of 4lbs of 100% ground freshwater diatomaceous earth with absolutely no additives or fillers.
OMRI Listed - Listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute, a non-profit organization that reviews products against organic standards.
Powder Duster Included - Powder duster in the bag for easy and efficient application of diatomaceous earth on animal feed
Supports a Great Cause - Harris donates 10% of profits to support the local Etowah Valley Humane Society.
Made in the USA – Mined in Nevada and packaged in Georgia

will this work for bed bugs?
Answer:Yep! Since my teenage son's friends brought us bedbugs during a weekend sleepover (apparantly, they crawled out of their backpacks and suitcases), it has been a LIVING NIGHTMARE, trying to live with them while trying to kill them. There were SEVERAL times we thought we'd conquered them, only to discover, THEY'RE BACK l... see more
By Beck's has an opinion on February 21, 2018
 See more answers (7)
Question:This is ok around animals right?
Answer:My vet told me not to apply it on the cats because it gets into their lung through breathing.
Diatomaceous Earth is siliceous sedimentary rock reduced to powder, as such is an abrasive, it kill insects that repeatedly walk on it buy sanding and slashing their exoskeletons.
So if apply to animals can damage their lu... see more
By Cristina on March 8, 2018
 See more answers (10)
Question:Has anyone use this on their pets for fleas? Thank you.
Answer:Yes, Diatomaceous Earth bag is labeled to kill fleas. Thoroughly treat the floor and bedding in and around pets' sleeping quarters. Treat surrounding cracks and crevices, baseboards, carpeting and wherever fleas are suspected. It is also recommended to treat your pets with a product registered for flea control, such a... see more
By Executive Do it Best Hardware SELLER  on August 10, 2017
 See more answers (4)
Question:Will it kill our honey bees?
Answer:Actually, you use this on the ground under your beehives to help prevent small hive beetle infestation. Since bees don't crawl around on the ground they'll be fine.
By matt p. on January 4, 2022


Good morning...

No new snow to deal with.. :clap:

Blood work for Kyle this morning then home to play hide and seek with the dust bunnies......they try to hide and I seek them out.

Potato bacon soup will be made for lunch and chicken for dinner. There meals done :)

Better get ready..

Enjoy your day and stay safe..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning! SHIRLEY, did you get all that?  I made a note of what PATRICIA said but right now, I think I'll stick with baking soda.  If the ants are as bad in the Spring and Summer, I might try her stuff!

Frankie had been and gone and Cooper had his breakfast and is telling me it's time for a walk.  I think I'll get that over with.  We had a bit of snow during the night and the roads are wet but it didn't really lay anywhere except on the old snow.  For now it's not dirty any more but I don't think that will last long.

Today is wash day!  I'm not doing the bed today...just clothes.  I did the towels on Thursday...or was it Friday?

Frankie said she's going to spend the night tonight so it'll be a busy day!  AMY my food plan for today includes Chicken for supper.  I'm doing the crockpot Cranberry chicken for supper.  But what's that soup you're doing for lunch?  It's sounds very interesting!

OK, I'm off to walk Cooper!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I use white vinegar when the ants show up.  However, I thought the weevils that show up in flour/cornmeal/etc. actually came from the eggs that are already in the flour when you buy it.  I buy the smallest bag of flour/grain and store them in the fridge or freezer.  Here is a link about that problem:


Take care, All.


Thank you, girls, for the suggestions. I've been lucky to never have an ant in this house BUT the problem is I guess I brought weevils in from stores, in boxes. You gave me the idea to see what "duck-duck" suggested, almost made me sick for the site to say it was okay to eat certain kinds of bugs. But they had reasonable ideas. Not sure the bay leaves we buy are fresh enough but garlic, & making a spray of .... oh, pooh, here's the link! If it works.https://kitchenatthestore.com/how-to-prevent-flour-weevils/


Thanks to all, now to get everything on that shelf & whole cabinet cleaned out, scrub the cabinets & be the end of this story! We have ants outside, Cas used everything in the book, including vinegar, gasoline, ant killer, etc. They don't come inside so I leave them alone. I made the mistake not long ago to stock up on brownie mixes.... I often take a whole batch to the doctor's office (for their snack room), or the mechanics that work on my motorhome. Those guys aren't bashful, just ask when I call if I'm going to bring them. I don't get cheaper service but they always work me in! Anyway, I will take them to the freezer & will inspect before using. This site it sounds like the weevils are in the boxes & not the moths we had to watch for living next to a field of wild sunflowers! Lost some nice wool clothes before I took those critters serious!  ONWARD!


was okay to eat certain kinds of bugs.

Shirley, years ago we caught a beautiful bass and as I was cleaning it I noticed little yellow spot in the flesh. My neighbour worked for the MNR as a pilot and when I phoned to inquire about these spots, he said they were worms and we could eat it if there was only some many to the inch :yikes: . Told him I used worms to catch the fish and I wasn't about to eat them. Cats had a good feast!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast