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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for January 15, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, January 15, 2022, 07:28:12 AM

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Good morning everyone, another cold one of 15°. Well the company that I get the help from want to change what hours I get. 2 days a week for 4 hours each day. I can barely stand some of the ones they are sending now for 2 hours. I need someone who can cook and yesterday the one I had kept playing with her hair. Would you like her to cook something for you and go to eat something and find hair? Just the thought nauseates me.

AMY  if Jane got "tight" she would not be able to do all the canning AND COOKING SHE DOES.

TOMEREADER  when I bought those new masks the ad said soft cotton and comfortable. The ear straps fit good. I was thinking it was just too big for my face but the CNA has a much bigger face than me and she is having problems with it. If I fold the bottom up a bit it stays in place better but is open at the bottom. The cloth mask is better than nothing and is washable.

JANE  hang loose but PLEASE not by the neck. My doctor is still doing phone call appointments. Cannot help that way. Glad your appointment was good.

SHIRLEY  looks like you got the same masks I bought, not cottony soft but stiff and uncomfortable. Of course with my small face it is hard for anything to fit good. At 80 pounds I think I would look odd with a fat face.

PATRICIA  with all the prescriptions I have that say no alcohol I better not try a little nip.

Have a good day, stay warm and leave the snow where it falls. The sun or rain or spring warmth will melt it away sooner or later. Stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. are temp. is 33º and mosty cloudy. I think I have told you all before, but a old drugest told Me head or chest,use equal parts honey Lemon and burbon, we do keep some of that mixture on hand all the time and use as needed. will not make you drunk just take a swallow as needed, dose the trick. boy Lately I have been dreaming a lot.not sure what that means.good or bad. one of the dreams I was talking to my kid brother wome is severial years past on, sure hope that dose not mean I am to go too soon. Have a good day everyone.



Good morning

Not sure dancing is in order but will soon know...light snow overnight so maybe not too much work.

Some laundry to fold and dust bunnies to chase you know all the fun necessary chores.

Gloria, I agree.......now this hang loose conjures up a reply but best keep it to myself. :2funny:

Jane, love good news and I bet that set the pace for the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm getting used to not setting the alarm since I haven't been having Cooper early in the morning.  Today, I didn't wake up until light was coming in the bedroom windows.  When I looked at the clock, it was 7:15.  Right after that, Cathy texted to ask me how I was doing.  I told her I'd let her know after I had my coffee!

I don't have any special plans for today.  If I had a car, I'd make a quick run to Davy's (The Mennonite store).  I'm out of some of the things I usually pick up there.  For instance, Cooper Sharp cheese for sandwiches or snacking and dark chocolate malted milk balls (my all time favorite candy).  Also, the produce is much better from there!

The dr. gave me a bunch of different exercises to try that might ease the pain from my sciatic nerves.  There were on my "after visit report" last night and I printed the out so I guess I'll be trying them out today.  He also said that walking is good for this type of pain so I'll be trying to take MORE walks!  And I'm in the middle of "The Winds of War" with Robert Mitchum and that cutie hunk kid Jan-Michael Vincent!  I finally understand why my kids would watch anything he was in back int the old days!  He sure was cute!

My son and family gave me a clock for Christmas that has chirping birds every hour. I LOVE it and the Black Capped Chickadee just told me it 8 a.m.  He didn't say so but it's still cold out there... 29º and heading for a high of 39.  Not Spring yet but soon, SHIRLEY!

I hope you all have a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!  (I'm still hanging loose)  Maybe I'll start cleaning out my office today?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...if it is still morning.....I'm not so sure.  :idiot2:   I'm slow today.  We have another storm with ice, sleet, and snow coming so, of course, my head is stuffed up and I've got "brain fog" this morning.  Also, sometime during the night I got the toenail on my right little toe caught in a sheet and pulled the nail off.  It is sore and I'm having even more trouble walking than I usually do.  I can't put on my shoes but I did pull on the hospital sox with the rubberized strips on the sole over regular sox and they work fine and keep my feet a little bit warmer than if I was going in just my usual daily sox.

David has gone to the store to pick up some things we were low on.  I want to be sure we have enough food to tide us over during the storm.  If the power goes out we can eat sandwiches and I asked him to get some fried chicken at the deli.  We can always eat that cold. 

Gloria, I bought the Kn95 masks, too, and I agree they aren't as soft as cloth masks but they allow me to breathe better with my asthma and allergies than the cloth mask does.  And, they are SAFER than the cloth masks.  It depends on what is important to you....comfort or safety.  IMO, having Covid would be much more uncomfortable.  I think Shirley might agree with that.  I am vaxed and boostered but the Omicron variant is everywhere here.   The schools have shut down again and some businesses have put their workers back on tele-comuting.   Masks are required nearly everywhere but there are still those people who refuse to comply (for whatever reason) and they are ramping up the number of cases.  Hospitals are full and struggling again.

Good news from your doctor, Jane.  And, more exercise is good for you....so "they" say.  My mind tells me they are right but my body says, "I hate exercise!"!

Sit out a couple of "dance" tunes, Amy, and get your breath back.  All that jitterbugging can wear you down to your sox. 

Take care, All, and stay safe from.....whatever.


Good Morning Everyone
from the very cold and snow spitting
Rocky Coast of Maine. 

I have found that :
Sit Tight,
Hand loose.
Sit Tight,
Hand loose.
Sit Tight,
Hand loose.
 (AKA  ""Kegel Exercises")
Can solve lots of female problem!


And the beat goes on!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good morning from an Interior at zero. There's nothing scheduled today except for some routine chores and a trip to pick up my watch. Otherwise, the same. I know my last trip out going to the store was akin to partying. It's not good when going grocery shopping with a friend brings that much excitement!😒

And after ten months of isolation with people clamoring for "their rights," I don't see that changing. "The state of Alaska reported more than 5,500 additional COVID-19 infections over the last two days, breaking the previous record for the highest number of cases reported in a single day that had last been set on Tuesday."



Good Morning,

Central Oklahoma is back in the deep freeze - after two days of being able to go out with just a windbreaker. Brrr/Grrr

Son brought me a box of the N95 masks.  Would really like to have had the ones that go around your head instead of over your ears because it's a chore to "arrange" hearing aids, glasses AND the mask straps.  I think my ears are too close to my head to allow all that behind them.  However, he couldn't find any of those.
The N95 ones do fit closer around cheeks and chin but, otherwise, I don't find the fit any different from the cloth ones I'd bought some time ago that have a "bar" on the top to pinch around your nose.

Patricia,  the Oklahoma statistics are worse than those in Alaska but I just mute the t.v. when they start talking about them. 
Some newscaster complained because the state wasn't giving out statistics every day.  I wish "the media" would just broadcast them when the state does give them out instead of opening every newscat with them. 
(Of course, I also wish the stations didn't have newscasts every hour on the hour from 4:00 a.m. until midnight - with the same stories! :tickedoff: )

House has been cleaned, pantry has been stocked and I'm in "for the duration".  Noticed that a new e-book has been added to my Loans so will probably be a Recliner Radish most of the day.

Stay warm and safe, Everyfriend.


Callie, that's why I prefer print over video. Even when there's nothing new to report, that emphasis on reporting is irritating.

Lloyd Hammond

Good evening everyone. we had a nice sunny day but, It Is going down Hill fast.we are down to 20º now and going to singel digets for tomorow. I thank god for a warm house, and pray the power dose not go here we are total elictric.If the power goes we will have the RV to go to. It has a genarater and proapain heater to keep it warm with out running the big eingne that drives it down the road. good Night and sweet dreams, everyone.



Well, I was as Callie calls it, "A Recliner Radish" today.  I did absolutely nothing today except to put the last load of laundry away and look for some missing items.  I watched 3 presentations of "The Winds of War" and that's it for the day.  Oh yes, I did make a couple phone calls and pay a couple bills.

I have two cases of stuff left from my home recuperation that the hospital won't take back and I've been calling and calling recommended places to see if anyone wants them.  No one does and they all recommend other places that might.  I've now called so many places that they are starting to recommend the places that I started with.  It's a shame tha no one can use this medical stuff.  I really hate to toss it.

Now I'm ready for the haystack!  There's a visiting nurse coming tomorrow morning then she'll be back next week to check me out of the program.  Then I'm finished with all that.  I guess that means I'm my old self again!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning  JaneS and everyone else that follow. Looks Like I beat the croud this morning. we are at 8ºF and clear. do not rember what the weather gusser Had to say the bottom will be, Just single digets today. I hope the 8º Is the bottom. Hope the sun showes It's Face and warmes it up. there are two flat tires on the RV and it Is too cold for this old Man to get out and fix them, they are on the same side of the rear drive axel, so no go to shop to get them fixed. do not want to call or aforde roadside service either. so home bodie's we are. Have a good day everyone. I will just put coat on and set in garuge and work on the hulling the nuts.



Good morning..

We have chilly temp of - 16° this morning. Snow was dealt with yesterday and I do hope no dance today. Three days of dancing has tuckered me out!!! Neighbour called last night.....seems his day wasn't as good. Both his snow blowers laid down on him and his brand new truck is in the garage to see why there is a burnt rubber smell. He switched the plow back to the old truck and needs to borrow our snow blower to finish off his customers. I will be looking after their pets today..love doing that! :smitten:

Will take hubby into town to pick up brad  nails and then home to carry on with the day. I did start a new quilt yesterday so may work on that!

Patricia, did I read some where that you had a trip to emerg? Too early for me to look back.  Are you ok now?

Jane, what about calling nursing homes maybe they can use what you have?

Better get ready for the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  And a special Good Morning to you, LLOYD!  It sounds like a good day for you to stay in!

I'm up and attem already.  I have my bed stripped and the the first load in the dryer and the washer filling for the second load of blankets.  I'll have a nice clean bed tonight.  As soon as the washer is filled I'll be taking a shower and getting ready for the nurse's visit this morning!  After she leaves....I don't know what will happen!

My car is still loafing in the driveway but I did make arrangements for someone to look at it as soon as we can get it there.  I have to wait for my son for that!

Note to AMY:  Nursing homes are referring me to vets and that's where I started!

The day is started!  I wish you all a good one...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Note to Amy:  Nursing homes are referring me to Vets and that's where I started!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane ,do you have Salvation Army in the area? They may take what you have,
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Up & moving, hardly call it "attum".  Tom slept in the other end of the house last night, by a furnace vent. Callie in the same area but Tiger in the basement. I got 5 hours & 4 min sleep so a little better than some nights this week. Cat check, Tom sleeping sound in front of another furnace vent, tummy full, but Tiger & Callie haven't gone over to their bowls to check on food so far.

I'll pick up son & wife at the airport about noon & still need to run a couple errands after delivering them. It is COLD, last I heard 8° with chill index well below zero. Spring is just around the corner..... sure it is............. :-\


Up and coffee. Temp is right at freezing and dropping. Snow started but is supposed to stop a bit later.. Have Doc appointment at 2:30 so hope they keep the roads clear.  It usually takes a couple of weeks to get an appointment but because I just got out of Hospital they squeezed me in. Doc's office said no way for Friday as it is always very busy.  Only time will tell.
I'm enjoying the Horseshoe Curve train cam that was posted.
Everyone, - KEEP WARM.



Good morning, minus eleven presently, but we're heading up to zero for a high. Tomorrow's high will be plus 22 with a chinook blowing in the afternoon. Next week is forecast to be in the plus thirties until we drop back again into the single digits on the twenty-eighth. I'm predicting mayhem because snow with possible rain mixed in, is expected. This winter, the weather is as erratic as everything else; it's a toss-up.

Amy, I'd become lazy and ate something I shouldn't have. I knew better but had a McDonald's child-size shake. My panicked friends gave me my first ever EpiPen shot on the way to the hospital, and I got a lecture and another ER bill. I now have to realize I can't be dumb and play around.

I just found this very apt quote by H.H. Monroe.  "The young have aspirations that never come to pass, the old  have reminiscences of what never happened."


Son just called, they are stuck in Dallas for about 4 hours, connecting flight canceled. He sounded a little bummed since they had to get up so early to start out! Not the way we like to end a vacation. :'(

Google just said it is 11°  with wind chill of zero. That's up from half an hour ago. Good news with your doctor appointment, Rick. Careful if you have to shovel snow!

I'm hungry but not lunch time.... should be doing laundry & doesn't appeal, been below freezing long enough that any at risk pipes might have frozen solid. So far that's never happened at this house but we had one "window well" at the house west of town that I had to cover the window with an extra thick piece of carpet at times like this. A few times strong winds would blow the carpet away (no matter how I wedged it in) & a water pipe that ran past that window would freeze. Some things you never forget..... That house didn't have a basement, sat on top of a hill & wind even worse than here. So I gripe!

Sorry about the ER trip, Patricia. At least you can get help with an EpiPen, I'm even allergic to what is in those. My youngest son is supposed to carry 2 of them at all times but he says he just makes sure NO sesame seed/oil in anything he eats. His reaction was so severe he swelled everywhere internal & external even after taking Benadryl to stop it. Shame-shame. I do know how good those small strawberry shakes are at McDonald's but can't have them either, gets worse all the time as I get older.


Patricia, --- BE CAREFUL.  I'm sure you don't need that caution, but maybe the stressing of it will help warn others.
At least three times I've had brushes with Anaphylaxis . All stimulated in different ways.  Scary and not fun.  I'll refrain from the details unless someone wants to know.
Roads seem clear so will attempt trip to Doc. While roads are clear, there are black ice warnings.



Thanks, Shirley and Rick. I first discovered my allergy and analeptic shock when a lunchtime Hormel microwaveable spaghetti dinner sent me on a quick & expensive ER trip. I'm allergic evidently to a chemical added to food to prolong shelf storage. It's similar to a bee allergy that builds over time. It's also (chemical-related allergies), the fast-growing type of allergies.

I'm not supposed to eat anything processed, convenienice, fast food, or microwavable packaged foods. Since then, I've had two analeptic attacks from a Starbucks where the salesperson "forgot" to use soy rather than milk. Starbucks fired the worker and paid my ER bill. The third was from an ex-friend who thought I was lying to seem special? She assured me there were no mixes or packaged ingredients in HER homemade meal and went on her merry way. She's still bitter.

Last fall the doctor put me on an anti-inflammatory diet; basically, one our grandparents and theirs followed. It's probably the same as quitting smoking; I'm still learning not to be so stupid.


Good morning everyone, just about freezing and raining. Forecast last night said a mix of rain/snow and there is a bit of white on the black parking lot.

LLOYD  they say everyone dreams but if I do I never remember any. 

AMY clearing the heavy wet snow is back breaking work no matter if by shovel or snow blower and I did my share of the shoveling over the years. So nice not to have to do that anymore.  Hmm now you have me wondering what your mind conjured up with the phrase "hang loose". 

JANE  I almost bought myself one of those bird clocks but lost the address for where to send for it.  I used to have those Chickadees in my bird feeder all winter. I used to get a lot of Cardinals there and have not seen one since I moved here.

PHYLLIS  that Omicron is terrible here and even all the shots and booster is not keeping it away from some people.  I am getting wary of some of the CNAs I have been getting, they do keep their masks on but a few do not head to the bathroom sink to wash their hands when they come in and get upset(?) when I ask them to wash their hands before they do anything. One insisted she wanted to wash them in the kitchen sink and I said no, food is prepared in the kitchen. I am getting bad with the hand washing and what they do in here.

PATRICIA  bad here, too. They  now have some of the National Guard here to help with the testing and giving shots. If I did not need the help I would stop the CNAs till this clears up-if it ever does.

CALLIE  with the news I turn on local news mostly for the weather and block out all the rest.

Have to get off here. Cna is here and cannot do much when this one is here.The rain has turned to snow.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good afternoon, I was here this AM but late. Was starting to post wem phone rang and CNA was here. Posted but did not take time to see if it went through. Now I saw that someone else was posting AT THE SAME TIME.
Just went and posted it now so you can see I did not just try to make me feel better.
The CNA was a little better today, at least stopped playing with her hair. Rain turned to snow and grass, roof and cars were covered and now the sky is blue and the sun shining.

JANE  last time I had surgery really was when I had my right shoulder replaced. They had a machine filled with ice that kept my shoulder just about freezing.  I wonder by keeping it that cold I never felt any pain.They gave it to me to take home and when I said I did not want it they said they would just throw it away. So home it came and when I moved here it was thrown away. Pretty bad back before Covid when they couldn't take the tinke to clean/sterilize it and use it again. No wonder a hospital stay costs a fortune.

RICK  only Horseshoe curve I would like to see is the one in Arizona part of Colorado river I think.  Of all the pictures I saw of it there was no train to be seen. Yours must be a different horseshoe. If I could remember how I would post a picture of the one I am talking about.

PATRICIA  thank God I am not allergic to anything that bad to need a hospital visit. Glad you are OK now. I dislike package food and frozen TV dinners because of all the chemicals noe because I am allergic to them. I used to cook big meals and freeze everything in containers for TV dinners that I could eat. Cannot do that anymore.

Finally caught up to the last post.

Have a good evening and sleep great.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast



The weather Gods were with me. Snow/sleet stopped, the sun came out, and the roads dried. My son went to the doc with me and to our surprise he spent about an hour with us.  Maybe other people got scared off by the weather forecast. End result - Doc thinks the Cellulitis is arrested but says too much water in my leg. He had all my hospital records. Stronger diuretic for a few days. I think I can live with that. My mind is more at ease now and sure I'll sleep well tonight.

The temp here is nosediving and now at 20° F now and going down.



I'm ready to hit the haystack!  It's been a long day in the house and no matter what I do, I sooner or later, get a bit bored.  Today I did more laundry and a little cleaning, some necessary phone calls, and watched a movie! 

AMY, nursing homes were back at the beginning of my list and they led me to "I forget what" but whatever it was, they didn't want them either!

PATRICIA, take care and try to remember what you can't do!  I know that's not an easy thing to remember as we get older!  And sometimes we just want to "climb up on that chair and change a light bulb". 

RICK, sounds like you got some good news!  YAY!!

Now I'm leaving you all!  My eyes have entered slam shut mode so I'm giving in to them.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I do like to hear good news, Rick (and Jane before). A relief when a doctor has a cure for what ails us & doesn't mention "surgery". Hopefully Jane's is in the past.

Time for bed, been a busy day with the kids' connecting flight being canceled/delayed 4 hours so my pick up delayed as well & I don't have a thing to show for my time. I do have to get out & find a funny birthday card for my friend, 10 days younger than I am. We usually spend all year looking for the funniest card possible. The one I got from her this week tops what I already bought so I have to look for one funnier.

Sweet dreams & God Bless... too tired to think tonight.

Lloyd Hammond

well I came in here to see what was or has taken place. and it said updats are being instaled. all sort of nothing and finely got it to load, do not kno what was wrong. but it is on now an everyone has gone to bed. so I am going back to bed and hope it will come right later this morning.
