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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for July 1, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, July 01, 2022, 12:05:30 AM

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Nancy, so  good to see you!! I have talked with you on the phone before but nice to put a face to the voice! Look at the size of the flower!! Thank you for sharing Lloyd.

Shirley, mine was dill pickles, couldn't get enough of them. Now ,although I make them for Kyle, will not taste them.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


..beautiful Hibiscus...it is nice to meet your Nancy at last in photo.. :)


Good morning, same old same old here still. I wish there were an emoji for a broken record!

Jenny, I've said before that no one has the right to comment on another's behavior unless they have heard straight from that person and had it confirmed. And even then, they'll get it wrong. It's better to stay silent.

Amy, I ate raspberries yesterday, some straight from the colander, and strawberries later that night sliced with frozen peaches and blueberries. Anything ice-cold appeals to me these days other than my coffee. I've tried iced coffee and don't understand the appeal. It's the same with loading your coffee with sugar, cream, or flavored syrups; that also sounds terrible.

I never had any pregnancy cravings. I never had much appetite and never felt well in that heat. When we were briefly in Florida, I could see the water but couldn't go in and enjoy it because of sickness.

Shirley, I was one of the lucky ones with nine months of every-day, all-day morning sickness. That was a family trait that no one informed me of beforehand. I also had the joy of briefly passing out in the Texas heat. I remember one time I did it in the line at the base commissary. Once I recovered and went outside, I heard a small boy point to me and say, "Look, Mommy, there's that fat drunk lady!"

Jane, how wonderful for Ali, you, and the family, and how terrific that you were present to join in the celebration! What a blessed event!

Phyllis, I was thinking the same. I remember my Mom, who had the old table attached grinder with which she made different meat spreads. My parents came from old farming families, and nothing was tossed if it hadn't been utilized more than once! And even then it was composted.

Lloyd, nice picture of Nancy and the hibiscus! I wasn't aware that it only bloomed once and only in the daytime.


Patricia, I still have my attach to the table grinder and have used it up until I bought my Kitchen Aid. When I think of all the "things" that went through that grinder. meat, cucumbers for relish, cabbage, onions all by hand> I must admit I don't mind putting an item in the grider on the KA..so quick! 
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, she also had a wooden apparatus that she made all types of noodles with. Both of my parents worked full time and then came home to more full-time. The three of us girls were their often unwilling assistants.

Dad hunted, fished, bartered, and had two sidelines, welding ornamental and practical things for people and retraining and socializing bird and hunting dogs. He also taught others to make outboards and jet boats.

 Mom sewed all our clothes plus traded clothes back and forth with her sister in Oklahoma. She also made and sold quilts as well as painting oils or doing ceramics on commission. We also had an acre side garden each year.

In a way you and Jane remind me of her.

And no we weren't the only ones. Everyone hustled back then in the fifties and sixties, especially before statehood in 1959.


Hello Everyfriend!  The last while has been full around here.  Emma came home with us Friday afternoon, stayed overnight and then went to the Farmers Market with us and came back home and didn't go home until almost her bedtime tonight.  We had a ball but I'm exhausted! 

I guess I'm the only one here who has actually met LLOYD'S NANCY face-to-face.  When they came east a while back to visit relatives, they stopped in Lewisburg and we had lunch together and took a tour of the town and talked non-stop.  I loved meeting both of them!  Nice to see the picture but I also have one of them on my office wall!

I've heard that warning....Use it up....many times in my life and it became part of my life.  I'm not given to throwing things out.  If I can't make something with them today, they go in the freezer for tomorrow!

And now, I have to finish up here, close down and head for the haystack!  I loved playing with Emma but a 4 year old has a LOT of energy to use up in a day!  And I helped her use it!

BUBBLE, I sure hope you're feeling a lot better today and even better tomorrow.  COVID can take the energy right out of you even if you had all the shots!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!  And may He also bless those we love!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Past my bedtime since I set the alarm for 5:00am to get out of the house by 7:00. I eat something so my aspirin doesn't hit an empty stomach. Feed Tiger & she heads to the bathroom to see I get dressed & she gets time to talk to me before I leave. She does miss Tom & Callie. Andy came over to mow! this evening so I did the weed whip & blew the grass on the driveway & curb into piles to pick up. He put some week killer in the pump area, those weeds grow like WEEDS. I itch all over so will take a shower, wash my hair & put me to bed!  Sweet dreams to all & God Bless!

Oh, I met Lloyd when he brought his mother & son to Sedalia and Bunny & husband plus Doris & her husband came from St.Louis area. I was meeting my brother & his wife along with my sister & her husband at Ryans. Quite a while ago. 


Jane S...
...and i bet Nancy is as friendly and welcoming face to face as she looks in the photo... :)


Quote from: JaneS on July 09, 2022, 10:27:29 PM
BUBBLE, I sure hope you're feeling a lot better today and even better tomorrow.  COVID can take the energy right out of you even if you had all the shots!

I tested today: negative. So, I got over it. I still am as weak as a kitten and no energy at all. :( As we age, it takes that much longer to go back to normal, and the heat wave does not help.

Thanks for all the good wishes, I appreciate.


Bubble, that is great news!!! Now to regain your strength. Take it slow and easy,you do not want it back. Thank you for posting the way to the photos  The garden is doing great so far.the proof will be in the harvest.

Good morning..

So good to wake up to Bubble's good news!  A day of rest here. Will grab my tea later and finish sewing the binding on a quilt.My friend phoned last night and we chatted a while, her beans are ready to be picked today!! They are to the south of us and can get their garden in a lot earlier that us. Fresh bean will soon be on our table.
Have you noticed that the turnips and carrots from the store don't taste as good as they once did? Turnip used to have a good taste,not the wishy wshy taaste it has now and if any luck they let it get a light frost which made it sweetwer, same with brussel sprouts and carrots.

One did not waste in my time either. As Jane said if it wasn't ate,into the freezer it went to be use later in soup. With the high prices of groceries now one can't afford to waste any food.

Gloria, where are you???

Better get ready to meet the day..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've been up and attem for a bit and I couldn't get on line to greet my friends.  Now I'm here.

BUBBLE, so glad to hear you're feeling better and checking negative!  I loved your pictures over in the posting!  I wonder if your little guy was really fishing or just dreaming?

AMY, loved your garden and I'm not going to show it to Cindy because she'll want those trugs with the covers.  She has a small greenhouse in her back yard so she can get an early start!  ALI also gets an early start on her flowers in the greenhouse!

I had one of JIM'S special eggs thingys for breakfast.  I have to get that recipe to take home.  It can be done ahead and frozen breakfast-size for one person.  When I get it, I'll post it but it'll be a while because when we're out he just makes more and I don't always see him.

My grandson-in-law is doing the service at their church in Texas this morning and I have it on my computer so I can be there.  He's very good!

I guess I better get finished here and get ready for the service.  I usually take my second cup of coffee to "church" with me!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Dear all friends, this may well be one of my last replies, and even posts on this forum. Due to a health relapse i find it too much of a struggle using my laptop and using the forum. I hope you have enjoyed joining me on some adventures through Sussex and seeing some of our British heritage.  Good health to you all, and thank you.

Wish you all the best.

Roley, aka Peter.


Peter, I am sad to read this but know you must take care of you first! You will be in our thoughts and prayers. You  have been a blessing and we have more than enjoyed your walks.
God bless you.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Peter, my best wishes that your health improves and in time you can come back. It has been a special treat for me, you've been a connection with my past, those first years of being married and living in England. Nothing is as easy as it was a few years ago. I wish you happiness, and if you find time, please stop by now & then to let us know how you are?


Peter, thanks so much for your videos and your posts. Rest easy.

Lloyd Hammond

   patricia19 a mis conception, the  hibiscus! blumes every day,but drops the bluems every day and gets new ones every day. there dozens of buds on it now for tomorow and the next few days.Mabey you can enlarge It or a parsel of it and see the buds. any way glad everyone is enjoying it as we are. god Is good to us all. all the birds flowers and such he dose for us. just keep it wattered., Nancy gets up earley and runs all around the yard wattering the flowers.



Thanks for letting me know, Lloyd. That's a new one on me!


Good morning..

Overcast here...may get rain??  Not much going on here, just regular chores and I do have a date with a fridge to clean. Lots of fun.

Jane, your eggy thingys sound interesting..one to do along with Callie's sliders to have on hand in the freezer.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm so sorry to hear that we're losing or good friend ROLEY/PETER again so soon.  I hope you make a speedy "feel better fast" PETER!

The day is on the way here and I'm not sure what it's going to bring.  I've had my first cup of coffee and my breakfast and my shower and I'm dressed and ready for whatever comes up.  Seems one of Cindy's doggies has adopted me.  She always comes and lays under the table when I'm on the computer.  She's a sweetie!

Last night Mikie and I had a dance together.  There was music playing and he always dances to it.  I joined him and he liked it!  That was fun!  Also, he's started including me in the "goodbye hugs" when they get ready to go home!

Now I'm off to see what the day brings!  I might have a picture to post if I can get it to BUBBLE.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond


click on this link and see if you like it and let me know what you think,my grand deaughter set it up for me to show you all.



Lloyd, tell your granddaughter thank you for doing this. I really enjoyed listening to the song.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hello again Everyfriend!  LLOYD, I enjoyed it, too.  Thank you!

It's been a "different" day.  The kids didn't come over. We didn't go shopping.  Cindy spent the day catching up on her office work (boy does she ever serve a lot of people from her home).  I always knew she was a good accountant but I never knew HOW good!  And she's definitely NOT a slacker!

Tomorrow, we have some errands to run and Ali texted to say that she's bringing lunch and we're pretty sure that means she has some errands to run and needs us to watch the kids!  That's fine with me!

I think it might be getting on to time for me to look for the haystack.  I'll go upstairs and read until my eyes tell me it's sleepy time!  Cindy has just gone up with her book and Jim has som kind of sports on the TV.  I never know when he hits the hay!

I wish you all a peaceful night sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!  And may He look after Peter and Gloria and maybe Phyllis, too!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


...love it, have passed it on, thank you and bless you...


Good morning..

Rained overnight with the possiblity of a storm later this morning. I am taking my friend for a Dr appointment in the city. Kyle is staying home and looking after the dogs..or is it the dogs are looking after him?? She wants to do a shop at Costco and one other store. Then on Thur it is Kyle's turn for Dr appointment but we only have an hours drive for that one. On the following Mon I take my other friend for her Dr appointment.  Yes, I will be humming "on The Road Again"

With food prices soaring more and more people are getting into canning, preserving food one way or another.More gardens are being put in again this year.

Shiley, two eggs have hatched in the swallow nest. I just hope nothing gets the little ones. Red squirrls emptied the nest in the neighbours car port  so fingers crossed these will survive.

Jane, more hugs and dances for you today!

Patricia, you need this rain your way.

Gloria,miss your posts.

Phyllis, we are out of home made soup and 15 bean soup is on the menu if I get home in time to make it. If not it will be made tomorrow.

Better get ready for the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Vanilla-Jackie you are welcom and thank you. I know traving is very expincive now days and we all need to watch our pinnies or $$$, but I wish we still would have a bash or two now and again.  Nancy is the pinney  pincher in this familey. I tell her cnat take it with us when god calles our number, so enjoy spending our childerens enhartence Now. we are not ritch by no meanes, but do Have invested in safe aeria a few $$$. the sun has made it out full, and is 71º now. Have a good day and a better tomorow.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  We're all up and attem around here.  Cindy is in her "office", Jim has gone to water Ali's flowers and here I am on the computer.  I'll soon be out in the yard doing the job I've taken on since I arrived...following the doggies around and making sure there are no "doggie leavings" for the kids to step in when the come over. 

It's going to be a hot one here but not over 100º like it's been for the past week.  It will be up in the mid 90s and that's bed enough.  We sure could use some of that rain.

I've had some bad news from home.  One of my neighbors who has been fighting respiratory disease has finally ended his battle.  He's been on oxygen for almost 2 years now and wouldn't give up the battle but it's over now. 

I guess I better get my breakfast and get moving before the kids show up!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


...you are so right " we cant take it with us "

Lloyd our UK weather, we are going through a heat-wave, our temps have touched the 90's and will soon rise to the mid 90's...


It is with grave sadness that I must tell you that MY DEAR DADDY past away Sunday, 7/10/22 at 10:50AM MST.  We got a early flight out of Denver on Saturday 7/9,  all arranged by Dr. Dave, to Phoenix. We arrived at my Dads side in time to let him know we were here and he was able to acknowledge us....call us by name....and most importantly to tell us that he loved us dearly and that we loved him❣️🙏

Thanks to hospice, the meds were started and he did not suffer.  Dr. Dave was here all day, but had to return home to his children.  We are so thankful to him for getting us here🙏 

I thank you ALL for your kind words of support ALWAYS‼️ I have glanced at your posts but will read them when I get home.  We are leaving this afternoon. We must get back for our medical needs.

My best wishes to you all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, I was saddened to read your news about your daddy. I am so very sorry, but he's at peace now, and you will always carry him in your heart.