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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for June 1 , 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, June 01, 2022, 03:22:18 AM

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Remember when

Remember when I was young and so were you
And time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then you cried
Remember when

Remember when we vowed the vows and walked the walk
Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard
We lived and learned, life threw curves
There was joy, there was hurt
Remember when

Remember when old ones died and new were born
And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged
We came together, fell apart
And broke each other's hearts
Remember when

Remember when the sound of little feet
Was the music we danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give it up
Remember when

Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookin' back, it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are, where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when

Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when

Remember when
Remember when



Help wanted
Bobbie Gould

I saw a sign in the store today
When I stopped to buy some bread.
A little sign that we see every day,
"Help Wanted" was all it said.

As the clerk came forward to wait on me
I pointed to the door.
"Got one of those that I can hang
In the window of my store?"

"What kind of business do you have?"
She asked me with a smile.
"I know someone who's looking for work,
They could be there in a while."

"I'm in the business of living," said I,
"And things are pretty rough.
My costs are up and my incomes down
And times are just plain tough."

I paid for the bread and left the store thinking,
"Little does she know.
I wasn't kidding the least little bit
About needing some help to go."

I thought about that Help Wanted sign
Throughout the drive back home
And how nice it would be to advertise
Those needs we don't let known.

Imagine the ads we'd find in the pages
Of our local classified.
Ads from the hearts that are broken and sore,
Ads meant to catch the eye.

"Help Wanted--A shoulder to cry on
When the going gets too tough.
Help Wanted--someone to rely on and
Who's there when I've had enough."

"The pay isn't good and the hours are long.
I can't offer fortune or fame.
The benefits don't cover doctors and such,
You may even be sorry you came."

"But help is what I need right now
And I'll yell it loud and wide.
HELP WANTED!...Is there anyone who cares
And is willing to come to my side?"


Grandma's Button Jar

Grandma had a button Jar,
she always kept it in a draw.
When we all went to visit her,
that's what we headed for.

We took some games along with us,
to play with our Grandma,
But some how, we just never did.
for we loved those buttons in her jar.

We played for hours with those buttons,
such excitement and so much pleasure.
For in the imagination of us kids,
It was indeed Aladdin's treasure.

Now we are old, our kids grown up.
now with children of their own.
Each has played with the buttons in this jar ,
For as long as we have known .

It is simply just amazing,
how many memories there are.
In something plain and simple,
Like grandma's button jar.

I wonder if she's watching ,
From heaven up above.
for as well as buttons in that jar,
she also shrouded it with love.

6 Jan 04


Good morning.
Storming here this morning, Babe has already had Jane's Remedy. Off to the city, will make a quick trip there and back. Neighbour is looking after our furkids till we get home.

Bubble, thank you for the new start page!!You really excel at this! Always finding the right items to post.

Better get ready for the city.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I came in this morning and found a whole new, clean and beautiful Soda Shoppe!  Thank for that, BUBBLE!  I'll have coffee and a few cookies while I'm here!

SHIRLEY, how long did it take your hose to extend fully?  I had the water turned on in mine for a half hour or more and it only made it to 15 feet out of a possible 50!  Seems like it shouldn't take that long.  And there was water seeping out of the hose where it was connected to the faucet.  I don't think it should do that either!  I guess I'll be OK today.  It's supposed to rain and maybe Cathy will stop there tomorrow when we're out shopping!

AMY, I sure wish that Rescue Remedy WAS mine!  I'd be a wealthy woman by now!  But I do know how good it works!  My dogs hid under my desk when fireworks went off or it thundered loud.  Mickie even jumped off the bed at night and hid in the bathroom!  But only until Rescue Remedy entered our lives.  And it works just as well on humans who get overly excited. 

Now I have to get started with my day!  So far, my arms don't hurt from carrying buckets but we shall see!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Amy, best of news for Kyle's check up, said a little prayer for him & you just now. I do think we all catch our breath when any of us have a day of doubt, good to check it out. Does this mean a stop at the chocolate & cheese places?  Will it take long to get results? The unknown can be so stressful. (((hugs)))

Not sure how much rain we got at my house, the pool is running over again. Starting to get light so will check the rain gauge soon. Had street flooding overnight, some hail but no serious damage around here as far as I've heard on morning news. More rain today!

The wind has the trees rockin' already. Daughter made it in yesterday before the heavy rain started, men delivered & set up the dryer (gee, it's pretty after seeing avacado green for 55 years), new little TV is performing as it should and the grass is growing like crazy so one job that will be endless until the first hard freeze in the fall. I am ready to go back to winter, how about you, Gloria? I'm gonna have breakfast & back to bed. Big job for the day is getting some water out of the pool, vacuum the bottom & get the chlorine level back to pretty!

Week sure going fast with a holiday, don't remember it being so confusing when I was younger. Speaking of younger, thanks for all the goodies & cleaning up the homestead, Bubble. Hope all is well in your world. My great grands are all out of school for the summer and was wondering if Aviv has "year around" schools. When I was on an advisory board of the school when my 3 were young, I did a lot of research about the benefits of kids going all year with shorter vacations 3 or 4 times a year instead of all at once. I still think it would be a good idea but not going to start with our part of the world.

Wishing a peaceful and content day for all. Have you noticed how many people are smiling now that the smiles aren't hidden behind a mask?  At least we don't see a lot of masks around here. I carry one all the time, just in case too many humans in one spot.

Light enough to see the colors outside & the pool water has turned green overnight from all that thunder & lightning. Never knew for sure which zaps the chlorine out but never fails. Was such a pretty blue before the storm hit last night. Rain gauge has almost 4" in it and I empited before rain started last evening. Jobs await!

Oops, you slipped in, Jane. With mine it depends on how open the valve is for how long it takes to fill the hose. Don't squeeze that nozzle until it is full length.
First one I bought (Amazon) split from the brass at the connect so was sent a new one & note in the box said "they personally checked the new one". I will buy from that company again. I do bring mine in after using (pain in the neck) but hope it lasts longer. I've had it 4 or 5 years, I think. Good luck!


Quote from: JaneS on June 01, 2022, 07:34:11 AMSHIRLEY, how long did it take your hose to extend fully?  I had the water turned on in mine for a half hour or more and it only made it to 15 feet out of a possible 50!  Seems like it shouldn't take that long.  And there was water seeping out of the hose where it was connected to the faucet.  I don't think it should do that either!  I guess I'll be OK today.  It's supposed to rain and maybe Cathy will stop there tomorrow when we're out shopping!

Is there a "hose washer" in the connection at the faucet?.  There should be or it will leak.  If it leaks, it will not allow full pressure in the hose.
Amazon --- https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=hose+washers&crid=1PKMWV4CNE4HI&sprefix=%2Caps%2C45&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent




Good morning all from a sunny blue Interior!

Bubble, I agree with everyone; what a fantastic job you always do for us! Thank you.

I looked up "Remember When," it was written by Alan Jackson and released in 1991. It's a lovely song. And Bobby was so right in her poem!

Lloyd Hammond

well a late good morning, I slept in very late again today. it is over cast, and weiny,light. it is going to be a lazey day for me i have a throbing head ace. hope you ll have a good day.



RICK, thanks for the thought but there's a washer in the hose where it connects to the faucet and they even included 2 extras...just in case!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Okay, folks, got a question for everyone.... I just had a call from "Medicare"... a voice I could hardly understand. He said my name, asked if I still live as this address and explained that I would be receiving a new Medicare card soon and he was going to "de-activate" the old number. He wanted me to have my card in hand to verify the numbers. Told him NO, he insisted HE would read me the numbers and I explained with my sassy voice that "I will not verify ANY numbers over the phone". Then I hung up on him after saying, "I will check with Medicare"... Have any of you ever had a call like that?  I'm going to try to call Medicare to see if we really are getting new cards, doesn't seem like that long ago we got them replaced (but my sense of time is gone since Covid). I'll let you know if & when I get through to Medicare. I had just walked into the house from a grocery run, grapes, celery & some of those round/thin/sandwich thingies. Never know who will stop by to eat & could feed an army with all the chicken & noodles plus the chicken salad that gets thrown together today.

Lloyd, have you ever paid attention of what you ate the day before the super headaches? About 35-40 years ago I kept having headaches & a couple times a year the doctor would give me a prescription for antibiotic for "chronic sinusitis". We were moving to KC from Wichita so I knew a different doctor might not be as willing to do the same thing. Started paying attention & discovered every headache came after eating meats or cheeses (and that included pizza, hotdogs, bacon etc).. it was the nitrites & nitrates. I totally cut all that out for a year, NO HEADACHES. Then I tried a couple slices of bacon and almost to the minutes 24 hours later, head was throbbing. So now when I do indulge I know why the headache (some times it's worth it) but now & then (if not too often) I can eat a little and get away with it.  Talked with a woman having the same problems and her doctor was going to do the whole head exam to see why. She tried quitting the preservatives and it worked. Since that time I have read tests "have confirmed for some people the blood vessels in the head can swell & cause headaches because of preservatives". Sure is hard to give up bacon, ham and all that good stuff.

Thinking of you today, Amy.


Shirley, thank you for the prayers. This is going to be a long ordeal I think.Tomorrow we will have a phone app. with the Dr. I have already talked with Kyle's rheumatologist and it is a wait for others to follow up.
I can also vouch for food causing headaches,since Kyle cut back on the chocolate and cheese his headaches have disappeared.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Shirley, Shirley, Shirley!!!  Surely you know better than to believe that kind of phone call!  Medicare, IRS and other government entities will never ask for private information that way. Thank goodness you didn't fall for it

Jane and Rammel,  I have one of the "stretchy" hoses and it also drips at the faucet.  Son says it's because the connection is loose and there's no way to tighten the hose fabric. So I just put up with it.  Be sure to keep the sprinkler head open when you turn the water off so the remaining water can drain out.  I water the pots on the patio until there's no more coming out of the sprinkler.

Amy, I'm so sorry that Kyle is having more issues and hope the rheumatologist and other "ists" can help.

I was planning to do some desk work - partly on-line - this morning when the power suddenly went off.
Neighbor came home from errands and couldn't get into her house because, of course, the garage door wouldn't go up and she locks all her screens.  She said power was on in other parts of town.
Although I hadn't seen a flash nor heard thunder, a lightning strike apparently knocked it off in this immediate area.
We had a nice visit until it came back on about an hour later.  :)

Happy June Oneth, Everyone. 



Callie, my issue wasn't that I ever planned to give him ANY information, he knew my name, my address and evidentally, my Medicare number and while I didn't give him a chance to read off that number, the fact he already had all the other info shocked me.  I DID call Medicare, talked to a nice lady that agreed it was a scam & wanted my Medicare number to attach to the complaint. I was even leary about giving her my number and I called her!

Did I mention that the one expandable hose I bought leaked at the connect, no matter what I did & it wasn't a gasket problem. I notified them, (the company, not Amazon) received a return label and they sent a new one. I was impressed that one of the men listed as manager/owner of the company sent me a note saying he personally checked out the connection. I do love how this long dude works, takes forever to drain it competely after use. I do what you said, except water the bird bowls instead of pots. My hibiscus & petunia pots get Brita pitcher water, too much chlorine in the city water to use it  unfiltered.

Amy, my daughter also has a problem with chocolate & cheese. Do hope all the wood work doesn't have to end (in Cas' case, hammering aggravated his joints so he used screws & power drill instead). It would break his heart to not be able to build his trugs and I've loved reading about  his projects.

The birds are starting to do their happy dance now, sun is shining! Gotta get busy...


Wonder what would have happened if you had asked him to tell you the number he had so you could verify it with the number on your card?  Bet you would have gotten a quick disconnect!!   :evil3:

I don't answer any calls unless there's a specific ID.  Don't like that so many doctor's offices are now using a calling service that doesn't i.d. the exact office.  I get one appointment reminder that comes from a number in Missouri!

I suspect the hose leak is my fault.  I have a bad habit of jerking the hose as I'm stretching it to reach the farthest pots from the faucet.  Now that I have a new bird bath - I'm also filling it with the runoff.

We had about 3 minutes of sun this afternoon.  I hate having to turn on the lights in mid-afternoon when sunset isn't until 8:30.

Onward and Upward.


Hello Everyfriend!  AMY, I'm going to do this first so I don't forget again.  I want you to know that Kyle is in my prayers.  I hope all goes well!

I called the local hardward store where I bought the hose and when I told them my 50 footer never got past 15 feet they said to bring in for an exchange.  So tomorrow that's on our list.

I picked up a phone call today without looking and it was one of those "Grammaw" calls.  In the first place, my grandkids don't call me "Grammaw" they call me Grammy!  And this voice definitely was not related to me.  I said "Who are you?" and he answered "Don't you know who it is, Grammaw?".  I said I didn't and he told me he was my grandson.  I said "I don't think so" and he said "Don't you know me?"  I said, "First off, where's your accent?"  And he hung up on me!  I just stood and laughed aloud! 

Now I'm heading for the haystack because Cooper arrives EARLY tomorrow morning!  I still have a couple things to finish up and then it's out for the night!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!  And may He look after Kyle and anyone else who needs him!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Voting day here in Canada, can't complain if one doesn't vote.

Need to pick up ?? for the lightening in the garage and I will do the installing....could be a shocking job. :))
I cheated and brought home wings and salads for supper last night and have more than enough for 2-3 meals! Dr will call today and I have no idea on when the other one will phone , just wait and see. Remember when you could go to one Dr and he could "fix" you up?

Callie and Jane, thank you. I am sure we will get through this just one more bump in the road.

Shirley, Kyle does use screws plus he has air equipment. He was aiming for 100 trugs but has shortened that now.

Jane , lately we have been getting a lot of robo calls...annoying to say the least. When I do get a human I ask them if their mom is proud of them for scamming people .....click.

Better get ready to meet the day..

Enjoy your day and stay safe....hope I get my puter back soon.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've been up, had my shower, breakfast, fed and walked Cooper and I'm taking care of a bathroom chore that I detest!  And that's my day so far!

AMY, I like your question to the scammer!  I wish you a good phone call from the Dr.  And yes, I do remember Dr. Degling right up around the corner from our house!  And that's the only place we had to go when we had a health problem.

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.


Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Quote from: Amy on June 02, 2022, 07:03:23 AMRemember when you could go to one Dr and he could "fix" you up?

But all the rules have changed.  >:(



Rick, sadly that is the truth. We had a good  ol country Dr till he retired. He would even tell you to come to his house if the office was closed.......and he made house calls!!

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning from another sunny with blue skies Interior! We dodged a wildfire bullet yesterday with rain on the lower slopes of the Alaska Range, and cooler temperatures prevail. We had 61 for a low and expect a high of 77. The last two days had similarly expected highs and ended up in the lower eighties.

Nothing is going on here but laundry, pickup chores, and finishing some calls and emails. Friday, we will reattempt our delayed lunch and shopping trip, so everyone has their fingers crossed.

I never knew a period of house calls. I was born during the polio epidemic during an iron lung shortage. It was a busy time for anyone with any medical training, so doctor visits were when necessary, and family did most doctoring. We were still a territory and wouldn't become a state for eight more years.

Looking back on what I just wrote, that sounds eerily familiar.


My daughter went to college with a girl that "went on to med school" when daughter went on the extra year for engineering. Both are on a board at the college so see each other often. Both retired about the same time & the doctor said she just wasn't happy with Medicare making them send people on to specialists instead of allowing them to take care of the "whole body". So blame it on the gov!!!  When I was a kid & had whooping cough, measles & ended up with pneumonia & empyema a drain in my lung, our old doctor would stop by the house on his way to the hospital to check the drain. I was about 2 years old & remember now & then they'd have to call me out of the tree for him to check the drain. Poor Mom, she tried to keep me clean long enough for him to get there!

Got the pool vacuumed & back flushed but the big O ring in the pump needs silicone or greased or new ring... so will try silicone first. If it ain't one thing 'tis another. Need to trim my hair before I shower & wash it. Pool color is perfect right now! I have the door wide open, someone is mowing across the river. I'd love a couple hours sleep but no time. I have the motorhome slide out & awning open so the rain that seeped through to the rolled up canvas parts gets a chance to dry out. Also have it plugged in & will run the generator for a while to keep it lubed up. One thing at a time!

Praying for good news for Kyle.... and like Janie said, "anybody else that needs..."

Patricia, one of the twin boys next door had polio but didn't need the iron lung. He had to sit on the front porch a lot for fresh air (no TV back then) and now & then I would go play with him a while. He was nearer age of my youngest brother & his parents bought him lots of toys so was nice to me when nobody else around!  :bash:


It wasn't the government so much as the rise of big business, particularly insurance and pharmacies. They were able to succeed in making it difficult to fix either industry. The majority of American drugs are sold here at three and four times the cost of the same drug in other countries.


The day has not been dull, of course there never is a dull day here. Dr phoned and after I explained  he ordered Kyle new meds. Phoned the pharmacy and the lady said ,yes they did get the fax but they don't have or anyone else for that matter the meds. She contacted the Dr to see if he had an alternative med. Still waiting to hear back on that. In the mean time Kyle had to talk with a man that was inquiring about trugs. He usually leave that up to me but I was on phone with Dr.
Good news is I pick up my computer tomorrow!!! YES!!! I am thankful I do have other means to get on the internet but prefer my computer.......not the laptop nor the tablet.
Jane, I cooked hamburgers in the air fryer and will definitely do that again.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Yep!  Air Fryer Hamburgers are goooood!  Frankie was here for supper.  We had a slice of country smoked ham, scalloped potatoes and baked beans.  I'm having ice cream later for dessert. 

I'll probably check in tomorrow morning but I might not make it the rest of the day.  I have an appointment with an oral surgeon to have a very bad tooth removed.  I don't know if I'll be put out to do it or what.  My regular dentist said it wasn't something he could do and sent me to the oral surgeon.  So if I don't show up, I'm just recuperating!  Frankie is going to spend the night here just in case....

Now I'm going to go collapse on the couch in front of the TV.  It's been a very tiring day! And just in case, I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one. And may He watch over everyone who needs Him!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


JaneS,  -  An oral surgeon is the way to go. That's what they do. I had an oral surgeon remove one and do all the work for an implant --- and no pain. They know just where and how to numb the area. FWIW - I have that implant and have had no unusual sensation from it. I can't tell it from the original. At one time I questioned implants but am now a believer.

Good luck.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  RICK, thanks for the backup.  I've actually been wondering if they ever do implants on oldies like me.  I could use a couple teeth on that side since I lost two more on the other side when I I had the surgery.  Maybe I'll ask that question while I'm in the offic!

I went in last night, turned on the TV and settled down to watch Perry Mason and I don't think I even saw a minute of it.  That was a little before nine.  When I woke up, it was almost midnight!  I guess I was a bit more tired than I thought last night!

Cooper will be arriving in about 20 minutes and then the day takes off.  He'll need to be fed, walked and loved up a lot.  Then I have to get a shower and get dressed and ready for my trip to the oral surgeon. Cathy is picking me up at 10 and the drive is about 25 minutes and then to get up to the office is another 5 or so.  Getting from the parking lot to the building door is HIKE!  And it's mostly up hill! 

If I don't get back in here today, I hope you all have a great day...no problems, no hurts, lots of love! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast