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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for June 15, 2019

Started by so_P_bubble, June 15, 2019, 03:23:49 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


The day has slipped away..
Chiropractor treatment went well and I don't have to go back for 3 weeks!! Washed the van and  got all the grunge off of it..
I am not a very happy camper here...got a notice in the mail for jury duty again!! :tickedoff:  Gosh I wish they would pick on someone else, this is my fourth one.

On a better note, while I was weeding the vegetable garden a baby vireo left the nest and then while washing up looked out the window and the morning doves had brought heir babies to clean up on some seed that is thrown out.

My goodness Larry, what a fright you must have had, glad to hear Pat is doing a lot better now. Prayers for your  friend Rod and Betty and for you and Pat too!!

Think the dogs are trying to tell me to go to bed.

Have a good night everyone.. 
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Oh my goodness, LRRY! What a time you've had.  I don't even know how to begin to comment on the happenings.  I'm so glad it all ended on a happier note and I hope that continues for both you and Pat.  That must have been so frightening! 

I did a lot of running around today.  I started by waiting for the doggies to be groomed by the gal who comes to our house to do it.  When Annie was finished I treated her to a nice walk all by herself.  She probably hasn't had that since Mickie joined us.  Then when Mickie was finished and the groomer had gone, we all went for a walk together 

When we got back we had lunch and I left to take the trash to the dumpster.  Then I stopped in my son's store to find out answers to all the questions he hasn't been answering.  He's had a bout with some serious illness that made him tired and caused him a lot of pain.  They've been doing tests and so far they've all come back negative.  He has times when he feels better and then times when he feels too ill to do anything at all.  They did another test yesterday but the results haven't come back.  I asked him to let me know when they do and he said "maybe".  I said that if he doesn't, he'll be seeing me again soon.

AMY, I'm glad you had some relief through your visit with the chiropractor.  I always feel better when I leave mine.  I wonder why we put off these visits.  We know they help!

After I stopped to see my son, I went to the store to pick up some needed (and some wanted) items and I had the extreme pleasure of running into an old and dear friend.  I met her when we both volunteered with the Fresh Air Fund.  (That's a very old organization that provides vacations out of the city for New York City's ghetto children). We both did our share finding local families to have the children as guests in their homes.  She's a devout Mennonite and I learned a lot from her over the years.  I miss our association and we spent about 20 minutes in the side aisle at Wal-Mart catching up.  She's having a hard time of it with her husband.  He has fallen several times and ended in the hospital but she has never lost her smile and her interest in others.  We both cherished the visit and hated to part.

As I was putting my groceries in the car, I found a small jar of peppercorns that never made it onto the counter.  Since I had some frozen items and the car was HOT, I took my things home and then went back to WM to pay for the peppercorns.  I felt very nervous all the time I had them in my possession and I knew I had not paid for them.

After that, I made a stop at the bank and another grocery store and then got gas and stopped at Starbucks to get a couple pounds of coffee.  Then I came home, had supper, fed the dogs and collapsed.  Now I'm ready for bed.

After reading about LARRY'S day, mine seems inconsequential.  But I don't want to do it all again soon....and I bet LARRY doesn't either!

Tomorrow is a work day and then I have two days in a row off.  Hurray!!!

I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Thursday Night already, and I am not sure when I posted last, so I will just cut to the chase.

Our physicals went quite well....my blood work was fantastic and the doctor was very pleased. No change in meds and he did not even make me feel badly about my weight. 

The family arrived Tuesday Night and we picked them up and headed for Vail.  We arrived right at midnight....ugh, but at least we arrived there safely.  Yesterday Kurt droves back to Denver to run errands, shop and pick up DIL on the same flight from Boston that he and the boys came in the night before.  Unfortunately, Heidi's plane was delayed so they did not arrive in Vail until 2:15 AM.  UGH. UGH. UGH!

We enjoyed a fun day with the two grandsons.... and it was very special.

We enjoyed our drive back to Denver today.  There is still so much snow in the mountains.....it is so green and beautiful.  We saw many of the horrible snow slides off the side of the road. 

We were going to stay with the grands tomorrow morning when Michele went for her scan, but Dave called tonight to say she will not have the scan as the insurance has denied it🤬🤬 Michele is very upset with this news as she was so hopeful to see that the tumor has shrunk in her lung😢😢😩

My Dad is doing quite well.  The PT and OT have signed him off and he will probably only have the nurse visits for another week.  He sounds very good on the telephone and I am feeling so blessed once again. 

I am headed off to bed......I am bushed.

Pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone..

Another beautiful morning here. We will have the fellow here to check on the furnace and tank this morning. The oil company needs an inspection on both before we get delivery of oil. Since we have been here 20 years not quite 2 tanks of oil has been burnt in this furnace. We prefer the wood heat.

Hope to finish weeding the garden today and that job will be behind me for a few days. Think hubby is going to cut the grass later on today.

Jane, I hope they soon find out what is causing your sons problem. the not knowing is the worst and of course we always think the worst too. Prayers going your way for both of you.

Jenny, how frustrating for Michele , hope she can find a way to get the scan. Darn insurance company :knuppel2:
 Happy to read your Dad is doing better.
Nice to get a good report on your physicals!! Way to go!!

Have a load of laundry on the go and need to hang some on the line.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm up and attem!  Of course the doggies got me up at the crack of dawn but after a short "outing" we came back in and snoozed while we waited out the pills.  Then they had to wait while I made dog food o that's done!  They're fed and happy!

I still have some small jobs to do before I go to work but they're not hard or time consuming.

JENNY, I'm happy to hear the good news about you and Bob and about your Dad.  I wish it was as good about Michele and I, too, hope they find a way to do the scan.  As AMY noted about my son, not knowing is the hardest part.

AMY, I think my son avoids telling me what's happening so he doesn't worry me.  But when I hear from my sister 60 miles away that he went home from work sick, I worry anyway.

I just read my notes and it seems I do have a "chore" to do this morning.  I have to water the new plantings because IT DIDN'T RAIN YESTERDAY OR LAST NIGHT!  Imagine that!   A whole 24 hours without rain! 

I better get started on the "chores" or I won't get finished before I have to get ready for work!  I wish you all a good day filled with whatever it is you wish for.  Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.It is 71º @ 6:16 A M C TS time here in MO. and calling for high of 89º today.  I am up and ready to face the day. Had a restless night. this getting old is not it is cracked up to be. Hope you all have a great day just as you like it to be. see you all Later.



Good Morning Everyone from the
cool, foggy and soon to be
warmer and muggy,
rocky coast of Maine. 

Our forecast here in Maine
 is pretty much the same
for the next couple of weeks. 
Overcast, foggy, and warming
up into the 70's... 

Looks like July is going to be
as Strange here as May and June
have been.   

What can I say.   It is just  one of
those years.. 

I am tired this morning,
mainly because I have spent t
he last couple of days
watching the political
debates on tv. 

No comment on them, 
except they keep me awake. 
It is hard to shut my brain
down after listening to them
for so many hours.   

Today I hope to get some rest
 and catch up on some good
movies and series on Netflix . 

Next week more doctors apts
and  visits from my good friends
from Wisconsin.   
This is the time of the year
hat I play catch up
with  those who are visiting
their home ...  before they go
away for another year. 

All is well here ..
Have a good day,  Everyone .
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good morning everyone, already tired of summer and there is 2 more months to go. Already 72° and weather guesser just said the humidity will be higher today. No CNA today but yesterday once again had one here at 9am. I am not showered or dressed at that time. I do that after I have breakfast and I was having my second cup of coffee when she came and checking my email. I will be so happy next week when  the CNA I have 5 days a week will be back from her vacation. 12 till 2 is the best  time for me and that is when she has been coming for almost 2 years. Enough of my complaints.

LARRY  just read your post about Pat. Thank God your son was close to take her to emergency care. You must feel better to have her home again.

AMY  boy they sure want you for jury duty. Glad I have not been bothered with that notice in many years. Would never be able to do it again.

JANE  no matter how old they get we still worry about our kids. I hope they find out soon what is bothering your son. We worry more when we don't know what is going on and think of all different things.

JENNY  darn insurance when someone like Michele needs that scan. So far I have been lucky and so glad I do not to have to pay for meds.

AMY  growing up with wood heat I enjoyed it when we had a wood stove.

JANE  no rain so far this week but it is in the forecast for the week end. Today we might hit 90° and I will be inside all day.

LLOYD  when are you taking a trip with the RV?

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


I'm up, too, but not really awake yet.  I was so tired from shopping yesterday that last night I slept too hard.  I had a lot of trouble getting awake even with coffee.

I bought another bag of apples so I could make some applesauce today.  We enjoyed the last pot full down to the last scoop of the spoon and since they don't even have to be peeled before they are cooked it couldn't be any easier to make.

I hope everyone is well and feeling rested this morning.  It is supposed to be up in the 90's and humid today.  I'll be staying in.

Take care, All.


I tried to get a posting done this morning but was so tired I just couldn't do it.  I wrote so much yesterday and I would invite you to look back if you didn't read about quite a day we had.  We had a call today that one of our dear friends, the lady who stayed with us as we awaited Stacey's  death, who now has Alzheimer's is in her final moments.  This on top of my best friend now being in a mental health facility and a low possibility he will come out of it has made this a very draining few days.  I am just too tired to write more today.  Hopefully will feel more rested tomorrow. I have had the nurse here and our housekeepers husband stopped and visited with me a few minutes.  I am still expecting he Chaplin and he Volunteer to stop and visit.  Just hope I can stay awake as that is being a real challenge today. 


Rain is gently falling, saving me from watering the garden :)
We had a nice surprise today, the man came to inspect the furnace, his wife also came with him and when I went to pay the bill it was lower than he quoted me!! A while back I saw them going through the drive through at Timmies and I went and paid for their order, now they are paying it forward. They are such a nice couple and we think highly of them.

Larry, I am sorry to hear of your friend, prayers for her.
Rest is in order for you, you have been busy the last while and need to just relax for a bit. Hope Pat is feeling better too.
Going to relax tonight.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


A Good Friday afternoon HELLO to EVERYFRIEND❣️

We almost made it to the end of June before we had to turn on the A/C..... could have gotten by I suppose but sure wanted to make sure it would run🙀

Thank you all for the nice comments on our physicals and the like and for understanding the frustration regarding the insurance not paying for the scan for Michele.  The doctor is still fighting it as it is necessary to see if the treatment she is getting is doing it's job.....They wanted to know if the tumor has shrunk in the lung and if it has what the next line of treatment would be best.  Maybe a smaller dose of some meds, or even maybe radiation.  Dave has already paid for one scan awhile back that they refused to pay, to the tune of $2800.   I just found out today that they refused to pay any towards her wig that she bought also, even though it says in the booklet that a wig is covered.

JANE, I am sorry to read about the issues with your son, and of course you are worried, but still deserve to know cuz it is a moms right to know!  I just hope you hear some positive news soon.  Positive thoughts and prayers for all. 

LARRY, I am saddened to read your news about two of your friends.  It is draining to hear and have to accept this kind of news and I am very sorry. 

AMY, how nice that the inspection was not as costly as you had expected.  How sweet to pay it forward.....it makes everyone feel better!  One of my good friends just wrote to me telling of she and her husband being in a restaurant this week when the waitress came over and asked if either or both of them might be a veteran?  Her husband was, and they were told that a gentleman in the restaurant asked for her to find a veteran so he could buy their meal for them.....isn't that sweet? Did you get the weeding done before the rain started?
GLORIA, I do not feel you were complaining about the time your CNA visits are....it is just a fact that 12 to 2 works out the best for you!  I know you will sure be happy to have your regular gal back. 

SANDY, I have found the debates to be extremely stressful for me.... just too many of them, and yet I do not think it would work to break it down to less either......I found it confusing myself to keep up on each thoughts.  I bet you will sleep a LOT better tonight!

We have a few errands s to run.....hope it has cooled down a bit!

Enjoy the rest of your day.



🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone.
Woke to over cast weather here and crows hollering!! Looked out and momma and papa brought their young family!! The young crows are just as big as their parents now.

Laundry day today and need to do some baking. This being our long weekend the town will be like a sardine can to get about in. Might be a better idea to go get hubby his grapes before it gets too busy.

Jenny, the weeds are still hanging tight in the garden, just have a little bit left to do so it won't take too long.

Gloria,I know wood is a lot of work but it is so nice to smell the first fire in the fall.....and have the last fire in the spring.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, looks like it will be rain for the weekend here, once again. I feel bad for those who work all week and get rain on the weekends. I know it got to me when I worked. One reason why I never go shopping on weekends, leave it to the ones who cannot go during the week.

PHYLLIS  every time I go someplace I am worn out when I get home and takes a couple of days to get back to what passes as normal these days. Took a long time to realize I am no longer that energetic and busy person I used to be. Ahh is this what the "golden years" are supposed to be?

LARRY  as long as you just post and say hello it is enough to know you are OK.

AMY relax is getting to be my middle name. I envy all of you that keep so busy all the time. All I can do is remember the days I was like that.

JENNY  seems insurance always has some very fine print that no one can read so they get away with not paying. I am looking forward to Monday with my CNA back from 2 weeks in the Azores where her husband is from and has family there.  I will be ready for all her talking. I tell her she is a chatter box and she knows she hardly ever stops talking.

AMY  oldest son for years heated with wood, all from trees cut down on his property,aged of course. Now that wood is all gone and the stove was wearing out he bought a pellet stove, good heat but no big mess of ashes to clean up.

Gosh go few posts this morning, I even beat Jane here, amazing.
Have a good day. DARN cable just went out. Wonder what excuse Cox will have this time.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Yep! GLORIA, ya beat me here this morning.  I'm "movin' kinda slow" like Uncle Joe on Petticoat Junction.  Too much yesterday, I guess.

The day started out well.  I got done most of what needed done before I left for work but then everything went down hill.  I followed the usual drill for opening my register and noticed something new.  There were all new scanners and register printers and no one told me how they worked.  Two customers into it, I'd had to call someone for help twice and that's when I found out they'd been put in over night and no one, not even management, had been trained.  It sure made me feel stupid in front of the customers!  I've never been so happy to leave that place as I was yesterday.

When I got home, my feet were hurting so bad that all I wanted to do was sit.  So after I took the doggies out and gave them their snack, I SAT!  With my feet in a pool of hot Epsom salt water.  After that, I napped and then I felt better.

I guess I shouldn't bother you all with these minor complaints and I do understand that some of you have much more to complain about than I do but that's my day and I'm stuck with it.  Today I'm just going to clean up after myself and if my lids get here, make the red raspberry jam.  Might take the doggies for a walk too.  My feet are feeling better.

I hope you all have a lovely day!  Make it yours in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


It's good to see that some of the group are up and getting on with their day.  Good morning to you all.  I'm up but haven't gotten on with my day yet.  Slower than molasses.

Hot again so don't plan to go outside.  I may finally get to making the applesauce today.  I made some refrigerator pickles yesterday and they sat overnight in the fridge so we should be able to enjoy them for lunch.

I hope everyone is feeling well and rested today.

Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone. it is bright sun here and already 75º @ 7:31 A M going for the lower 90tys. Nancy went with oldest daughter down to there house down by wheatland MO. to church reunion and stayed all night. sure miss her when she is gone like that. at least it is not permanent. Have a great day as you all like it.



I might have found a reason to buy an InstantPot.  Kohl's have them on sale today.  The one I'm lookin at is called a "Duo".  It comes in 6qt at 79.99 with free shipping.  It say it  is a "pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, steamer, saute, yogurt maker and warmer" and it "has 14 programs".  Is this a good deal?  Help me with this decision those of you who use this appliance, and I'll be forever grateful!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


YES Jane that is a good deal!! Buy it!!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I wanted to get the message off to Jane before she left. Jane that is what I have and  I just love mine. Kids all got one for Christmas I went out the store with 5 of them!! You can make soup in jig time and not heat up your home.
Laundry is blowing on the line and will soon come in.Then baking begins. I see Kyle is getting low on his cookies, one can't have a glass of milk without cookies!

Guess I had better git and get'ter done..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Got the message, AMY!  Thanks! Anybody else?  I think I'll order it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, Phyliss has one but I am not sure which one she has as does Larry's with Pat. I just know it does save a lot of time cooking plus tough cuts of meat come out fork tender. I love the fact that I can throw in meatballs, broken spaghetti  pour sauce on top and water down the side and is 10 min have it all cooked!![

edited to add Joy has one also./b]
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Just getting in here after being absent for  a couple days.

Yesterday I was gone for several hours.  Had an appointment, and then my DIL and I  stopped for lunch and then on to the produce market.  Had to rest when I finally got back home.

Today is another day of rest.  Didn't sleep well again last night, but did get  back  to sleep in later.

Amy, yes, I do have one of the Instant Pots, but haven't got up the nerve to use it yet.  On Facebook, I see all kinds of comments about what people make and pictures of what they have made. Just when I read something positive, I then read tons of failures. I just can't afford to make something then have to throw it away. Some of the pictures I see look very good and then some are very unappetizing looking.  One of these  days, I will just have to "bite the bullet" , I guess.  I need to watch a couple videos of just what to do. I am thinking that a lot of the failures are due to people not following directions correctly. If I could make the "water test" and it would go well, I might be more encouraged. I wanted it mainly to make yougurt, but the way it is made sure sounds so complicated and time consuming.  And, I just can't  even think about making hard boiled eggs in it. For one thing, I only will cook maybe 3 or 4 eggs at a time.  And, I read about people cooking a dozen or more. I now wish I had gotten one of the air fryers instead.

It is now getting onto afternoon and I have done nothing at all.  Looks like another  wasted day. Makes me so angry with myself. 

Jane,  sure hope your son will start feeling better.  No matter how old our kids are, we still worry about them.  I know I do the same.  And, I known they don't tell us things, because they do not want us to worry.  And, that makes us worry even more.  LOL

I haven read all the  past messages of a couple days, but won't comment, as I am sure I will miss someone. So, I will just say that I hope everyone is feeling pretty good and will have good afternoon and evening.  And, for the ones that are experiencing a very hot spell, try to keep cool.




Joy, one the first things I made in mine was yogurt and oh my is it good!! You just sterilize the pot, measuring cup and spoon in the pot .then you put your milk in I use 2% heat it..let it cool to a temperature add your yogurt live culture and wait...that is it! I let ours  go for 6 hours. Then take it out ,strain if you want Greek yogurt which we do and use the whey in baking or whatever.
If you told me that I would have a pressure cooker I would say nope not having that....but this is so easy and safe to use. I know folks will say the other one is also safe but no thank you. :)

Your day is not  wasted, you are here and I am sure that if anything NEEDED to be done you would do it. My day is going like yours.I do have thing to do but my git up and go left without me.....oh well another day perhaps :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


  Hi everybody. I'm getting in early start today because I got so much sleep yesterday that I woke up this morning about midnight and felt like getting up for a while and it is now almost noon.  . I had napped often on all day yesterday and actually got about 4 to 5 hours of good sleep last night and will plan to get some more today is expect this to be a very restful day. We are supposed to have a partly cloudy day with a high  in the upper  90s and in preparation for later when it will be in the hundreds again next week. 

 Not much to write about this morning since I didn't do anything yesterday and had written so much the day before so this will be fairly short.  I continue to think of a few new things that will make my Bedroom better organized and easier to get around in and think I am getting close to being ready for my wheelchair driving test.  Yesterday I discovered how to turn around in a circle without needing additional room. 

Pat is still has a long way to go to get to better  but is using the nebulizer and taking the medications that have been prescribed and she is feeling somewhat better. For the first time in several months I made her scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon bites and toast with Raspberry jam.  I can do almost all of it from the wheelchair. 

 I tried to call my good friend Rod yesterday twice. The first time he was with the doctors around 10 o'clock and then I called in the afternoon and he was at his dinner. I had a nice message from his daughter suggesting a very reasonable thing. Since he is very hard of hearing and can be hard to understand sometimes and it is very frustrating to him to try to think of something and not have the able to recall it. So his daughter suggested that I simply go to writing him via his daughters, which Is a super idea.  I can  utilize  the general information that I include in my postings here and on Seniors and Friends. . And I can customize it and what I want to in terms of personal comments, maybe with the humor, include a picture or some humor. I think this will work out so much better as he won't have a phone until one is brought to him and doing this sure takes some stress off of me. 

  I must have accidentally pushed my panic button without knowing and we had our first test of the system.  The alarm went off and my phone rang at the same time with someone on the line asking if all was OK.  I said yes and gave her the code and the safe word and the alarm went off.  I am glad it happened because it shows we are monitored.  Had I not answered the phone then Pat would have been called and if the right responses were not given the police and EMT's would have been called. 

 Jane, I think that is the Instant Pot that Pat has and she paid that price back a year or so when we got it.  With the way you like to cook I would think you would get a lot of use out of it and save yourself a lot of work in making your jams and fixing so many things.  There is hardly a day goes by that Pat does not print out something and enjoys watching videos about using the IP or making something in it.

 Amy, what type of cookies does Kyle like.  I am going to make up a Costco order and get things I want like my breakfast drink and a very good looking trail mix.  It won't take me long to get an order of $75 to get the free home delivery.  That will cut down on what Pat and Scott will need to getwhen they actually go to the store.

 Amy, those nights of not sleeping are the pits.  This is the first time in my life I have ever taken a nightly sleeping pill but am enjoying the sleep and also the follow-on little naps.[/font]

 Joy, start your Instant Pot experience with meat and see how good and tender it turns out.  Also the spagetti and meat balls is a sure winner like Amy Indicated.  Pat has made a couple of things we didn't care for but she has usually rescued the item with some of her food magic and then the item comes out well.  There is a little trick in getting the lid on and that was the first thing we struggled with but it is simple when you realize what to do.  I wonder if any of our others here have experiened the same thing?



OK, I ordered it!  Now, what accessories am I going to need?  Are there things you can do without any accessories?  What's the best place to get recipes?  Does a book come with it?  What was the first thing you made in it?  I'm getting excited! 

I got my lids so I'm going out and finish up the red raspberry jam!  I hope I don't spill it all over my new stove!

JOY, I was checking out those air fryers too but I decided they are not for just one person.  They make too much!  Please don't try to convince me they don't!  I splurged on the InstantPot!

I'm taking notes!  Thank you all for the answers!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, you will enjoy your IP. I bought a collapsible strainer at the dollar store in fact I now have two. I make a double batch of yogurt and use the salad spinner basket lined with a huge coffee filter to strain the yogurt. I sit the strainer up higher on a dish  in the bottom of the salad spinner. I get the filters that one would use for the big coffee urns at church.
I like simple, not spicy recipes and you can find a lot on pintrest and utube.





Ladies you can turn your IP into a air fryer.

Gosh Jane, now I am hungry! :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



NO BIG post from me today as it has been a busy morning and now I have to get ready to head over to our youngest Son Brian's, to celebrate his 43rd Birthday.  Cathy is fixing a rack of lamb and other yummies for the Birthday dinner and all I need to take is a Lemon Buntlet for his cake.  This is the ONLY sweet he will eat, and then it will be only a bite❣️ It seems strange to not be the cook anymore for these occasion......so I am blessed, but it sure is nice at the same time💞

JANE, you KNOW we want to read everything....the good the bad and the rest of the story, so PLEASE share ALL with us.  Congratulations on the new purchase.  I think you will really enjoy having it.

AMY, same thing here, two Christmas' ago I bought 5 instant pots too....one for each of our kids famil and one for us!

I have to run.....enjoy the rest of your day!  I KNOW I am going to! 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Bookmarked them, AMY and I'm hungry, too.  And I don't even have the pot yet. 

The Red Raspberry Jam is sitting boldly on the counter cooling!  It's beeee-u-tiful!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Checking in after a wonderful week in Colorado!  The weather was cool nights & warm days, not miserable warm like when we got back to Kansas while ago.  I unloaded a few things & gave up, have the RV plugged into garage power so will clean out frig & freezer tomorrow after church. Am still rolling with the car, son drove most of the way home & older son managed to beat us back by more than half an hour .... he didn't stop to eat and we did!  All's well, I haven't read all the posts so no comments. Hope everyone has behaved this week, YES?   Must shower & wash my hair, truly think I have a pound of Colorado dirt in my hair. Cats are enjoying being home but they were so good, can't get over how much better they are each trip.  When I get time I will wing some photos off to Bubble to show you how high Chalk Creek was this year. Absolutely gorgeous splashing water right outside my RV. Talk later, hope everyone is well.   Shirley