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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for March 1 , 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, March 01, 2022, 01:19:54 AM

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I think "coming up the hard way" made all of us better people!  It wasn't easy for us either but my parents and grandparents were so special that we didn't even know we were coming up "the hard way".  When I read stories of the people that were young and growing up when I was, I know it wasn't easy but when I was a kid I didn't know it wasn't easy!  I just knew that was life!

Now talk about today...this was HARD!!!  I've reached the point that working is "hard work"!  I still thank God that I can do it but sometimes I wish I didn't have to!  But my house is CLEAN tonight!  I'm beat but it was worth it!

I'm heading for the haystack early tonight so I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow!  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Well I never got any of what I planed to do. I got a bad throbbing headace. then fell asleep on the couck,when I woake up I just watche the boobtube. I never went with Nany to shop and see edward jones reperviensitve. and that was not good newse either. some of our investements Have droppped, the war overseas is affecting that also. I would miss our grand and great grand childern, more of the foul going on now days and is not getting any better, some times I wish God would just call me home. Hopefull I can do better tomorrow, goodnight and sweet dreams.



Had a long-long post that disappeared so will not try to say it all over. Bottom line is I think most of us grew up working hard & not knowing we had a hard life because everyone else was in the same boat. In my world a very few did have a lot but some had less and for sure my parents could fix anything, grow everything & even found means to help anyone that came to the door. We raised our kids the same way, even built a house from scratch while they were little & gave them jobs geared to their abilities.

Yesterday I got online with a company that finds people to fit any project, but they did not get it straight that I had a couple shrubs & a small tree I wanted transplanted so I gave up & backed out of the site. Ever since I have been getting phone calls that got my phone number & that wrong information (to cut down a tree), but "do any kind of lawn service". One insisted he had an appointment in my neighborhood so could come by & give me an estimate. On the phone he said he would work for $15. per hour. That changed by the time he got here in his shiny new truck & all new lawn equipment in the trailer..... He wanted a steep price to transplant the 2 shrubs & small hawthorn tree (shorter than I am), so I asked about his hourly price for other jobs in the yard. His price went up to $50 an hour, so I told him I'd let him know. Little while later had another call & another lawn man... so I cut to the quick about his hourly fee... He didn't hesitate, was $55. per hour & I told him that was "over my pay scale", and hung up. Have a feeling in both cases these guys had been laid off & paid to not work, the one that came by with all new stuff said he "had to keep track of everything since it was a new business", will eventually give up & go back to work & declare all those expenses as a loss. I am not a nice person anymore & don't trust anyone's motives.

BUT, still leaves me with nobody to hire at any reasonable price. This isn't skilled work, they didn't spend thousands for training or education, just some grunt work. I had in mind $20-$25 an hour, and I was willing to surprise them with a bonus if we got the jobs done faster.

I just don't have the steam to do it all & 2 of my kids are working after retired & other works long days at his job, so they help when they can, but I insist on paying them or won't let them help. It is a problem & the jobs pile up. I am really disappointed at what people expect to be paid, plus the prices of everything going sky high IF you can find what you want. 

Got to get to bed, didn't get the car washed today so on the list for tomorrow. Want to water the new little plants coming up, had 82° yesterday & today but not quite as warm tomorrow. The week end shows 2 nights below freezing so will see if I have to drag out the covers for the early bloomers.

Sweet dreams & God Bless.... Pray somebody shuts down that idiot before we have another Pearl Harbor or 9/11.... How many millions of their own country people did Hitler & Stalin kill or have killed to establish their worlds? Is this what history will call what we witness today?  This is not a good bedtime story!!!

Lloyd, looks like we are all a little down tonight. Hope tomorrow is better for all of us.


Quote from: Shirley on March 02, 2022, 11:47:08 PMI had a couple shrubs & a small tree I wanted transplanted

Shirley - Do you have a Nursery or Garden Center nearby?  If so, talk to them and see if they can help or refer someone.



Rick, I had not thought about that. We do have a couple I will call, would have before transplanting anyway since the guy that came by didn't know when the best time was to transplant. I did tell him that "I do have saws to cut them down rather than pay $250 to have them moved & die".

I may just leave them where they are because the hawthorn tree that was here when we bought was already dead so I planted wisteria by it & a couple years later the wisteria totally covered it & had blooms covering the tree. I was planning to take a photo but woke up to whole tree laying over, no roots left to hold up in our wind! I only got 3 little wisteria roots from my parents next door neighbor & should have known wisteria was crazy about spreading. Still don't know if hawthorns have long roots or that tree didn't because it was dead. That little circle of ground cut out of the concrete in the pool area is ideal for starting trees or shrubs & I've given away dozens over the years.

The Arbor Society sends 10 little trees & shrubs for a donation every year & I'd rather grow them up myself than buy larger ones to plant. When time to transplant I keep ones I want & offer the rest to anyone else. We have mulberry, elm, redbud, sweet gum & even mimosa trees that pop up all over the yard & flower beds. I pull up some & put in pots & give away when they outgrow the pots. When we bought this place there wasn't a single tree down by the river & now it's a woods, mostly volunteers. I planted redbud & a sycamore but beaver munched off the redbud the same week so I put chicken wire around the sycamore trunk now it is "3 stories tall". The birds & wildlife love my woods & shade, so do I. Time to realize I can't dig the holes anymore! I should have moved the crape myrtle & hawthorn a couple years ago but Covid (blame everything on Covid) hit.

I woke up at 4:30am realizing I forgot to put the training pad down in the utility room for Callie. Youngest son stops by on Wed after work & I make sure everything clean since he is allergic to cats. Nice outside so Callie out & Tiger off hiding in the basement. Still too cold for Callie to stay out overnight & I was so sleepy I forgot. Did give them one more special feeding before I went to bed. (No damage done.) Callie is showing her age, stiff when she gets up but loves being outside in the sun. I think Tiger would be a full time house cat now but not Callie, so I'll go down to the river with them today. This old lady doesn't have the steam she used to have, either!

Amy should be up by now... think I will feed cats & myself & go back to bed. Will pick up those sweet gum balls when it warms up about 10:00, tried it out when Pete brought it by & it really does work better than anything I've tried so far. No batteries to keep charged or gasoline to mix to use... just grunt labor.  ;)


Good morning..

Another day and another dance. Doesn't look like much but id does need to be removed.. Then onto diva duties....thank you Callie...makes mundane jobs sound fancy.  ;D 

Rick, good call on the garden shop!

Shirley, I think everyone wants the money but not the work.

Jane, hope today you can coast and just enjoy the day with Cooper.

Better get my dancing duds on..

Enjoy your day and stay safe..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


 :cup: Good morning Shirley...just finishing my tea then out I go to play in the snow. Some crows are back but I haven't seen Drop wing yet..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


"Rick, I had not thought about that." --- That's why we all are here - to help.
I think the best time to move a bush or tree is in the Fall - when it's need for water is minimal and the roots have a chance to re-establish over the winter and early spring. If moved in the spring they likely will need heavy watering through the season.
" tried it out when Pete brought it by & it really does work better than anything I've tried so far." --- Just what is it you tried?  I bought a thing to pick up acorns when we had the oak tree. It is just a round wire cage that the acorns push into when you roll it over the acorns. It worked pretty well. But a year after I got it my neighbor whined and cried so much about the acorns dropping, and wanted me to cut down my tree. They sent a couple of threatening letters so I finally said that if they wanted the tree down they could have it taken down and pay for the job. They did that. It was a beautiful tree and I had had it trimmed a couple of years prior.  I don't think I have talked to them since, and have no plans too.

Amy - All that DANCING with the snow is what's causing it.  The snow likes dancing. Just go out and beat the heck out of it. You'll see - it will go elsewhere.



Spring has sprung,
The grass is riz,
I winder where the posies is?

When Cooper and I stepped out the door for our morning walk, I heard a flock of geese!  I don't know if they were flying or if they're over on the nearby pond roosting but I rather think they were on the wing because the sound disappeared pretty quickly!  Anyway, I'll take it as a sign of Spring!

AMY, my plan for today is "NO PLAN AT ALL".  I'm hoping to relax and rest up from the past two days and get ready for tomorrow or Sunday shopping.  Frankie might be here for supper (spaghetti for supper) and she might stay overnight.  We'll see.

I have a book started to read and I did finish Sidney Poitier's book.  He was quite a guy!  I knew he was special but now I know why and how he got that way!

My current book is a JACK HIGGINS war and spy story!  I'm a fan of JH and of spy stories and war stories.  This one is a triple whammy...war AND spies!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I know I am in the wrong place but gosh I've been there before :)
Soak the raisins for the robins overnight in warm water. the raisin will soften, change color being lighter, have the texture and taste to a robin like a good ole worm


Rick,I did beat it and it almost went over to the neighbours! :2funny:  Wind was up and took it a little farther than it should go! Al finished for now.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


We get the raisins in those little snack boxes like are given at Halloween. Easy to put in pocket. Even when they dry out a bit the Robin chows down on them.  We started with raisins when my son read that Mocking Birds like them. Then the Robin started grabbing them, and now even Sparrows grab them. I think Shirleys problem is that the birds don't know yet. Once they try them they're hooked  :2funny:  When I walk to the corner to the Mail Box it is not uncommon for a bird or squirrel to follow me, probably in hopes of a hand out.  My entertainment for the day.

Don't worry about being in the wrong place.  We've been here for a while and are familiar with the topics. It all will come in time - and we're not critical.


Lloyd Hammond

Good afternoon everyone. it is a beautful sunny day here  In centrial MO. 57º now at5:53 PM.

(well I say and mean it I am a lover rather than a fighter. one enemy is one to many a million freinds is alright Not too many. I try hard not to hurt anyone. My heart feels good when I know I have done good for someone. I wil Leave you with that to ponder see you
all Later.



I'll make one more stab at posting.... did 2 (too long) and as I went to enlarge & color they disappeared... do you think my wi-fi just blinks to cause this to happen?  Had the whole scree go back to desktop & none of the back up arrows or anything would bring back my post. Got to remember to use wordpad & wouldn't have this problem, maybe?

Got the sweet gum balls cleaned up, this works like the old time hand sweepers with no motor or anything, just push & pull & they trap the spikey little balls inside the cage. It is work, especially pulling the spreader to the wire cage to dump them out. Got half of a big dumpster full. Then I walked the cats down to the river to see what damage the beaver has done lately. Not happy with it, getting up on MY bank & munched off a couple trees I didn't want down. What it cut down last year on the other side of the path is all overgrown with re-growth of stumps. They trim off the branches & leave the tall & very straight trees (mostly willow). It is still 71° a little after 8:00pm, don't know what the high was today, but I did water & found lots of daffodils popping out of the ground & the surprise lilies are 2-3" tall already. Even the pot of chives is green & ready to eat. Love 'em on baked potato. BUT, weather guessser says we will have a couple nights below freezing later in the week end.

Hey, Mycheal, I will try soaking the raisins.... Rick, they are pretty dry.  Got to thinking, they are 2 years old because I didn't go to CO last summer so they've been in the frig since the summer before. Saw a squirrel sitting on the pillar holding a raisin in his/it's hands & eating, took time to chew good. ;) Thanks for the advice about transplanting, I'm tired of trying to find a handyman.... think I'll just leave them be for now. I did water that circle of stuff, nothing greening up yet. I used to have hollyhocks in there but they died out. Still have some shasta daisies & black eyed Susans, plus those crape myrtle & hawthorn... and some weeds (thanks to the birds).

I will watch in the morning to see if the majority of the cormorants that winter here are gone. Watched wave after wave of them going over a couple days ago, big flocks, I didn't know we had that many this year. We don't have the hundreds of Canada geese along the river the last couple years. When a new addition is built they always have a lake put in & the geese make themselves at home. The city is spreading out so all the ducks & geese move out closer to the fields for food. We have flocks of "locals" that don't migrate, but the turtles in the river keep the population down. We will see a mama duck & 10 or 12 babies swim by & few days later she is down to just a few.

I'd better see if this is gonna post or disappear. Hope Gloria gets her computer fixed & Amy gets to put the snow blower away soon. Mine is still in the garage & will wait until March is over. We have had BIG snow storms into April, but should be able to tell if this is going to be an early summer, don't y'all think? 

I did NOT wear a mask in Walmart today, first time in a couple years. Hurried & washed my hands with my Clorox wipes as soon as I got back in the car. I decided to fix tostadas tomorrow & will see if #1 son & wife want to join me. Both will be teaching & that is the kicker, whether they will get off early enough to come by to eat. We'll see. I got all the fixin's ...... Sweet dreams, God Bless.


Hi Everyfriend!  I'm heading for the haystack a tad early tonight.  Having Cooper come early gets me going early and then when I try to nap, I can't.  I guess I'm supposed to sleep at night!

I got started on my new book today and it's going to be a doozy.  It doesn't waste time getting going!

I did a lot of texting today, some phone calls, a few personal visits as Cooper and I walked and not a lot else.  I did do a lot of reading!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Lightly snowing here but I don't (hope) it will amount to much.

Kyle wants to pick up lumber to make another trug on speculation. I am sure with food prices going high....that is if you can get the product more folks are going to put in a garden. When the pandemic started a lot of people did put in a garden as they were working from home. Seeds were difficult to find last year as were canning jars and lids.

Shirley, I had to look up sweet gum balls.....prickly little stinkers aren't they and I also saw the sweeper.

Patricia, missed your post. Are you having any trouble on buying Farrah's food? My friend said her Polly will only eat one brand of food and she finally found it and bought up a good supply of it.

Rick, aka Pied Piper of the birds and squirrels
 the critters know who feeds them. :)

Jane, son didn't get to go to OK but it on his way to TX. Bet he will phone and tell me he has a tan and how hot is it while we are freezing here!

Jenny, how is your Dad doing?

Phyllis ,good morning..:)

Better get ready to meet the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well LOOKS Like AMY is first one here again today, Our wether guesser is saying  43º and clear, But he/she is all wet again. we are over cast no wend here in centrial MO. Have a good day everyone that comes in. I plan on working on our raised beds today. I have taken my vitials and forward them to VA. the machine they gave me saves you tax payers and us a lot of $$$ no gas money or travel or postage for either of us.It is amazing how it sends to VA by way of sadalight. Bottom line is I think we have no privecy. I have heard that the goverment can even count the money in your hand ?



Good morning, Amy and Lloyd and All who come in today.

Sunny here and cooler.  Our temp. got up to 81 deg. yesterday.  Dropped back down overnight and supposed to be in the 50's today.  I opened the doors yesterday and let some fresh air in the house but don't think I'll  be doing that today.

Take care, All.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I thought it was supposed to be warmer today but it's not even going to get out of the 30s.  39 is supposed to be the high for today.  All that's left of the snow around here is wherever the plow lifted and then backed off.  Mostly at the corners.  Then there are ice patches where the sun doesn't light for long each day.  Not in my yard!

Mikey tested positive for COVId and had a couple of bad days but my daughter says he seems to be doing fine now.  He's eating, playing and laughing again!  Thank you God!

I hope the birds are suffering in the cold!  They don't follow me around out there like they do Rick!  Do you think we should call him "Birdman"?

I better get busy or nothing will get done around here!  I did communicate with my yard guy yesterday and he's on for the summer!  So I don't have to worry about that when I'm gone!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning from the Interior. We're expecting a snow and ice storm Saturday as we're supposed to cool slightly. Yesterday, I spent hunting and gathering in our local malls. Today will be spent that way again, getting the items I forgot because I didn't look at my list. I was bedazzled and annoyed at ingredient lists and purchased too much of one and not enough of the other.

Today is going, as usual, Farrah and I are both fed, she got water and I guzzled caffeine. My morning round of texts and calls is over and both good and bad news. One is recovering from Omicron and another tests positive. I don't know what the summer will bring.

The city allocated a larger amount for snow and ice in their budget and are planning a concerted effort to dispose of the excess snow we had this year, historically 66% over the average, meteorologists say. Mother Nature then announces another round tomorrow. I thought this was the Arctic, where snow and humidity are low?

Amy, I got home tired yesterday and while I was online, I just wanted to disengage. I went to bed early.


Patricia, sorry about the frustation, maybe it's the moon?  Gotta blame on something. I had a hit below the belt in the mail, notice from city that the RV has to be moved in just over 10 days, so I called & asked for extention to sell it. Will get a month+ to clean out & get out of driveway. I don't want to store it because in the driveway I can run the generator and also plug into power once a month to keep all charged & ready to roll. I know it is time to get rid of it but has been fun & a comfort this winter to know if power out I could get in it & run generator & be warm & happy with frig, freezer & TV. Has 6 new tires, year old roof & almost new batteries. Depending on the buyer, I would leave all the equipment I've bought (sewer) & extra mattress, etc. but not if not nice people. (Sons can use most with their campers....) Will be watching for return of NEW conversion type vans that go into garages. Had 2 of them & was okay for 1 person & dog. This is not what I planned to think about today. Got fixin's for tostadas to make today so gonna drown my sorrows in yummy food.

Sincere sympathy for anyone testing positive for Covid. Gr-daughter/husband & 2 kids (7 & 5) have all had it the last week/10 days.


Shirley ,why do you have to move it? Did you tell them this is your only source of heat/water etc if power goes out?
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I recently returned home, and I can tell you that everything is melting! And tomorrow's promised mix of snow, ice, and rain has diminished from 85% to 50%.

This time I took my list along and didn't buy into that $200.00 milk syndrome. I went to a different grocery store in the Northeast, past the city's snow dump storage by bus. Five of those snow piles were huge and reminded me of coal slag piles, only white.

Shirley, two things illegal in Alaska are HMOs and those medical insurance rackets where you have to use their doctors and plans. They try to get you in roundabout ways, but those are strictly voluntary and not legally enforceable.


Been an afternoon of thinking & planning. More like "where do I start".  No, Amy, city rules are RVs must be parked behind front side of house on a concrete pad. Not possible the way this house sits on the lot. I've been lucky to have it here this long, but because so many others in the area also have RVs or campers "breaking the rules".... we've gotten away with it. Makes me mad that if the area people don't object, who is it hurting? I will admit that getting rid of it will certainly change my life & attitude.

Stupid part is I could buy a big truck & put a camper on the bed & that is okay to park in the driveway. At least I will ask the question before considering. Can't move or would have to have Callie & Tiger put to sleep, I won't just go off & leave them to starve, they have always had their freedom. It is a lot to absorb when not expected. I've spent days sweating out getting tax papers gathered to take to the tax man! I do begrudge them every penny!


Patricia, I tried to answer your post but mine disappeared & after a lot of flipping it showed up so figured I'd better post & start over!  I agree about those insurances that you have to use their doctors & hospitals. We've had one dealing with them & discovered what a scam it is. I'm having a "pity party" today so feeling sorry for myself being bullied and yet I do realize I still have it good, BUT by d**n, we worked hard & saved, nobody ever gave us anything! So there, will go hide in the corner & pout.

Lloyd Hammond

Good evening everyone. well  Shirley we all have tose days and the older we get the more we have it seams, you more than some of us knowe first hand, you have lost your sweetheart. and only god knows why. I have lost severial due to my owen stuppidey. but god guided me and I got my first one back. I will kep her for as long as god lets me live.I had a good visit on the phone with my only serviving brother a while ago.he lost his wife this past year god took her home also. that is the only relife we can have is that we know god has took them to a better place with him. the worse the foul shows up the less I want to stay here, but god will have to get me when he wants me. we sure are haveing good weather here Lately.63º here now suposed to mabye get some rain and cool off tomorow. Good night and sweet dreams Hope to see you all tomorow. loard willing and the creek dosent rise to high I will.



We had a beautiful, sunshiny day here today...not real warm but nice anyway.  Cooper and I had a couple nice walks and some of the neighbors were out and we greeted them and they gave Cooper a pet and then we moved on.

Didn't do a lot of "muscle" work inside today but got a lot of "mind" stuff done.  Papers together, lists adjusted, phone calls completed...

Tomorrow will be a busy day so I better hit the haystack.  It won't start as early because Frankie is off so Cooper won't be arriving but I have a lot of running around to do....the grocery store in the morning and then Cathy and I are going to the high school play to support granddaughter Kiran's work with properties to get it on!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Woke to the song of the crows this morning..3 of them were telling me they needed fed! No Drop wing yet.

Laundry and wrestling with dust bunnies today and bread baking not sure what else......maybe.

Jane ,mind "stuff" is just as much hard work as "muscle" stuff.

Shirley, back to Rialta time! They can't say anything about that I wouldn't think.

Patricia, understand about being tuckered and wanting to rest.

Sure hope Gloria gets her computer fixed this weekend. Wonder if Yvette is back yet?

Phyllis, good morning. Going to try a mess of 15 beans in the IP...cooked just in broth with some ham.

Better shake a leg and get on with the day..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Well, here I am, talking to myself this morning.  I do a lot of that!  Please don't tell the authorities or they'll be throwing me into old folks care!  I do wish a good morning to anyone who shows up today. 

The temp is only up to 25º so far today but "they" are saying it will reach 48 and sunny today and they are predicting temps in the high 60s and 70s for the next two days but they are also predicting rain!

I'm off to the showers so I'm ready whenever Cathy texts that she's on the way to pick me up for grocery shopping.  I've had my first cup of coffee and I'm OFF and moving.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

P.S.  HI AMY!  You came in while I was talking.  And you're right about mind stuff being as "hard" as muscle stuff!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning, AMY and  JaneS and anyone else that showes up. the wether guesser Is all out of whack again.it  is He/she saying 59º F and sunny, but it is cloudy cover mooving from west to east and gential brease on and off,as I am setting here watching the birds. I see no sun here at all. suposed to have raim moov in this afternoon. that is alright we ar verey dry here. I think we are going to sam's club today and do some grocery shopping. Have a good day everyone.
