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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for March 1 , 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, March 01, 2022, 01:19:54 AM

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I'm not talking to myself because some of you are up and have already posted.  I'm slow in the mornings...and don't really have anything to say until after I have breakfast, EXCEPT.....

Take care, All


We've done our WM shopping and the nicest thing about it was driving into the parking lot and seeing about a hundred pigeons waiting for a bag to break for their handouts.  Pigeons always frequent the WM parking lot in "nice" weather.  SPRING IS SPRUNg!

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Bread is in the oven and soon delicious smells will be tickling our nose! I like the heels ,hot with a slather of butter.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


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Good morning..

Going to be a rainy day here, temp is 37° at the moment. Just let weather dogs in and it is raining now..nothing like a wet dog that wants to be close to you! Getting into maple syrup weather.

A day of rest here. so playing in the sewing room is on target for today.

Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's supposed to rain here, too, today but not until around noon.  Cathy is dumping me in my church parking lot and friends will bring me home after the service followed by coffee hour!  My only other plan for today is a visit with Frankie and Cooper and wrapping the meat I  bought yesterday.  I try to put it in usable size packages  and freeze it.

Now I'm going to finish my coffee and then get a shower and get dressed for church.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning AMY and JaneS, you two ladies seam to be our wake up call every morning lately. it is 33º and clear here this morning, we had our rain last evening, realy came down hard with plenty of Lightining and thunder. have not heard of no damage thow. well Nancy has gone to church. she left me a note and asleep in bed. I am going and get the same cearmin she is at on the TV live. and do not have to get upand go. I love people but am turning into a hurment Mabey. Have a good day just as you like it. I have taken My vitialstell and sent them on to VA. it is amazing how it can ask and tell  you what to doo. and ask how your breathing and so fort is doing, just like they were setting here in same room and sent the results on to VA.with the machine. It is amazing how it can ask the right questions and tell you wheat to do just like you were setting in the docters office with he/she there. Have a great day,



There was no sign of the expected ice and snow yesterday, nor wind. However, it cooled down from the thirties back into the twenties, where it's expected to stay for the remainder of March. Spring is always a slow, sometimes volatile awakening here, and sometimes winter holds on with a grip.

There is nothing new here; my mornings seem to be a rush to get ready, only to clean and rearrange items from one place to another. Grocery shopping is beginning to be something to look forward to and be among others.


Patricia, I doubt that I would ever look forward to grocery shopping.  It has never been a favorite thing to do.  Even now when I order groceries on-line I don't like it much but apparently eating is something we have to do.

Take care, All.


Patricia, I also enjoy going to the store, seems to be my only chance to visit with other humans. I have gone out for 2 days without a mask, almost feel naked.  :-[

It is windy here but not as bad as yesterday. No rain for us, Lloyd, so I got out the hose & watered the early bloomers & youngest shrubs. I can look down at the trees along the river & a slight green haze, no wonder the allergies/pollen is over the top. Main reason I haven't had a mask on, can't get it off fast enough to get the Puffs Plus to the nose! Where are you, Gloria?  Do we need to send out a search party?

Amy, my snow blower is leaking gas in the garage so will have to drain & put away if we don't get to use it this week! I am ready to turn off winter...


We are in our 24th month of total lockdown in this city and this building. After spending so much earlier time on the lower end, we are in the red zone for the entire state ( over 200 new weekly cases, still!).

We are the vacation or time off place to come to for most of the state, excluding the S.E., and many come testing positive. Masks are de rigor here even tho not every place enforces that rule. We have a lot of deniers here, which is why I'm religious about wearing a mask.

The mall housing my grocery contains a bank, a Michael's, jewelry stores, clothing stores, and a piercer whose window I both peruse and shudder at. My other grocery store choice is in a mall devoted to teenagers. This is a wonderful place to appreciate your age and enough mirrors to check for hat hair or if those jeans were a mistake.  This is why grocery shopping can take hours and is a great spectator sport.


Good Morning Everyone
from the drab and cold, cloudy rocky coast of

Still Winter but it looks like things are going to
be warming up here in the next week. 

( to clean and rearrange items from one place to another.)

This is the story of my life.   When I am not
so depressed from Covid and the next World War 3
potentially in progress.   


So today I am doing hand laundry (undies etc) and
cutting up boxes.     I have to cut all boxes up
into small pieces before putting them in a plastic
bag and tossing the bags down to where they
pick up trash here.

And because I use Amazon so much I have
many many boxes to cut up. Amazon likes to put
box after box into one big box before mailing it.
Save them on shipping cost.   

And consequently I  have many many boxes to cut
up ...  That is my complaint of the day.

That and of course that bastard Putin
raining hell down of countries bordering
Russia.     Soon I bet  he will choose to
get  fighting with NATO Countries. 
Damn him .. I hope he Croaks.

Days are getting longer and pretty
soon we will have to Spring forward our
clocks...    (  humbig!   :knuppel2: )   

All is well here, although you might
never know it by my mood.     

Not sure if I mentioned it but
I live with several families from Russia
and Ukraine ,,   
Very nice people.    So sad! 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Sandy, in the perfect world we should all get a vote on where & what kind of world we want to live in and just MOVE THERE, wouldn't that solve all the problems?  No bullies pretending to care for the underdogs & packing all the money into their own pockets. All out in the open & everyone making a decision on how to run their little corner of the would should be open to public scrutiny.

Today my world is starting to cover with ice. Every time I look out the trees have thicker & thicker ice on the branches & still a lot showing on radar. My concerns go back to the year we had power out for 8 days.   AH, but here comes Rhodie to brighten my day! I will take her out some bread, real fast since the rain/ice is coming down.


When I came home from church, I texted Frankie and she and
Cooper came over for lunch and then Cooper stayed here while Frankie and I went to WM.  I only got a few things that I missed on my list yesterday but she did some pretty good shopping.

After she left, I did the Sunday crossword in the newspaper and then did a little cooking and putting away and by that time it was supper time. 

We did have a little rain today but not much and the temp got into the mid 60s.  I do think Spring has Sprung!

I'm kind of sleepy tonight and I'm thinking about hitting the haystack a bit early.  Frankie got the same schedule this wee as last so Cooper will be arriving around 6:30 a.m.  and he's wide awake and ready to go when he gets hereQ

I got a new soup recipe from a friend at church today.  It's called Irish Colcannon Soup and I'm going to try it as soon as I can.  It sure sounds good!  I'll let you know and maybe post it in recipes.  Has anyone ever had this one?  The lady who gave me the recipe is an excellent cook and is always trying new stuff.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

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Lloyd Hammond

well wehad a good easy day, but I am thinking about the same as you  JaneS and hitting te hay soon also. good night and sweet dreams everyone. we are at 44º and partly sunny, so i guess you can say we are partly cloudy also, but it is dark and i do not see a star or the moon either so i do not know either way..



Jane, I come from an Irish, Scot, and Welsh background, and my mother made it often, it's a good stick to your ribs soup and we often had it for dinner after a day spent outside in the snow.


Good morning..

Overcast here with the threat of snow. Thankfully the high winds have gone down with no power outages in this area. The winds and rain yesterday did shrink the snow some but there is 2 feet or more in some area to go.

Taking Kyle to an appointment then pick up more lumber, then home to wait on a phone call. Need information on how to print of a shipping label with a company.

Chase dust bunnies and what ever else comes along is in order today. Friends came yesterday to pick up goodies and drop off goodies for me. Two jelly rolls in blue..now to come up with a quilt pattern  for them.

Jane, that soup soups delicious..

Better hustle my bustle and get ready for the day..

Enjoy your day a stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Cooper is here, he's already eaten and he's telling me it's time for a walk.  So this will be short!

PATRICIA,  you and I have similar backgrounds but my grandfather on my mother's side added German to the blend!  And since he lived with us and he enjoyed cooking, a lot of our recipes are German.  He was also a baker who once owned a bake shop!

AMY we got some rain overnight and it's still wet out there but I don't think it's raining any more.  I haven't checked to see if we're supposed to get any more today but if we do, we do!

I better get a move on!  Cooper is getting insistant.  Have a good day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well my computer is out of date. it is saying yesterday. and it is 6:20 AM mounday march 7th. 28ºF and cloudy. patricia19 talking of blod Line. No german in me, I cant help it If my grandmother on one side of the house name was frike.HA HA but my great grand mother was full blod charcee indain, from stroud oaklahoma aeria and My mother was a smith born just a little south of bates city MO. . Have a good day.


Lloyd Hammond

well JaneS it looks like while I was typing you and AMY slipped in , so have a good day also both of you.


Lloyd Hammond

Like they say a Bad pinney always returns, Here I am. setting here in my office watching the birds flying in and out of the trees, and hopping dowon the ground I guess finding bugs to eat. I sean one bird I thought was a robbin, I called Nancy in to show her, but she thought it wasent a robbin But a blue Bird we could not see it close enough to see either way. but It Is still fun enjoying what god dose for us. Have a great day.



Birds are having a feeding frenzy here..trying to get their tummies full before  the snow which is about an inch now covers their food.

Rick..... :knuppel2:  :knuppel2:  :knuppel2:  :knuppel2: the snow but it is still coming down.

Patricia, what is your weather like today? Son called, the poor boy had to shut off his heater......temp was 81°!!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Very warm here yesterday, Amy, but that is suppose to change this week.  Rainy, cooler, and the threat of tornadoes.  Yes, it must be spring.

Take care, All.


MONDAY 🎶 MONDAY.....Good morning EVERYFRIEND 🦋 After a week of lovely weather, old man winter returned😩 The entire weekend was cold and snowy.  Now we warmup a bit until Thursday when we get hit with another storm🤪🤪 Never should complain as we need all the moisture we can get‼️

My son surprised me yesterday with the news that he is taking me to see my dad this weekend.  It is going to be a very quick trip, but a short visit is better than no visit.  He said, "we need to go"!  I just hope I can do it🤪‼️

AMY, my dad seems to be holding his own as far as we can tell, but his mate says he is going down fast....hence the reason we are making this quick trip to see him🙏😩.  Thank you for asking about him🥰

We are with our grands for a couple of nights as dad had to travel again. 

SHIRLEY, how sad and disappointing that you are being forced to sell your RV.  Life is challenging enough these days without this kind of issue jumping in your lap😩

I am deeply concerned about the issue in Ukraine and so angry at Putin for starting this war on these poor people😩 He sadly, IMHO, will never back dow.  He will continue to do what ever he can, no matter how many will have to die than to admit he is wrong 😩😩

Have a good Monday.  🙏🙏 for peace in our world 🙏🙏

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, hope you find your father better than his "significant other" thinks. Sometimes the caregiver runs out of steam & feels like a martyr, let's hope your visit will recharge her & him.

Found out last night the people that bought the house across the street & spent the last year remodeling also got a notice to move the POD from their driveway. It hasn't been there that long (few months at most, must have been in storage). I do feel sorry for them, things being what they are it is taking longer to get jobs done because of lack of supplies. Their daughter lives next door to me (Rhodie's mom) & I love to see them go back & forth across the street helping each other. Their only other child died last year so heartbreak to share.

I've been watching out the front window & see the birds & squirrels need a refill, must    help them while it's too cold to hunt for bugs. We have another round of winter in a few days so gotta "make hay while the sun shines"... right?  What happened with the old weather predictor, did March come in like a lion or lamb?

Sounds like all of us feel the same about Putin, but remembering history, think about how many Stalin killed/had killed of his own people to get things his way. The world did get rid of Saddam Hussein & Bin Laden before their terror went world wide, but Hitler had plenty of time to mess up the world before we helped stop him. I remember history teachers explaining the UN was going to help solve the problem, but the deck got stacked against freedom for all. Too bad a bunch of us old folks can't take control & clunk a few heads to knock sense into the dictators & politicians that are just plain greedy. And that's more than I planned to say this morning. Still below freezing & waiting for a call back from my tax man to see when he can fit me in. Want this out of my hair before starting on the motorhome.  EDIT: Got the call & will face the tax man today & get it over with. 


PATRICIA, I made the Irish Colcannon Soup this morning.  Had some for lunch and it's great!  Can't believe I missed it all these years!

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